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Quasarback ago

And doesn't Israel have nukes?

BjornIronside ago

Nukes do not exist. If they did, you can bet isn'treal would have them.

But they are not.

Notice how they never try to scare you with "nuclear war" any longer?


No terrorist has ever detonated a nuclear weapon.

These two facts cannot coexist.

Gorillion ago

Calm down, Owen.

BjornIronside ago

Kill yourself, sheep fucker.

HiJoker ago

No moon landings and flat earth as well?

I thought leftists were retarded, but there are some around here who are either functioning retards or they hellishly larp it. I think it's the former as stupid has no limits. Thank you for proving it. Now fuck off.

BjornIronside ago

Oh. You have proof, in the form of a physical experiment, that proves the motion of the Earth, or the attraction between two masses?

Please post.

HiJoker ago

Ok, groomer.

BjornIronside ago

How does that even make sense?

You're calling me a faggot paedophile in response to you not having an answer to my query?

You're a fucking moron, eh?

HiJoker ago

Whatever groomer. We're wise to you.

BjornIronside ago

You're an idiot.


You're literally the only one here who thinks you're not a fucking retard. Give it up dude

BjornIronside ago

Literally? Like in a story?

HiJoker ago

Groooooomer. lol

BjornIronside ago

Laugh it up, while you can, jew.

HiJoker ago

Ok groomer.

BjornIronside ago

Sure thing, faggot.

HiJoker ago


BjornIronside ago

Just going to keep doing that, eh?

You have a post per hour quota to fill?

HiJoker ago

r u mad groomer?

BjornIronside ago

I sure am, jew.

This time, even the women and children.

HiJoker ago scary. groomer mad groomer scary lol

Tallest_Skil ago

He IS a leftist.

BjornIronside ago

Citation needed.


Go ahead. Comb all my shit for even one post that supports your theory.

Fuck yourself, commie.

Tallest_Skil ago

Comb all my shit for even one post that supports your theory.

Found one.

u_r_wat_u_eat ago

bro you ever heard of hiroshima?

BjornIronside ago

Fuel air bomb. How do you explain every single stone building surviving? Or the group of 14 monks in Nagasaki that survived, at ground zero?

Nuclear weapons do not exist.

borderline7 ago

yea but jesus does exist.

see its dumb mother fuckers like you who are the reason whites are going extinct and we all fucking deserve it. your not any smarter than a nigger in a mud hut.

BjornIronside ago

You think I'm a christcuck?

Where the fuck did you get that from?


Thank you

u_r_wat_u_eat ago

to be honest im more worried about something with that much power to begin with regardless to what we name it