VGA007 ago

Forgot to mention, Pepe The Frog.

PsyOp ago

Indeed, the jews do control America...thanks to the backstabbing christians!

BarbaraStreisand ago

thanks for this

starrychloe ago

Wait. Jew or Jewish spouses? That a bit of a reach isn’t it? That’s like calling Milo a jogger.

Tyrone_Biggums ago

Watch the show ‘American Greed’ sometime, and when a rich white man is the suspect, search to see if he is Jewish. It’s eye opening and an easy way to open the subject to newbs.

CheeBooga ago

Nice work, niggerfagit. Here's an archived version

ordinarymike ago

No way

earlymac ago

Would have been nice to list their names. Is there any reference to that information?

NiggadermCQ ago

Needs names

500five ago

Excellent post, you should look into a man named William Dudley Pelley, he essentially tried to warn everyone back in 1920:

This organization literally spells out the same:

Some Posse members embraced the anti-semitic and white supremacist beliefs of Christian Identity.[9] Some believe that the U.S. federal government is illegitimate and in the hands of a Zionist Occupation Government (ZOG), an alleged Jewish conspiracy.[10] In 1985, a member of the Posse Comitatus announced: "Our nation is now completely under the control of the International Invisible government of the World Jewry."[11]

charliebrownau ago

I swear infogalactic just auto mirrors wiki without bothering to de left it

TheDonaldTrump ago

Its a fork,the onus is on users to dejew it

nouseforaname ago

List is at least 3 years out of date

Pubiclouse ago

Jew privilege

fattyfatigue ago

Obviously Jewish people are smart and good at what they do. So what's the problem here? If that bothers you, get with the program and get a job in the media, or start your own company (Facebook whatever - Zuckerberg is only 36).

steven_feelsperg ago

Define good and define what they do.

fattyfatigue ago

Well, take for example Steven Spielberg from where your username is derived. Good at directing. Makes movies people enjoy.

SteffisCute ago

found the kike

fattyfatigue ago

Lazy response.

500five ago

Those companies were likely backed by the Fed with unlimited money backing. Same with amazon, microsoft, tesla and others.

fattyfatigue ago

Or, people saw a company with a lot of promise, and they invested in it.

Pubiclouse ago

Jews are nepotistic... Whites all altruistic.

fattyfatigue ago

That doesn't explain how Jewish folks got into power in the first place if they weren't competent.

BlackGrapeDrank ago

lurk more.

educate yourself.

ReAwakened ago

Hall of fame post, right there!

Doglegwarrior ago

if that doesnt wakena normie up nothing will

Breadthirst ago

So Jews control almost everything?

Pubiclouse ago

McCarthy tried calling it out. So did that guy in England that the singer from tears in heaven supported. Fuck I can't remember his name mad brain fart.

BlackGrapeDrank ago

Eric Clapton

Hydrogenoff ago

Also, the extended version:

voatgoat2 ago

Thank you for the list I have been wanting something like this for a long time

last18500 ago

Well done, sir!

notallfrogs ago

Would love some sauce on that

BlackGrapeDrank ago

and dates. this has been around for a while.

observation1 ago

"or Jewish spouses" ?

tratakat ago

Yeah, they should've ommited that. They are still disproportionally represented anyway.

Basically_Hitler ago

Yeah that weakened the power of it for me too.

Tallest_Skil ago

Marriage to jews is also a valid means of recognizing control. Jews occasionally marry into non-jewish families to attain power, despite the enduring jewish aversion to miscegenation. The children of these marriages are considered jews, and are often raised to overtly believe and behave as jews. When they inherit their parents’ positions, they thereafter behave according to jewish beliefs. And please, reader; you cannot tell me that you don’t consider your husband or wife’s opinion and response to the things you believe, say, and do on a daily basis, much less with your major life decisions. This connection, therefore, is regularly abused by jews for jewish racial gain. Remember the story of Esther–how the jewish wife of the Persian Xerxes convinced him to let the jews of Persia kill 75,000 Persians. Remember also that judaism is matrilineal. As such, non-jews in positions of power who are married to jews are included in these numbers.

observation1 ago

Even if any of that was true, it represents an inherent contradiction to measure against the "2%." Logically this isnt sound

CowWithBeef ago

If including spouses makes that 2% a 3%, does that change the implications of even one line item in this bill of jewish over-representation in positions of influence?

Marrying a jew gives access to jewish nepotism.

observation1 ago

No because the 2% is wrong, also. That stat is repeated often but obviously not true by even the strictest definition.

Did it over cross your mind that some Jews dont practice this shit?

altident ago

Nobody said all Jews practice it. But you think it’s just a coincidence that Jews and their spouses are over represented in positions of power, control, and information distribution by factors of 2,000%+?

observation1 ago

I think you might be on to something. It does seem to be the case you need to be one (or) be married to one, to get into these positions.

It would be better to know the average of white [men] who marry "white" women, to see how common it is.

And it would be important to know if the 2% is a real figure. I don't think it is. I think most "whites" look white on polls, but casual look into their parents would reveal they actually are what voat would consider not.

altident ago

so you think that Jews are lying in anonymous polls in order to pretend to be non-jewish? Honest question.

And as to your earlier point, I think it’s the other way around. I don’t think that people necessarily need to be married to Jews in order to achieve positions of power (though that’s not impossible). I think it’s way more likely that Jews target people in power to marry in order to influence their effect.

observation1 ago

Not deceptively, no. I think polls are pretty vague and make it so its easy to select white instead of other. If your mom is Jewish and dad "white;" what do you select? Voats narrow definition claims they should not have selected white.

We know from society plenty of "white" people fit in as white, and it's not trickery.

thelken ago

Yeah.... Unfortunately, that little caveat essentially destroys the impact of this nice list.

Tallest_Skil ago

You know nothing whatsoever.

thelken ago

I know that observers of this list will discount it almost immediately, because of the caveat.

I'm not saying it's untrue. I'm not saying its bad data. I'm not saying it's irrelevant. I'm not defending Jews. I'm just saying that the "spouse" thing is a major black eye on this nice list.

Tallest_Skil ago

It’s an opportunity to teach people that they actually listen to their spouses, because apparently they’re too stupid to realize that.

thelken ago

Fair point. But that doesn't change the fact that the impact of this great list is nullified by the "spouse" thing. Casual observers will see that, and just discount the whole thing. Unfortunately.

steven_feelsperg ago

dont say things I've determined are not useful to others

what I say is fact

Opinion. You don't have special insight to every goat. And you certainly won't dissuade participation by this ridiculous assertion. Posture for the mirror if you want to feel worthy.

altident ago

I don’t think he was talking about goats. I think he was talking about showing this to normies

Glaxo ago

damn jews really are in control

RoundWheel ago

Yep. According to them, you're a nazi for noticing.

Btw, they control the neo-nazi leaders too.

BaBs88 ago

names and source

usernameisnotthis ago

great redpill material

LibertarianForChrist ago

Too often, White people recieve the credit for jewish achievements. We are just spreading the truth about this error.

SearchVoatBot ago

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steven_feelsperg ago

Crimes are not achievements. It sounds like you are complimenting jews.

Hooofer ago

I think his being sarcastic

wanderingblade ago

Are you that spergy or are you also joking and I'm the sperg here?

anoncastillo ago

Right? Like some people think the biggest news story of the year last year was about a privileged white billionaire who raped children to blackmail our politicians, and they don't even know he worked for Israel.

FannyCraddock ago

Y no diversity there?

Oh yeah rules for thee but not for me!

Fluxuhate ago

Good to know.