meowski ago

It ends with everyone just chilling the f out. what you're doing is called purity spiraling. Even if you eradicate every last drop of jew blood from the planet you still have around 5+ billion chinese, indians, and africans to contend with. What are you gona do, exterminate 5 billion people to form your ethnostate?

No you're not going to do anything but fed poast on the internet about the day of the rope. Take the honk pill dude.

NeoDankZer ago

If jews just left us alone then we could avoid any genocide/extinctions events.

Kingleopold2 ago

Actually whites are the only thing standing between jews and extinction. Hispanics, asians, africans, and muslims will eventually exterminate them if whites aren't in the picture.

NicotinicAcid ago

Wrong idea. Did they touch you? Nope, they fucked with your mind. Not allowed to get physical.

Do not make this mistake.

R186 ago

People need to wake up to the reality that white women have been aggressively doing everything they can for the past 2,000 years to undermine and ultimately destroy white male societies. They want to completely eliminate white men as an economic and political force in this world. They will never, ever stop. There is no compromise or coexistence possible.

RazSimonesDreadlocks ago

This is the illusion of finality. The struggle we're in has been going on since life began. For Christians, that's what... 6,000 years? For other people, it's 40 million or something like that.

I don't believe this is the end, and don't believe there is an end.

Because there is not. Indulge in egotism if you wish, but try not to demoralize everyone else on the way to your grave.

GoldShekelSteinBerg ago

Yes please, a kike free world would be paradise.

WithoutaDoubt ago

We don't have any real power to make it happen anymore. Whites have been used against each other too much. There are no big militias, or power players in the white world to make a difference. The Jews won. They successfully got the holofaux into everything in the western world. And there aren't enough people like me who can actually think for themselves anymore. And there is no group who will stand by their ideals anymore. We're done, whites will hold on to what little they have until that's deemed racist too and then we'll have nothing. This is the world we are left with. The Nazis should have won, even if I was never born... that would have been the best for our race.

kishind ago

Pft. Go look at Europe before the first crusades. Go look at Weimar. We've already done more with less.

We have the most heavily armed citizen population in the history of the world with reconnaissance devices the founders couldn't have dreamed of. Sorry whites are so slow to wake up to the programming, most especially the ones in white-dominated areas (who don't have to confront the harsh reality).

zanith ago

some blame all whites, some blame all blacks, some blame all Muslims, some blame all Jews, When in fact it is never that simple.

AR47 ago

Well show us how it is done. Stand for your beliefs or shut the fuck up with raising an army for your war.

mleczko ago

Yep. Either they fail, or we will.

boekanier ago

Jews are sneaky and powerful with their money. Too many whites are not interested in these things, they can't see beyond their nose. I fear for the end result.

albatrosv15 ago

Quick here, our communist jewgood soygoy @Joe_mccarthy, come defend those poor jews.

DrYiddingston ago

Whites won’t go extinct anytime soon. So relax.

But our grand descendants’ future is South Africa, Zimbabwe, Paris, London, and Detroit. Forever.



WhiteChickens ago

It won't be forever, the white people of South Africa will be gone within 10 years.

telleveryoneyouknow ago


shillyourself ago

Pick the bible. You’ll learn how it ends.

WhiteChickens ago

Unfortunately, it all seems to be going to plan.

lanre ago

Yup. I realized this awhile ago. People eventually will reach a point where they can no longer compromise. Things like Muslims raping kids and Christians not agreeing with it. All it takes is people like the citizens of the U.K. no longer turning a blind eye to it and you've set the stage for violent conflict eventually. In America I think it will be between those who want to destroy this country, who are primarily the non-productive groups, and those who love the ideals of America and have let themselves be oppressed by affirmative action, racism, and bigotry (read: white men).

In the case of the Jews, they'll never stop Jewing people out of their labor, but we've reached the point in America now that most people can't afford to give up any more. The banks have been bailed out twice in as many decades, the welfare state is crushing the productive members of society, and illegal immigration of both Mexicans and H1Bs is depressing labor prices for white men (productive members of society). Finally, affirmative action and women participating in the workforce continue to make it more difficult for white men to get a job. All of these things are pressing down on white men and sparks like the BLM and antifa riots are going to set them off eventually.

The key for the Jews though is to misdirect that anger and violence away from themselves and towards other groups, such as blacks and communists. This, they hope, will provide enough of an outlet that white men will not go after the Jews again.

Patnar_doozy ago

The key for the Jews though is to misdirect that anger and violence away from themselves and towards other groups, such as blacks and communists. This, they hope, will provide enough of an outlet that white men will not go after the Jews again.

I have nothing to add, but you fucking nailed it. They are trying to take legitimate reasons for why whites are pissed off and directing it toward a race war in which no Jews actually lose power, influence, or wealth.

keksupreme ago

jews want to exterminate all non jews period.

they are batshit insane and i have no clue how normies haven't figured this out yet.

also they have been batshit insane for 2000 years.

all that kvetching they do about medieval blood libel is bullshit. they were satanic witches in medieval times and are the same today

tratakat ago

Nooo, they will either kill non-Jews or the non-Jews will become their slaves!

I sometimes read ex-Jews forums. Some of the stuff ex-Jews share is absolutely fanatical and radical (some reddit thread):

I had a Rabbi in my school that spent 30 minutes talking about how all the non-Jews are going to either die out or beg to wash our feet and be our slaves when mashiach comes. Same Rabbi also says that believing in “black lives matter” takes away from the sanctity of life and that “Jewish slavery is the best slavery”.

Racist + xenophobic beliefs are deeply embedded in our religion. Think of all the times Bnei Israel slaughtered groups of gentiles in the Torah because god commanded them to. We should not be comfortable in a religion that has promoted ethnic cleansing for centuries.


I never heard such vile racism (and elitism in general) as I heard from the fruma. It was shocking.

As I learned, Goyim were considered "animals" and Blacks (N word used liberally) were not nearly up to the moral and intellectual level of Goyim. Mexicans were utter trash a well, but the seemed to always be a special position of inhumanity and degradation reserved for Black people.

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BoyBlue ago

Never ending war for control of this shithole called earth. My after life will be with white people and golden retrievers. jews can fucking choke on diamonds and paper money.

Carpools ago

This is communist horseshit. Boogieman cultivation. You guys can't be this stupid.

LurkedForever ago

checks Geiger counter* ..... CLICK CLICK CLICK CLICK!!!

DanielR ago

*This only ends with White extinction or Jewish/Nigger extinction, there's no middle ground

Fancy451 ago

Not just that, but enslave the rest as a labor class.

Khash36 ago

This thread gives me confidence in the world good job fellas

Doglegwarrior ago

we are abaolutly losing. i hate faggot crowder but all he did was read fbi stats jew came in and now he is gone.

crazy_eyes ago

demoralization desperation

Nosferatjew ago

Crowder isn't "gone". He posted a video 6 hours ago, after his rant video, which is still up, in full.

voatuser1128 ago

Alot of voat members can't face the truth that whites lost and will become a minority in America and that America will become the new Brazil.

Lets list the advantages of Jews. They control the media, the education system, the entertainment system, the banking system, many government positions, 40% of the supreme court, they have their own country with nukes that gets billions of dollars in US Aid, the son in law of Trump and a close advisor is a Jew, etc.

What advantages do white nationalists have? They control voat and 4chan? Come on guys its over.

Hussite ago

Maybe the good aliens will help us?

WhiteChickens ago

It is kinda over.

I try to inspire people to get professional training but it's like pushing a string. They can't be shamed because they have no masculine pride to begin with.

White people don't have any fight left in them, they wanna meme and be a dadda.

MetaCog ago

Actually, the Norwegians will outlive everyone.

Tb0n3 ago

Not White extinction. Just White Nationalism and Nazism extinction. Almost everybody can agree with that.

steven_feelsperg ago

You're delusional. There is no White nationalism or notsees. Every White nation has *niggers, whether its a bona fide shitskin or a (((fellow white))), and NatSocs have been dead for 80 years. There's nothing wrong with Whites having their own country. If you don't like it, there are plenty of non-White countries to choose from that would suit you better. Don't shit in your host's house.

HiJoker ago

I sure as fuck don't agree with 'white nationalism' being extinct.

Wemustfightback ago

We have to fight them by doing what they do. Lying at every turn. Using emotions against people. Only giving money to our own. Lying about our own heritage. Encouraging jews to bring down the walls of Israel and let in diversity. Getting European countries to allow whites to have a law of return.

Diogenes_The_Cynic ago

Fuck off Ivan and fix your own country before you criticize ours.

yt4cz9 ago

If that's the case, we better get a hold of Google and Deep Mind very quickly.

ifuckdolphinseverday ago


usernameisnotthis ago

i'm a firm believer in this.

Pcpoet09 ago

wow.. I listen to all of this and wonder why you expect me to believe you guys when you claim that the haulicaust did not happen

Khash36 ago

Obvious troll not even intelligent enough to represent the truthful viewpoint fairly. You know nothing of Germany, the soviets, or world jewry. The national socialists were right and fighting for good. Hitler saved his nation & they all fought hard for the future of their people & freedom

Khash36 ago

The jewish allied forces of England & FDR America were the bad guys, along with jews within Germany/Europe. The allied winning narrative is fake propaganda

minx88 ago

Bring back the inquisition the only way to get rid of these things is to burn them they are not human their demons is human skin they admitted not having the same physical make up as white people they whether it is lizard or or a snake or some form of vermin but they are not human neither is the Muslim it’s the same the Muslim is actually some kind of cockroach out of the ass of a demon and they both are the same I need to be sent back into the ass of the demon that shat them out.And most blacks are Muslim but blacks are retarded primates they’re not human either they are subhuman and behaving like it every day. expelling them work doesn’t work give them camps with pools doesn’t work.I think that works is burning them at the Stache they were quiet after inquisition for a while the only problem is we live if you live because they scurry away and hide n Let’s pretend to be white and Christian in order to live among us to stab us in the back and then bring their Islamic and Nager hordes with them I’m gonna keep doing that so burning is the only way to get rid of them

steven_feelsperg ago

You're more right than you realize.

We can cross reference the jew with the Greek geographer, Strabo of Cappadocia. In his book, "Geography" circa 200BC, he said Edomites infiltrated Judea. Scripture tells us many things about the jews, Edomites, and their ancestors. John said jews "came out of us, but were not of us", when speaking of Judea and the infiltrators. Jews took on the namesake of Judea, same as niggers in France are considered French by appropriation.

Edomites are the offspring of Esau and his wives from the land of Canaan. Esau was one of the grandsons of Abram and brother to Jacob. Esau's mother was distraught that he would "throw away his heritage", meaning his bloodline. Esau was a race mixer. God made a pact with Abram because he kept the laws of his ancestors, the utmost being his pure genetic line.

Scripture is anti-race mixing. "Thou shalt not commit adultery" means "don't race mix". The term "adulterated" means impure and is still in use today. Packaged goods that are pure are labelled "non-adulterated" for this reason.

The first law God created for Adam was to forbid race mixing. The tree of knowledge of good and evil is a metaphor for a family tree. Eating of their fruit is a metaphor for sex, which is also used in the Epic of Gilgamesh.

There were many races prior to Adam's creation listed in Genesis. The rebellious "angels" that "left their first estate" and "came into the daughters of men" were smarter than Adamic man and the only other race God created, so its plausible they kick started the nigger races. How, specifically, is unknown, but genetic engineering is not out of the question, imo. The Book of Enoch goes into detail about their ancestry, but it cannot be considered canon as it does not have 3 witnesses (cross referenced sources).

The first muh dick angels betrayed their race and are called demons, so your remarks about the nigger races spawned from the demon's ass is very close to the truth.

meowski ago

their demons is human skin


kishind ago

It's just one psycho's poison bloodline from the Black Sea, the way all gingers and ginger-carriers have a common ancestor.

Most of his progeny became Ashkenazi jews and headed northwest. Many ended up heading south, later becoming Muslims. It's a bloodline predisposed towards psychopathy, pedophilia, cruelty, and effortless deception (no conscience).

Khash36 ago

Burn the heretics, the defilers of faith! Burn the devils in the name of God to cleanse them of their evil deeds

Ducktalesooo000ooo ago


fnbs010 ago

I have no kids and I'll be dead by then thank gawd

SonOfRobin ago

One of the problem is that the jews have all the money and will hire the white mercenaries to hunt us down. How do you resolve that? I honestly want to know.

KikesOnTrikes ago

With really tough internet chat.

crazy_eyes ago

kill the mercs

PagingDrBenway ago

Gaining control of mass-media in our respective homelands is step one.

SonOfRobin ago

That won't work. We would have to build anew.

vonbacon ago

Cryptocurrencies will solve that very soon. (((They))) are very afraid of mass adoption

honk_atcha_boi ago

Explain to me how they wont be in control there, too.

vonbacon ago

Can't print more bitcoin at will. Monetary policy has to be formed via consensus.

Heer_me_roar ago

Easy, point the blacks in their direction like a horde of Orks.

Some of them are already doing it, we just need to get a coordinated psyop going. Blacks love a good pogrom.

niggernaut ago

Just keep pointing out the hypocrisy of the left. When I was on reddit, I would search out commenters that liked to make blanket statements like “ignorant southerners are racist” and go through their histories. Ironically, more times than not, those commenters were from some freakishly white place like Vermont and work in some white dominated industry like programming. Then all I would do is post links pointing out gentrification in Vermont or lack of diversity in the programming industry so that blacks could see how outstandingly hypocritical these snobby faggots actually were.

honk_atcha_boi ago

Not a lot of blacks on reddit, my man. But good effort.

niggernaut ago

Sounds like a reply from someone looking for excuses not to have to literally lift a finger to contribute. If the future of the white race lies in the hands of the likes of low energy Voat users, that future is bleak indeed.

honk_atcha_boi ago

I'm black. You probably wouldn't want my hands on your future.

HiJoker ago

Lone wolf action for now. Dexter them around you as you can get away with it.

They can't hunt down what they don't know.

honk_atcha_boi ago

That's a shiny jacket you got there, officer.

yt4cz9 ago

Some communities are creating their own money now. We have to take money creation from the federal reserve.

We also need to immediately take over Google and all the Deep Mind assets. AI is the real immediate threat.

minx88 ago

Because anybody who would side with a Jew when they know that there a back stabber is probably not white they are probably a crypto just a Jew posing as a white because they use the fact that they have fair skin they even you know how to blend it or mixed with white snow to get blonde hair and blue eyes but look at the notes they’re not Jewish if they get their nose done then there are other physiognomy traits that you can see that give them away their charts and videos about the subject people need to educate themselves on these vermin who pretend to be white

Khash36 ago

The jews are the hidden virus who command from the shadows using devious tactics. The evil race sent to be the polar opposite of holiness & good. They will always oppose the world & need to be shamed & destroyed

an_account_hello ago

don't trade with their bribes. work with other whites who don't deal with their bribes.

lanre ago

Unfortunately our society has faced moral decay for generations. If we had an honorable society and people valued their community more than money, then their bribes and trickery would be ineffective.

minx88 ago

Sakely very good well said do not deal with Jews they are back stabbers literally in the 15th century they had ghettos to put them in and they would not deal with them because they are never honorable they are always Backstabbers did you pretends to be generous so that he can make you into a slave and stab you in the back every single one of them we have to teach our children that is the Jew was always jew It needs to be taken off the face of the earth because every time they come back it’s the bullshit of violence of demonic proportions because they are daemonic

SonOfRobin ago

What about these mercs .

The jew owns them. Started by a white guy.

an_account_hello ago

what about them? Sounds like it's a fallen company bribing you with goods/services to help the jewish cause.

if you want to retake it then that's what you have to do, but if you work in the meantime with them you're taking bribes. they don't have anything we can't build ourselves. we don't actually need anything of theirs. our labor, ingenuity, time, energy, attention belongs to us and should be directed towards our own interests.

Optional_Reading ago

Aryans should start wearing bra cups on their head and start making their sideburns look like pubes so they can pass as jews.

NarrativeControl ago

At least online many have started to larp as "fellow Jews"

minx88 ago

No why would you want to look like a jealous stinking diseaseed retarded rat

Khash36 ago


Fried-Laptop ago

Exile has not worked.

WhiteChickens ago

Conversion and assimilation definitely didn't work, not for us at least.

Fried-Laptop ago

They live to decieve & cheat & reliah in anorhers suffering

Parasitic vermin that must be eliminated

AngelofDeath ago

Children of the devil

greydragon ago

Exile works fine. Execute if an exiled comes back in.

You aren't going to gain much support other than this site by saying to kill jews outright.

I'm not going to gain much support from the masses stating to even exile, but it will be better supported than your position.

KLDB ago

Isn't there an old book that talks about only 144,000 are worth saving? Despite having a global population of 14,666,616 only 144,000 deserved mercy...

AngelofDeath ago

That ain't talking about the half nigger Edomite Chazars that claim to be "jews".

crazy_eyes ago

...and here we gather

NoseSubversion ago

You can’t exterminate them. As soon as they are hunted they burrow deep and call themselves white. They don’t openly practice their faith and they even change their names. They shapeshift and hide among the whites they are trying to destroy. They are a virus. Our ancestors chose exile so they would come out and leave. The only solution would be offer exile to Israel then destruction. But that would only knock out a fraction of them. They keep their imbedded spies throughout the world to keep the goyim under heel. They are parasitic Gypsies.

steven_feelsperg ago

implying jews aren't parasites

implying jews can live separately from Whites

implying jewishness is an idea

implying jewishness is not genetic

implying jews can't be identified by phenotype

implying Whites never built technology

implying Whites never built nations

implying Whites never created civilization

implying Whites don't have resolve

It's as if you are working for Team Jew.

PagingDrBenway ago

It would be a long term war, and we would need to get other races on our side. But the truth shows the reality of the harm the Khazarians, to Muslims and niggers as well as our own. But it's doable. The first target needs to be their media institutions and NGOs. The narrative control means the ability to lie as they want to the masses. If we can takeover media institutions convincing people will be easy. From there: the real war can begin.

crazy_eyes ago

you are the media, you have more credibility than anyone on the jew box, tell everyone

PagingDrBenway ago

Been working on it, my man. Slowly starting to reach some people. ;)

NoseSubversion ago

I agree. But the true power of the jew lies in money. They buy the media that influences the masses and then buy the politicians to put it into law. They always demonize the Nazis but they are actually using what Goebbels did.

PagingDrBenway ago

Alternative technologies already exist. We can't get off debt-based money without convincing people it's a bad idea first.

everef ago

We have dna testing now.

Ken_bingo2 ago

Their strategies are not adapted to the information and technology age. They have tried very hard to control both, but it is a futile effort. A rearguard action at best. Some of them must know their days are numbered.

QuickMafs ago

Insanity is doing the same thing 109 times and expecting a different result

Nigger_Loving_Jew ago

Wouldn't the insanity be letting them back in? Kicking them out works. Letting them back in doesn't. Not that I'm fully against gassing them all but it would make me feel bad

QuickMafs ago

Time has shown that people forget their crimes in less than 3 generations, expulsion is temporarily shifting the burden onto another nation

Nigger_Loving_Jew ago

By that reasoning doesn't that mean we have to gas pretty much everyone but the Europeans and Japanese?

QuickMafs ago

Certainly not, if Jews don't actually fear niggers why should we?

Mt_Wannahockaloogie ago

(((They've))) done a decent job of scrubbing that definition from the internet.

minx88 ago

you’ve got that right man expelling we’ve done 109 times are actually more giving the camps with pool and fake chimney and the door that closes from the inside doesn’t work either being nice to them doesn’t work because they stab you in the back they don’t respect that you’re nice to them they want to be put in their place it’s a sadomasochistic that they are they are back stabbers two-faced gossipers swindlers diseased rats that willMurder n rape children n and bring in their flying monkeys that murder people in groups and the Muslims or gang rape infants and then cut them up and serve them into Shawarma the Muslim Jew is the same thing and the black is the subhuman of that it is not a human it is a demon and human skin and you cannot be nice or rationalize or debate with a demon you have to burn it from the face of the earth everyone of them because everyone of them is a liar and a backstab her and people need to get that through their head quickly before they lose them.Jews pretend to be nice and generous but the whole time they are plotting to stab you in the back or poison you

Lovingjudas ago

Apt point Boomhauer!

PagingDrBenway ago

Dang ol' jews, man...