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Wattersun ago

The article doesn't give a reason WHY she doesn't want the drug prescribed. Sounds like a political game instead of saving lives

TestForScience ago

Trump said good, so it bad.

Charilko ago

It’s what these asshats are doing right now. You don’t have to like Trump or agree with anything he’s doing, to see that doing things to spite him is idiotic.

watts2db ago

we must like Trump because they hate him and they are our enemies embrace anything that they hate

burnthegoyimhaters ago

They control both sides, have for a thousand years. You're caught in the middle of a game called keep away and you're too dumb and short to reach up and grab the ball that's just above your head.

watts2db ago

Im not to dumb I get that but the retarded within our own heard is a greater enemy as they prevent us from reaching up and grabbing that ball by being part of our heard. Im not talking about the ones that control both sides Im talking about the idiots that enable them