Lord_Kristopf ago

Reddit is beneath even the most niggardly of nigger faggots, but even they deserve some credit for how their comment section unfolding on this story. As close to free speech as it will ever get over there.


thefinancialoligarcs ago

Article reveals buried secrets about U.S. stock market..


Merlynn ago

What's really funny is you don't need a contract to not have sex with a jew "woman". Just seeing their faces is enough to stop anyone.

Uncle_KnucklesISaFAG ago


Garglemysac ago

Open borders for Israel

Plant_Boy ago

Be something awesome if the chinks out breed the kikes!

killunit ago

Fuck the chinks, even they think their breeding should be limited.

fishknees222 ago

wow. greatest ally ever being blatantly, openly racist yet get a pass for some reason.

gosso920 ago

That makes sense. Jewish women won't touch anything that isn't ten percent off.

capicua ago

I doubt signing this stopped anyone from getting laid

SirNiggsalot ago

Oy Vey !

LaRiver ago

Isn't that good for the Chinese workers? They don't have to be defiled by serpent seeds like many Europeans have.

usernameisnotthis ago

imagine a world without jews..

stinkyeboye ago


Pcpoet09 ago

what's wrong with race mixing...if she's cute and willing . I am also willing ... what idiots you guys are to think anything is wrong. but my guess is that you find your sister or cousin more interesting sexualy other wise you would not have this obsession with people who have genetics similar to your own.

zepto ago

God Damn I hate JEWS

Twodivinehipsters ago

Wow! I wish every country would do this. This would be impressive if, like you said, they didn't push race mixing on everyone else. Considering that, this is just creepy.

thebearfromstartrack ago

NO MAMZARS. No, you are WRONG. What WE are infested with in KENITES (children of Satan). Those who CLAIM to be of the synagogue of Judah, but they do LIE, and ARE of the synagogue of SATAN (revelation and elsewhere).

Thing is how did WE get STUCK with them???

In KJV INSTEAD of "mamzar", they used "bastard", and somehow it got to mean illegitimate (nonmarried) birth. However (using Strong's Concordance which takes biblical words back to the ORIGINAL Hebrew, Caldi, Greek transcripts) the word is mamzar. The ORIGINAL meaning was HALFBREED...however I've been looking around on the internet, and even THAT is getting whitewashed from our awareness (EVIL). Trying to finess it into some vanilla sounding technical violation (obscure) that practically never happens.

Anyway, not ALL Jews are mamzars. LOOK around. there are plenty of hard working Jews on all sides of the political sphere (ONLY SOME are falsely pretending that). Not all Jews are mamzars either.

Notice how the SHIT SKINS are ALL for intermixing with WHITE people. The ONLY objectors are white I think. Trading UP. Niggers VALUE getting with a white whore. White people are DISGUSTED by the thought of being with a nigger.

Yet POP CULTURE tells us "when you go black, you don't go back"..and OTHER evil bullshit (liberals) lies.

The TRUTH is out there and fairly obvious if you keep your eyes open. Then pop culture is EXPOSED (along with the parasitic celebrity lackeys ENRICHING themselves by MISLEADING us (attempting) as if we're CATTLE (and MOST of us, especially when YOUNG (including me) ARE cattle, and our parents pretty much LET "society" raise us, and paid little to NO attention to the Bible.

Not only that the Church was INFILTRATED by Kenites, and made to look STUPID and CRUEL and teaching NONSENSE (NOT what is IN the Bible).

You need to actually READ/study the Bible to find out it's (pop culture version of EVERYTHING) is a LIE and a SHAM and NOT wisdom. and ALL of them (unrepentant) are DOOMED.

I've been using Shepherds Chapel (website and TV morning show) where they just READ the bible chapter by chapter and verse by verse WITH an expert guiding you.

The Bible makes PERFECT sense then (DO NOT emphasize the allegory and hyperbole like pop culture does to proclaim FRAUD!). it is a SOLID foundation and message to live on.

Frankly (evil WILL win without God) I have NO interest in existing in a struggle against evil for eternity. NO good person wants to WASTE an eternity like that.

DEATH TO EVIL. GOOD RIDDANCE (we won't even remember them BTW).

PuritySpiral ago

Capitalizing every other word doesn't make your rant any more interesting or easy to read. In fact it does the opposite of that.

thebearfromstartrack ago

GROW THE FUCK UP. This post is not RELEVANT AT ALL. You need to LEARN what is WORTH saying and SHUT THE FUCK UP MOSTLY. I'm guessing you're a feminist. You'd better watch out, HELL is REAL.

PizzaphilePodesta ago

its antisemitic to point out the epic irony of jews engaging in eugenics and gene purity.

isvoat86 ago

Back in the 1970's, the mere mention of genetics was a dirty word not to be used.

Somehow that has changed.

Splooge ago

It’s deeply ironic because today’s jews are the ultimate mutt race. Thousands of years interbreeding just so they can pretend to be white, and they still can’t shake the heeb phenotypes.

RoundWheel ago

They always have. Who do you think created the eugenics program in the United States.

Lurk_Only ago

Go read the front page of Reddit today about that indian tribe that shot the KKK.

Look at what they have to say about killing off cultures and then race swap it.

philmchawk ago

WASPS lmao, while they were busy trying to create the prefect man, jews were busy subverting and deconstructing the average man.

irelandLost ago

Have they? Honestly if you said the Danes or Swedes had been trying to increase the quality of their offspring through long term selective breeding techniques I’d likely think that to be interesting, and remark on how well they’ve performed. But jews have been trying to increase the quality of their offspring you say? Looking at the results I’m not necessarily saying you’re wrong, but I’m not too impressed with their performance.

Fuckle_Chucks ago

What makes you think they have the same goals as you, or any human for that matter?

TheAntiZealot ago


fishknees222 ago

haha nice. but i think RoundWheel means they focus on destruction of white people eugenics, not construct their own.

Herbert666Marcuse ago

Who do you think created the eugenics program in the United States.

With j00z, EVERYTHING is psychological projection.

Any criticism a j00 makes of you is a de facto admission that the j00 is already engaged in precisely the same behavior of which it accuses you, only the j00 practices an ultra-purified hyper-psychopathic ruthlessly nihilistically efficient version of the behavior.

Thepotatolobby ago

it's true but when you make it repulsive it's supposed to feel not true.

do you understand repulsive marketing?

Herbert666Marcuse ago

Can you expound?

I don't know what you're trying to get at.

Thepotatolobby ago

if a leper with 3 fingers and half a face came to your door selling Kit-Kat bars, would you buy some?

rhetorically speaking, you (kike) are a leper.


Herbert666Marcuse ago


WTF are you, a hebrew day-schooler earning extra shekels from Yossi Cohen & the JIDF by pretending to be a potato nigger?

Thepotatolobby ago




Thepotatolobby ago

yea i'm a jew

should you kill me or transport me?

answer me bitch.

SearchVoatBot ago

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Drunkenst ago

so tolerant

Guy_Justsome ago

Jewish women crave the Chinese dick.

CornyGoatWeed ago

Exotic women is on a very short list of reasons for men to leave their homeland

tourgen ago

Jews are afraid of Chinese superiority.

NPCGator ago

Not really, they're afraid of chinks out jewing them, that doesn't really equate to "superiority" per se.

American-Patriot ago

Yep, because interbreeding works better!

SparklingWiggle ago

No, no, no, those are the other jews.

AR47 ago

The labourers are also forbidden from engaging in any religious or political activity. The contract states that offenders will be sent back to China at their own expense.

Isn't this more of a talking point? Pretty much admits they are nothing more than slaves as well.

Herbert666Marcuse ago

Pretty much admits they are nothing more than slaves as well.

Guess (((who))) pwned the entirety of the trans-Atlantic chattel slave trade bidness?

And guess (((who))) pwns the entirety of the moderin sex slave bidness?

SIayfire122 ago

If posted it in v/News, I'd agree with you. If he posted an article in politics, I could see both points of view.

Basically, its better safe than sorry to put [2003] in the title of posting an old article, but this isn't an article and isn't in news.

What this picture should have is a weblink or archive link at the bottom. Of course I doubt op made this.

Cat-hax ago

And still relevant

InyourfaceNancyGrace ago

Goddamn isn't that one of the most annoying things? You could fucking post Philosophiæ Naturalis Principia Mathematica and niggers would be like "book from 1687" as if that refutes any truth of it. Like knowledge has a set expiration date, like jews haven't been jewing for millenia and aren't still to this day.

stinkyeboye ago

Knowledge can have an expiration date. You can discover something new that renders your previous way of thinking obsolete. That could be considered the "expiration date".

InyourfaceNancyGrace ago

Yes, that's why I said a "set" expiration date. I don't know if I'll live through the night - but tomorrow, when I (likely) wake up alive, I'll be able to render the knowledge of uncertainty on the matter obsolete. But how the expiration date works is highly variable according to the type of knowledge.

And to get puritanical about it - true knowledge never expires, because

Knowledge = belief + truth of belief

I.e. if you believe something to be true, and later find out it wasn't, then you didn't truly know it. i.e. you had no knowledge, you only had a belief.

Plavonica ago

Philosophiæ Naturalis Principia Mathematica

Had to study that one in a class. Neat stuff to see science from so long ago.

Pubiclouse ago

Well said.

ChiCom ago

Both races mentioned are doing that to us

anticlutch ago


When have Chinks owned the entirety of the news-media, gaming, sports, movie, television industries to push any of this?

Please outline this with details and source each claim.

And no. I'm not sourcing what I stated above as being requested to source that is tantamount to admitting you're a jew yourself.

ChiCom ago

I'm shilling for Commie China so if you say China owns ALL movie distribution channels and many Hollywood studios that kike used to own, you are a jew

No. Kill Yourself Traitor

anticlutch ago

China owns ALL movie distribution channels and many jewlywood studios


ChiCom ago



They clearly have a partnership with the kikes controlling what we see.

Ducktalesooo000ooo ago

chinks didn't do 9/11

no equivalency

ChiCom ago

Just the wuflu and lockdown - but let them fight each other.

We don't have to help because that's not their regional arab holy war. Isreal will have to work hard to explain why they are fighting them and then all the dirt about their partnership against the US will come out.

Ducktalesooo000ooo ago

"let someone else do it"

you're a kike.

ChiCom ago

Man you guys are defending commies hard

Ducktalesooo000ooo ago


I'm identifying tired rhetorical devices routinely and notoriously used by kikes. You did a false equivalency... let someone else do it.. and you just did the "You must pick a side" fallacy.

I can identify jews without defending anybody or anything at all. It's a good time.

ChiCom ago

Wut? I don't understand your purity spiral but I can see that there are people working for the commie China kikes here.

Are you one of them?

A_Punkass_Bitch ago

everyone block ducktails

Thepotatolobby ago

yea block that jerk.

he's probably a jew. I can't wait until we send those jews back to their country!!!

what a jerk!

Ducktalesooo000ooo ago

no because my stuff is fresh and unique.

my passion for your death is motivated by what you did to my friends brother in his office on 9/11. I'm not reading from a manual like you.

ChiCom ago

Your friend's brother died so now you're gonna just attack random people who mention commie China is part of the commie kike system of centralized control?

Ducktalesooo000ooo ago

random lol

ChiCom ago

Have you ever said anything to me before?

Am I someone special to you Mr. 4 month old communist shill account?

What was your angle again? China doesn't do communist demoralization, funding, and infiltration like the Bolsheviks?

Unless you have an IQ below nigger, you better consider that the people here don't miss these kinds of details.

You are blowing your cover and will need to start a new commie shill account all over again.

Ducktalesooo000ooo ago

sure thing.

that's a lot of words.

yewotm8 ago

When have the Chinese told us we can't fuck their women? Degenerate white men go there all the time to fuck slant whores. There wouldn't be any single white men in China if that was true.

Charilko ago

With the gender imbalance, China’s not the place to pick up an Asian chick. What you’re talking about is far more common in Korea, the Philippines, or Thailand.

ChiCom ago

They are pushing for "open borders and racemixing" in our country.

Commie defense system disengage.

anticlutch ago

they (Chinks)

Proof please.

ChiCom ago

I've giving you the proof before. You mocked the fact that China owns ALL MAJOR DISTRIBUTION channels and decides which movies will be shown.

The kikes actually have to make movies the way China demands.

Glipglup ago

This is fake and OP is a faggot who thinks you're a retard who falls for fake news.

@ddallen7 post the source you useless faggot.

CouldBeTrump ago

OP is a useless faggot and should have linked an archive of the source, but you're just as much of a faggot for taking more time to call it fake than it would have taken to verify it as a real article. Searching the headline in quotes in will yield as a first search result on every search engine I checked an article from The Guardian published December 2003 matching the one OP screencapped.

ChiCom ago

It is real but real old. The Chinese are pushing this around now suddenly again after their ambassador was killed.

Maybe this is a good sign they'll be fighting each other more.

lanre ago

Pilpul, is that you my friend?

dsallen7 ago

It would have taken you less time to type the headline into any search engine than it did to type out this reply.


Alhambra ago

of course. miscegenation is a weapon of mass destruction, they're not about to use it on themselves (even though in the case of these inbred goblins, it could only be an improvement)

noob_tube ago

I have read, maybe on here, that the Commandment "Thou shalt not commit adultery" (Exodus 20:14) would actually be better translated as "Thou shalt not miscegnate"

KobeBurger ago

Interesting that only the males ate required to sign that contract. I'm being sarcastic, it is not interesting at all, it is expected from them.

tourgen ago

Judaism is a bride-gathering cult.

PHXSunlight ago

Is it a rule for them that the mother has to be a Jew for the child to be considered a Jew too? If the father is the only who's a Jew, it doesn't count.

sir_andy_of_bad ago

That's why they force the woman to convert. I knew a lot of Jews from Jewish mother /Christian father households, I also knew some from jewish father /converted mother households. As long as the woman converts their children are still members of the tribe.