Shakenstein ago

Yeah its like the saying you probably heard coming from libtard when they want to virtuel signal about you are juste lucky of being born in an industrialized/western country. Im like no bitch this isnt about luck whatsoever. My parents made a conscious decision, well and long taught decision about having 1 then 2 then 3 kids. Each time they taught if they could afford to raise a new kid, they made CALCULATIONS beforehand. They didnt just fuck and spew White babies every years like the shitskins do and force them to go sell shits on the street cause they coudnt afford to raise them. Nor dis they ever taught about the gouvernement was gonna help them with special allocations or free gibs. Take this for as an example of how racism in white country isnt a problem coming from us Whites, but from the misunderstanding of what it takes to raise kids. Let me explain. Mohamed senior Works a shit job, but at least the White Man gave it to him. Now Mohamed wants to gave kids, he knows he cant afford note than one but he says fuck it the gouvernement of White people is gonna help me financially. So hé has is first newborn, receiving checks every months, hé telling himself fuck yeah i can afford them. So he decides to have another one then another then it fucking never ends. Now the gibs allowed for him to feed and dress his pack starts to be not enought because his first born is now a teenager and wants air Jordan, an iPhone and Pocket money to go out like the rest of the (single) White kids. But his dad cant afford them, even if the school is free hes now stressing out that hé wont be able to afford Uni to send his first born and definitly not the others that fallowed. Now you have a Mohamed junior starting to get really pissed at society that he cant be cool and all like the rest of the White kids. He thinks it is because of racism that his dad is poor and not because hes a low IQ shitskins incapable of making CALCULATIONS.he blâmes Whites for his misfortune because he too is a low IQ gene disfonctioned shitskin. He starts to unleash his hatred toward our society by robbing and frauding people because remember that he really wants those air jordans. He thinks he Will not get jobs so hé doesnt even apply to the adds, and even when hé dis hé thinks he his turned down by the White Man( even if RH is riddled with women and others shitskins) and not because hé has piss poor behavior on interviews. Nevermind Working his ass off to get good grades Working his way to UNI because he thinks he has no chance because mhuuu racism. Little dis hé knew that all levels of society has now quotas to hired his Kin, thanks jew, because again he is too spupid to really informs himself on the matter. Now Mohamed senior has all of his kids becoming young adults at which Time white society says gibs are Cut now that his kids have the age majority. Little Mohamed 3, 4 , 5 fallow the path of their olddr Brother into crimilaty because their dad Works a shit job and couldnt afford to miss work or work less to have more time to raise his kids properly. They now all go to the neighbohood mosque that the dad fled from his own country back in the days, and alltoghter they are now actively wishing for the murder of infidels because mhuuu racism(thanks again jews). Now you have at least 5 New tiking timebombs roaming the White society Who was to Soft to not forbid to let Them in first because again mhuu racism . Fucking jews man.

SirNiggsalot ago

My White Privilege is working 50-65 hours a week doing blue collar labor, while niggers and spics get up at the crack of noon and drink Natty Ice and smoke blunts all on taxpayers dime.

newoldwave ago


MrTerry ago

jew shapeshifter privilege. And (((they))) ain't white.

plutocracy ago

you are a fucking fake

blueblur ago

It’s a great message just needs a better format.

ALIENS2222 ago


KLDB ago

OP Please List Tyrant Kings.

ardvarcus ago

This is the point I've made on a number of occasions. If whites are better off than niggers, it's because our fathers and forefathers worked themselves to death to build what we have. This is our heritage, honestly earned with blood and sweat, and ingenuity. The tragedy is that we are allowing a tiny portion of the population to take it away from us without a fight. Niggers have less because their fathers, who most of them don't even know, did nothing for them. It's not the fault of whites that niggers are shiftless cunts who can't better their conditions for their children.

Fuckle_Chucks ago

It's not the niggers you have to worry about; it's an even smaller portion of the population that is taking it away. Want to hazard a guess as to (((whom))) I am referring?

GodsLikeUs ago

But that's still a small population.

CoronavirusPatient0 ago

This is ridiculous because the only thing the other side is going to see is " they're admitting to White Privilege finally". Dumb.

Lord_Kristopf ago

Not sure why you’re being downvoted, as that’s a very legitimate criticism in this case. Personally, I see it a bit differently myself. So long as white people have anything better than a minority who wants it, “white privilege” will be posited and used as a rationale to seize our resources. In this way, I believe the concept (much like that of “racism” or anything similar) should be embraced and appropriated/co-opted, at least to the point of its neutralization. At best, it becomes a weapon of our own.

Zaqwert ago

The proper name for the term is "white accomplishment"

CoronavirusPatient0 ago

Exactly using their white privilege term is really stupid.

francisofasisi ago

fake nat, full of shit.

Heer_me_roar ago

We built this country with our blood and toil, and yet we’re blamed for everything and treated like second class citizens in our own society.

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green_man ago

It's not our society any more, it's the jews society. They need to go.

DanielR ago

*they need to die

green_man ago

Looking for lie, didn't find one.

BlowjaySimpson ago

Green man? On the path, traveler?