Stingsbutplug ago

It’s pretty simple, she had abortions and now knows she’s dammed so her behavior is a psychological response to that dissonance that rules her cognitive mind.

LaRiver001 ago

She is a zombie. No need to listen to her.

BJW0414 ago

it seems as though actors and actresses would be better shills. what she said isn't believable. biden is a career bureaucrat who mostly is known for invading girls' person space. probably, no one ever has been moved to tears by anything he's done or said.

obviously, milano and most actresses and actors sold their soul to the satanist jews who own hollywood.

obvious-throwaway- ago

Half-wit would be a compliment, and incorrect.

llegendary ago

"Now let's go kill us some babies".

itssomatic ago

Milano embraced the vampire and these are her paltry rewards: being a Twitter-bimbo hag for a political party machine.

To be a technicality-nigger for a moment, there was nothing inconsistent with her kvetching about Biden's "leadership" if one holds those views. The article works from the assumption that only an office-holding politician can have leadership because they are "in charge of something" - never consider yourself in charge of yourself, goy. It's stupid in so many ways.

Carmine Sabia is a political pundit, editor and writer and has been featured on various television and radio programs. He is a former professional wrestling promoter and real estate investor.

I think the internet scribbler is more than just a Med.

ardvarcus ago

Biden probably doesn't even know who she is.

un1ty ago

She used to be pretty smoking hot. Oh well - stay away from crazy, kids!

Coolbreezyfuck ago

"Somebody PLEASE acknowledge my existence!!"

RustinKohle ago

This bitch is unstable af. I remember watching her chat with Ted Cruz and first thing out of her mouth was about seeing jer therapist. Mental health problems seem astronomically higher among leftist especially women.

ardvarcus ago

All these Hollywood liberals go to therapists. It's because they have no real friends they can talk to honestly. They have to rent a friend for half an hour three times a week.

37Frogs ago

Go to reddit sometime and see how common 'muh therapist..." Is. Practically the entire site sees a therapist. When I was a kid, the only people who went to therapists were mentally ill or had just lost a loved one.

boekanier ago

That nitwit is seriously ahead

Slipstream ago

They pull out the same old mouthpieces to continue the divide and conquer strategy like clockwork.

MikeyMo123 ago

She is the reason I root for Bennett every time I watch Commando.

satisfyinghump ago

Haha, I thought I was alone!

blit416 ago

thats, fuckig awesome.

RussianGoyBot ago

I wish he didn't lie.

bravo9419841 ago

how do you know she is lieing??

Mumbleberry ago

Fuck off, you sheep molesting faggot

Blood-is-Nature ago

How smart can you be to still be asleep?

When you say smart you refer to intelligence, which for the majority of the world (the slaves) consists of regurgitating what has been passed down to them as best as they can. Real intelligence is based on our comprehension of nature, because all knowledge possible comes from nature and nature also does not hide knowledge from us (it shares everything at all times); it is the human consciousness that is lacking comprehension.

This brings us to the final question...what prevents human consciousnesses from comprehending the reality of the nature surrounding them? It's the rules they themselves are restricting their consciousnesses with; these are called beliefs; all-isms, and it's what our parasite class is using against us for millennia. One of these beliefs is believing that being the best at following corrupt orders is called smart.

chirogonemd ago

Your comments are so much better when they don't involve all of the gematria stuff.

Blood-is-Nature ago

More Gematria it is then...Jokes aside; gematria is just yet another topic I try to get to the roots of. I try to find ways to take apart the psychology behind the majority negative emotional feedback I'm getting for pointing out kindergarten level math ciphers, that took me 30 seconds to solve. The problem is; very few respond in honest as to why they get so emotionally outraged about getting shown numbers. If I use the term "gematria" I get jew-magic insults thrown at me, so those people don't even try to comprehend the math behind it, they instead react to a trigger term. Others seem to be insulted by the math of it and they don't even want to listen to the concept of attaching numbers to letters as a form of language. Even when I point out the utter corruption of journalism, and the connection to tavistock and the usual suspects, I receive radio silence to the motivation of the commenters for insulting me.

One of my intents behind pointing their endlessly repeating ciphers out is that people stop reacting immediately to what is presented to them ad nauseam, and instead take a step back and enrage what is presented with the interest of pattern recognition. I mean every interaction that isn't a direct reaction to the MSM fear porn is more beneficial for the states of our minds, but alas I keep racking in the talmudic reasoning based insults, straw men arguments, ignorance, and defense mechanisms against me questioning peoples beliefs.

So help me out here...what offends you on me pointing out gematria? Is it as simple as having had negative experiences with math in school (which I had), lack of purpose in pointing out numerical connections, or do you hold any indoctrinated beliefs towards "gematria" or "9/11"? Never hold back on me, just tell me what you really think. That's gonna help me, and in return benefit you when bring some more quality to the table instead of pointing out numbers in fabricated MSM headlines.

chirogonemd ago

No, no, no. I am not insulting the quality of your analysis of the ciphers. For me, the issue reduces to not being convinced that they have a real basis in reality, as opposed to people who are prone to pattern seeking simply spiraling out of control. I don't fling that as an insult either. My particular intelligence is much more verbal-semantic. I was fairly good at math throughout my schooling, but not because I had a natural predilection for thinking quantitatively. I always succeeded by understanding mathematical problems in verbal-semantic terms. So more than likely, it's myopia on my part.

Here is my take on the gematria problem. I think its because numbers themselves are abstract "empty cells", if you will, that they leave a great deal of headroom for people to infer meaning that may not be present at all. When numbers are part of a system for describing a problem in reality, they obtain a particular sense by their usage. A number without this distinct use is open to have meaning applied to it from without.

Nobody can deny that gematria has a basis in tradition. That's just brute fact. In my experience, the idea of trying to explore the use of numbers as "ciphers (as you put it) becomes muddied because so many of the people out there who do it (on Youtube for instance) go off the rails. The numbers take on a personality almost, rather we give them one. When we are dealing with basic numbers like 2, 3, 6, 7, 9 and their multiples, it's simple enough for someone to find the products of these operations (additions, subtractions, multiplication) where they want to find it. For example, "George is a neocon. Neo. One. He is the second chair on the committee. 1 + 2 = 3. Today is the second day of the third month. 3 and 3 side-by-side is 33. 33. Cipher hidden in plain sight."

I'm not accusing you of doing it that way. But so many people do, that I think several bad eggs spoil the carton. It's just something that I've not spent a huge deal of time researching on the basis of good sources, so I'd have to do that in order to judge when I'm seeing the "real deal" - to be able to differentiate between that and some paranoid nut. Until now, I've just not done that research. But we cannot dismiss gematria either. It's blatantly a Jewish inheritance from Babylonia and it has been used as a means of encoding messages in the Hebrew religious texts.

Blood-is-Nature ago

For me it's not about the meaning of the numbers, but the fact that they are being used systematically, which proves that the message is written according to the numbers and not to the presented information. Just like with all stories there are three fundamental building blocks to it...teller, intent and target. All the rest is fluff to distract from those building blocks. We can logically deduce that we are the main target and that the teller are above us, because it requires a vetting process and infrastructure to present us the information, which makes the intent negative, because human leadership is based on hedonism and the consequences thereof (corruption of power, usury, narrative control). It's just about changing the way of how to think about the information we receive; a change of comprehension.

As for the meanings attached to the numbers...these are mostly traps; endless rabbit-holes of beliefs associated with any topic imaginable as a cover for their crimes. It's interesting to dig in it, but nothing we should promote, because it's a colossal waste of time. Instead attention should be kept at the origins; which is always nature, and in this case the zodiacal signs of the stars showing us time, as well as the geometry in the nature around us and the effects of time on the existence around us. And the question arising from that needs to be "why did nobody told us about that?" It's all about reconnecting the human consciousness back with true nature so that all the deceptions from other humans can be spotted instantly.

For example, "George is a neocon. Neo. One. He is the second chair on the committee. 1 + 2 = 3. Today is the second day of the third month. 3 and 3 side-by-side is 33. 33. Cipher hidden in plain sight."

Always remember that the ones who use the cipher to communicate with each other, would not waste their time thinking around multiple corners, so this needs to be about surface reading. It's why I keep it to under a minute of spotting and committing. That being said; there are obviously a bunch of so called jewish psychopaths at work coming up with multiple layers of hidden information just to test how far we are willing or capable to go. It's distraction, research and sadism rolled into one. Any yet it's still more healthy for the state of our minds than reacting to yet another MSM atrocity article.

Slipstream ago

Ding, ding, ding, what do we have for the winner Johnny?

Qfan2020 ago

Crazy applauding crazy. These people make me nauseous. Sadly I think this bs works with some of the population still. My intelligent neighbor complained last night about the government not telling us what’s really going on — and she meant that the virus was far more severe versus what for a second I was like oh that it’s a cover to round up all the crazy DS players, etc. On some level she knows they’re not getting the truth but just can’t put her finger on the source.

Slipstream ago

You think it's to round up all the deep state players?

Qfan2020 ago

That is what I hope. It is also possible that it’s about restricting our freedoms and putting the final nail in our coffins. If that’s true, what comes next is awful.

Blood-is-Nature ago

How smart can you be to still be asleep?

When you say smart you refer to intelligence, which for the majority of the world (the slaves) consists of regurgitating what has been passed down to them as best as they can. Real intelligence is based on our comprehension of nature, because all knowledge possible comes from nature and nature also does not hide knowledge from us (it shares everything at all times); it is the human consciousness that is lacking comprehension.

This brings us to the final question...what prevents human consciousnesses from comprehending the reality of the nature surrounding them? It's the rules they themselves are restricting their consciousnesses with; these are called beliefs; all-isms, and it's what our parasite class is using against us for millennia. One of these beliefs is believing that being the best at following corrupt orders is called smart.

Qfan2020 ago

How do you smash the programming? That has to be part of the process but again what 10% will never see.

Blood-is-Nature ago

How do you smash the programming?

Believing is a restriction of comprehension, and we do this to ourselves; it's called falling for natural temptations (in this case hedonism). By restricting our consciousnesses with any beliefs, we corrupt ourselves (the so called jews hijacked this) into believing what we are telling ourselves. This is based on humans making up excuses and justification for the negative consequences of their action. Instead of taking responsibility; they shirk it by creating a belief so that they can believing it's not their fault for example. The reason for nearly all excuses and justifications is fear of consequences, which always originates from the fear of death, hence mankind making up endless substitutes for avoiding death...heaven, paradise, spirituality, acquiring power, chasing wealth, accumulating materialism etc.

This is also why mankind has no real answer to the purpose of life, because if you fear death you never understood life. The second we took our first breath we knew that life ends, because breathing is the struggle to survive death. Existence is based on TIME initiating movement, which defines existence as being finite, because the movement creates two fundamental barriers; a beginning and an end for all existence in between, which creates the first law of nature "opposites must coexist", because they're defined by each other. You cannot die without being alive first, and you cannot live without death defining your life as running out.

Why did I write all this? Because holding a belief is against the laws of nature; it represents stagnation in a system based on adaptation to constant movement. In nature belief is a temporary reflex of the survial instinct towards an unknown, which is automatically followed by curiosity towards the unknown, which leads to the path of knowledge, at which end the unknown becomes known and holding on to the belief turns into blind faith; into us rejecting what nature shows us; into the hedonistic behavior of us believing in ourselves over nature.

Now the reason why we don't comprehend the purpose of life is because the hedonism has corrupted us into falsely believing that the consciousness is the human identity, which is based on us having the ability of an inner dialog. The consciousness is a sophisticated tool for comprehending this natural reality, it uses our senses to comprehend the differences nature laid out and it receives a core programming of the laws of nature within our instincts (try to convince yourself to commit suicide by holding your breath to see that natural instincts trump our consciousness). The real human identity carrier is within our blood, which is the fuel the consciousness requires and the only thing we can pass beyond death through procreation. The maintenance of the blood also gives us our purpose (every other life form follows their instincts), which is "creation in accordance to the laws of nature and for the benefit of all", which in return gives us all the benefits required to create the best possible breeding ground for our offspring.

As a species the only thing of us that stands out is the sophistication of the consciousness, which means we can comprehend the most, which makes us mimics and stewards of this system. Blood creates responsibility which creates purpose; the consciousness gives the freedom to make up excuses and justifications to shirk any and all responsibility, which leads to hedonism.

Long story short...every human being needs to literally battle within themselves to break the beliefs down that restrict their comprehension of reality; otherwise they cannot adapt against any danger, because every belief creates a blind-spot to exploit for predators, and since we are the apex predator; it's parasites from within our species that try to do us in.

Here's an example. If you tell your kids to clean their rooms; do you believe they will do it? If you say "no" then that's good, because parenting requires constant adaptation, which in this case means you confirming if they did it, therefore no belief necessary. If you say "yes" I believe in them you lie (unknowingly), because you didn't actually believe in them doing it, you believe in yourself; in your ability of teaching them what and how they should do it. So you only pretend to believe your children, when in reality you only believe in yourself...that is hedonism and it is very easy to fall for it, and once you fell for it, you would have to take responsibility for the consequences of your actions OR misuse your consciousness to make up a justification. So it all ends with a decision in between two fundamental opposites...will you struggle for life or take the path of least resistance luring you with temptations towards death?

Qfan2020 ago

Thank you for that very thoughtful and detailed response! It’s interesting that our consciousness provides us with an additional tool or obstacle to comprehending life. I’ve often thought that once the DS is exposed and all that’s been hidden is retaught to all, that the world will be a cooperative, peaceful place as you mentioned where we work for the good of all. When people feel safe, have food, water, shelter, are loved and are contributing as well then the darker aspects of personalities can recede. I know a little but you know a lot. Thanks for sharing.

Blood-is-Nature ago

It’s interesting that our consciousness provides us with an additional tool or obstacle to comprehending life.

Our high level of comprehension is a form of test, which we are obviously failing, which is why there is no other life-form with that ability. It's only logical that in a system where "all actions have consequences" (another natural law), that there is a need for a species that can comprehend the whole; as to be a stewards to this system, because if everyone could comprehend to the same extent, you get competitive conflict, but if you single one group out that can only mimic others, with no real perks otherwise, you should get a harmonic system. Well, that didn't work so far.

all that’s been hidden is retaught to all

This is actually a safety measure of nature. All knowledge already exists; always has, so when humans first learned to build a wheel, all materials to build a car were already available; it's that the humans hadn't comprehended it yet. What this means is that nature demands from us to grow our consciousness to comprehend more, which ties back into us taking responsibility for this system, because the individual traits (creativity, intelligence, strength etc.) needed for us to advance (mentally and physically) are carried by our blood, which again demands responsibility from us. So the knowledge isn't hidden from us, because nature doesn't lie; doesn't hide information from us; it's our comprehension that is lacking, based on our lack of taking responsibility for ourselves and this system. This is an enclosed ecosystem, where the sum of all things inside sustains the whole. That's why "all actions have consequences, because if we do a negative action, then nature will judge the consequences by passing it on to the whole, which creates the ever changing circumstances, which demand adaptation from us to survive them. And finally the "retaught" factor is based on our lives being cyclical, so there will always be new life to explore and learn anew from nature, unless the old were responsible enough to pass on the knowledge. Of course hedonism made us hoard information for selfish power, which consequences are wreaking havoc on all the rest. And since hedonism means lying to yourself, we now have a species of pathological liars, who react insulted (to put it in a nice way) to truth.

that the world will be a cooperative, peaceful place as you mentioned where we work for the good of all.

The importance in this statement is the term "work", because in a finite system based on TIME initiating the movement, you have a constant balance act (the struggle for the natural order) between two opposite barriers; inception (life) and death. This is the third natural law; which is "morality", because the consequences of all our actions are measured in between life and death, with life being an increasing struggle, while death represents the easy way; luring with endless temptations. Our instincts are teaching us to value life above death, which is where the positive and negative aspect to life and death originates. Our total freedom of choice in terms of actions is based on us being bound to these laws of nature, which judge the consequences. "Opposites must coexist", because they are defined by each other...that also means that order and chaos must coexist, because you cannot create order without there being chaos first and vice versa.

Throughout history the parasite class used religion to deceive humans away from nature; away from comprehending these fundamental rules. Why? To exploit all of mankind with their own set of rules; the laws of men. That is their entire trick...promoting the opposite of what is good for us for their own short term benefits, while ignoring long term consequences. What they did is choosing the path of least resistance towards death, by selling the whole world out to temptations in exchange for short term ownership over everything. They are a death cult, and if mankind doesn't come to their senses and fall back in line, then nature will enforce order with us in the way or not. The reason that we have a parasite within our own species already is a consequences of a former action; namely our hedonism when we claimed ownership over that which nature provides free for all. We were born with nothing and we will die with nothing; claiming ownership in-between is self destructive hedonism. We are guests claiming ownership over what our landlord provided...guess how that will turn out?

When people feel safe

Safety is a constant work in progress that always ends with death. That sounds depressing, but in exchange life is the ultimate gift of existence that defines all value, that puts us into a world full of wonders in which we cannot only create whatever is possible, but also procreate new life as a gift to pass a part of ourselves forward. That humans do not comprehend what I just wrote is why they fear death, because they never understood what life is already the big price all the hedonists are desperately looking for, it was gifted to us from the start and we can make it even better...if we stop acting like we do that is.

have food, water, shelter

There is infinite food, water and shelter in this system for the participants of this system, because we are all based on the same form of energy (for the lack of words). We also cannot destroy this system; only ourselves by trying to stand in the way of nature establishing order. As a whole this ecosystem is on a timer, but we cannot inflict any damage to that timer from the inside, because our existence is defined by fundamental barriers (life and death), while all existence is defined by a beginning and an end, so we are operating in between barriers within barriers.

are loved and are contributing

Love and Hate are NOT natural opposites or even natural states; they are rhetorical umbrella terms, designed by the ones in control to hide the natural explanations from us. What you call love is based on all our senses reacting to each other, on our instincts driving us into each other and on the chemical reactions within us. Calling all of this simply "love" implies that love is a binding power in itself, which is a lie. That lie was specifically designed to exploit our emotional states and was then weaponized to use these terms to sell us self destructive temptations like the marriage contract, which gives the criminal controllers legal access to the union between male and female (it's a contract on a natural union), sexual liberation (free love), commerce (loving those deals) and the lie of individuality that capitalism is selling to everyone (love thyself). Hate makes this even more obvious, because almost all conflict was sold to us under the banner of hate, and all liberty restrictions forced onto us are also using hate as the recent "hate speech" laws clearly show.

The important lesson here is that the way we were taught to comprehend the meaning of these terms is deeply corrupted, BUT love being a lie doesn't change any emotions we have for our families and partners. The problem is that these leis are used against us, because we comprehend words incorrectly (English is btw a designed slave language; a bastardization of Latin, with all the proper meanings twisted and stripped out of).

as well then the darker aspects of personalities can recede.

That is about comprehending the origins of those "dark aspects". These are consequences of former actions. Then again; parasite controlled psychiatry really corrupted mankind into breeding dark aspects.

Thank you for the inspiration.

Qfan2020 ago

Thank you for sharing this information with me. I have read it several times. I have much to learn. I hope not too much because it appears that the moment is now when we wake up from a very deep spell or lose everything. I have so much to learn still which I requires examining my own behavior with a magnifying glass and when I have completed this lengthy process, starting it all over again. Can one person effect the whole group in a ripple effect so my work advances the group mind? I’ve read that it can as we are all energy and vibration which seeks to match the vibration around us. Do you think we are at the precipice? It sounds like it. It also sounds like you believe it is possible despite there being an obvious chasm between what you know and what most people I know even think about. That delta concerns me. Again I appreciate your explaining these overarching truths because you can’t change what you can’t see. In my perfect world these basic truths would be taught from the very beginning. Can you imagine how brilliant our children would be and how much better our world would be? One last comment we have been bound in every way possible. Our food, water and air has been poisoned. Our language has been corrupted and all information shared is the opposite of the truth. We live in an upside down world. We are bound in every way. Some people are waking up but is it enough when it’s the real truth has been concealed so throughly? I have thought humanity will need the proverbial 2x4 over the head to really grasp what is going on. Based on what you said it’s an individual journey and I am responsible for my own development. I can offer information to those who ask but it is their choice to learn. Interesting. Thank you!

Blood-is-Nature ago

Can you imagine how brilliant our children would be and how much better our world would be?

Obviously there's no limit to what we could achieve, but us (the 99%) consciously growing would leave the 1% in the dust, so you see their motivation of keeping the death cult going.

I have thought humanity will need the proverbial 2x4 over the head to really grasp what is going on.

All the chaos as the consequences of our actions is that kick in the butt, but it's still not enough, because the path of least resistance was cushioned with hedonistic comfort. Who cares for reality when porn and videogames entertain the mind way less stressful? What this will lead to is the culling of the weak, which as a consequence will make the survivor way stronger, because facing death triggers the core survival instinct and then everything that distracts from surviving becomes irrelevant.

To help you overcome this fear you have to see through the lie of individuality...everything we think makes us stand out from the collective comes from a selection sold to us by those who control us. We define our individuality by arranging pre-vetted building blocks that everyone else also has access to (jobs, hobbies, education, licenses, accounts, id's, fashion, entertainment etc.) That's not individuality; that's the collective following orders and the individual following the belief of being a special boy (hedonism). What we are in nature is being a part of "the sum of all things" on the grand scale and part of a collective on the smaller scale. What makes us stand out from our collective are our individual traits (intelligence, strength, creativity etc) which are used to give our collective its culture. The collective protects the blood; the blood strengthens the collective. Individuality as presented to us is the controllers grooming us into becoming hedonists so that they can sell us more self destructive temptations.

Based on what you said it’s an individual journey and I am responsible for my own development.

You are responsible for your own actions, but the consequences thereof effect the sum of all things around you. And it's also your choice if that "journey" is individual or crowed. You can even use procreation to create your own followers.

I can offer information to those who ask but it is their choice to learn. Interesting. Thank you!

Try to show them the consequences of their actions and have a way out for them ready when they try to justify their beliefs. Any human that is awake is exponentially more valuable to create order than all the rest combined. Thank you too.

Blood-is-Nature ago

I hope not too much because it appears that the moment is now when we wake up from a very deep spell or lose everything.

The only thing you really have to learn is to comprehend the laws of nature and try to live by them. These are the rules that govern this system, that we are judged by and that will never change. Everything else are men made lies with the intent to claim ownership over each other and over what this system has to offer. We are in a predator/prey relationship with a parasite from within, and that parasite needs to be avoided, starved of, unmasked and finally ended by any means, and to do that we as a species have to change, because having 99% of the population enslaved to the wills of a 1% parasite class puts the fault at the 99%; especially their way of thinking.

Can one person effect the whole group in a ripple effect so my work advances the group mind?

Yes; they do this in the negative way to us by using repetition, shock therapy, lies and deceptions to create a mindset of fear and dependence to the means of control they are offering us. Take money for example...initially rolled out as a substitute for the time spend laboring for the things we need to sustain our lives, and then, thanks to usury, exchanged with fiat currency, which is imaginary currency backed by nothing of value; that also creates exponentially growing debt as a means of fueling the fear in humans that they need to work themselves to death to pay it off. Money only exists as a belief system and if the majority would stop believing in it; it would be gone over night, and the controllers could do nothing about it. See it this way...the majority of mankind is poor, which means they don't have money, the rich don't use money, because they don't need it, since they own everything that would require money, and every other life form in this ecosystem has no idea what money even is. The only ones who use money are the fanatical slaves who are deceived into wasting their labor to create this system of exploitation that creates the rich, the poor, and the negative consequences to everything in this ecosystem. And all of this only because they believe they have to or they fear the consequences of not following orders. It's a well indoctrinated psychosis.

The problem with using negative actions to control people is that it needs to be reapplied endlessly and more and more ruthlessly, while at the same time nature reapplies truth and order, which is what lies and chaos are trying to masquerade to make us existing in the middle trip, so that they can further exploit us. The way out is playing the game of life, adapting to ever changing circumstances and struggling to uphold the balance (the natural order). It's the decision between life and death, and nature is always on our side. If you want to help others you not just speak truth to lies, but you live truth and show it to them. Show them positivity coming from self sustenance; from a life with way less dependence etc. The more you walk a positive path; the more you influence the people around you, which starts the positive rippling effect. That's the common sense approach, but it requires another change of mind, which is that inaction counts as a negative action to nature, which has negative consequences. So if you see a wrong, you need to utilize whatever nature offers you to make it a right. You cannot just think your way towards order, because comprehension creates intent towards action. Nature does not judge our actions; only the consequences, which means if our intent is positive; if it's about creating order, then we can utilize everything. This is where another belief system was implemented; the laws of men; which are false rules implemented to protect those in control from push-back. It's a hidden tyranny under the disguise of a false morality (a religious one). That tyranny needs to be dragged out in the open, because once mass consciousness identifies a tyranny; resistance will end it. This game is being played for millennia.

Do you think we are at the precipice?

No, that is what today is called the black-pill effect. Those who are awake and question the reality presented will assume that they're constantly standing on a tipping point. That is the temptation of despair against assumed overwhelming odds. We are energy; draining from positive to negative, with existence being a temporary gift of conscious participation. What you're missing is the safety net of grounding; like in any other electric circuit. That grounding are the fundamental laws of nature; because they represent the foundation of our comprehension. We can play in our minds with sheer infinite amounts of ideas and concept, but if you don't have a foundation of truth to go back to, you'll create a substitute; a belief of truth to hold onto; problem is; all beliefs are lies, because in a moving system there can never be a fixed truth; only a temporary one. You cannot build something temporary without using adaptation. Comprehending this mentally will directly help you physically.

It also sounds like you believe it is possible despite there being an obvious chasm between what you know and what most people I know even think about.

You just pointed out the flaw in your own believe that I believe, because your consciousness wants to replace your belief with mine. That's a reaction of your survival instinct. I do NOT believe in the laws of nature. I KNOW them and I constantly use adaptation to reconfirm or disprove them. In other words...I apply them continuously until I die. Believing means restricting comprehension of reality; sure it's better to believe in the laws of nature instead of all the other lies, but you're still not using the consciousness correctly if you hold on to a belief. Instead just apply it without holding on to the belief.

Time for an example I guess...a young deer experiences its first thunderstorm and the initial reaction is to believe in a negative consequence. That is the survial instinct reacting to an unknown by creating the assumption of danger (better safe then sorry). This is a temporary assumption automatically followed by curiosity, which is the consciousness catching up to the instincts, and curiosity leads to the path of knowledge. So the little scaredy-cat deer goes into panic, then gets curious as to why the adults are not scared, which eventually leads to the knowledge that it's just wet and noisy, but no acute danger. This process is called adaptation, which is needed to create the natural order between positive and negative consequences of the deer's actions. So far it's all positive, but if the deer holds to the belief of danger, it fells for the temptation of fear at which point its actions will have negative consequences. Like for example being afraid of the weather all the time will be weak-spot for predators, who are utilizing adaptation to fill their bellies. All lifeforms have a rudimentary consciousness connecting us all through instincts to the laws of nature, but only our species has the ability to comprehend it all together, while all the rest is simply following their instincts. We have the ability to influence based on comprehending all the consequences, and we instead we failed for the temptations of hedonism and used it for our own selfish gains, which created parasites within us among other negative consequences.

Nature is not hard to figure out if you use the tools offered correctly, and it's all based on letting your consciousness fully comprehend the nature around you. Like the balance (the natural order) is being taught to us everywhere in nature, with the sun being the biggest example I and life-taker in one intention-less body, where upholding the balance is being taught to all conscious participants instinctively. Everything that exists has this balance to it that influences actions based on life and death. Common sense is the compass given to us to navigate this, and it's what mankind mostly ignores, because a hedonist doesn't like to follow orders, hence hedonism being self destructive.

That delta concerns me

Fear is a temptation luring towards death. It just makes life shorter. You can use it, because it will always try to get you, but you have to resist falling for it. That's another struggle for life.

Again I appreciate your explaining these overarching truths because you can’t change what you can’t see. In my perfect world these basic truths would be taught from the very beginning.

The trick behind seeing the big picture is comprehending that everything presented to us is connected on a timeline. What the education system does is corrupt our minds with useless names, dates, and locations etc. What you need to do is take a metal step back and ask yourself "what is the core event this information is trying to fluff up and how does it relate to me?" You need to comprehend how that event (an action) led to your existence (a consequence). Once you found yourself in the timeline all presented information becomes an addition to yourself; that's when you actively seek knowledge to better yourself; to connect the past to the present. You need to train yourself engaging with information this way, which will lead to you throwing off useless information by mentally digging through trash to find the useful stuff. Obviously the education system tests your regurgitating of the trash to keep you under control. Once you have this down and know your way around social engineering, historical revisionism and spotting deceptions and lies you can help us all by getting knowledge from the old and passing knowledge to the young. You gotta connect those timelines by branching your knowledge out. And btw I was below average in school; always rebellious and seldom interested in anything but hedonism. Change requires adaptation.

Qfan2020 ago

Thank you. I will be observing nature as I’m out daily as a place to start and I will reflect on all information I gather from all sources in particular history. All journeys begin with a single step. ❤️

RussianGoyBot ago

"Idiot yelling at clouds brings whore to tears. More at 11."

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