It is like a rerum of World War 1&2. A bunch of foreigner telling their white pawns who to fight and what to believe. Check out Winston Chuchill and his "gifts' from "unknown" sources during WW2. The subvervson of the UK started long ago, more than 100 years ago.
I see zero white people in that photo. Learn about Phenotypes, specifically, facial pattern recognition Phenotypes -- if you're at all as proud of your IQ as you no doubt probably will want to claim you are, then you should notice a few simple patterns that tell you that a "white person" literally is not "white".
A big "hook nose" is not the sole identifier of a Jew, however, it is a Jewish facial feature, this is called a "phenotype".
The natural Grinch-like grin without smiling, everyone has dimples, yes, but this is a natural Jewish facial feature, this is called a "phenotype".
Natural baggy eye-lids that look like this mother fucker hasn't slept in years, this is not a sole identifier, but this is a natural Jewish facial feature, this is called a "phenotype".
A Jew can have one, all, or none of these features, however what's important is to be able to distinguish & identify a Jew as an obvious Jew. If in the case of when you find someone with none of these features, you can still tell for a fact that a Jew is a Jew when he opens his mouth and says something stupid like "fellow white people".
Oh right, that makes sense. I thought he was complaining that there were still three (((white))) people still left. Turns out he was actually calling us out on letting this bullshit happen. Based.
For who? You? Who said you're getting a young wife, creepwad? Who the fuck would want your sick genes in their population going forward. Niggers of all walks are getting purged.
Why would anyone even consider age of consent laws if everyone already married in their late 20s and early 30s?
Maybe to exclude cultures that don't match our own? We seem to have given up on that of late, but at some point I'm sure it was the case.
Conversely, why would a country predominantly comprised of a culture marrying in their teens ever even draft let alone enact a law that runs directly counter to the popular culture?
"Why are Whites so childish and naive?", that's the whole point of the Jewish slave religion Christianity, it makes people passive and easily controlled, and gives nothing but suffering and cuckolding in return for obedience to it.
The west-of- Hajnal Line characteristics of late marriage, urbanization/separation of extended families & etc are responsible for our current predicament.
You'll go straight from claiming in this thread that Western Europe was the perfect model to another Kikebart-tier thread touting Slavs and Hungarians.
It's Jews fear-mongering about climate change and overpopulation while pushing feminism and sexual liberation, combined with opening our borders to shitskin invaders that's responsible for our current predicament.
This. Plus exploitation of our time preference wiring through economic suppression (whites don't breed when money/resources are tight and/or things don't look good in the long run). See: that graph on the 1971 wage plateau. Productivity went up by 246% while wages only increased to 116%. We're being absolutely fucked.
When things are good, we'll breed at full pace again. Hell, there was a literal mini baby-boom 9 months after Trump's election. We're ready, willing, and able. We just need all these fucking parasites to be cast into the fucking flame already.
Fun fact: The Spartans also had age of consent laws, forbidding marriage until they were in their late teens/early twenties. If the Spartans could figure it out that it was better to wait until the women were older in the BC's, and it was common for Western Europeans to wait until late teens/early twenties more than 100 years ago, why are you all so eager to fuck young girls now? I agree that we Whites need to have more children, but my grandparents managed to crank out 9 and while it's not common, I have seen white families walking around today with 5 young children. The problem is not age of consent laws, it's Jewish influence in our media, culture, and economy.
You are absolute scum. You were pushing the idea that women getting married in their mid to late twenties was normal, and when you get called on that you shift the goalpost an entire decade as if you were talking about women in their mid to late teens the entire time, just so you can claim we're pedophiles? Honestly, go fuck yourself, this kind of dishonesty reeks of kikery.
And yet we are monsters for knowing this. I'd bet it is more than just great-great-grandmother, there's probably several and it gets more common the further back you can go.
Nature's rule has it that I can just fucking kill you and take your shit because you're a weak little faggot bitch.
You wanna play by "nature's rules" you fucking little bitch faggot? Nature doesn't have "rules of consent". You only fucking exist because the rest of us are holding up our side of the social agreement to not play by "Nature's Rules" and keep our civilization running. A civilization that keeps little homo pervert fucks like you from being killed minute fucking one.
So shove "nature's rules" up your faggot ass or get the fuck back into the jungle where you belong, nigger.
Who said anything about other rules of nature? We were only discussing nature's rule regarding age of consent. All you have to do is watch other animals and how they treat their young once they become sexually mature.
Not quite so true for the Americas, where religious types and the needs of a developing civilisation pushed marriage ages down a bit, but Western, aka civilised, Europe has had an average age of marriage of around 18 or higher since at least the seventh century, involves a union of broadly similar ages, and even where marriage has been used earlier to contractually bind assets of two families together, the first child of those early unions is generally in the early 20s indicating a significant delay in consummation.
While there were documented cases where people married tweens or younger (wealthy widows did this too), cases where this were rare, even more rarely consummated, and generally considered to be strange and degenerate behaviour by the average European.
tl;dr: Nature's age of consent may be puberty, but Europeans aren't animals, they're people.
Is that why in the US age of consent was 10 during the 19th century? Is that why it has been as low as 7 (which is disgusting) and as recent as 1970s in Delaware? The current age of consent laws for Europe are as low as 13 (Spain) with most being 16 as of 2007. The current age of consent in a large portion of the US is 16.
A government passing laws on things that aren't war or trade related means very little apart from that government is shit. Whether you get in legal trouble for sticking your dick into something doesn't actually change whether that is socially acceptable or commonplace. Do you think a girl's father is going to give a shit what the government says? Or whether their daughter "consented"?
The age of consent is not marriage, and not when people start popping out babies. The Romans trended towards late teens/early twenties for marriage and children, while Aristotle himself stated that the ideal age for marriage for a woman was eighteen, and Mediterranean civilisations trended quite a bit younger on that front. Colonial era Americas? First marriages for women tended to marry around twenty.
So again, unless you're not actually European you're unlikely to have many ancestors getting married and having children before their late teens or early twenties, whatever "Hollywood" would have you believe.
Do you think a girl's father is going to give a shit what the government says? Or whether their daughter "consented"?
No to both because there's a lack of dads killing their daughter's abuser/rapist. Never mind just general outrage about the situation. The only time when a law gets passed is when the public is truly disgusted by one person's action(s).
If I were in the UK I'd hate the government, that much 'diversity' hiring they no longer represent the people. 70% of that government represents merely 15% of the country.
Where was this photo taken? Somewhere in Somalia? It can't be in the US or Europe. Those lands are strong because we ban archaic mindsets and sand niggery.
Wow, does anyone actually think those 3 dweeb white people on that council are going to say anything contrary to what the 12 brown people there say? Please.
Posted automatically (#96800) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here. (@GeneralSkidmark: Click here to suppress your anonymous crosslink notifications)
He looks like a trauma victim. Like he's afraid if he doesn't smile, they'll kick the shit out of him in a back room somewhere.
Which is the thing I first thought when I saw this: If this photo was taken as a commission for finding pedophiles, why are they smiling when that's their mission? If I'm doing a photo op for my pedophile-busting gang, I want everyone to look like a bunch of hardasses.
Ah, there you go. The first link to Mosaic Network shows that three of the four Muzzies on the front row are from the Mosaic Network and NOT the Home office. Most of the others probably will be too. I think we can put this down as an example of shit-stirring 'fake news', with the goal being to make us: 1, angry; and 2, vocal in doing so, which brings the hammer down on us for 'hate speech' etc.
They're not marrying them you fucking pedo shitscum. Like you they're only fucking them to fuck them. Not to breed. It's an attack on white society. It's the rape of our vulnerable under the protective shield of an enemy Marxist State.
You think because you're white no one will realize you're just another fucking nigger that needs to be purged?
It's the ruination of young women before they can be brought into proper healthy communities and married off to good young men, to create strong family groups. Not to serve the tiny-dick fantasy lives of predatory creeps like you.
Woman-respecter faggots like you is precisely why we lost the stigma against unmarried white girls who hang out with ethnic trash. Go fuck yourself, cuck.
yes woman between 16 and 20 something is of ideal age for childbirth and western countries would benefit immensely from uncucking themselves and going back to strictly patriarchal society and women abandoning all the silly feminist crap but fuck muslims anyway they were always degenerate.
You can't groom an adult. The only reason 15-35 year olds are the way they are is because a culture of infantilization has been created by (((pedophile elites))) who control the media.
Historically womanhood began at menstruation. This is tradition. That tended to be ~13 for most women, and of course there were a few years after that before marriage while her mother explained certain things that had been hinted at before. Modern garbage foods with growth hormones in them are inducing menstruation at ages closer to 9-10, which muddies the issue.
Anyway, the point is, grooming begins before adulthood. That's what makes it grooming. You're preparing them for adulthood by guiding them to make [sexual] decisions you've already made for them.
Relegated to the back. His opinions don't matter so much, and he can't speak out. He has to go along with what ever bullshit (like this) that they come up with or lose his gravy job . . . or maybe he's cucked the fuck outta here
Posted automatically (#96801) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here. (@kammmmak: Click here to suppress your anonymous crosslink notifications)
MrTerry ago
Jew bastards (or jew simulants) one and all.
BrokenVoat ago
It is like a rerum of World War 1&2. A bunch of foreigner telling their white pawns who to fight and what to believe. Check out Winston Chuchill and his "gifts' from "unknown" sources during WW2. The subvervson of the UK started long ago, more than 100 years ago.
AssumingControl ago
Seriously, that is the argument? That we used to marry young? Is it not the fact that our girls are violated by animals that deserve to be shot?
GoldShekelSteinBerg ago
Cozy well paying affirmative action goverment jobs given to useless shitskins, put there by liberal race traitor bureaucrats.
Feldorai ago
I see zero white people in that photo. Learn about Phenotypes, specifically, facial pattern recognition Phenotypes -- if you're at all as proud of your IQ as you no doubt probably will want to claim you are, then you should notice a few simple patterns that tell you that a "white person" literally is not "white".
A big "hook nose" is not the sole identifier of a Jew, however, it is a Jewish facial feature, this is called a "phenotype".
The natural Grinch-like grin without smiling, everyone has dimples, yes, but this is a natural Jewish facial feature, this is called a "phenotype".
Natural baggy eye-lids that look like this mother fucker hasn't slept in years, this is not a sole identifier, but this is a natural Jewish facial feature, this is called a "phenotype".
A Jew can have one, all, or none of these features, however what's important is to be able to distinguish & identify a Jew as an obvious Jew. If in the case of when you find someone with none of these features, you can still tell for a fact that a Jew is a Jew when he opens his mouth and says something stupid like "fellow white people".
Smokybubbles ago
This country became fucked when they started bullshitting about a melting pot society and discriminating against white men.
Thuggled ago
Look at those white "women" and reassess your determination. The hairstyle is classic give away.
BentAxel ago
Charlie Sheen needs to visit them all with Crisco.
nathanrosegoldberg ago
The males are both jews for sure. I have perfect jewdar for males. Not sure about the woman, but has a weird face - probably also a jew.
puggy ago
front left: never trust a man in a dress
AgentSakura ago
They should all be dragged out onto the street and shot.
QuestionEverything ago
/SO, It's Treason then..
fightknightHERO ago
Kikes and Sand-niggers
Dave_ph ago
Brexit is too late
illuminalto2 ago
New world order changing everday.
Smallest_Skil ago
"haha you lost your home and your future" - Nelson Muntz (pointing at a cucked englishman)
Oveass ago
Where is the 2nd white woman?
I see 3 brits (who might be shapeshifters) and a horde of rapeapes
shillaccount3344 ago
I see 1 white woman and 3 possibly shapeshifters.
favoritecoloriswhite ago
Jesus Christ.
InyourfaceNancyGrace ago
You know the old saying "the sun never sets on the British Empire" does have meaningful history to it.
FellowMan ago
Why is he insulting white people over a picture of diversity? I don't understand how that comment relates to the picture.
favoritecoloriswhite ago
White people are letting this happen, pretending that "this is fine", and that they're somehow still a White European nation.
FellowMan ago
Oh right, that makes sense. I thought he was complaining that there were still three (((white))) people still left. Turns out he was actually calling us out on letting this bullshit happen. Based.
anticlutch ago
At least 2 chinks, 2 pajeets, 2 mudshits and 2 niggers. Of 15.
Looks like 2 chinks, 5 6 or 7 mudshits and 3-4 pajeets.
Conejo_loco ago
Sick to my stomach
BlackSheepBrouhaha ago
and about half of European women waited until 25 to marry. which means the other half married younger than 21.
kijoja ago
That could very well mean 20, not 12 you pedo
BlackSheepBrouhaha ago
Reading comprehension is a precious resource.
Gorillion ago
So is being able to see through pedophile rhetoric.
RodentLord ago
Personally I feel like 19 is perfect.
Gorillion ago
For who? You? Who said you're getting a young wife, creepwad? Who the fuck would want your sick genes in their population going forward. Niggers of all walks are getting purged.
RodentLord ago
lmao you're transparent as fuck
InyourfaceNancyGrace ago
Maybe to exclude cultures that don't match our own? We seem to have given up on that of late, but at some point I'm sure it was the case.
Conversely, why would a country predominantly comprised of a culture marrying in their teens ever even draft let alone enact a law that runs directly counter to the popular culture?
mad4myirishppl ago
trust shouldn't even exist, in any group.
RodentLord ago
Please elaborate.
Talmuhdick ago
It's a shill account.
ridvid1313 ago
"Why are Whites so childish and naive?", that's the whole point of the Jewish slave religion Christianity, it makes people passive and easily controlled, and gives nothing but suffering and cuckolding in return for obedience to it.
RodentLord ago
How is Christianity a slave religion of Jews when most meat-eating Christians are passionately anti-Jew?
And in case you're on milk, I ain't talking about veganism.
neuschwabia ago
Britain has fallen, a slave nation now.
VoatContainmentGuard ago
The Unites States is under foreign occupation by people who want to get rid of whites
favoritecoloriswhite ago
And so is Europe. Imagine looking at this and still pretending to be a White European country.
veteran88 ago
Send them all back along with the white traitors who love diversity so much.
They can love diversity while they are flying they the air, after they get thrown off a building for being faggots.
Nonymous608 ago
Unfuckingreal.... That's fucking criminal.
PuritySpiral ago
This study seems to imply that you're full of shit.
Does it break your Lolita fantasizing heart?
DonKeydich ago
The west-of- Hajnal Line characteristics of late marriage, urbanization/separation of extended families & etc are responsible for our current predicament.
You'll go straight from claiming in this thread that Western Europe was the perfect model to another Kikebart-tier thread touting Slavs and Hungarians.
With zero self-awareness
PuritySpiral ago
It's Jews fear-mongering about climate change and overpopulation while pushing feminism and sexual liberation, combined with opening our borders to shitskin invaders that's responsible for our current predicament.
Gorillion ago
This. Plus exploitation of our time preference wiring through economic suppression (whites don't breed when money/resources are tight and/or things don't look good in the long run). See: that graph on the 1971 wage plateau. Productivity went up by 246% while wages only increased to 116%. We're being absolutely fucked.
When things are good, we'll breed at full pace again. Hell, there was a literal mini baby-boom 9 months after Trump's election. We're ready, willing, and able. We just need all these fucking parasites to be cast into the fucking flame already.
raisinade ago
From his wikipedia page:
Why am I not surprised? Jews are terrified that whites will have more children, but go ahead and believe their lies if you want to.
PuritySpiral ago
Fun fact: The Spartans also had age of consent laws, forbidding marriage until they were in their late teens/early twenties. If the Spartans could figure it out that it was better to wait until the women were older in the BC's, and it was common for Western Europeans to wait until late teens/early twenties more than 100 years ago, why are you all so eager to fuck young girls now? I agree that we Whites need to have more children, but my grandparents managed to crank out 9 and while it's not common, I have seen white families walking around today with 5 young children. The problem is not age of consent laws, it's Jewish influence in our media, culture, and economy.
raisinade ago
You are absolute scum. You were pushing the idea that women getting married in their mid to late twenties was normal, and when you get called on that you shift the goalpost an entire decade as if you were talking about women in their mid to late teens the entire time, just so you can claim we're pedophiles? Honestly, go fuck yourself, this kind of dishonesty reeks of kikery.
BlackGrapeDrank ago
ShitskinsFuckCorpses ago
Beady, lifeless eyes are one of the defining characteristics of jews
slwsnowman40 ago
There's two genuine smiles in that photo. It looks like everyone else is just exposing their teeth because they said cheese.
slwsnowman40 ago
And yet we are monsters for knowing this. I'd bet it is more than just great-great-grandmother, there's probably several and it gets more common the further back you can go.
Nature's age of consent is puberty.
Gorillion ago
Nature's rule has it that I can just fucking kill you and take your shit because you're a weak little faggot bitch.
You wanna play by "nature's rules" you fucking little bitch faggot? Nature doesn't have "rules of consent". You only fucking exist because the rest of us are holding up our side of the social agreement to not play by "Nature's Rules" and keep our civilization running. A civilization that keeps little homo pervert fucks like you from being killed minute fucking one.
So shove "nature's rules" up your faggot ass or get the fuck back into the jungle where you belong, nigger.
slwsnowman40 ago
Who said anything about other rules of nature? We were only discussing nature's rule regarding age of consent. All you have to do is watch other animals and how they treat their young once they become sexually mature.
You're the one acting like a nigger faggot.
AssumingControl ago
No, he is absolutely right. You should rethink this. Our ancestors didn't marry for lust. There is no marriage in nature.
slwsnowman40 ago
How many marriages were for love prior to the 20th century?
TheAngryImperialist ago
Not quite so true for the Americas, where religious types and the needs of a developing civilisation pushed marriage ages down a bit, but Western, aka civilised, Europe has had an average age of marriage of around 18 or higher since at least the seventh century, involves a union of broadly similar ages, and even where marriage has been used earlier to contractually bind assets of two families together, the first child of those early unions is generally in the early 20s indicating a significant delay in consummation.
While there were documented cases where people married tweens or younger (wealthy widows did this too), cases where this were rare, even more rarely consummated, and generally considered to be strange and degenerate behaviour by the average European.
tl;dr: Nature's age of consent may be puberty, but Europeans aren't animals, they're people.
slwsnowman40 ago
Is that why in the US age of consent was 10 during the 19th century? Is that why it has been as low as 7 (which is disgusting) and as recent as 1970s in Delaware? The current age of consent laws for Europe are as low as 13 (Spain) with most being 16 as of 2007. The current age of consent in a large portion of the US is 16.
TheAngryImperialist ago
A government passing laws on things that aren't war or trade related means very little apart from that government is shit. Whether you get in legal trouble for sticking your dick into something doesn't actually change whether that is socially acceptable or commonplace. Do you think a girl's father is going to give a shit what the government says? Or whether their daughter "consented"?
The age of consent is not marriage, and not when people start popping out babies. The Romans trended towards late teens/early twenties for marriage and children, while Aristotle himself stated that the ideal age for marriage for a woman was eighteen, and Mediterranean civilisations trended quite a bit younger on that front. Colonial era Americas? First marriages for women tended to marry around twenty.
So again, unless you're not actually European you're unlikely to have many ancestors getting married and having children before their late teens or early twenties, whatever "Hollywood" would have you believe.
slwsnowman40 ago
No to both because there's a lack of dads killing their daughter's abuser/rapist. Never mind just general outrage about the situation. The only time when a law gets passed is when the public is truly disgusted by one person's action(s).
dundundunnnnn ago
WHITE? I dunno...
Gorillion ago
Yep, one is iffy.
Plant_Boy ago
If I were in the UK I'd hate the government, that much 'diversity' hiring they no longer represent the people. 70% of that government represents merely 15% of the country.
WilhelmVonDoobiest ago
Where was this photo taken? Somewhere in Somalia? It can't be in the US or Europe. Those lands are strong because we ban archaic mindsets and sand niggery.
ShitskinsFuckCorpses ago
The guy in the front middle with the beady eyes and horns is white?
slwsnowman40 ago
He's definitely jewish, he's front and center and looks proud and nervous at the same time.
Heer_me_roar ago
Proud to be fucking with our societies, nervous that someone might actually notice.
frickingmeany ago
jewdar 100
GeneralSkidmark ago
Wow, does anyone actually think those 3 dweeb white people on that council are going to say anything contrary to what the 12 brown people there say? Please.
Absolutely revolting.
SearchVoatBot ago
This comment was linked from this anonymous v/ClownWorld comment.
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maaaxheadroom ago
I bet if you accused them of being white they’d quickly point out they are kikes.
foltaisaprovenshill ago
(((white people)))
RoBatten ago
Chock full of diversity hires . . .
sionblade22 ago
I wonder which ones are the free masons
vonbacon ago
Look at all the hooknoses I see
MemeDropAcct ago
If only you knew...
RodentLord ago
He looks like a trauma victim. Like he's afraid if he doesn't smile, they'll kick the shit out of him in a back room somewhere.
Which is the thing I first thought when I saw this: If this photo was taken as a commission for finding pedophiles, why are they smiling when that's their mission? If I'm doing a photo op for my pedophile-busting gang, I want everyone to look like a bunch of hardasses.
Civil_Warrior ago
The two sandniggers on the left are not smiling, that is their rape face for grooming kids.
Yuke ago
I don't recognize any of the people here so I don't know if it's legit or not but if anyone could add anything more that would be cool.
CouldBeTrump ago
Link to the image to aid you in reverse image searching:
Some tweets containing the image: ( ( ( ( (
Yuke ago
Ah, there you go. The first link to Mosaic Network shows that three of the four Muzzies on the front row are from the Mosaic Network and NOT the Home office. Most of the others probably will be too. I think we can put this down as an example of shit-stirring 'fake news', with the goal being to make us: 1, angry; and 2, vocal in doing so, which brings the hammer down on us for 'hate speech' etc.
Arrvee ago
Mosaic includes a member of Abraaj
Abraaj is affiliated with Pakistan and the Aspen Institute
Abraaj is affiliated with the UN Office of Partnerships (of Amir Dossal and Irene Pritzker) through the Pearl Initiative
The Abraaj Group's board also includes Hamid Jafar, Badr Jafar, and Wahid Hamid. Wahid Hamid is Obama's college roommate who became a member of the Pentagon's Defense Business Board. Badr Jafar is another member of the UN Office of Partnerships.
Abraaj received $100s millions in loans & investment mgmt contracts through the State Dept¿s (OPIC), overseen by SoS Hillary Clinton.
auralsects ago
The Muslim "groomers" are in fact both based and redpilled.
White cucks see a pubescent fertile 15yo girl and think she's a future scholar or astronaut with equal value to a man
Pakis recognize fertile women for what they are: a vag on legs to serve the race, not to be doted on in a perpetual adolescence.
Gorillion ago
They're not marrying them you fucking pedo shitscum. Like you they're only fucking them to fuck them. Not to breed. It's an attack on white society. It's the rape of our vulnerable under the protective shield of an enemy Marxist State.
You think because you're white no one will realize you're just another fucking nigger that needs to be purged?
It's the ruination of young women before they can be brought into proper healthy communities and married off to good young men, to create strong family groups. Not to serve the tiny-dick fantasy lives of predatory creeps like you.
Don-Keyhote ago
Woman-respecter faggots like you is precisely why we lost the stigma against unmarried white girls who hang out with ethnic trash. Go fuck yourself, cuck.
ChaosCrusader ago
Fucking scum. White women are a treasure, and white children must be protected at all costs.
Smallest_Skil ago
15 yo.......thats kind of too old for a moslem, they like em younger.
BadBoyBubby ago
yes woman between 16 and 20 something is of ideal age for childbirth and western countries would benefit immensely from uncucking themselves and going back to strictly patriarchal society and women abandoning all the silly feminist crap but fuck muslims anyway they were always degenerate.
celestial-skylord ago
It's the greatest honor to give birth to life. It is not to be underestimated.
RodentLord ago
You are unconditionally correct.
Heer_me_roar ago
This does a disservice to the last couple White women that are on our side, I’ve met some that are ultra based and they tend to be smoking hot.
RodentLord ago
There's a reason the Bible says "after you rape her, you have to marry her and pay her father the marriage price".
irelandLost ago
Ok groomer
RodentLord ago
You can't groom an adult. The only reason 15-35 year olds are the way they are is because a culture of infantilization has been created by (((pedophile elites))) who control the media.
Historically womanhood began at menstruation. This is tradition. That tended to be ~13 for most women, and of course there were a few years after that before marriage while her mother explained certain things that had been hinted at before. Modern garbage foods with growth hormones in them are inducing menstruation at ages closer to 9-10, which muddies the issue.
Anyway, the point is, grooming begins before adulthood. That's what makes it grooming. You're preparing them for adulthood by guiding them to make [sexual] decisions you've already made for them.
What we're describing here is legalizing rape.
foltaisaprovenshill ago
Full retard. 15 is about 12 years too old for mudkike pedophiles.
You're a moron for defending them. If you love them so much, let Mohammed ass rape you to death, fucking kike.
Floppyhorsecock ago
I hate that you are correct
AmericanJew2 ago
You're not wrong....
Drunkenmoba ago
And the whole time, the jews are laughing while your children are raped.
WhiteChickens ago
I see one man in the corner who may be white. That's it.
PoopityScoopy ago
What about the guy sitting in front?
WhiteChickens ago
With that cheese eating rat face? lol
PoopityScoopy ago
You see the guy with white skin? That dude is white, recessing hairline has no effect on race
WhiteChickens ago
He's a jew, you nincompoop.
RoBatten ago
Relegated to the back. His opinions don't matter so much, and he can't speak out. He has to go along with what ever bullshit (like this) that they come up with or lose his gravy job . . . or maybe he's cucked the fuck outta here
favoritecoloriswhite ago
Gravy indeed
QuickMafs ago
Who the fuck let this happen? Damn maybe we deserve genocide
Gorillion ago
Bottom right's honker tells you everything you need to know. Fucking F. Murray Abraham looking motherfucker.
oyy_veyy_goyy ago
You know exactly (((who))). And the traitorous whites who sold you out are the ones who deserve to be shoah'd along with the nosekind.
kammmmak ago
Clown World
SearchVoatBot ago
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