Canada_is_gay ago

"All Muslims should go to Israel. They have stolen your city by impersonating an ancient civilization that hasn't existed for two millenniums."

tokui ago

Just not israel.

Mr_big ago


LetTheMongoloidsDie ago

Then muzzies must be made to know that there is free money and housing in Israel.

SearchVoatBot ago

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NoBS ago

The same Vatican sponsored Jesuits playing the Mossad crises actors are in Central America doing the invading illegal bullshit.

Yeah, blame the Jews while protecting the Vatican. They really need all the love they can get.

It's not like the Catholic Church is hiding their "Jewishness" from the southern tip of South America all the way to the North pole.

Good news is Antarctic is honest enough to call it the Vatican continent, so maybe go there to escape your Jewish menace.

AmericanJew2 ago

Be a little skeptical.

The second woman interviewed as an aid worker from Israel based NGO is wearing a cross around her neck.

Most hardcore Israelis or Jews could care less about niggers or sand niggers.

SearchVoatBot ago

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NPCGator ago

Catholic charities aid and abet illegals all around the world, even providing legal aid once they have invade a country illegally so they can stay there illegally, they are enemy combatants right along with the jews.

NoBS ago

So you noticed a Jesuit operative representing the Vatican, traitor!

You are now an anti-semite. I'm jealous.

boekanier ago

Yes, and mutti Merkel will be so happy, she can't wait to welcome you.

shitstartercarter ago

She's a traitor to the German people and should be hanged for what she has done to Europe.

MuzzieJuice ago

That first kikess looked like a young adam sandler with a ponytail

foltaisaprovenshill ago

Kikes are revolting inbred subhuman goblin creatures, without fail. Ugliest people on the planet, right up there with niggers.

Mr_big ago

Fuck you thought that also. Weird looking kile

Judasrope ago

Lol "few moments later" ...comedy

veteran88 ago

Nuke Israel

They are at war with the European people

BalfourYourFace ago

European people

No, all people, actually

veteran88 ago

The op is an attack on the European people.

Whoever fights them with us will be our friends on the other side.

ALIENS2222 ago

Muh Samson option...

veteran88 ago

Samson option is them threatening us.

ALIENS2222 ago

Yeah, if we "nuke Israel". Like you recommend, they will nuke all major cities in the world. Muh 6 million jews.

Fuckle_Chucks ago

No real loss if they nuke the major cities. Jewish-controlled centers of infection in Western nations destroyed by jews—that would simply be Universe doing some house cleaning.

veteran88 ago

1 it was obvious hyperbole.

2 we could if we used our hypersonic missiles already in orbit. Dead people can't launch counterattacks.

3 your right no need to do anything, Bibi gave a speech saying they are fucked and his low-ball answer that doesn't count reinfection is 4-5% of Jews in Israel will die. So the real number is the same as the rest of the world. Everyone who doesn't resist it genetically dies.

Carona-chan is about to BTFO Uncle Adolf

Fuckle_Chucks ago

You don't think they already have nukes in place, ready to detonate, in many cities in the West?

TeddyJackson ago

Nukes are fake. They rebuilt the two jap cities right where they were because they were fire bombed and nukes are fake.

ALIENS2222 ago

I am of the opinion that fuckery is afoot... I think they worked at one time but 'greater forces' took that shit away because we were using it to kill people. The 10k years radioactive. Is bullshit though. Theres aliens.

TeddyJackson ago

Nah, look at the photos of Hiroshima, there is no blast crater, brick buildings still standing while all the wooden one burned. Look at all the photos of the supposed blast, there is no indication of any blast. Literally none. All brick buildings are standing intact. It was just fire.

HiJoker ago

How about you and that retarded bullshit go fuck yourself.

TeddyJackson ago

Try harder shill.

RndM_FggT ago

Take a look at this retard lmao

HiJoker ago

We're getting a lot of the cocksuckers lately. JDIF I think in here pushing full blown retard conspiracy theories because they can only hope to make us look moronic with them. Call them out when you see them.

constitutionranger ago

Yep, I'm looking at your comment. Only retards think nuclear bombs exist. Keep believing jewish lies goyim. Fear the bomb, not Almighty God, goyim.

HiJoker ago

Nuke denier, flat earth faggots, WTF next out of the retard box?

veteran88 ago

Maybe so

Do you think that fukashima thing and nuclear power are fake as well?

TeddyJackson ago

This link has it all. The absurd story of obviously fake development and deployment.

Stable power generation and fake mega explosions aren't the same. Nuclear power plants are real.

veteran88 ago

How silly of me. The team who "invented" it was a gaggle of Kikes.

Sad though I liked Feynman.

I wonder how much of our physics is fucked.

Reset back to Tesla and start again I guess.

awildbanannaphone ago

youre alittle off.. Einstein's science is close enough to reality to work, but really just an incorrect version of what Tesla did. I dont fully understand it cause im no 160 IQ. but i know enough to know tesla had things right and then Einstein was introduced into the equation to get the bulk of humanity off of the correct path

TeddyJackson ago

Fuck off shill, nothing Einstein did worked, that's he had to redo all of his first equations because people figured out everything would fall apart if that's how things worked. Dark matter and dark energy are literally made up bullshit to fit his equations that didn't add up. He then spent 30 years trying to make a unified theory and got no where.

You are a pathetic jew shill.

veteran88 ago

Yeah the nothing can go FTL has always struck me as dumb as fuck.

Your on a spaceship going light speed. Fire a bullet forward, bullet is going FTL.

TeddyJackson ago

Watch the videos, they are hiding the truth that is in front of us.