Horrux ago

No, it doesn't. You think these parasites aren't careful? You think they won't plant somebody for 30 years "JUST IN CASE"?

Horrux ago

You wouldn't know all the layers in the organization.

generalcalm ago

Boris has 4 and soon to be 5.

PsychicRussiaSpy ago

No skin in the game pieces of shit

quitenomore ago

They ate them.

Coolbreezyfuck ago

It's easy selling out your country's future when you won't be hurting your own flesh and blood for it.

Killinitnow ago

I would imagine it’s easier to abuse children if you never had any of your own. Once you have children you just wonder how could any sick fuck hurt a child. Then you find yourself wanting to kill any fucker you Hear about that abused a kid, or is this just me?

dundundunnnnn ago

Henry Makow rights an article about top Satanists being child and spouse free. You cannot be part of the inner circle if you have a spouse or children.

hilltop ago

A lot of missing names in that list-

Chief Justice Roberts

Head of Red Cross

Who else?

Optional_Reading ago

Angela markel looks exactly like Hitler’s daughter.

ginx2666 ago

Counterpoint(s) - a true patriot might dedicate himself to nation and country, and have no time for family. Not saying those kike puppets are patriots, but it's a valid point. Kids can also be used as a leverage, be it as hostages or weak points.

AdValorem ago

All of them are dead ends........

B166-ER ago

What are you talking about OP? These people all have kids, heck they each had a few just this last weekend.

Whitening ago

And if they had ever adopted....you guessed it, they'd have adopted niggers.

Jivicus ago

Just because they don't have children doesn't mean they haven't HAD children.

thebearfromstartrack ago

VERY interesting. Not conclusive, but interesting.

Horrux ago

That's not how they work. They'll send pics of your kids in private, "safe" spaces, where you would think nobody could reach them. But you wouldn't know who specifically is threatening you. And the threat goes like this: we'll tie you to a chair and make you watch as we flay them alive. Maybe also feed you some parts.

People don't know how to make themselves safe from that kind of stuff.

Ol_Hickery ago

I have a hard time trusting people over 30 with no plan for having kids. Their vision of the future is distorted for what should be considered a givin, which is to provide the best possible future for your kids, and gelerally this is the mechanism for building a functiinal safe society. Often times these same people have actual disdain for children and families as a whole.

thebearfromstartrack ago

If you are useless or parasitic or, like me, autistic (not a good parent), you should NOT have kids. It DOES NOT mean you aren't interested in supporting the best course for the species.

Ol_Hickery ago

I didnt say that i WOULDNT trust, its just harder to. Like you said, there are reasons to not have kids and i get that and at that point it becomes important to know the persons views and reasons for not doing so. So, yeah. Also, good job being a whiny bitch as though i directed my comment directly at you without using context clues to understand what i was saying, you autistic fuck.

thebearfromstartrack ago

I don't trust anyone (autistic). REASONABLE given my life. Hidden agendas. Truth is HARD to come by.

Hey listen fag, go cry to your mommy retard. Thing is, trust is EARNED, NOT demanded OR given (unless you're a liberal). and an HONEST man KNOWS it and does NOT overstep his bounds. niggers don't get that. claim we HAVE to give them a free shot at us first. NOT TRUE. niggers are stupid. you're stupid.

Ol_Hickery ago

Glad you arent reproducing. And yeah my point stands. Thanks for proving it. Retarded useless fuck.

thebearfromstartrack ago

Meh. You are a liberal. SAME passive aggressive bullshit you think is a point scored. thing is the world is PROBABLY worse of that I WILL NOT reproduce. I just don't think they owe you shits ANYTHING. the cycle HAS to stop. You HAVE to go.

Ol_Hickery ago

It took you a week and a half to formulate that? Do your shoes have velcro instead of laces?

thebearfromstartrack ago

No. I just get WAY behind in responding to folks because I have other things to do. AND I'm autistic, so I don't even WANT to associate sometimes. I'm STILL 38 messages behind. I was almost 200 a 5 days ago. Though I PLEDGE to get to them eventually. in the order received.

Ol_Hickery ago

Fair enough. Either way, i do seriously wish you the best, regardless of the shit talking. Stay safe out there bud.

thebearfromstartrack ago

I AM a genius. I want nothing EXCEPT for the Dun (m)bar toll bridge. I'm JUST math. PERIOD. Limited. Get it? A;;I have. NO sympathy.

Moln0014 ago

No children=no kidnappings/leaverage

GhostWriter17 ago

[they] eat their young

Diggernicks ago

All pretty cool guys and girls

ganesha1024 ago

Maybe they have kids and we don't know about them. Maybe they got used for something...

Yuke ago

Lots more not included here as well.

Horrux ago

Here I thought all important countries (read relatively rich) only had top politicians with kids because it gives (((them))) a very firm hold to blackmail.

This is interesting.

blighty ago

You can extend this to your typical SJW too.

LSB80M ago

Not really.Plenty of people in positions of power willingly don't have kids.They know if they had children, they wouldn't be ruthless and unattached enough to get to the top.

Cunty84 ago

FTM / MTF Trannies can’t biologically give birth,

Ezekiel_Balderdash ago

It's like one of those alignment charts, except everyone is Lawful Evil.

BetterMetalSnake ago


Spiteful_Mutant ago

Oh, they have kids alright.

They just didn't create them and they use them in an unnatural manner.

prairie ago

No kids, and they don't plan on the country lasting much more than a generation.

Sanpa33 ago

They don't have kids just like a majority of Socialists because it's unaffordable and has been ingrained in their feminist culture. Now they are finding that they're all geowing old without a base of children and cheap labor to prop up their pyramid schemes like retirement, they resort to importing slave labor from Africa and the Middle East. Welcome to the new world Idiocracy.

EngelbertHumperdinck ago



Here is something else. I know one should not make full decisions based upon how someone's face looks, but the only person on this list that I would even consider evaluating as trustworthy is the Dutch guy. I mean, look at them.

I do judge books by their covers.

Decades ago, in college, I took a stupid class. Science fiction (thought it was an easy A, like underwater basket weaving ... big mistake). The feminist instructor did make a good point during one class. She said you can judge a book by it's cover in science fiction. If your book is good enough, the publisher will get a well known artist to paint the cover. Hence, you can judge a book by its cover. At least in some fields.


Explain PKD. I don't remember his cover art as being exceptional.


I don't know who PKD is. Why does everyone use acronyms today like everyone is supposed to know what they mean?

Anyway, I am not saying it is a 100% rule. It was just what some feminist Sci-Fi professor said in the early 90s. Is that one of the few things she said that made sense? Yes. Do I believe everything about what this feminist said, absolute zero.


You're drunk. All is forgiven. I didn't understand your situation. ;)

GrizzlyDark ago

I think objectively speaking, you could say they are all atrociously ugly as well. Maybe doesn't have to do with politics directly, but certainly being an ugly kid growing into an ugly adult, will have its effects on your brain. Macron isn't bad looking I guess, but he's a French faggot which is just as bad.

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VoatsNewfag ago

Macron was statuary raped by his teacher and later married her. A woman who's 25 years older than him.

You're right that they all tend to be rather ugly which can make it difficult to properly socialize in early years. Getting groomed and statuary raped by someone significantly older likely fucks up your early socialization as well.

bfriend13 ago

No kids means no skin in the game to keep your country for its native people.

Horrux ago

Yeah but also less of a way for (((them))) to blackmail these "leaders" into compliance. Which leads to the conclusion that none is needed.

Tallest_Skil ago


Horrux ago

That's what I wrote, yes.

Tallest_Skil ago

No, you implied that they’re somehow AGAINST the jews by virtue of them not having kids to be blackmailed; they’re already OWNED, which is why they don’t have kids.

Horrux ago

Oh man. I wrote "which leads to the conclusion that none is needed." meaning blackmail. Meaning the jews already own them. This is because in many countries such as the USA you never have a President without children. They simply won't allow somebody who doesn't have kids to make it to that office. They are not blackmailable enough. But anyway, you get an F for reading comprehension.

Tallest_Skil ago

They are not blackmailable enough.

That’s not the blackmail mechanism.

Horrux ago

How would somebody with an IQ below average know about "THE blackmail mechanism"?

Tallest_Skil ago

Sorry, then; I shouldn’t have made the assumption that you were.

Horrux ago

Again missing it, I'm talking about YOU.

Tallest_Skil ago

Yeah, you failed. You’re brain damaged, don’t comprehend what we’re talking about, and fundamentally do not understand the discussion. Go away now.

pixelkitteh ago

Weren't three of them raised together in Israel?

Note: Fun fact guys! Voat wont let you post if you write israel in all caps as seperate letters! Nothing to see here, goy!

crazy_eyes ago


pixelkitteh ago

OH FFS NOW it lets me do it. Well, ok. I apologize voat.

pixelkitteh ago


ZerRoyalXir ago

Also they all look quite ugly

pixelkitteh ago

I'm honestly starting to wonder if there is a correlation between their obvious weird looks and the evil inside them.

refugee610 ago

Why do you think they don't care about the future ramifications of their self-gratifying policies?

ninjageek97 ago

or they offer their firstborns as payment for their jobs

WillisJaxson ago

If any of that lot thought they could create a dynasty they'd do so. As it is they recognize their limited worth and make the best they can for themselves.

Luis_Sphincta ago

After the last 4ish years worth of redpills, at this point if you told me they were all eunuchs, it wouldn't even phase me.

ninjageek97 ago


women are male to female and the men are female to males.

AgentSakura ago

autistic faggots am I right?

ToxicWhiteMale ago

They are all pure fucking evil, and they have tons of feminazi's working under them.

zxcvzxcv ago

They sold them to the jews in exchange for political power.

petevoat ago

...because kids can be used as leverage.

If I was an evil fuck with brains I wouldn't have kids either....

praying71 ago

You probably mean - their controllers.

SolomonPapermaster ago

I don't think that's it. In my opinion it's because the powers that be use people without kids to do their dirty work because the atheist childless don't give a damn what happens to the world after they die. They have no legacy, no future, no progeny. They will sell out their countries future for a comfortable life.

Tallest_Skil ago

What leverage? THEY ALREADY SOLD THEIR SOULS TO THE JEWS. They don’t have kids because they don’t give a shit what happens to the world after they’re gone. You don’t get it.

Moln0014 ago

They sold their soul to Satan himself.

CrowUp ago

They're selected because they don't care about destroying the planet kike. Their children aren't going to be slaves.

GlowWorm ago

Planet Kike 🌍

GasTheYikes ago

✡ 🌍

ArdentPurpose ago

This more then anything.

AlexanderMorose13 ago

This double more than anything. Sometimes, the people in charge consider showing emotion to be a weakness. Having children is a sign that you can be emotional, and not just logical. Though it can be a weakness, it's actually a strength.

Lord_Kristopf ago

In an age of virtually mandatory two-income households, few time-intensive careers are very compatible with child-rearing. One must wonder if modern phenomenon of childless politicians is not both the disease and the symptom of a very sick culture.

Attac ago

I rather blame the Jews for everything.

BushChuck ago

*the jews

shiffscreek ago

Thanks for the TAX BURDEN upon society over 200% since 1963, Democrats!

Thanks for the doubling of work force and not doubling job pool, Feminists!

Thanks for ruining civilization (((someone))).

SirNiggsalot ago

3 sentences that explain it all.

Pipefag ago

They most likely killed them.

antiracistMetal ago

Ooooooooh, it makes me wonder.

FridayJones ago

There's a feeling I get, when I look to the West...