DeseretIndustries ago

You know why.

BadBoyBubby ago

wow, stepdad isn't black? what were they thinking? what a bunch of white supremacists!

invisiblephrend ago

literally never seen this ad and the ads are always based on the content that you watch. case in point, op is a faggot.

Diogenes_The_Cynic ago

Never seen this ad before. Maybe OP visits so many questionably gay sites youtube thinks he's interested in this.

Wise2TheLies ago

You can remove JewTube ads on Android by using the modded app from and also using AdGuard blocks all apps in browser mode. Fuck Google.

errrordog103 ago

Time to delete porn from our collective shadow, reclaim healthy masculinity.

satisfyinghump ago

There are an alarmingly large amount of ads like this. Quite suddenly too.

Cunty84 ago

Kike conditioning

outshiner667 ago

I got a mumu app ad before a mark duce video. wtf.

Mt_Wannahockaloogie ago

Step Daddy has the hand of Biden on his shoulder. Can't tell if the art design makes the hand look real or of it is really real.

AR47 ago

Absolutely it is is a service provided by a company you don't have to use. It's your choice to go there and search the service, watch the ads, and think that you as a consumer can influence.

Tallest_Skil ago

Imagine being THIS jewish.

AR47 ago

I don't want to. YouTube is a scam really. They do everything they possibly can to demonetize content creators that won't toe the line. Even then sometimes they fuck with their own too.

I know it is about making money, but at what cost? There are fewer and fewer video hosts worth a fuck. Yet people bitch and moan about YouTube, and still go there to "gather evidence" lol....bitch you still gave them your time.....what they want, and the only thing they want.

Tallest_Skil ago

I don’t want to

The… statement is such that YOU are this jewish. Imagine being so jewish that you can’t (or are pretending not to) understand context.

you still give them your time

It is irrelevant if people stop using YouTube. That doesn’t do anything to hurt them.

AR47 ago

No it means I am indifferent to a platform that does nothing upon my dislike or is called picking a battle.

You need someone to focus effort on with whatever flaw you can conjure up as fast as possible....I get that as it's what you do on social media....and I mean you specifically. I mean that in an observational way as well....I enjoy it because it reminds me of Alex Jones. 10% factual data and 90% emotional response knee jerk bullshit.

Your good at it too.

It's your assumed role, and hey that is what YOU are good at I guess. I try to help people however I can....I don't take offense to the votes, or the attacks, or really anything because that is what people such as yourself thrive on.

I used to be the same when I had nothing else to do and was injured waiting for a court settlement....I just found ways to piss people off, and it never helped me grow as a person. So when I got back to Oklahoma I found ways to try and help others, and you know what?

I managed to do that with one person.....spent a total of 690 bucks giving money away to people on voat and in the end it was 3 hours of just talking to someone face to face and listening to them that it could have cost.

So that is what I try to do now.....just listen and sometimes it works.... sometimes it don't, but it makes a difference and that is what I want to do.

Tallest_Skil ago

None of that is relevant to the fact that your libertarian spam is useless to actually fighting jewish control of media.

AR47 ago

Sure it want to fight something you know you will lose too?

Don't fight it and find a method by which you can make a difference around you.

Tallest_Skil ago

you want to fight something you know you will lose to

“Don’t like it don’t look” is your argument. It’s not a valid argument. YOUR “tactics” are what will cause this.

don’t fight it

Imagine being THIS jewish.

AR47 ago

Alright you explain how you can make a measurable difference within a company such as YouTube?

Because people have been protesting it's policy since the beginning of it being on the net and it's practices and now it is a money printer.

I am all ears on this as well....don't say education because even Q types have linked to kiddy porn within the site and yet they still use it to put out information......I know shitty example, but it shows that even they can't change it, and there is a fucking lot of them.

Tallest_Skil ago

Alright you explain how you can make a measurable difference within a company such as YouTube?

You can’t. No one said this.

Because people have been protesting it's policy since the beginning of it being on the net and it's practices and now it is a money printer.

No, it was great until it was taken over by Google. It actually respected traditional Internet practices.

Q types have linked to kiddy porn within the site

Tells you a lot about the Qult that they haven’t been shut down because of that, if true, doesn’t it?

AR47 ago

You can’t. No one said this.

Yeah you insinuate that I am Jewish because I refuse to fight a losing battle and my non participation within it implies my complacency with it. Maybe I misunderstood you, I did just wake up and worked till 4am so I could pay others debts with my tax dollars.

No, it was great until it was taken over by Google. It actually respected traditional Internet practices.

I actually think it was better in that more content creators flocked to it in those early days. Wasn't until 2015 I think it became bad really. During the BLM bullshit is when she really became distopian.

Tells you a lot about the Qult that they haven’t been shut down because of that, if true, doesn’t it?

I have been convinced it was a psyop from it's inception.

Tallest_Skil ago

Yeah you did

“You didn’t instantly agree with my single idea, therefore there are no other ideas in existence except for the diametric opposite of my idea” is not an argument. No one said it. Anywhere. At any time. You cannot change YouTube from within.

I refuse to fight a losing battle

You refuse to fight any battle. “Don’t like it don’t look” isn’t an argument.

and my non participation within it implies my complacency with it.

Your refusal to fight it implies your complicity with it.

I did just wake up and worked till 4am

That’s fine. We’re both being short.

so I could pay others debts with my tax dollars.

Ah, the purpose of ✡life✡. Doesn’t it just make you want to wake up in the morning?

I actually think it was better in that more content creators flocked to it in those early days.

Sure, sure.

I have been convinced it was a psyop from it's inception.

Absolutely, but being able to direct link to CP is on another level.

AR47 ago

“You didn’t instantly agree with my single idea, therefore there are no other ideas in existence except for the diametric opposite of my idea” is not an argument. No one said it. Anywhere. At any time. You cannot change YouTube from within

Goddamn your good at twisting shit. Lol I never wanted confirmation bias. I wanted to make my position clear and assert that it is my own. Then you seemed unclear about it and assumed my intent....even after I explained it, and now you jump to another conclusion to find another method by which to vilify me. Bravo.

Just admit that my methods are my own, and I don't need support with them, and my only intent was that I gave my OWN reason for my position.

You refuse to fight any battle. “Don’t like it don’t look” isn’t an argument.

Lol you have never been in war have you? Like actually being life or death for God and country? You must pick battles by which you can win to bolster moral and gain the hearts and's how you keep yourself going. Now I am not saying I am doing this for my own bolstering, just that it is how I am by default after 7 years of service. I know the battles I can likely gain progress with and the ones I can't.....I just refuse to participate with them and that ensures that I don't futher their own movement.

Your refusal to fight it implies your complicity with it

No it only ensures that I don't futher their agenda and focus on my own.

That’s fine. We’re both being short.

I am almost awake.....big ass storm rolled through here in Tampa at 8am and woke me up....Florida weather is odd.

Ah, the purpose of ✡life✡. Doesn’t it just make you want to wake up in the morning?

Again not a point I will actually fight....I will just mention out of turn. I do what I do for the betterment of my own family and it's lasting impact. Plus I kinda enjoy my profession as I make a difference that is measurable within society, and even you benifit from it....pretty cool huh?

Sure, sure.

That you and I actually having a common ground?

Absolutely, but being able to direct link to CP is on another level.

Well from my understanding about CP is that children must be nude or within a provocative sexual status.....I haven't seen that, but then again I don't click on their so called "proof" because it is vile and disturbing to think others actively seek that shit out..... depravity really.

Tallest_Skil ago

I wanted to make my position clear and assert that it is my own.

It isn’t, though. It’s jewish brainwashing that has been inculcated into you as claimed opposition. Libertarianism was CREATED by jews. It is the definition of inaction. It does NOTHING to stop them.

Just admit that my methods are my own

They’re not; you’re repeating jewish lines.

You must pick battles by which you can win

“You can’t win fighting within YouTube, therefore you can’t win against YouTube so don’t bother fighting” is not an argument.

I just refuse to participate with them and that ensures that I don't futher their own movement.

Again, a falsehood. “If we all just boycott it, it will magically go away” has literally never been accurate. YouTube will continue to exist no matter how many people stop using it.

No it only

Name one time in human history when libertarian ideals succeeded at causing change in the direction of said ideals.


No kidding, I have a friend down there. He hates it. Wears jeans on the beach.

That you and I actually having a common ground?

There’s plenty with which we agree. Just not libertarianism.

AR47 ago

It isn’t, though. It’s jewish brainwashing that has been inculcated into you as claimed opposition. Libertarianism was CREATED by jews. It is the definition of inaction. It does NOTHING to stop them.

Why do I need to be classified with a political movement? I have said many times that I am American first and foremost....perhaps what I think may not be best for everyone, but it is best for me and my household. This idea of segregation within political ideals is the real Jewish created problem.

There is no republican vs democrat vs liberaterian. There is US and THEM......that is it....pretty clear and concise. There is the families of control of the world.....the fucking world.

They’re not; you’re repeating jewish lines.

Na I am laying out my position.....the one that I see holds the most successful outcome for ME.

“You can’t win fighting within YouTube, therefore you can’t win against YouTube so don’t bother fighting” is not an argument.

Well someone comes up with an idea that holds promise I am all for it....until then I won't consume their else should one proceed? There are far more pressing engagements within the world that demand actual attention I am focusing on in my free time. Like the Jogger and helping people to understand that isn't all he was doing.

Again, a falsehood. “If we all just boycott it, it will magically go away” has literally never been accurate. YouTube will continue to exist no matter how many people stop using it.

Never said it would go away....I said currently I don't know a method by which to actually fight that front and have a favorable outcome with my ideals. Back when @bikergangaccountant was around they made a video site I used (adhdferret days) to post videos to of a local was legit as fuck and now I can't remember it and they are gone.

I promoted the hell out of that and uploaded lots of content to it. They were a goat......I appreciate that and will support endeavors of others within this platform or others that core free speech.

No kidding, I have a friend down there. He hates it. Wears jeans on the beach.

Was 90° in plant City last night at man. I was sweating like an Alabama nigger.

There’s plenty with which we agree. Just not libertarianism.

I ask that you don't classify me within a political movement or party as I wouldn't do that with you unless you admitted that, and only then it wouldn't be to vilify your statement. I don't identify as anything but American.

Name one time in human history when libertarian ideals succeeded at causing change in the direction of said ideals.

I can't because I don't want to look for it as I know there will be more to the actual event then what is written by the winners.

Tallest_Skil ago

Na I am laying out my position.....the one that I see holds the most successful outcome for ME.

Neurological decolonization on an individual level is helpful… to the individual. It’s just not going to damage any jewish institution.

how else should one proceed?

Well, their servers are fairly decentralized (there are a lot of them), but more than a few takedowns will break that redundancy.

I don't know a method by which to actually fight that front and have a favorable outcome

Physical violence.

with my ideals.

Ah, see, now we’re back to that.

I ask that you don't classify me within a political movement

It’s pervasive, man. We all repeat shit that we think is our own, but which jews simply enforced upon us so long ago that we don’t know anything else.

AR47 ago

Neurological decolonization on an individual level is helpful… to the individual. It’s just not going to damage any jewish institution.

My participation within their games ensures their influence over my life. Therefore the opposite must be true?

Well, their servers are fairly decentralized (there are a lot of them), but more than a few takedowns will break that redundancy.

Way out of my wheelhouse.....that computer shit just isn't me. I find that profession boring and know different strokes for different folks? I have been working on a side project for a few years that if the boogaloo does happen or is imminent I will release for others to use as well.

See these bucket trucks are usually parked in the same area for years and usually have keys placed within a specific place. It is possible to drive from one side of the USA to the other and never buy a drop of fuel using these trucks.

For example. Quanta who is the largest of all electrical subcontractors (they make the highline distribution towers and string the lines) have around 250,000 vehicles within the lower 48 states......that is just one company. Imagine all of them and the limitless possiblity of you knew even the ones within your timezone and their location?

Physical violence.

Na that is best outcome for the instigator not the individuals fighting. Losses will be taken upon both sides of those fighting.....been there done that with war. Only use that as a last resort when you have nothing to gain or lose. Otherwise your dying for nothing instead of living for something.

Ah, see, now we’re back to that.

Yeah.....we are because I know that only I have my best interest in mind when it comes down to it. What I believe is best for me in any given moment likely isn't what someone else will agree with....

Tallest_Skil ago

Na that is best outcome for the instigator not the individuals fighting.

And people wonder why I say whites have already lost.

AR47 ago

And people wonder why I say whites have already lost.

Ok you know what you do? You show them that your way will work.....start your movement and gain a following.

Stop being so pessimistic and find ways to show positive outcome. Currently to me it seems you are the one that wants losses on both sides without placing yourself at risk.

I don't see any movements that have promised favorable outcome for me to be a part of. Now maybe I am thinking too highly of myself, but I know I have a great many things to offer..I can make make weapons, have experience with small engine, diesel, and vehicle repairs and maintenance. Same with hydraulics and electrical.

Know how to hunt, trap, and survive off the I have a sense of my worth.

I wanna tell you a story.

So when we first got into Lego a few months before the first movie came out. We had been encouraged to join a LUG. That is a Lego Club sort of thing for competitions. Well when I finally found one near me in PA they wanted 25 bucks a month for dues, but access to our entire collection.

Well our collection surpassed all of theirs combined 3x over. I was sent a list of all the sets that had the most in value to bring to THEM.....not even them coming to me. Added that their rules state that they could have access at anytime to our collection.

Well fuck that....I cut ties with that shit because at the time we had around 60k in Lego and I wasn't about to hand over access to it and pay them dues on top of that.....learned a lesson of worth from it and how to assertain my own with others.

Tallest_Skil ago

You show them that your way will work

It’s called every event in human history. We already know that it works.

Currently to me it seems you are the one that wants losses on both sides without placing yourself at risk.

You couldn’t really get that from anything I’ve said.

I can make make weapons, have experience with small engine, diesel, and vehicle repairs and maintenance. Same with hydraulics and electrical.

So why claim that physical violence is untenable? You’ll be an invaluable asset when whites are publicly hunted.

Well when I finally found one near me in PA they wanted 25 bucks a month for dues, but access to our entire collection.

The fuck? LEGO clubs are communist?

AR47 ago

It’s called every event in human history. We already know that it works

Not true....what about the cold war?

You couldn’t really get that from anything I’ve said.

Same with the inverse of your statement seeing as you have yet to illustrate a viable option.

So why claim that physical violence is untenable? You’ll be an invaluable asset when whites are publicly hunted.

Well because I liked killing people much more than fixing broken shit....I am older now and slower. So likely I would get killed.

The fuck? LEGO clubs are communist?

That one was for sure.

Tallest_Skil ago

what about the Cold War

The war that we didn’t fight and as such led to the West becoming communist, you mean?

you have yet to illustrate a viable option

Did a year and a half ago.

AR47 ago

Well you got such grand ideas I suggest you act upon them and assessment of their impact in real world as opposed to just an idea.

skullfuku ago

AntiMason ago


Landrictree ago


shadowbanthisFux0r ago

Hey guys stop using apps. Get firefox on your phone install Ublock, next delete every app and just fucking use the browser for you tube it will block all ads even ones in the video. Need twitter go to, need zillow go to the .com. Fuck these ads

shadowbanthisFux0r ago


goatboy ago

Clear evidence the owners and operators of YouTube believe the extermination of your people is moral and the survival of your people is immoral.

Steinmacher ago

notice the devil horns on the Taboo insignia. truth in advertising.

New_FoundingFathers ago

Does it really surprise you when youtube allowed shit like the Elsa/Spiderman videos on their platform for so long? They pretend like they dont know there's 1000s of pedos on there or like the videos of 12 yr olds doing yoga is totally innocent, but good ole Susan knows whats up

RampancyLambentRaven ago

Susan Wojcicki is a cunt fag.

Xer ago

Its a tranny

Steinmacher ago

*** cunt jew fag

YamaMaya ago

There's been problems with pornographic ads. Ads that technically violate youtube's own policies.

InClownWorldSellPnut ago

Literally every other add is for a goddamn 'ball shaver' which seems to be just a beard trimmer with a markup. The fucking jew marketing, "Use this marked up shampoo like a woman goy, now buy the fancy deodorant goy, you want to get laid right goy? This is what all the goys are doing now... Ohhhh my sheckle sense is tingling!... Be like your women and consume goy! Next shave your balls and put on this mascara, on sale 40% off goy, limited time, buy now!"

Grask1901 ago

I knew I couldn't be the only one that noticed this.

0cto5quid ago

Standard soap has a fuckton of chemicals.

Flint138 ago

learn what xenoestrogens are and avoid them if you are a man and want remain one.

RedditSureDoesSuck ago

Don't forget the mobile games.

the_magic_man ago

Eh, no it's not. I've never seen an ad for anything like that. You know ads are based on your search history?

At least your keeping your balls groomed, to many men just leave their pubes. It looks terrible

ZooCageCleaner ago

The algorithms have a definite agenda. I fucking hate Jordan Peterson, but after every damn video I watch -- there it is, like, "Hey, we saw you watching some wrong think, so here, watch JOE ROGAN AND JORDAN PETERSON, for ever and ever and ever. It's like I'm in the fucking Shining Hotel, but it's haunted by poz and marxism. Ads, I dunno, I use ublock origins + pale moon so I never see that stuff.

Grask1901 ago

Dude, it's like we have the same suggested videos feed

ZooCageCleaner ago

Gonna bet it's a lot more than just you and I.

Uberfeedus ago

I'm getting pelted. I don't talk about nut shaving. The ads all scream at you you're useless without thr product. Just listen for anything that attempts to tell you you're not enough. They stand out.

kammmmak ago

Hahaha ha... Oh yes baby I want to fuck my stepdad in da pooper shoot. Oh fucking hell. Hang the fucks promoting and pushing this shit subverting agenda.

beefartist ago

If you are looking to youtube to demonstrate morality you are in a deep hole

QueensNewYorkGuy ago

I have gained weight since my 20’s and 30’s. I’m glad Youtube cares enough about my health by encouraging me to part with extra calories before they fully traverse my digestive tract.

sanegoatswear ago

advertising for those elsagate type yt videos and games. they talk about being raped by family through the victims eyes and how it's okay as they enjoyed it. the stuff was found to be made by china

Ocelot ago

Probably also Israel.

Tennis123 ago

Almost all boys who were sexually abused as kids go onto be abusers themselves. it's a sick cycle and your right this and all the creepy incest porn these days reinforces that notion that it's ok

Splooge ago

Which has a history of working closely with the mossad, not to mention Mao first came to power with the help of jewish financiers.

c0ck ago

Epstein’s dad was boys with Mao

Splooge ago

Damn, no shit?? I didn’t know that.

And down the rabbit hole I go...

Luis_Sphincta ago

I know it's a such a cliche now, but I'll bet many goats had the same autopilot thought I did.

"And then, for no reason at all..."

Merlynn ago

I thought "Because you're a nigger faggot who inherited your mom's taste for white dick."

SIayfire122 ago

Gotta remember that one.

Merlynn ago

I don't wanna remember any of this.

Tallest_Skil ago

“…whites did absolutely nothing to stop this and willingly went extinct.”

Ducktalesooo000ooo ago

I think @beefartist is probably right.

It might be a thought-shutdown mnemonic kinda like "let someone else do it".

beefartist ago

There is a lot of glow niggers on voat...they say a lot of one thing when reality is never the same as what they say. When I tell people to find a good wife and have kids I am speaking from experience.

Ducktalesooo000ooo ago

eat shit kike.

you think I don't understand the trust shuffle?

"Have kids goyim! Don't fight!"

You're going to die with your jew kids for what you did on 9/11

beefartist ago

You have to be some kind of tard bot. If you are serious you are only saying it because you are afraid to committing to find a wife because you think you deserve more than what is available and what you can get and what you can develop. I don't even think you are a shill, just an escapist...if there was a (((message) it would be to fight and not procreate, not vice versa...if you think one generation of soldiers wins wars you haven't read much history

Ducktalesooo000ooo ago

So many words. But no.

You're just a kike and now you're picking your issue to make rules about.

beefartist ago

Enjoy the LARP

SearchVoatBot ago

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beefartist ago

Not really...that is a faggot response that no one who is getting it done in reality has. Stop larping and build your hyper local area