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noob_tube ago

Don't be like the boomers. Stay in shape, don't watch TV, marry your daughter when she's young to a strong white man.

Tallest_Skil ago

Roughly half of white men are functionally infertile. Implying there’ll be daughters to marry off, much less that they’ll listen.

tastelessinvective ago

How do you figure?

Tallest_Skil ago

What do you mean? The conclusion drawn by the statement or the statement itself? It’s extremely well known that white men are basically infertile now. Purposeful poison put into the food and water supplies have destroyed our healthy hormonal expression. We have, on average, less than half the testosterone of men just 75 years ago (HMM I WONDER WHY THAT WOULD BE THE CUTOFF). Our sperm basically don’t exist, nor does the expression of our psychology which led us to create the greatest civilization in the world. We do absolutely nothing whatsoever about the destruction of our homes, the corruption of our women, and the rape of our children, where historically we would have exterminated the jews down to the last unborn child for so much as daring to do this.

Meanwhile, the entirety of our society exists solely to destroy the psychological and social expression of traditional masculinity. The APA has declared “traditional masculinity” to be a mental illness. Male children are purposely prevented from behaving as men behave, which makes it impossible for them to comprehend how to raise a family in a non-jewish manner.

We’ve been psychologically and physically castrated. Even the people who know about this, like us, do absolutely nothing to stop it.

Anonfag ago

Reduced fertility is not infertility.

Tallest_Skil ago

Hit up the links.

Anonfag ago

Considering one of them was the Guardian, I think you’re exaggerating a bit.

Tallest_Skil ago

genetic fallacy

How about you go to THEIR source, then.

Anonfag ago

Their “source” was the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, as was the source on a few of those archives. Citing multiple secondary sources that just point to the same primary source can be seen as dishonest but it happens. What I’m curious about is why you think I should trust a kike study.

Tallest_Skil ago

Because why would they lie about something they WANT to have happen?

Anonfag ago

So you’d panic and do something stupid? So you’d be afraid in general? So they’d appear more successful than they are? Fuck, I don’t know. There’s dozens of reasons any one of them would lie about ANYTHING, regardless of who it helps. Point being that if your belief that we’re already infertile and fucked hinges on their word then maybe you should re-examine it.

But hell, what do I know? I’m just some fucker you’ve never met.

Tallest_Skil ago

So you’d panic and do something stupid?

Like, what, work to be healthier? Avoid xenoestrogens? Engage in behaviors that naturally increase testosterone? That’s doing something stupid? We should be panicking. Look how “men” act today. None of us does a damn thing to save ourselves. The release of this information is jewish gloating. They think themselves untouchable, and so think they don’t have to hide anymore. They’re doing this with EVERYTHING these days. Does jews publicly admitting that they’re killing off whites in our own nations mean they’re totally not doing that and that the white population is just fine?

Point being that if your belief that we’re already infertile and fucked hinges on their word then maybe you should re-examine it.

It hinges on the global white population either having already reached its peak or it doing that within the next five years. It hinges on no white nation having replacement birth levels, and most white populations having less than 1.5 (and falling), which is terrifyingly psychotic.

Anonfag ago

I meant that you’d go shoot up a mosque despite that not having any effect on the number of whites around, not the boost in fertility. Maybe it’s just your way of talking but you sounded like you were giving up before.

Does jews publicly admitting that they’re killing off whites in our own nations mean they’re totally not doing that and that the white population is just fine?

No but it means they want you to be afraid because of it. They’ll exaggerate as much as they wish if it means whites will lash out individually rather than as a whole.

As for birth rates, I have no answer. Just have lots of kids and keep pointing this shit out, I guess.

Tallest_Skil ago

you sounded like you were giving up before.

I genuinely question the justification of anyone holding any other viewpoint, given the body of knowledge we have today. Specifically, I’d love to have a reason to live, because I don’t have one right now. I maintain my position that just those whites who are redpilled (in the real sense, not the civnat jewish sense) TODAY could fight back and still win within five years. But this simply isn’t going to happen, at all, because none of us will ever fight back. We have about ten years left before it’s impossible to win and there’s no indication, anywhere, that anything is going to change except for the worse.

No but it means they want you to be afraid because of it.

Oh, I… guess I don’t respond to that sort of propaganda. I just see it dispassionately.

As for birth rates, I have no answer.

Kill jews, destroy the Federal Reserve. Nothing else will work. We’ve tried everything else.