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noob_tube ago

Don't be like the boomers. Stay in shape, don't watch TV, marry your daughter when she's young to a strong white man.

Tallest_Skil ago

Roughly half of white men are functionally infertile. Implying there’ll be daughters to marry off, much less that they’ll listen.

noob_tube ago

Half is more than enough. One white man can have 25 wives and 150 children.

Tallest_Skil ago

And simultaneously ruin the foundation of white civilization and create an entire society of soyboy faggots who don’t know a healthy home life and weren’t raised by both parents, sure.


Mormons have/had incredibly stable families for generations......

Tallest_Skil ago

I question that deeply based on everything I’ve read on the subject, but am currently to cripplingly depressed to pull together citations for you. Might not post for a while again. Having trouble working up the logic of posting any more at all, knowing how the world is today. Cheers.

TheAntiZealot ago

You are needed & appreciated.

Living for myself never motivates me. But living for others keeps me going.

Tallest_Skil ago

You are needed & appreciated.

Really I’m not.

Living for myself never motivates me. But living for others keeps me going.

It’s the only way to fly.