xenochrist15 ago

Notice how the Jew breaks the fourth wall, staring at you mockingly like "this is for you now, goyim, deal with it!"


If you go deeper, you will realize that the only person with blue eyes is the Jewish Ashkenazi girl. By this I mean that, they want to completely destroy the Aryan race, and be the only ones with blue eyes in the world, and thus claim themselves as "the total superior race on the planet", who will rule an idiotized mass and mixed race. What a paradox. Where can so much Talmudic hatred come from?

ardvarcus ago

A pretty good analysis of this piece of leftist anti-white propaganda.

CR302 ago

If you explian this ro your kids enough times and point out the deviant agenda of TPTB, they see it everywhere. Mine have even weaned themselves from watching tv programming...youTube OC only for them, by choice.

AnonVoater295 ago

That's one hell of a reach. This guy's paranoia is both hilarious and worrying.

With that said, this push for diversity is really forced. Diversity should be allowed to occur organically.

steven_feelsperg ago

Haiti and South Africa are excellent recent examples of diversity.

SaneandAware ago

And what do you see? Break it down for us how the facts he presented are just him being paranoid. What did he observe wrongly. Use facts, not your feels to do so.

LuciusAM ago

The "devil horns" part was a bit much for me, they are very obviously throwing up peace and love hand signs that are fairly well known.

SaneandAware ago

Fair point. But it used to be a heavy metal satanic symbol, though to be honest most people just threw it up to look cool and weren't really into satanism.

I never heard it changes to peace and love, but whatever. The main point though was how their vision was with white males only as handicaps or fags to be included, and even though on the very outside.

LuciusAM ago

TBH, I am pretty ok with liberal betas. White liberals don't breed very much and will get to be more and more of a minority - especially with the whole college scam thing getting more and more well known.

White "conservatives" are who I have a problem with. They don't believe any of this crap but then they have like 1-2 children, work their asses off their entire life, then feed their children to the liberals. If you spoil your kids and leave their upbringing to liberals, when they become liberal and start being betas that is on you.

Calann ago

Reminds me of this.

no-hurry-no-pause ago

So jews have a "plan" to genocide white men and jews have no problem executing that plan surrounded by white men.

How come white men neither notice the jewish plan, nor have a plan of their own to genocide somebody else, preferably the jews which want to genocide them?

How come white men are THIS LAME in every single respect?

Maybe what is happening to white men has NOTHING to do with jews and their minions but EVERYTHING to do with the lameness of white men themselves? Like being the weakest nerd at school, and youre bullied even by people who are bullied by others, not because theyre bullies at heart, but because your pathetic weakness causes such a visceral disgust that people have to bully you just to avoid vomiting all over you?

steven_feelsperg ago

infiltrate white land

hopelessly surrounded by whites

infiltrate white media

hide infiltration

y u whites no see infiltration?

Jews know who they are and who their enemy is, but blinded the White man in his nation from not only who jews are, but who he is.

no-hurry-no-pause ago

That's not lame.

Having your lands overrun by low-IQ niggers, spics and muslims and your women turned into whores IS lame. It is the textbook definition of lame.

This empathy is the reason why civilization exists

So your definition of civilization is having your lands overrun by low-IQ niggers, spics and muslims and your women turned into whores?

Whites had their hayday when they conquered and killed anybody and everybody, held low-IQ slaves and subjugated women like breeding cattle. The "empathy" you bloviate about came only after democracy already decomposed what was left of white glory into a decaying marxist welfare utopia.

Armpit_and_Ass ago

That's a lot of exclamation points.

veteran88 ago

Don't use jewgle

MetaCog ago

Google Execs should be rounded up and executed.

SilentByAssociation ago

Also, notice how the white girl representing "Christianity" happens to be wearing the most "revealing" clothes out of everyone. She has the most uncovered skin out of everyone. That's a curious thing...

Skipberry ago

Not really she's just wearing a skirt

dundundunnnnn ago

No white/blonde boys or girls. My people are not represented at all. Hmph.

satisfyinghump ago

What irritates me is when pointing out or explaining such things to others.

They always claim "you're just seeing things!!!"

And I'm telling them that everything has to be designed, has to be planned, especially when drawing. I ask them to imagine drawing a picture and how you must pre-plan and make decisions on what and who goes where and how and even why. Even if its subconscious, it's their decision and there is a why behind it.

And they still claim "it's just a google logo doodle!!!"

People can only see the truth if they are willing.

For me, when I learned from experience, the time and energy it takes to make various creative items, and the decision making process it took me, I then applied that to propoganda tv shows and movies and ads.

tokui ago

We used to be the apex rapists and murderers.

We need to start raping non-white vaginas and killing shitskin males again, like the good ol days.

steven_feelsperg ago

Bestiality is not a White trait, but good job outing yourself as a subhuman.

oaf ago

Even the gay, white Google kid is missing an arm.... So literally every white boy in the picture is disabled.

The two "white" crippled kids on the end have black eyes. Not even brown, but black eyes, so most likely one of those "white hispanic" or "white arab" you hear about.


Thanks JewGle

registeretakes10s ago

yea theres only one white boy and he has the G logo

BlowjaySimpson ago

The shabbos goy qaballah-lite Mason.

Left Hand Path.

Skipberry ago

Why is it always a white boy that's crippled in advertisments?

Monarch981 ago

Because that's the only way a white male will ever be equal to the others

we_kill_creativity ago

What's smoloko.com?

I tried going there but got a lot of redirects.

blit416 ago

you can find him on the DS forums afaik. he was up on charges a year ago. thagoyimknow forums on TOR

Guy_Justsome ago

For being one third of the world population, you'd think there'd be a few Chinks in this constructed representative population sample.

Maybe someone knew there wouldn't be any in the near future. Maybe they're the shadowy mob of ghosts in the background.

waucka ago

I noticed something more.

This is the only "horns" hand in the background where the thumb isn't sticking out. In some cultures at least, that means "cuckold".

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Tallest_Skil ago

It means “I love you” in ESL and SEE. That’s the only instance of devil horns at all.

waucka ago

I had completely forgotten about that. Thanks for the reminder.

369693936 ago

Rise up and LIVE white man, stop allowing your great capacity for virtue and integrity to be twisted into self destruction.

Pray that all scapegoating and every other evil intention ever put out toward you or your children throughout all of time and space is returned precisely to the sender as you are set free to fulfill your true destiny while the real perpetrators of evil and injustice are brought to justice.

THSenior ago

You first retard

we_kill_creativity ago

Wow...you're such a strong male...so productive of you to call someone a name...you're such a great help to the cause...