GoingUp ago

How accurate is this?

DestroyerOfSaturn ago

Can't trust fbi. They could start arresting and jews only and still couldn't trust them. However, would like them just a modicum.

o0shad0o ago

I notice that I am confused.

Question: Are we comparing people killed during arrests for violent crime, or people killed in all police interactions? If it's the latter, it complicates the comparison. Let's assume it's the former.

But let's make another assumption, that a large majority of these killings are because the people left the police little choice, ie were violent during the arrest. If this is true, you could conclude that black people arrested for violent crime are less violent than white people, and that seems to indicate black people are being unjustly arrested for violent crime.

These statistics need to be examined more closely IMO.

AngelofDeath ago

Those numbers are just the U.S.?

Now in the world the number jumps to around 80%?

RM-Goetbbels ago

So, you like 16 cops a year by niggers?

You fucking seriously want to fucking talk about 16 fucking cops? WHO GIVES A FUCK ABOUT 16 PIECE OF SHIT COPS when in this nation, cops KILL on average 1,200 people per year. < sure, a lot of those are dirty niggers and spics that have it coming but I'll bet there are more than 100 who are innocent, had their home raided by mistake, were caught in a crossfire or were run by some cop on his way to the donut shop

So again, why the fuck should I care about a measly sixteen cops?

Vc83 ago

You mean even dispite being....?

BillDenbrough ago


mudbear ago

libtards like to claim that blacks are killed discriminately by cops because, in spite of those numbers, more are killed compared to the total population percentage-wise, they conveniently ignore the fact that nigs commit significantly more crime that lands themselves in these confrontations.

Thank you OP for compiling this, much appreciated. Now i can tell fools to shut the fuck up when they use the words 'systemic racism'. SHUT THE FUCK UP.

ardvarcus ago

Niggers are not capable of understanding these statistics, even if they accept them as accurate.

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EricHedstrom ago

Niggers gonna nig

Tyrone_Biggums ago

It’s higher than that. Probably make up some of the unknown ones.

MrGoober ago

Niggers are violent. Welcome to life

Chesdinmon ago

This is, I'm sure, a great post however we need a simple sourced cheat cheat on all stats that matter to us. Average Iq, rapes, murder b on w and w on b, violence by countries... Blacks are the worst. I'm not good at this stuff do to time but I will post it all over Twitter, reddit, Instagram. Propaganda vs facts. Needs to be simple with the source like niggermania did.

ZenoOfElea ago

I'm not sure what happened to the Library Of Hate but here's the archive: http://archive.fo/LRe05

Feel free to get that back up and running.

noob_tube ago

Blacks make up 40% of cop-killers.

We need more niggers.

TestForScience ago

I'd take dead niggers over dead cops.

Nicoladepierola ago

Blacks are significantly more violent than other races. This should not distract from the horrible things American police officers get away with.

ZenoOfElea ago

That's a good point but I think one is related to the other. The violent nature of the blacks causes an escalation in police tactics. Take the RCMP for example, they've had to deal with poor native communities and crime that comes out of that for a long time now but you don't see the same kind of police brutalities.

Where as an US cop could have to deal with black and their bullshit at any time. One second your speaking nigger about a broken tail light or something, the next your struggling for a gun. Think about it, the difference between Canada and US is Canada was mostly nigger free until recently.

Now we have niggers and look-e-here http://www.torontopolice.on.ca/homicide/mostwanted.php despite Canada not having a history racism towards black, not having (many) slaves and having every fucking privilege, they still act like niggers.

But yeah, that police officer should be charged with murder. Not because I care about Floyd, but because white people deal with the cops too.

Maggotfeast ago

They have no impulse control

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NoTrueScotsman ago

Very true. This is why I hate these fake outrage events the most. It's always some black career criminal and the cop is probably a piece of shit, too, but the death was actually not a murder. Then, everyone goes crazy on lies, and we can't have an honest conversation about how police protect each other for committing murder and rape all the time, and how they really do murder people, because now we can only talk about white cops killing black people (who usually either were not killed by the cop, or we're rightfully killed, because cops know they're way more likely to be scrutinized for interactions with blacks).

Maroonsaint ago

People like you and people like me need to stop caring. We recognize that neither side is right. Just pick a side, find out where they’re meeting, send them to sand nigger hell. That’s what life’s all about man. It’s all about killing those other assholes. Remember in the Bible god split us on on purpose? He made all the religions conflicting on purpose. God loves death. The more people you kill the higher your standing in the after life. Who’s telling you not to kill? People? Fuck people. People suck. That’s you kill them. God made them shitty on purpose. So many target rich areas to choose from. We got retarded kids nigger babies. We got cancer patients we got muthafuckin college students man. Just decide and go all out, life is pointless fuck you

NoTrueScotsman ago

I see where you're coming from, but that isn't my place in this life. I have to make more people and figure out how to prepare them for all this shit instead.

Maroonsaint ago

It’s everybody’s goal in life. That’s why god made life. He wanted to make death but he had to create life to get it. You can’t just yin it you gotta yang that motherfucker too.

TheAntiZealot ago

This is the best assessment of this topic that I've read, so far. And that's disappointing if only because it means everyone else has their heads up their asses.

Diogenes_The_Cynic ago

That just sets the baseline whites need to beat. Cmon everyone, go for the high score.

ALIENS2222 ago

...Those evil white nazis!

cosMICjester ago

Actually that was one category that whites generally lead cuz we are known to finally get fed up w/ PIGS & blast em.

Sorry not a big fan of oinkers I know we need em cuz otherwise we'd have anarchy so obviously I suffer in silence.

The fact remains most cops are FUCKIN A HOLES

keksupreme ago

ok jew

cosMICjester ago


Sorry weak worm no khazar kike schl0m0 big beak b0lshevik buzzard here

Now u can go back to sucking cop dick FUCKBOY

AnotherGrayman ago

You have the vocabulary of a nigger.

Literally just farting profanity in an attempt to beat your chest.

Worthless and stupid.

cosMICjester ago

U were soooooo aghast your monocle flew offf your face. Looks like we got a wannabe pseudo intellectual d0uchebag who thinks you're the editor/wordsmith of voat.

It's called shock & awe this isn't god & man .at Yale Mr Buckley. Now go F yourself.

AnotherGrayman ago

Did you get lost on your way to the Gathering of the Juggalos?

KillDaSpooks ago

niggers and their supporters don't care about statistics you dumb faggot, they care about feelings.

Tallest_Skil ago

And how many spics?

glenny ago

Sadly, the FBI crime stats don't usually break up white and Hispanic. If they did, whites would likely be on par with Asians as far as crime stats go.

Maroonsaint ago

Asians would probably be bad at crime since they can’t see the cops sneaking my up on them. In a way you gotta admire blacks for going for the natural fit. They blend in in the dark. Credit given where credit is due

glenny ago

The Chinese love crime so much that they even created fake plastic rice. Imagine looking at something as cheap a rice and thinking "I bet we can make a more profitable poisonous imitation of this"? They just aren't prone to irrational violence like the blacks.

Maroonsaint ago

I heard of a chinese restaurant somewhere that was adding opium to their food to make it addicting. Imagine how awesome that would be. Getting addicted to chinese food. That’s like when you discovered how to make weed butter and you could add it to pie. Have you ever gotten baked woth a baked apple pie. Fuckkng awesone

Maroonsaint ago

I wrote this comment like 5 minutes ago or whatever. It always comes out the way I want it to sound and it’s written the way I want it to be read but I read back over my comments and there’s so many typos and missing words and sentences mixed with other sentences. Fucking retarded

DontBeRacist ago

You can also usually tell which whites might be a problem and ones that obviously aren't.

DrYiddingston ago

You take niggers and spics out of the equation, America's violent crime rate drops down to white European levels.

Just as if you take nigger and spic students out of our international tests, our test scores rise up to Japanese levels.

America does not have a failing school or violent crime problem. It has a brown student and black crime problem.

MaxVonOppenheim ago

And jews

TestForScience ago

Obama made them change to including Hispanics with Whites.
I made a post a whiiiiiiiiiiiile back that showed the huge increase in 'Whites on foodstamps/unemployment" because of his decision - if I remember correctly, it more than tripled the number.