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IsaacJan ago

Thank your parents for mutilating your genitals as a baby everyone

BillyBobBoJangles ago

Or sue them if you are really butt hurt about it.

IsaacJan ago

Thanks for the input kike

BillyBobBoJangles ago

Are you crying out as you strike me?

IsaacJan ago

“sue your parents goyim, use our system to get revenge!”


BillyBobBoJangles ago

[ Crying out intensifies ]

andrew_jackson ago

You're retarded. OP is also retarded and worse, Serbian. Fucking Serbs. Fake and gay.


Speak for your self bud.

Scald85 ago

Protestantism starts with trusting the Masoretic Talmudic Tanakh more than the Vulgate, and ends with usury and abortion and circumcision. The Judaizing heresy subverted serious Christianity and brought us here, and "muh science" or "muh fuhrer" have failed to get us out. The only solution to the demons is a real religion.

HeebSlayer ago

I can't. My Dad because he's been dead almost 5 years this August, but I think he was uncircumcised but allowed me and my brother to be cut because he didn't want to have to teach us how to keep it clean. I'd ask my mom about it, but what's the point. Damage has been done.

TripleZ ago

I'm cut but I have to wonder how hard would it be to keep it clean? You take a shower once a day and wash your dick. The whole "keeping it clean" thing may have had some merit in a desert two thousand years ago but it doesn't cut it (see what I did there?) in this day an age.

beefartist ago

It never had anything to do with cleanliness originally...that justification came after. Originally it was a TINY piece...more symbolism than the mad science they perform today

Sometimesineedhelp ago

My brother's have a similar story except that my dad was uncut and his older half-brothers were not and it was a source of shame for him, and he didn't want my brother's to be mocked like he was. He feels terrible about it now, but it was a decision made out of love and ignorance.

constitutionranger ago

Pure simp logic right there.

Firevine ago

All my bits are intact and functional.

My old man knew what the jews were up to.

andrew_jackson ago

my bits

Children refer to their genitals as bits.

CritKhan ago

Eastern European here. My genitals are untouched

IsaacJan ago

Well LOOKIE HERE, a white boy whose parents DIDNT mutilate his genitalia! Acting all big and bad with his INTACT PENIS

Atarian ago

It's a seppo thing

RockmanRaiden ago


Argumentative ago

lol its only americans that do that lad the rest of western europe don't cut

CantWaitToGetAPizzaU ago

I’m American white and my moms not an insane CUNT so I’m uncut

beefartist ago

Let's drop "uncut " from the is just like"uncircumcized"...word wizardyto normalize gential nutilation. Canada here...I am intact but I think it was more common 40 years ago

AmericanJew2 ago

I’m an American Jew and I’m not insane so my son is intact.

I was not so lucky :(

BeanNYourPotatoSalad ago

Upvote for redeeming yourself by not mutilating your son.

AmericanJew2 ago

Thanks, guy. It wasn’t easy to deal with my family but there just wasn’t any way I could let some dude cut a piece of my kids penis off, no way I could rationalize that, nope.

I don’t care if it’s the Torah, Talmud, Bible, Quran, or the newspaper, there is no logic in deciding to mutilate a child’s genitals, and after praying, my God told me that is a sick perversion. Not much I could do after that but take the flack from my family and just deal with it.

fuckthisshit12 ago

Downvoted you for being a jew

AmericanJew2 ago

I’m used to it, niggerfaggotkikes here love their little hivemind.

I’m not downvoting you because I don’t give two shits about your internet faggot points. If even one Jew, heck even one person at all, reads my post and questions whether mutilating his sons genitals is right, I will consider that doing Gods work.

LordMega ago

Who tf is upvoting this fucking kike? There are no good jews. None. Especially kikes who are proud to label themselves as such. Fuck off kike.

fuckthisshit12 ago

Hating jews has nothing to do with hivemind mentality unlike you I don't belong to a religious cult you subversive hypocrite kike

AmericanJew2 ago

I think you’re glowing there a bit, guy.

fuckthisshit12 ago

Yeah that's what it is.

Typical strawman from a typical subversive jew with no real argument.

Podd ago

He actually downvoted you for not mutilating your sons penis like a good jew.

AmericanJew2 ago

Now I’m just as confused as a nigger on a worksite.

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