blumen4alles ago

Ivanka is a red pill.

She had a nose job and is most likely a kike.

olinneserpona ago

Is Elon Musk becoming the Henry Ford of our time?

robot7247 ago

Or, he morphs toward whatever trend seems likely.

olinneserpona ago

Textbook businessman, trying to side with the winner.

Floppyhorsecock ago

There are many replies in this thread that make it very apparent how many great awakening people are bleeding over from the boomer box.

Listen guys Ya gotta try to be informed by more shit than Facebook to post in this section.

blumen4alles ago

I am sure they would say the red pill is freemasonic, gnostic, kabbalistic, pagan, satan-worship.

Floppyhorsecock ago

and it is red because that is the color of communism

PizzaphilePodesta ago

41% yourself, lilly

Splooge ago

Good news, newer numbers tell us it’s actually 50% now.

mleczko ago

tranny seethe

CornyGoatWeed ago

What is weird at all about the timeline...?

green_man ago

She's not red pilled, she's married to a kike.

SearchVoatBot ago

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Ezekiel_Balderdash ago

He is a eunuch owned by a kike.


A jew told me that he is direct blood to some old Hebrew general. Him being in that position is prophecy, to them. Its coming knowledge in get

Gigglestick ago

To be fair, I think eunuchs did that for a more spiritual reason, even if it is retarded, rather than virtue signaling faggotry.

Both are unacceptable.

iownyou ago

Elon Musk is a con man though

mleczko ago

Shadowy figures tech-guy who went rogue

tastelessinvective ago

The cars are real and the rockets are real. Good enough for me.

therage96 ago

Pretty hard to fake 2 rockets landing simultaneously on pads beside each other after going to SPACE.

Stop drinking leftist kool-aid.

uvulectomy ago

You've never seen the mental gymnastics by the flat-tards and "space is fake and gay" shills on here, have you?

But I do find it amusing that most of the hate Musk gets seems to have really taken off right after his "Who do you think OWNS the media?" comment. Almost as if there's been a concerted effort to (((shut it down))).

Even on plebbit, where you'd expect most people to be sucking his dick, a lot of people are now calling him things like "narcissistic manbaby."

Just goes to show that if you even allude to their (((machinations))), they will attempt to destroy you.

TeddyJackson ago

More proof alpha accounts with high scores are shills and this site was founded by glow nigger shills.

You believe in jew science you faggot.

DavidsHogg ago

You’re correct about the time line for him being hated and criticized. Before he tweeted that the media rarely criticized him.

RakerKey ago

eeeerrm . . .Extremely easy to FAKE . . Extremely difficult to actually DO

YugeDick ago

Like your girlfriend.

earlymac ago

I mean to fucking think that the matrix was created by fucking trans nightmares. Talk about red pilling!

Ezekiel_Balderdash ago

They weren't when they made them. (((Forces))) conspired to neuter them after they told such an inspiring story.

Splooge ago

For any goats that might not know, "Lilly" is actually one half of the Wachowski brothers, who were responsible for creating The Matrix trilogy, from which the concept of red/blue pilling was first derived by /b/tards and /pol/acks of the day.

At some point, both brothers became tranny faggots, going by "Lana" and "Lilly" respectively. They're both extremely sensitive about any use of various red/blue pill phrases and hate that the concept of being "redpilled" has been co-opted out from under them to mean the opposite of what they believe.

toobaditworks ago

Thing is as a lot of people point out is that the "red pill" idea actually came before in Total Recall. The meme people use is from the matrix. So this mentally ill weirdo has no real claim to it.

Splooge ago

True, the Wachowski faggots keep pretending like they invented it or something.

toobaditworks ago

Reality isn't their strong suit.

Redditcanburninhell ago

You know they were severely sexually abused as children. The odds of having two tranny kids is about one in a trillion.

philmchawk ago

being "redpilled" has been co-opted out from under them to mean the opposite of what they believe.

Looks like the kike Ivanka is doing the same thing to us.

Uncle_Slob ago

They both became trannys? What the fuck!

J_Darnley ago

Regarding that cope: doesn't Morpheus say "take the red pill and see the world as it really is"? Or something to that effect. I too would like to hear how that was supposed to represent coming at as a tranny.

Heathcliff ago

What's number 6? They Live?

GoyimNose ago

The Wachowski brothers were MKULTRA'd and by the CIA niggers, they did not choose to become trannies. They got the same treatment that Bradley Manning got, it's how they keep everyone in their place. They just love to stout the power they have, these fucking caananites.

isvoat86 ago

12) Milk

13) Couple dozen cases of Scopolamine.

antiracistMetal ago


tourgen ago

That's an interesting theory. Is there any evidence? Have they tried to get to Elon yet?

GoyimNose ago

evidence of what? MKULTRA? this is a good video , theres a documentary called "minds of men" thats about 3-4 hours that go indepth into CIA mind control experiments from the 70s.

Quicktor ago


they're Polish Jews who wrote/directed one of the top three "Sci FI" films of all time and had their dicks cut off...

they're generational MKULTRA victims and/or MOSSAD assets... period...

blumen4alles ago

Yeppers! Glad someone said it.

CryptoBard ago

I suspect this as well, I'm not too quick to jump on folks who became successful, then weird shit happens to them... I always felt there was a lot more going on behind the scenes.

Floppyhorsecock ago

Exactly this. It was a punishment.

GoldShekelSteinBerg ago

I was about to say, isn't that one of the transvestite mentally ill Jew siblings that made The Matrix.

DamonAxemaker ago

I'd love to hear their interpretation of those movies

Except the Joker. I can't be the only person that thought that movie sucked ass.

invisiblephrend ago

you wouldn't get it.

DamonAxemaker ago

I got it. Other movies have done it much better.

invisiblephrend ago

it's a joke. "you wouldn't get it" is the final line in the film that was later turned into meme magic.

DamonAxemaker ago

what a gayass movie


You seem to really want this opinion to be heard. Coming off a bit strong. And I haven't seen the movie.

AttackHelicopter ago

I didn't watch it. Once I read that he was fantasizing about a negress, I had no interest in seeing it. It doesn't help that Phoenix is a kike.

Gigglestick ago

...I really don’t like jews. Like, at all, anymore.

I was at the grocery store, and some lady walks up to me and asks for challah bread (pronounced hahllah) and then mutters something like “unless a bunch of Jews just strolled into town and bought it all up”. I looked her dead in the eyes and asked, “are you Jewish?” To which she replied “I am hahah” so I said “that sucks,” and walked away. True story.

antiracistMetal ago

This is why you should always carry accelerant and a lighter.




To commit political suicide protesting the presence of Jews in your space.

Fancy451 ago

It's a boring story that completely takes away from the mystique of the joker.

ruck_feddit ago

You're not, it sucked.

It_was_the_juice ago

I foolishly listened to the shills here that were comparing it to Fight Club, but what I daw was a complete mess. Among other things, it had no relatable characters in the entire movie. I've watched movies where weird ass space aliens are more relatable. I guess I don't know anyone with a severe mental disorder, so maybe that's why.

DamonAxemaker ago

He finds out the truth about his mother that causes him to have a mental breakdown and he kills two or three people. The end.

That's it, there's no political message to it. People will say that the grind of life as a man or some shit caused him to take matters into his own hands. Nope, he just had a stress related mental breakdown.

Floppyhorsecock ago

He was already entirely insane. The funds being cut for his meds on top of his moms shit let to a psychotic break. He had already been institutionalized prior to the events in the movie.

A LOT of what happened in that film was his imagination ir his warped perspective. All the clocks have the same time on them, for instance. Lots of other hints.

It is a character study of a crazy person, not a comic book hero movie.

Rizzo9000 ago

i hated it.

DamonAxemaker ago

What does he think Right wingers think of those movies. I doubt he has an actual source other than what the wants to think how Conservatives interpret those movies.

I mean First Blood and Fight Club are pretty obvious.

Egg_Whitey ago

I think only the mentally ill could determine The Matrix as a metaphor for being trans. The red pill makes you go from a fantasy world to reality where trannies do the exact opposite.

postalcode ago

Their intentions when making The Matrix were very different than what was ultimately created. For instance, as I understand it, the character named Switch was supposed to go online and switch into his real persona, a woman. And of course Neo was supposed to be a black man who has a relationship with a white woman. Typical Jewish garbage.

Floppyhorsecock ago

Not true. Neo role was offered to Will Smith as well as others but the script didnt specify black just like Trinity was not specified as white.

Also, the Matrix had a lot of wake up and look at the reality situation where Jews actually were very offended by the movie. Reeves girlfriend was killed not long after this movie and there are a variety of other 'incidents ' that happened to some of the other actors.

There was no hint of the Wachowski brothers being trans or any shit like that. They vanished from public view for a while and returned promoting more acceptable Hollywood jewry.

The Matrix was about lifting the veil and seeing who runs shit and how we are being used. Jews hate that shit. Nothing in that movie was typical Hollywood.

honk_atcha_boi ago

It's also clearly a messiah/easter story. Your messiah is prophesied(Neo/Jesus). A man is told he would find the messiah, and that he would clear the way for his arrival baptizing his followers and even the messiah himself (Morpheus/John The Baptist). The messiah clashes with the system and is executed (Agent Smith/Pontius Pilate and the people who called for his death {jews, apparently} ), only to rise a short time after(prophecy fulfilled).

Then there were 2 other cash grab films that made no sense and the novelty of spinning cameras wore off.

Floppyhorsecock ago

Yeah and they even crucified him at the end.

honk_atcha_boi ago

You mean at the end of 3?

Floppyhorsecock ago

yeah, ummm this part 3 mins 38 seconds

honk_atcha_boi ago

Yeah thats a decent point. I don't think 2 and 3 had anything to do with the original concept, and honestly ruined the first movie. They were just cash grabs imo

Floppyhorsecock ago

100 percent agree.

After the first movie they were gotten to. The first film was really incredible. The other 2 were not needed and very disjointed.

BUT holy fuck Monica Belluci was SMOKING hot in the 2nd one

honk_atcha_boi ago

Is that the girl that played Persephone?

Floppyhorsecock ago


Pubiclouse ago

I know all this but appreciate you saying it. I just posted a comment about not trusting anyone. Anyhow this individual is on here. This individual is also in my channel on zello. Check it out zello "politics". Sign up niggerfaggots and I'll see you there.

PeckerwoodPerry ago
