FridayJones ago

From Milford. Not Dundee.

ratsmack ago

Looks like a /pol/ operation... the media can be baited with most anything.

Niggerlivesaretrash ago

What about nigger on nigger violence why are you speaking about that? Oh wait, because it doesn't fit their narrative of "whitey bad all muh problems"

Fuck niggers and fuck the nigger sympathizing "whites" who fall into this trash and stand beside a nigger who would rob them, shoot/stab them and leave them for dead in a instant.

LettItBurn ago

The reason they hate White people is because we put an end to their 5,000 year old family business of slave trading. We made it illegal. They haven't stopped. They just can't do it openly anymore.

NoBS ago

There are more white slaves today than have been Imported or BORN on "official" US Soil.

This does include Native Indians who enslaved their enemies long before white men won that battle.

Pyropop ago

It's the typical expression of any deluded sympathiser of the minority vs majority debate, they constitute race as an expression of currency to infiltrate your dumb brains, as it always has been when you consider these days "blacks" are probably worth a 1000 to 1 in economic terms. Yes class warfare was a thing, but it's been thrown in an uproar from the times of emancipation.

Merlynn ago

It's important to remember that signs like this,much like our own signs,are not reflective of what the majority thinks.

It's also important to remember this shit inspire morons to do stupid shit.

Conslusion: Never relaxing isn't enough. You need to be armed if you see shit like this. They're probably setting up for planned crime. Don't be the victim.

GoyimNose ago

4chan trolls need to step their game up, its way to obvious. They must be more subtle, that is the secret of (((subversion)))

deathsquad ago

The problem is they did it scotland where there aren't any blacks. If they had done it in Birmingham or something it would have redpilled a lot of people.

Splooge ago

Well, to be fair, this is potentially a foreignbro we're talking, and we all know the best keks are Made in the USATM.

HeavyBrain ago

Good, that shows they are intending to do harm so you can do some selfe defense on sight.

SparklingWiggle ago

I wish they would put us in fear for our lives. Make sure it's undeniable, so that a jury will have no doubt.

LargePeter ago

Be armed or be harmed. I know in UK you can’t carry but I’d carry some ‘cutlery’ for sure.

Splooge ago

Be armed or be harmed.

Fucking based and don'tbinthatknifepilled

jackofdiamonds ago

This seems likely to be a false flag. Many of these protesters are probably thinking thoughts like this in their heads, maybe even sharing them with their trusted crews. But they know the optics of this would turn people against them quick. You'd have to be an idiot to write it down like this.

Splooge ago

Frankly, I'm at the point where no level of retardation is too retarded to be plausible.

jimibulgin ago

Are there any black people in Dundee?

Recyclops14 ago

This looks like a 4chan prank

gosso920 ago


BlowjaySimpson ago


Signal boosting this radicalizes the norman.

Plavonica ago

That's exactly why it seems like a 4chan prank.

DrShitlord ago

At this point, who cares. Reality and 4chan pranks have become indistinguishable.

Jay_Mac ago

You should go outside more often.

Quidgybo ago


DrShitlord ago

I just tell the police that I'm on my way to a BLM protest and that I'm Jewish, so arresting me is racist and anti-semitic. Again, who cares at this point.

dayofthehope ago

The Jews could be behind this one also. I think they deliberately want to start a racewar of whites against blacks.

Literally-Oppressed ago

Oh gee ya think?

Recyclops14 ago

They have the media for that.

ZooCageCleaner ago

I have come to the belief they wants a slow rolling boil, not an all out war.

SparklingWiggle ago

Ding. Ding. Ding.

irelandLost ago

Just checked, 0.7% of Scotland is black. Nobody who’s not from Dundee or who hasn’t be forcibly relocated to Dundee would live in Dundee, so I think it’s safe to assume Dundee’s proportion of nogs is lower than the overall Scottish figure. That would mean a statistically insignificant amount of blacks would live in Dundee. Who the fuck is even posting these leaflets?

BlkRifleCoffeeCancer ago

You forgot that some niggers claim to be asian.

shitstartercarter ago


ChimpEvader ago

If only they were all like Ben Carson. I like him, but they won't be. This new breed they've been making is full of hate.

They have exposed themselves. Every mayor, DA, police chief, governor etc that was black let criminals out and allows them to behave like this without impunity.

boystosoys ago

doesn't matter they'd all revert back towards the average over generations. eventually, all the carsons in the world would be the grandparents of george floyds and trayvon martins. you can't escape biology

LargePeter ago

Yeah it’s a shame, Carson is a rare intelligent soft spoken gentleman. He’s a rarity.

ThirteenthZodiac ago

If all - or even most - of them were like that, we probably wouldn't have any problems.

maaaxheadroom ago

Yup. A real Congo-dandy

Splooge ago

There are outliers in every group. For every Ben Carson out there, there's a meth-smoking wigger listening to nig hop "music" at 4AM, waiting for the EBT to arrive. Exceptions prove the rule.

SynapticRevolt ago

Dundee Michigan?

Wynterwhisper ago

It says Scotland on the flier

Thats_not_my_dog ago

Since blacks don't speak about Black on white violence, their silence is violence.

They don't speak about how 5% of the population commits over 50% of all murders, their silence is violence.

When the black community can address these things openly we can get to police violence.

theweatherintelaviv ago

It's not murder, it's violent crime. I think niggers commit half the murders that white people do in America, and a quarter of the population. If you isolate for the turbo murder niggers at 5%, it's about 12x as much as whites on a whole. But I wonder what would happen if we isolated for wiggers and drugs.

CryptoBard ago

Well said.

hang_em_high ago

Too late to convince me. Fuck all of them. Only good nigger is a dead one.

hambcinco ago

They are past the point of redemption now

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southern_fried ago

can you IMAGINE the MSM if this was distributed by whites about killing NIGGERS??

uvulectomy ago

They would launch a full-scale federal investigation to find, arrest, and execute whoever posted them.

southern_fried ago

And execute the perps family

rebel_1812 ago

they already went ape shit for the its okay to be caucasian signs. also dont use the slave word for your race. use caucadian and make others do the same.

southern_fried ago

White...the symbol for good and purity, cleanliness and Godliness.

MasonxMace ago

Yeah fuck that. Caucasian sounds like another category (i.e. Caucasian, African American, etc) that the left uses to hyper define people. I'm white, like a cloud, like the driven snow, like fresh cotton sheets. White, clean, nice smell, elegant bone structure, all things they are jealous of and hate because they're dark and brown like mud, dirt, and shit.

Blork_Blorkinson ago

Psyop? I don't doubt that they hate us, but they're usually sneakier.