WeekOne ago

I agree that anyone who thinks 'their' religion is the only correct and true one, has mental issues that disqualify them from voting. We agree there.

Bob78 ago

Who ever started this thread should never be allowed outside .

16tons ago

Hahahahahaha!!!! I'm essential mother fucker! They let me do whatever I want!

WeekOne ago

I am agnostic, for the record. My comment above clearly states that fact. Read into it however you like. I think the existence of a singular, all powerful God is just as likely as there being no God.

RunicSigil ago

I disagree. Everyone should be allowed to vote. Literally everyone. Voting has shown to have no statistical impact on public policy in the U.S.. Ergo, it's meaningless. If you want to have a say in government, then you need to have cash. Either make a special interest group or amass a large fortune. Otherwise, you're just spinning your wheels in the mud.

SearchVoatBot ago

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sabinah ago

Their Baby Daddies

TooMuchCoffeeMan ago

People shouldnt be allowed to vote. Ever.

neuschwabia ago

The original 13th Amendment:

If any citizen of the United States shall accept, claim, receive, or retain any title of nobility or honor, or shall without the consent of Congress, accept and retain any present, pension, office, or emolument of any kind whatsoever, from any emperor, king, prince, or foreign power, such person shall cease to be a citizen of the United States, and shall be incapable of holding any office of trust or profit under them, or either of them.

In short, Freemasons, lawyers, corrupt politicians are not allowed to hold any office.

SearchVoatBot ago

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QueensNewYorkGuy ago

....plus there is the while bad decision thing....

mudbear ago

In athenian democracy you had to have evidence that all four of your grandparents were athenian in order to participate, females werent allowed to vote, and no immigrants, or 1st/second gen people.

It might not have been perfect but thats a pretty good start.

PoquitoMojito ago

Anybody who has not been a net taxpayer the previous year

imdrowning ago

Single moms should be sterilized

ibepokey ago

income tax is only a portion of illegal taxation we are all subject to. sales tax, excise tax, property tax, boats, mobile homes, even things that have already had their sales tax collected on once, twice, or more. and how about OY! got a license for that? we are ALL required to participate in getting fucked for money we supposedly earned, from damn near every angle.

sad part is, all this media/propaganda is brought to you BY YOUR TAX DOLLARS

Void0101010101 ago

Last think I want is the government defining "good character"

DeseretIndustries ago

I would trust white landowning men over 30 to judge that.

Void0101010101 ago

Plenty of 30 year old idiots own land, especially when the government lends you 90% of the money to buy property. In 2007 they would lend you 100%.

I like the premise, but I think it would be better to give everyone one vote for each tax dollar they paid. Simple to enforce and solves the Voter ID problem.

Pay your taxes, and the government sends you a form you turn in with your ballot. That form has a unique code you enter on a government website and you can confirm that your vote was counted correctly.

Pinkanon ago

If you don't own property you shouldn't be able to vote...the share croppers and apartment dwellers should stfu...PLUS, it would eliminate the majority of the Urban Voters...winning...

RoundWheel ago

And the need to pander to them.

Brawndosaurus ago

All women. All non whites. All non Christians. All non taxpayers.

Cathat ago

Anyone on government assistance

Blackops21 ago

Only land owning white males.

yewotm8 ago

Literally everybody.


Women. Non whites.

The_Duke_of_Dabs ago

All women* ftfy

frenemy ago

land owning citizens only.

nephileon ago

how about married moms too, just give the father 2 votes

also childless women

traveler573g ago

Yes and no because many men also vacated their responsibility to keep their women in line. I refuse to be in a relationship with anyone at this point who doesn't share my values. A lot of men have forsaken this and thus help support a woman who literally votes to undermine them

LaRiver ago

That's a lot of black and white votes.

noob_tube ago

Only white men should be allowed to vote.

Enok-Stroth ago

Single mother's doesn't imply they don't pay income taxes.

RoundWheel ago

Most single mothers don't pay taxes.

White males play almost all taxes.

Enok-Stroth ago

You know this how?

WhiteChickens ago

They are free to continue paying but they shouldn't get jobs either.

traveler573g ago

I mean why not just eliminate everyone on welfare from voting. They're essentially similar to prisoners, wards of the state. We don't need to get into all this fine grained shit then and I'm sure there are at least a few single mothers that pay their way.

J_Darnley ago

Go back to the old way: land owners. Bleeding hearts can buy a large plot and divide it into small square plots if they want to let poor people vote. You must present the deed to vote. The location of the land determines which area/district you can vote in. Owning more than 1 plot does not get you more than 1 vote. I'm not sure how that would work if you own plots in 2 different areas. I also don't know how small they can become.

Reinhart ago

If you pay nothing in income taxes, you also shouldn't be allowed to vote.

Income tax shouldn't exist.

Voting rights should be restricted to white (that is, of European descent, excepting those filthy eastern Europeans LARPing as jews) males, born to natural citizens, over the age of 25 who own real property. I might even add the requirement to be married (to a woman) with at least one natural-born child.

In addition, I'd like to see some kind of "civics 101" certification, with periodic re-certification. If a man can't be fucking bothered to learn the absolute basics of his country's governmental system, he shouldn't vote.

I might even add a "public service" requirement wherein a male between 18 and 25 must perform two satisfactory years of service to his community or nation. That could take many forms, such as militia service or working on public-works projects, or something with a tangible benefit for his community or nation (no building wells for third-world niggers Peace Corps bullshit).

AntiMason ago


Reinhart ago

Destroying no-fault divorce is a good first step.

telleveryoneyouknow ago

No one should vote unless you were born on the continent from parents who were born on the continent, you pay taxes, and you own property.

englishwebster ago

I've always been a fan of starship troopers - basically unless you enlist in the army for a few years you aren't allowed to vote at all.

In other words - if you are willing to lay your life down for this country then you have earned the right to have a say in its affairs.

dadudemon1 ago

The only criteria should be:

  1. US Citizen
  2. Not currently incarcerated for any reason and not under probation
  3. For the previous tax year, they had a net positive contribution on their taxes

This addresses what many of you have suggested.

For the duel-citizenship thing, they should be required to be net-positive contributors in both countries to get to vote in both.

anticlutch ago

Non Whites.

Any White male that doesn't own property.

16tons ago

Mr. @anticlutch, we just received the results of your DNA test and have determined you have .00000000000000001% nigger in you. We regret to inform you that you are no longer allowed to vote.


the jews still in charge of everything

anticlutch ago

We get that far you know for a fact jews would already be removed.

16tons ago

What would happen if you tried to implement that? Let's just say you're elected to congress. You bring this idea to the floor. With our current media, what happens to your proposal? How long will you be in congress with that?

anticlutch ago

Fucking commit suicide.

No one anywhere thinks it will be a straight act of congress. It will be a slow removal.

16tons ago

Slow removal of the jews? Ok.

This is essentially your solution

You are not going to be able to get rid of jews stupid. Let's get that one off your face though, by proposing realistic solutions.

ggolemg ago

Only whites, period.

16tons ago

Mr. @ggolemg, we just received the results of your DNA test and have determined you have .00000000000000001% nigger in you. We regret to inform you that you are no longer allowed to vote.


the jews still in charge of everything

uab ago

END women's Suffrage.

deathsquad ago

Indeed, and the fascists were among the first in europe to push for it.

blumen4alles ago

What is sad is voting does not mean what you think it does. Without a Voter-ID and other countermeasures to prevent fraud, the jews pick the winner...

16tons ago

Voter id & a tax return showing you paid into the system. Should end a bunch of these shenanigans. It would also force dems(jews) to retool their approach. No longer could they buy votes with the oppositions money.

deathsquad ago

I don't like these kinds of restrictions because they are too vague and untargeted. You want to do stuff like only letting net taxpayers vote, or landowners etc.

16tons ago

Just trying to improve the system. What would you do to improve upon what we have?

UsedToBeCujoQuarrel ago


16tons ago

There are a lot people here saying my group should be the only one who should vote.

oneinchterror ago

Which rules out Bjorn over here, since he's a degenerate race mixer with a mongoloid son.

recon_johnny ago

I'll make it easy.

Only White property owners, single citizens of the USA.

16tons ago

Mr. @recon_johnny, we just received the results of your DNA test and have determined you have .00000000000000001% nigger in you. We regret to inform you that you are no longer allowed to vote.


the jews still in charge of everything

recon_johnny ago

Hilarious, but those jews are the first to go under this new normal.

Redditcanburninhell ago

Exactly. Too many idiots vote for their immediate intereat, and lack the capability to even plan for the future. Moat people shpuldnt be able to vote. If you're on welfare or disability, no vote. If Ypu need my money to live, I dont want your opinion to have the same weight as mine.

LibCucks ago

Anyone receiving federal assistance if any kind should be barred from voting. This would both remove any incentive of the left to keep people on the hamster wheel and it would further motivate people to become productive.

SearchVoatBot ago

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Reinhart ago

"Federal assistance" for individuals shouldn't exist. That is the rightful duty of families, churches, and local communities.

LibCucks ago

No disagreement here, but as long as it does exist, those sucking the government dick become wards of the state and therefore should lose the right to vote.

Vrblpollushin ago

Lol..married moms should not be allowed to vote. Women without children shouldn't be allowed to vote.

Reinhart ago

Women period should not be allowed to vote.

Vrblpollushin ago

I agree.

fightknightHERO ago

America for Americans only, niggers jews muslims, faggots chinks and spics


16tons ago

Mr. @fightknightHERO, we just received the results of your DNA test and have determined you have .00000000000000001% nigger in you. We regret to inform you that you are no longer allowed to vote.


the jews still in charge of everything

fightknightHERO ago


16tons ago

I literally LOL'd. Thanks for the laugh.

WeekOne ago

As opposed to people who believe nothing came from nothingness and exploded into everything ? Using your own logic, no one should vote. The idea that there IS a god is just as absurd there is NO god. Both are insane depending on how the debate is structured.

spaceman84 ago

What is so hard about accepting that we do not know and cannot be certain regardless. If I were a betting man, I wouldn't put my shekels on stories written by lying kikes.

WeekOne ago

I agree, but I do believe their is a 'creator/higher power' . I just can't make any solid claims to the 'who, what, when, where and why' of it all.

70times7 ago

You mean like evolution, the big bang theory, etc ?

Agreed. We need to ignore that jew/catholic filth.

BjornIronside ago


BjornIronside ago

ONLY land owning White men over the age of thirty should vote.

That's the way it was originally.

Jujubean ago

I would go a little further and ensure they can pass a competency test.

philmchawk ago

Na rednecks are more based than most affluent whites.

Damnpasswords ago

Most poll tests were very basic.

16tons ago

I actually like this but with a little bit of a twist. Reset the voting rules every 250 years. Follow the same timeline as to when whatever group gets to vote. This way everyone gets a say eventually and their views and issues are represented. Right now, women are being used to destroy our country. That has gone far enough. Their issues have been addressed and they've gone way too far with the amount of power they've been given.

Time to reset the country and have men make the tough decisions for the good of the country, that women are currently preventing us from making. Time for the age of Reason to return.

BjornIronside ago

I do not like your "twist".

16tons ago

Fuck. I'm starting to not like it either. Oh well, the spitballing is worth it regardless.

WeekOne ago

Only net tax payers should vote. Accepting any form of government assistance disqualifies you from voting for any election in that calendar year. Must prove citizenship with ID, paper ballots, hand counted only. All voting places, counting rooms, etc will be under 24/7 live video feed on public access website. All ballot counters will wear body cameras while at polling sight.

traveler573g ago

This is the only answer

Plavonica ago

Accepting any form of government assistance disqualifies you from voting for any election in that calendar year.

I think that this should be fine so long as you are still a net tax payer. This lets people who suddenly lose their job to, lets say, a sudden pandemic, and bounce back still be able to vote. Just so long as they don't just sit on gov assistance forever, which would be defined by the whole net tax payer thing.

Military and civil service should add points toward net tax payer status as well. Especially military that served during time of war(or in combat).

WeekOne ago

That's why I think it should be evaluated each calendar year. And, I don't think that unemployment checks would qualify as a handout since your employeer has to pay into the system on your behalf while you are employed. And you still pay taxes on unemployment, whether you are a net payer while taking unemployment depends on your income level and write offs.

Plavonica ago

since your employeer has to pay into the system on your behalf while you are employed. And you still pay taxes on unemployment

I really wished this system would have been privatized. I could say that about a lot of our "capitalist" system actually.

undertheshills ago

That's rayciss

SynapticRevolt ago

All females should be banned from voting

16tons ago

I thought about that too, but there are a few females that contribute positively to society. I was thinking how we could try to make more women like that. The privilege of voting for being a good citizen seems like a good start.

Splooge ago

That's textbook NAWALT there, friend. Classic slippery slope, with a touch of argument from authority.

Just because a female contributes positively to society in one or more respects doesn't mean she's not absolutely retarded in something else. This is largely an issue with (((Hollywood))) celebrities and whatnot. Wow, this jewish actor is so good at pretending to be someone else and delivering lines written by another jew! He must also be really politically savvy!

You let a few females vote, those females will instinctively widen the window, so to speak. They'll start advocating for more and more voting power, just as women are wont to do with resources in a relationship. There is no end. It is the role of every man in society to temper the woman's constant demand for resources.

Given the opportunity, the vast majority of woman, regardless of background or intelligence, will always drain resources completely. Nothing is finite so long as a provider exists. The government has assumed this role, and women are more than happy to continue voting for more and more of those unlimited resources for themselves.

deathsquad ago

Restricting voting to landowners removes the vast majority of females from the voting pool. As does restricting people receiving state aid.

McPooperton ago

God over man. Man over woman. Woman over children. Giving women voting rights put them even with men and with enough like minded women gives them power over men which is not the structure commanded by God.

WeekOne ago

Net tax payers only. That will weed out the majority of 'undesirables' voting anyways. It would be a lot easier for the US citizens to digest than 'no niggers, and no women voting'. Being a realist, nothing will change with voting and it will continue to not matter for decades to come.

constitutionranger ago

This is good towards moving the Overton window to eventually repealing the 19th.

16tons ago

This. Exactly this. If we want to change the system it would have to be about money. You want to enfranchise people? The employed should all have skin in the game anyway. That half of them don't is the first step to their divide and conquer plan. Let's end that and see what happens when shiftless sacks of shit actually have a reason to get off their asses and get better jobs, instead of the incentive to steal our money by staying put and contributing a net negative to your system.

The most fucked up thing about working people who get money from other tax payers, is how they feel they've earned and DESERVE that money. Fuck that divide and conquer bullshit. Let's get all of the employed to be net positives and therefore eligible to vote under our new anti-divide and conquer system.

This would be a great first step in the right direction.

WeekOne ago

While I was being genuine, in reality it wouldn't matter much. I don't think they would give a shit about not voting as long as they kept getting their gibs. Maybe over time as the tax payers voted out the handout factory, then maybe they would start to care as their gibs dried up.

16tons ago

Step 1 - Only net tax payers are allowed to vote.

Step 2 - Reform the gibs system.

Looking good so far. Got anything else?

WeekOne ago

no dual citizenship for any public office, federal, state or local.

16tons ago


Tallest_Skil ago

People who should be allowed to vote: White male net taxpayers.

All others should be forbidden from voting. Private income tax must be completely abolished.

16tons ago

And when the jews tell you that you're 1% black as your DNA test CLEARLY shows. Then What?

WhiteChickens ago

Then, you don't vote, nigger.

Tallest_Skil ago

implying that jews would even be allowed in the nation at this point


16tons ago

How are you going to get rid of parasites with bottomless pockets? As much as a lot of people here would like it be all about race, it is so much less likely, than if we would make it all about money.

Making it all about money would be the best way to get this change done.

Making it all about race is the best way to get your policy shot down 6 gorillion times before it could even get off the ground.

Tallest_Skil ago

How are you going to get rid of parasites with bottomless pockets?


Making it all about money would be the best way to get this change done.

Not really; that’s literally how they control us.

Making it all about race is the best way to get your policy shot down

lol, you think this will ever happen peacefully

It's almost like you forget the 30% of our country who will believe anything their tv's tell them.


16tons ago

I would say, dividing the working people in half, where one half pays for the other half is actually how they control us. It's divide and conquer. End that and see what changes. Get all of the working people in the same boat and we'd see a MASSIVE improvement.

Tallest_Skil ago

dividing the working people in half, where one half pays for the other half is actually how they control us

Nope, it’s the exact opposite of how they control us, because it’s how white civilization has worked since before written records began.

16tons ago

Ok. Clarification please. Are you saying white people created the on half pays for the other half bs, since the beginning of time?

Getting all the working people in the same boat would be a HUGE improvement to that system, which has been taken over by jews at this point. It's a lot harder to jew people when their money is going to things they don't want. Right now, half do not care, because they're getting their handouts. Making them pay in and care would be an improvement.

Explain how it wouldn't.

Tallest_Skil ago

Are you saying white people created the on half pays for the other half bs, since the beginning of time?

Oh, I’m talking about men paying for women. The only way to fix anything whatsoever is to remove all nonwhites from white nations. Women working is how they control us.

16tons ago

How about this? Right now the ratio of men - women in the mating game greatly favors the women. They get their pick. We could import enough foreign women to make it the exact opposite of that. We could then sit back, watch feminism die the death it RICHLY deserves and get OUR pick just like the old days, when men mattered.

Make Men Matter Again? Is that what you're saying? AGREED.

Tallest_Skil ago

Is that what you're saying?

No, I’m not saying to support white genocide. I’m saying physical revolution, slaughter all the jews, slaughter or deport all the other nonwhites, and then reimpose traditional social values.

16tons ago

Why not import white women then, to tip the scales in the favor of the men, instead of current system which breeds feminism like crazy?

Tallest_Skil ago

1:1 sex ratio is required for a healthy society. We have that; just deport all nonwhites and the problem solves itself.

16tons ago

Worldwide, there are 107 boy babies born for every 100 girl babies. That makes for a lot of extra guys out there. By age 35 the extras are all dead. So the 1:1 ratio occurs at that point. Then moving forward there is an imbalance on both sides of that tiny age grouping.

So it is not a 1:1 ratio. It's close, I guess, until you consider the millions of extra guys out there for the women to choose from. With that you get feminism & cuckery to the max. It would be better to get rid of both of those things.

CheeBooga ago

No dual citizen should be allowed to vote nor work in congress.

Void0101010101 ago

Keep in mind some dual citizens are fellow goats. And were born in the US

Have never used my 2nd citizenship, passport has been expired for two decades, I dont even speak the language of the country it was issued from, nor can I read the forms to renew or give it up.

Sure, I could probably figure it out if need be...but rather than target dual citizens, we should not allow ANYONE to vote who wasn't born in the US. It would prevent immigrant bussing for votes.

BTW many legal immigrants have a profound hate for illegal immigrants because those fuckers "skipped the line"

BordelonLoop ago

you only have to give up one of those citizenships to make it right.

CheeBooga ago

You make a good point that only people born in America can vote, but still, no dual citizens.

Void0101010101 ago

Until recently, you could only get US citizenship by providing proof that you rescinded your prior citizenship.

Trump should roll that back. It's a common practice everywhere else.

Laffey ago

100% behind this one. I'm for eliminating dual citizenship entirely.

McPooperton ago

No dual citizenship. Either shit or get off the pot. In or out, bitch. No half ass anymore. Whole ass or GTFO.

WeekOne ago

Or hold any public office of any kind, state, federal or local

obvious-throwaway- ago

There should be no dual citizens.

traveler573g ago

Nor work for and agency that receives government funds even if not itself a government organization

Mind_Games ago

There should be an amendment to the constitution that states that very thing..

AmericanJew2 ago

There just should be no dual citizenship at all anyway.

fellowwhiteperson ago

Technically they're not dual citizens. Citizenship to Israel is granted upon request. Thus they're allowed to stay under the radar. The solution isn't just ending dual citizenship in congress, but sanctioning Israel until they end Rite of Return.

Reinhart ago

end Rite of Return

Nah, that just makes it easier to stay here. Make it more of a "required" to return.

WeekOne ago

agreed, pick one. Maybe for kids it's ok until they turn 18. You should at least not be able to vote/serve in military/public office with dual citizenship.

gimpyoldman ago

My daughter is a single mom. Her husband died.

Reinhart ago

Still shouldn't be allowed to vote.

16tons ago

Your daughter is a widow. NOT a single mom.

WeekOne ago

HUGE difference.

spaceman84 ago

Not really since women don't deserve a vote ever, be they widows, single moms, married mothers

None of em.

16tons ago

I bet you don't say that when you're trying get one into your bed for the night.

offender ago


16tons ago

It's not my fault jews and cucks have given them this power over men.

WhiteChickens ago

Is that a requirement now? lol

WeekOne ago

There is a huge difference between being a widow and a divorced single mom. That's all I meant.

70times7 ago

Catholics and jews should not be allowed to vote. Women are a symptom of "that" problem.

We are far past the point of no return.

Doom comes next.

SearchVoatBot ago

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