Diogenes_The_Cynic ago

Are Hungarians Slavic? The title seems to be the kind of thing only a slav would promote.

korama1234 ago

DW= fake news. bolshevik cocksuckers

vanievilgenius ago

Tell me this isn't some kind of april fools joke?

Misanthropadapolous ago

We protect Hungary at all costs. If our government turns against Hungary, we turn against the government.

kakamatyi ago

"Orban does not have to fear a critical press: Hungary's media landscape is largely under the control of the government and government-related companies."

shut up you disgusting jew. it's the exact opposite.

RarryLeeDacted ago


PagingDrBenway ago

I live in my ancestral homeland. The more i speak the more I become socially isolated by my ignorant, complacent countryfolk.

BrmBrm_ ago

Die to get your home land back.

Pussy. We dont need cowards in Eastern Europe

PagingDrBenway ago

What are you doing to save your people?

BrmBrm_ ago

For now...Me and my mates are beating the shit out of random migrants and telling them to tell their friends they're not welcomed.

I have bigger plans of course.

PagingDrBenway ago

Cool story, bro.

BrmBrm_ ago

Cowards like you see cowards in everyone

PagingDrBenway ago

No, fuck face. talk is cheap. I'll believe it when it's more than talk on a message board.

BrmBrm_ ago


PagingDrBenway ago

Big man when not in person. I am sure you're so forthcoming when liable for a beating.

BrmBrm_ ago

Mate. Nigger are fuckkng your women left right and centre.. And you waste your time on the internet acting all tough with some random Slav...


PagingDrBenway ago

They aren't my women if they are fucking niggers.

Seriously: fuck off, troll. i do not take you seriously.

BrmBrm_ ago

They aren't my women if they are fucking niggers.

They fuck them because you allow them to fuck them. You allow them to fuck them because you're not ready to sacrifice yourself to prevent it.

If all you woke guys were ready to die and kill for what you believe in... None of this shit would be happening

PagingDrBenway ago

Fuck you, faggot. I put myself out trying to write about what was happening for a long time and it only caused me problems, poverty 9because I got zero support), and having to quit and to take refuge in the corporate world. I tried harder than most people do and still force talking points most people are uncomfortable with into most conversations I have to try to inform people of the mess we are in.

BrmBrm_ ago

Speak with your actions when your words cant be heard

PagingDrBenway ago

You have no idea the kind of life I live. I have put myself in danger many times in the past to protect others. The political climate won't allow lynching of Africans yet here in Ireland. Everyone is too busy putting them on a pedestal because they are brainwashed fucking idiots.

BrmBrm_ ago

Mate... Blackmail a subhuman into an action that will put their entire race in the bad light.

There are many places where only white traitors and coalburners gather around.

This is what i would do. You dont have to do anything yourself

AgentSakura ago

What about Europeans being persecuted and tortured in their own countries?

I should be able to seek asylum in Hungary because I am a straight white european male being tortured in Canada by the mind rapist Stazi.

BrmBrm_ ago

Form groups and attack. Force a race war and Muslims will drag all the white people in it, dont be worried about that.

All these liberals will then either be neutral or they will be forced to fight back with you.

Your biggest problem is that you're just not ready to die for what you believe in

metricisokay ago

"Apart from a few exceptions, home schooling is currently not working in Hungary," Ildiko Reparszky, a teacher at Mihaly Fazeka's high school in Budapest, told DW.

I don't know if I believe this person. In America home schooling leads to better test scores generally do what's the underlying problem? Are schools in Hungary just better?

From what I've heard quite a lot of their budget is spent on it.

BrokenVoat ago

Only globo homo and Socialist will find this a problem.


This guy is such a fucking chad. I'm torn between being proud for his country and being jealous of them.

VoatContainmentGuard ago

Glorious sonofabitch

boekanier ago

And today the european court rules on the opposition from poland, czech republic and hungary about their refusal to cooperate in a distribution plan for 'refugees'.

Sellyoulight ago

Fuck the EU, every anti-white, pro-Muzzie/African savage “plan” it has and everything about it.

worldofmadness ago

And he will imprison anyone who dares to question the government narrative of the corona hoax for up to 5 years, holocaughs denial laws basically. He will imprison anyone who brakes the quarantine which can be up to 8 years and the military and the police roam the street to enforce it. This chabad connected fat jewish stooge who could he a jew himself is now the dictator of Hungary but you fools support him just because he keeps invaders out which he most likely only does for the safety of powerful jews living there and for the purpose of giving jews a safe refugee for the future.

So many of you claim to he opposed to communism but you seem to love communist type tyranny. What a joke this monkey place is. You guys deserve to be the slaves of the government.

Lykkon ago

Finally a voice of reason in our midst. If Orban was really committed to the cause, then the books would focus more on the racial aspect over anti-Semitism. H. S. Chamberlain, Gobineau, and Hans F. K. Guenther.

Nyiro was a member of the fascist Arrow Cross Party and an admirer of Nazi propaganda minister Joseph Goebbels.

It's not enough to admire Dr. Goebbels.

Wass was an avowed anti-Semite and convicted war criminal.

Not enough info provided on this guy's views. Anyone can be anti-Semitic.

worldofmadness ago

Good comment. I'm glad to see someone else who is on the same boat as me when it comes to obvious controlled opposition such as Orban and others that are being potrayed as nationalistic but are butt buddies with chabad and israel. A true, sincere nationalist has to oppose international jewry in its entirety otherwise that person is no nationalist. People refuse to look at the panoramic view to get the full picture, they prefer to just eat up what they first hear as long as it jives with them, not giving any thought if they should look a bit deeper into the person telling these words to find out if they have some agenda or suspicious associations, which many of them do have upon closer inspection.

When it comes to point about not being able to trust any jews out there.I mean, yes, there are exceptions to every rule, there has been jews through out history with a conscience who did what they could to expose the jewish problem. But here is the thing, they are rare, very, very rare and jews have never had an issue with exposing themselves to infiltrate their opposition to sabotage it and this is what we must pay attention to. If a jew is sincere in their opposition to what their tribe is doing and they are doing their part to expose them, all the respect to them but i wouldn't personally want to work with them, i would always be wary of them because of the race they belong to.

I also agree with you that observing what the jewish media is up to is important in order to understand what these freaks are up to. Jewish media is only dangerous when you view it for entertainment purposes. The word entertainment says it all, tain means tin the cover meaning you are now entering a state in which you are 'under the cover', unaware that you are being programmed because the part of the brain which handles critical thinking has been covered over, shut down. According to jewish law, the jews have to tell the masses what they are doing and what plans they have for the future which is why the jewish media is loaded with predictive programming. Predictive programming is, of course, also there to mentally prepare the masses for what they plan to implement later.

Also, we have to remember that jews are incredibly arrogant and proud, one of their weaknesses is that they can't help themselves but to brag about their evil accomplishment and their evil goals which is why you can expose almost every jewish crime that has been commited using jewish sources only. The best books when it comes to exposing jews and their sick ways are usually books written by jews themselves. It would be a mistake to denounce every type of medium that's been created by jews because in them, there is always something you can use to expose them with.

I have never heard of these ''decent'' jews you listed. Interesting. It's funny how the truth has been inverted when it comes to Hitler, him being potrayed as this increadibly evil man when the truth is the opposite. In fact, i think one of Hitlers weaknesses was that he was too soft and sometimes too trusting, his government was infiltrated and so was his military and he found that out too late. I was suprised to find out that there were a sizeable amount of German officiers who had a jewish background, some were even high ranking, reaching the level of general and field marshal. It makes you wonder if that would explain why Germany made many 'blunders' during the war.

Lykkon ago

Honestly, I wasn't expecting to find anyone of mettle on here. Would you like to obtain the full picture on the Jewish question? It's a pity I can't message you directly so I'll have to be discreet. Does the maxim "God helps those who help themselves" mean anything to you, as it did to Adolf Hitler? I discovered it in a number of his speeches.

A true, sincere nationalist has to oppose international jewry in its entirety otherwise that person is no nationalist.

And he must be deeply concerned with the social aspect of the community (social benevolence), down to his very bones.

When it comes to point about not being able to trust any jews out there. I mean, yes, there are exceptions to every rule, there has been jews through out history with a conscience who did what they could to expose the jewish problem.

I don't think conscience is the right word here. A recent quote I picked up from Alfred North Whitehead regarding Heinrich Brüning helped illustrate the fallacy of conscience for me: a man may be devout without being good.

I don't think that their only merit was insight into the Jewish question (as provided by Uriel da Costa, for instance). In my personal list of "decent" Jews, hardly any of them were "self-hating".

But here is the thing, they are rare, very, very rare and jews have never had an issue with exposing themselves to infiltrate their opposition to sabotage it and this is what we must pay attention to.

Exactly! Even maintaining pride in hating/provoking their race while making a pretense at opposing it should demonstrate subversion.

If a jew is sincere in their opposition to what their tribe is doing and they are doing their part to expose them, all the respect to them but i wouldn't personally want to work with them, i would always be wary of them because of the race they belong to.

Fair enough.

I also agree with you that observing what the jewish media is up to is important in order to understand what these freaks are up to. Jewish media is only dangerous when you view it for entertainment purposes.

Why can't it be both ways? I think it was Frederick the Great who said that true philosophy permits refined enjoyment without renouncing the Asiatic luxury.

According to jewish law, the jews have to tell the masses what they are doing and what plans they have for the future which is why the jewish media is loaded with predictive programming. Predictive programming is, of course, also there to mentally prepare the masses for what they plan to implement later.

That seems psychologically abortive to me. It'd be politically all wrong for demagogues to tell the masses where they're leading them. In the Table Talk, Hitler refers to an oratical mistake made by Friedrich Ebert in allowing himself to be swept up by the moment of passion from the masses.

Also, we have to remember that jews are incredibly arrogant and proud, one of their weaknesses is that they can't help themselves but to brag about their evil accomplishment and their evil goals which is why you can expose almost every jewish crime that has been commited using jewish sources only.

Most Jews are introverted, they disguise their thoughts with language, they're less likely to lose their temper or commit violent crimes, and they can entertain hopes and dreams for generations. The ones that gloat publicly are usually their most aggressive elements, the Zionists.

The best books when it comes to exposing jews and their sick ways are usually books written by jews themselves. It would be a mistake to denounce every type of medium that's been created by jews because in them, there is always something you can use to expose them with.

Agreed. Let's not overlook that Hitler seldom brought up the Talmud, it was always the Old Testament he referred to in his speeches, especially in his August 15, 1920 speech.

I have never heard of these ''decent'' jews you listed. Interesting.

The fact of their existence has been covered up since it furnishes an alternative path for average Jews. Here's what both anti-Semites and Zionist leadership agree on: either the Jew will be overwhelmed by external force or the Jew becomes a victim of his own instinct. It's a significant game-changer in this struggle.

It's funny how the truth has been inverted when it comes to Hitler, him being potrayed as this incredibly evil man when the truth is the opposite. In fact, I think one of Hitlers weaknesses was that he was too soft and sometimes too trusting, his government was infiltrated and so was his military and he found that out too late.

No, his weakness was that he was too rough around the edges, so to speak. With brutal honesty, frankness, and an artistic temparament, he quite deliberately pushed away everyone who could've potentially rivaled him from his entourage, leaving only room for flatterers, opportunists, and dubious personalities. Martin Bormann and Dr. Goebbels were exceptional cases and the most loyal.

I was suprised to find out that there were a sizeable amount of German officiers who had a jewish background, some were even high ranking, reaching the level of general and field marshal. It makes you wonder if that would explain why Germany made many 'blunders' during the war.

I think a great deal of that has been sensationalized/exaggerated. It's important to point out that Emil Maurice was dismissed from his service before his Jewishness was exposed. David Irving, although he should be classified as a semi-revisionist (he compromised truth for sensationalism), made a case for Milch's non-Jewishness. It's uncertain if Erich von Manstein was actually Jewish, or merely resembled one in appearance.

Actually, Erhard Milch's competence was vouched for by Goebbels and he surprisingly maintained the same exact view as Hitler regarding Hanna Reitsch's proposal of German kamikaze, which was deemed to be un-Germanic and considered too early in the war.

IsaacJan ago

Making quite a number of assumptions, you panicked kike.

worldofmadness ago

With a name like Isaac, it is obvious who the kike is. Of course, scum such as yourself would be all for this.

IsaacJan ago

I’m not the one kvetching and writing essays for the goyim. Kike harder.

worldofmadness ago

No, you are the one who is coming to the defence of this obvious jewish puppet who has now placed his entire country under a soviet style dictatorship by trying to discredit those who speak up against it. Your motives are clear (((Isaac))).

IsaacJan ago

The obvious Jewish puppet denies niggers, trans, kikes and defies the EU?

Are you sure kike?

worldofmadness ago

Yes because no time in history has there ever been a leader who pretended to be a nationalist while kissing jew ass.



You are either a kike or someone too dumb to understand the concept of controlled opposition.

IsaacJan ago

Be scared kike


Orban said: "Five years in prison to those who disclose what the Government considers hoaxes." Let's see what Orban consider as hoax...

waucka ago


I found this link to another story in the article. "Stop glorifying fascists," says the dipshit who makes a compelling argument for fascism every time he opens his mouth.

VapidKoala ago

CouldBeTrump ago

>thread about compulsory anti-semitism

>theme by a jewish composer



Hans Zimmer has put out some pretty solid tracks.

VapidKoala ago

Lol. He does good work.

Maybe I should of went with Mick's Doom soundtrack.

CouldBeTrump ago

I've never seen Interstellar but the soundtrack is fantastic.

Haven't listened to the DOOM soundtrack yet, I'll have to give it a try. I don't watch a lot of movies or play a lot of games but I like to listen to music while doing things. https://www.invidio.us/watch?v=Jm932Sqwf5E

VapidKoala ago

Doom soundtrack is really heavy metal / techno. I find it quite motivating.

Haven't played much really but in quarantine I thought why not.

I probably should read more though.

Proudarmygal1 ago

Oh you whiny Jews, no more bullshit victim playing!

PuttitoutIsGone ago

I couldn't be more proud of my heritage.

vastrightwing ago

This man kind of grows on ya.

ReAwakened ago

"Anti-semitic" means it doesn't follow every point of the jew agenda.

PagingDrBenway ago

Anti-semitic in today's world means not 100% pro-Jew.

u_r_wat_u_eat ago

according to the new wave of shills, antisemites are zionists

ardvarcus ago

I hope this man prospers. He's doing good work.

videocodec ago

I'm impressed.

ShakklezthaKlown ago

this is the guy isn't it?

u_r_wat_u_eat ago

in other news: hungary found to be harboring wmds

earlymac ago


Ocelot ago

Lmao. Is it possible he's not actually a plant?

Infearmal ago

Holy Shit Orban is based. Western media ragefire in 3... 2... 1...

u_r_wat_u_eat ago

going to need an extra shipment of jidf diapers

4saken ago


ThirteenthZodiac ago

The fire rises.

Dalai_Llama ago

How dare he teach poor, defenseless children to be proud of their national heritage! I, for one, take great umbrage with such a brazen effrontery to Israeli International Law.

lovehate123 ago

HELL YHE!!!!! This is HUGE!!!

Buy Hungarian Made Products! Fucking LEGEND

KosherHiveKicker ago

TY for this OP!

Upvoat The Truth!

goat-ditarod ago

Oh how we love this, but the author's tone make it sound so bad.

Infearmal ago

That's because he's (((Felix Schlagwein)))


Smust77 ago

Next on the agenda : gas all the Gypsies!!!

SaxonWolfcock ago

Boy did this cheer me up.

Maroonsaint ago

Hey let me see your cock

antiracistMetal ago

Where are you goddamn

antiracistMetal ago

On your phone, open Google Play. Then search for Kik and install it.

Would you like me to make a video of me pissing in someone's mouth while they keep repeating Maroonsaint, and send it to you?

u_r_wat_u_eat ago

you jews sure are obsessed with cock

earlymac ago

^ Jews always make a timely appearance

Xax ago

When can I move there?

ShakklezthaKlown ago

stay in your own fucking country.

Phantom42 ago

Hungary is the birthplace of the Pan-Atlantic Reich.


PagingDrBenway ago

I want to go live there now...

chirogonemd ago

Are we witnessing...something here? Could this be?

knifethrower1 ago

Hungary leaving the EU?

SpecialtyPizza ago

Everyone leaving the eu. Fuck the eu.

Glory_Beckons ago

The madman is actually doing it. He's using the WuFlu as his Reichstag Fire.

u_r_wat_u_eat ago

orban is our guy?

AmericanBannedStand ago

Orban is their guy. Hungary’s guy. He’s not gonna be the coniugator or anything.

Neongreen ago

He might be the only guy.

AmericanBannedStand ago

Oof. Awesome. To hell with caffeine, I need a morning cup of THAT. Really gets you going

MrPank ago

Orban eh. Might need to start learning Hungarian.

Helena73 ago

I hear its kind of hard.

MrPank ago

I am learning Ukrainian right now. It can't be MORE difficult.

Helena73 ago

Lets agree that learning languages becomes more and more difficult as we get older. I am no spring chicken. The neurons are just not very flexible anymore. Total fluency may be out of reach after a certain age.

I understand some of the slavic languages like ukrainian have an insane amount of case inflection, but at least they’re indoeuropean. You’ve got a lot of familiar roots, once you get past the alphabet.

Hungarian has like 20 cases, there are no familiar roots, and its heavily agglutinative, which makes it very different from English and Ukrainian in terms of syntax. Without having studied either I would guess, yes, harder.

Good luck w Ukrainian!

Draco777 ago

Try microdosing a psychedelic while you learn.

Helena73 ago

No Ive fucked around enuf with this brain.

Draco777 ago


Intrixina ago

Well, a whole heap of people speak it, so it can't be impossible.

metricisokay ago

Well the word for fruits is gyümölcsök, and the word for peanut is földimogyoró. But if you put your mind to it you can accomplish anything.

The thing that makes Hungarian pretty easy compared to a lot of languages is that it's phonetic. So how you read it is exactly how you say it. Get to a point where you can read and pronounce words and you'll be on the fast track to mastery.

Ocelot ago

It's very difficult. Fun though. Azért nem jól beszelek magyarul.

korama1234 ago

you're just doing fine. Csak gyakorolj sokat!

u_r_wat_u_eat ago

you took the word right out of my mouth

weredawg ago

Fuck. That's just one word?

Maroonsaint ago

Nothing is hard. We’re all monkeys. Anything anyone can do is so easy a monkey can do it. All it takes is practice

knifethrower1 ago

Apparently, a monkey has learned how to use a computer.

Infearmal ago

We’re all monkeys.

Good goy. Have a banana.

Maroonsaint ago

I wish somebody made a banana icecream. That’s the best ice cream

Usernamenameuser ago

Homemade Brand has banana ice cream with walnuts and chocolate chips.

Maroonsaint ago

You know Iv eatin more drugs than Actual food in this past week. I can see clearly now. The rain is gone. Why can’t I just drive my car and destroy it. It’s not like I’m a stranger to driving drunk. I had alcohol poisoning once .34 still made it to a cop car and the hospital. I’m gonna wait a minute. I really hope some angel comes down from heaven. COME ON GOD. Show me something. God needs to show me something

Usernamenameuser ago

Maybe God is showing you something but you're not looking at it.

Maroonsaint ago

It was a joke I don’t believe in god.

Usernamenameuser ago

Like I said, not looking. I was an atheist pretty much my whole life and then something happened in December and I found God. Through that I finally started to understand a lot of things that I couldn't comprehend before, and I pulled out of a very deep depression that I had been suffering through for a long time. I had been choosing not to see what was right in front of me.

I'm not trying to convince you or anything, just saying it might be worth thinking about. Definitely not judging you for your choices or beliefs, I cant stand people like that, and I think they give religion the bad name it has.

Maroonsaint ago

Did you originally send me a paper thing. He had one comin his. Gay now I guess if he


Usernamenameuser ago

Wasnt me, I go door to door. In all seriousness tho I'm not trying to convince anyone of anything, just telling my side of things.

Maroonsaint ago

If you stick crunchy things in icecream like nuts and chocolate chips and any of that other crap you don’t deserve to live anymore.

Usernamenameuser ago

Agree to disagree.

Helena73 ago

Wow this guy is hardcore.

u_r_wat_u_eat ago

this is the shit trump would be doing if q was real

Helena73 ago

This is the shit he would be doing if he were a good president

no-hurry-no-pause ago

This is the shit he would be doing if he won 2/3 of the popular vote like Orban did. Trump is merely surviving in a shark tank.

Helena73 ago

I sincerely hope so.

Shadowlight ago

Jews pass anti-White laws.

So fuck the Jews, we can play that game too.

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voatsecurityguard ago

god bless this man.