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NicotinicAcid ago

Sorry but I don't buy it. I'm sure shady shit happens in Raccine, but the ring I know about doesn't talk, they act. This is likely another diversion.

They would never arrest one of their own for CP unless they are a scapegoat. Christ, the ring I know of has a CP video network and child trafficking website or app.

Raccine is amateur hour if it's true.

ababcb ago

If you have damaging information post it

NicotinicAcid ago

I could post visual evidence that shows the symbolism in public, but that puts me at risk. All I can tell you is that a massive ring exists and communicates primarily through symbolism. This ring is hundreds of years old and goes way back into Europe. Some of the major "secret" societies are at the center of it.

ababcb ago

don't post anything that may put you at risk but if you can tell us about the symbolism they use i'd like to hear it.

NicotinicAcid ago

Black and white. Black and green, black and purple. Black and red, black and blue. Black, red and yellow.

Just a starting point on the colours. I want to see if you can figure out their meaning without being told. Remember the context is children and adults.

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