Isthisthenewreddit ago

Lol every fucking time

DragonWokeUp ago

His name is Dindu?

earlymac ago

Yes, because your name is DragonWokeUp

BigTrucker ago

How everybody don't see these son of a bitches for what they are I cannot understand. These jews is nuttier than a 5 lb fruit cake.

beefartist ago

Who cares? Now what?

earlymac ago

Now hope that normies get a seed planted as they stumble upon it. What did you think... you were going to get free pass to a sex show by reading the thread?

beefartist ago

No I am wanting to help guys on here stop fear jerking and start building

Isthisthenewreddit ago

Notice they downvoted and are instantly loyal to the jew, attacking any post that calls out their owners.

earlymac ago

Both of you are a couple of feds. It's obvious. Always egging people on without ever stating anything specific yourselves. You smell of bacon... fat retarded pants full of crap stains bacon.

earlymac ago

Who the fuck is loyal to the jew you moron? You got something you think is worth doing... put it out there. Lets hear you stupid ideas.

beefartist ago

No it isn't high level like that...they don't react to calling out the jew they react to the personal call outs

earlymac ago

Oh boy, that again. You're not a leader bro. Give up the keyboard quarterbacking. You want to prove something, do it.

beefartist ago

Oy boy! Look at this guy trying to demonstrate family, morality, discipline amongst young men..what a fag!

earlymac ago

Demonstrating it how you fat fucking loser homo?

beefartist ago

Sic(sic) burn, home slice! I am not fat, I am not a loser, and I am not a honest how many of those are you?

earlymac ago

Yeah I'm sure you're not. Yawn.

beefartist ago

Lol, sigh, yawn...don't do that shit if you want men to listen to you

RedditSureDoesSuck ago

Has this troll account given you the attention you so desperately crave?

beefartist ago

Don't pretend you are upset by my "trolling" and don't pretend it is gammas stick together and sperg out when someone points out how valueless your life is and how much better it could be, ESPECIALLY when you are told the onus and responsibility is your own. Blame your parents for not keeping score in soccer maybe?

Isthisthenewreddit ago

That's them in a nutshell. These drones are the same as they've always, always been. All boomers will instantly lash out at anyone that makes forward progress against the jew, or even suggests resistance is possible. Look at just this thread. They'll try to make personal attacks or any deflection they can think of to prevent themselves from accepting this simple truth. It's harwired into them to submit to jewsus.

All boomers serve isreal by rheir own voilition.

RedditSureDoesSuck ago


beefartist ago

That's not how soccer scores work :)

ReAwakened ago

That is their modus operandi. Torture the language and condescend to try to get a quick win, but when it's clear the facts are against them, they shriek "Anti-semite" and run away.

Ziligando ago

The Jew is the nigger of the middle east.

Cat_anon ago

Have you ever seen such a sneaky group before?

CheeBooga ago

He destroyed that slippery rat

Diogenes_The_Cynic ago

Its disgusting just seeing Slavic vermin trying to file up Jewish people.

earlymac ago

Care to explain?

Diogenes_The_Cynic ago

Can't you see the Slavic filth is speaking impudemtly to the Jewish guy? Its disgusting he doesn't recognize his place.

earlymac ago

You're taking the side of David, the jew? Is that what you're saying rabbi?

KikesOnTrikes ago

Dindu finally did sumtin worth while. I suspect he is once of us.

M80TheMan ago

Generally I began to hate them.

tokui ago

To the newfags who bitch:

"Why everyone on voat talking about jews and blacks?"

For this. With free speech, there can be true education. When confronted by the eternal jew, the nigger apologist, you'll be armed and ready.

Hektik ago

Theocratic Ethnostate

CalibanFresco ago

'Oy vey, he's making some decent arguments. Better call him that thing I call everyone all the time.'

GoyimNose ago

Imagine winning an argument with a Hasbara agent and thinking that makes any of a difference.

earlymac ago

Someone a little too black pilled today?


Thanks for posting. Enjoyed it.

Atkho ago

(((Verbal intelligence))) on a level playing field.

earlymac ago

You're not calling me a kike now are you? 😉

green_man ago

Anyone else notice the kike moving the goal posts mid argument?

Solstiare ago

That's kinda standard.

Granite_Pill ago

AXTCHUALLY... the Thai are an ethnic MINORITY in Thailand. The Thai people just happen to be the ethnicity of the ruling class of the State known as Thailand.

Tb0n3 ago

The "most of which are probably jewish" outed the guy as a disingenuous person who had obvious motives not outright stated. What's the issue again?

Octoclops ago

Are you a mind reader? Maybe he did, maybe he didn't. Doesn't change the fact that David here is wrong. An ethno-state is not defined by homogeneity but by policy. None of those countries (except very arguably North Korea) is an ethno-state.

ArielQflip ago

Technically, Isreal is a territory. So this is nonsequitur. Period.

earlymac ago

Never lose sight of your target audience.

RageAgainstTheAmish ago

Shut it down!

Splooge ago


Big pilpul wrapped in subtle pilpul -- the jew is trying to insinuate that this is something that happens rarely.

"I'm usually very open-minded and willing to have open discourse with anyone, and I never ever shy away from factual dissent, but oddly enough, this is the one time I will refuse to continue further, but not because of me or anything I did, it's because you are so unreasonable!"

We all know damn well this is something the jew does regularly -- all goyim are unreasonable and the chosen ones are the only voice of reason on Earth. Oy fucking vey.

And you know even in the face of superior evidence, it all goes away the very next day:

The more I argued with them, the better I came to know their dialectic. First they counted on the stupidity of their adversary, and then, when there was no other way out, they themselves simply played stupid. If all this didn't help, they pretended not to understand, or, if challenged, they changed the subject in a hurry, quoted platitudes which, if you accepted them, they immediately related to entirely different matters, and then, if again attacked, gave ground and pretended not to know exactly what you were talking about. Whenever you tried to attack one of these apostles, your hand closed on a jelly-like slime which divided up and poured through your fingers, but in the next moment collected again.

But if you really struck one of these fellows so telling a blow that, observed by the audience, he couldn't help but agree, and if you believed that this had taken you at least one step forward, your amazement was great the next day. The Jew had not the slightest recollection of the day before, he rattled off his same old nonsense as though nothing at all had happened, and, if indignantly challenged, affected amazement; he couldn't remember a thing, except that he had proved the correctness of his assertions the previous day.

Sometimes I stood there thunderstruck.

earlymac ago

I remember reading these words in admiration of the sharpness of the man's mind and brilliance of his prose.

Schaatur ago

Whose quote is this?

earlymac ago


mitoriomyt ago

Adolf Hitler

BearDolphin1488 ago

That's always the point where I quote hitlers chapter 2

Gradually, i began to hate them

1Sorry_SOB ago

Classic pilpul.

slumbermachine ago

I love reading interactions like this.

TrialsAndTribulation ago

They always flip the board game over when they're losing.

GrizzlyDark ago

sounds like the winning party should pick up all the pieces and shove them down the throat of the losing koshernigger

wigson ago

And they'll never call their opponent a liar.

GusStappo ago

Classic kike egress. Declare the discussion over when losing.

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AnonDan ago

Like clockwork. And they took their discussion full circle.

Maddmartigan ago

Brilliant execution.

LetTheMongoloidsDie ago

Pegged that kike perfectly!

Their pilpul is shit. Distract and delay.

mitoriomyt ago

It's their favorite tactic. Kikes are liars and deceivers.

You know who else lies and deceives? Satan. Kikes are spawn of the devil.

earlymac ago

Well technically they are against Christ.

FPSFairy ago

Would you say they had David... Wagling?

Sorry, I'll show myself out.

(...his name was David Wagle.)

GrizzlyDark ago

at least you got one upvote. Sorry, I'm bringing you back down to zero where you belong. Attempt was made. Wasn't good, but effort made. Net zero for you, fairy.

Schaatur ago

caring about upvotes

Do people really take things that seriously?