We now have enough data to feel pretty confident that New York was the primary gateway for coronavirus to the rest of the country; most of the domestic spread is people traveling out from NY (politics)
submitted 4.8 years ago by CluelessInTheDark
No thanks to Cuomo and deBlasio -- Corona Buffoons who placed infected people in ill-prepared nursing homes and barely used the government provided settings in Javits Center and hospital ship Comfort.
IsaacJan 4.8 years ago
No it’s not, there is no virus, you retarded boomers.
ImperialGreaseMonkey 4.8 years ago
Rabbis travelling out of New York.
SaneandAware 4.8 years ago
But nursing home murderer Cuomo is the left's new darling and hero. LOL! They just love failures and killing people for political power points. Those elderly patients in nursing home were totally worth killing to make Orange man look bad!
IsaacJan ago
No it’s not, there is no virus, you retarded boomers.
ImperialGreaseMonkey ago
Rabbis travelling out of New York.
SaneandAware ago
But nursing home murderer Cuomo is the left's new darling and hero. LOL! They just love failures and killing people for political power points. Those elderly patients in nursing home were totally worth killing to make Orange man look bad!