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veteran88 ago

The enemy uses the rat Utopia experiment against us.

If we aren't hungry for more, if we are made comfortable and numb, we will just roll over and die.

"Those who want to live in this world of eternal struggle, let them fight. Those who do not fight, do not deserve to live.

Europeanrennaisance ago

I wish more people knew about that study. I bring it up occasionally to people when trying to explain our current situation and they just don't seem to get the comparison.

veteran88 ago

Do a video search for rat/mouse Utopia. They made a good demonstration of their experiment.

Basically if you give the rats infinite cheese they will breed for a while and then they will all just stop reproducing and lay around all day till they die.

It explains the existence of NEETs. Government gibs pays more than a manual lager job so why work especially when the money is taxed for ZoG and used to hurt your people. They are all waiting around for Hitler who will not come in a rat Utopia.

GeorgeWashingNigger ago

the only flaw in the experiment is that mice are primal therefore nigger like.

you need to do this with a population that is of the non nigger dna.

veteran88 ago

Our average IQ is only 100 that is pretty fucking stupid.

Look around you these monkeys buy product and think that they are better than the monkeys with lesser (to them) product.

Fullfil every need with no effort and you have a passive animal. Add luxury and boredom won't be an issue.

The only possible motivation is stopping our races Extinction (or avenging it) and that is still only about 20% of European who even accept it; if you take the % awake to the JQ as the same as the amount who know they are trying to replace us. At 30% things will change. It will be clear whether we're going to fight for our world or just go to sleep and be done with this judeohellhole.