1_Islander ago

I wonder what they will do when the angry mobs turn on them for not being radical enough. Of course, the chances of this is low because the radical mobs look up to the "moderateness" of these political figures and see them as an insulating force to their own beliefs and activity.

deathsquad ago

As a libertarian I'm thrilled that all this left wing trash are coming round to the idea that the police are worthless and we should have guns. Hopefully next they will realise the worthlessness of "healthcare" and all other government planning. Funny it's cuckservatives clinging to these big government institutions.

HeavyBrain ago

Noooooo WE need it because white racists.

MrGoober ago

Just link a video, bitchute prefered. Dont expect me to click on a link to jewfart.com

17761993 ago

This is a fair suggestion. If they think Police is not needed, they should start not using them.

boekanier ago

Lead by example? You don't mean those libtards, surely not?

uab ago

The Police is The State's protection.

The State is no humans but is only itself, a so-called legal person.

niggernaut ago

Actually, I’m fine with no cops. They don’t bother to answer calls to my poor, white trash area anyways. I don’t think any rural white man should be too worried about it either, because you know the cops are more than a few minutes away. And if you ever have an emergency, it’s going to be up to you to play cop yourself. I would love though, to see the cops removed from urban areas and watch the chaos that ensued. Those faggot liberals would be running for the rural areas to get away from the crime, and with no cops, that problem could be solved, if needed.

wonderfuldonut ago

These cowards are to afraid to be without their protective details the politician's version of comfort blankets, That would mean the would have to take their chances with the us unruly peasants. The only example they provide is how to be corrupt do nothing politicians

thebearfromstartrack ago

Does she at least use all niggers and illegal Mexicans?

KLDB ago

You know how to ensure your defenestration? Defund your protection....

an_account_hello ago

that's gold

noob_tube ago

Hegelian dialectic. False dilemma. Either support cops, or support Pelosi.

I would rather have Pelosi than 1 single cop. At least Pelosi is too afraid to enforce gun confiscation personally.

badruns ago

Ah yes, why go ignore the people following orders when we can ignore the people giving the orders instead.

newoldwave ago

Your kidding, politicians only care about themselves.

Bill_Williamson ago

Less than 6 months until AOC is out and all by herself... She got some big milkers... but that would be beastiality so I'll just setup on a roof top. Or, she probably come out with a book that she gets 10m to have ghost written. When she's doing a signing some acid in the face maybe? All am saying is, there's options xD.

0rion ago

You're fucked up dude. Only a low IQ Muslim would throw acid in someone's face.

Bill_Williamson ago

Ok faggot. If my comment offended your female tendencies, you aren't ready for what's coming. Enjoy being robbed, raped and eaten by niggers.

HeavyBrain ago

You sound mudish, are you a mud?

Bill_Williamson ago

Looking for your daddy, you degenerate pervert? Go fuck yourself jew.

HeavyBrain ago

Oy vey I am telling the ADL.

BoyBlue ago

You are a fucking idiot...white people don't do shit like that. Get the fuck out of here!

Bill_Williamson ago

Go fuck yourself, monkey.

Moonman_Alpha ago

Sandy Cortez is the textbook smooth brain.

Diggernicks ago

Pelosi and all Catholics need gassing

Goddamthisiseasy ago

Interesting. The shills are defending their jewish belief system. Fascinating to watch in action, though. I wonder how they get around the obvious and impossible to ignore reality that jews created their 'faith' as a weapon of cultural and mind control.

Oh wait. They don't. They're boomers. LOL as long as they're told they're 'winning' they'll ratify absolutely anything.

NoseSubversion ago

Catholics need gassing? Go fuck yourself niggerfaggot....


Diggernicks ago

How about no nigger