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noob_tube ago

Don't be like the boomers. Stay in shape, don't watch TV, marry your daughter when she's young to a strong white man.

Tallest_Skil ago

Roughly half of white men are functionally infertile. Implying there’ll be daughters to marry off, much less that they’ll listen.

noob_tube ago

Half is more than enough. One white man can have 25 wives and 150 children.

Tallest_Skil ago

And simultaneously ruin the foundation of white civilization and create an entire society of soyboy faggots who don’t know a healthy home life and weren’t raised by both parents, sure.

noob_tube ago

And simultaneously ruin the foundation of white civilization

What foundation? Monogamy? The foundation of European civilization are being eroded. It is time to set a new foundation.

entire society of soyboy faggots who don’t know a healthy home life and weren’t raised by both parents, sure.

My expectation is that they will be raised by their father with the assistance of their mother.

Children don't need both parents; they only need a father. Women can increase the health the child through breastfeeding, and they can assist a strong man by doing chores, but women cannot raise men. Only men can raise men, and with dedicated effort they can feed a child with alternative means and handle their chores themselves.

Matador_Pants ago

My expectation is that they will be raised by their father with the assistance of their mother.

Children don't need both parents; they only need a father.

How well do you think a father can perform when he has 150 kids with different women? Obviously you were being hyperbolic, but still, even one man with three kids by three different women is a fucking shitshow. This is kike level degenerate retardation. The single parent home is a huge part of their kike game to destroy society -especially white society.

I agree, strong men need to raise men, but there should be a full family unit to make a complete man, or daughter for that matter. You're still pushing degenerate bullshit. Your two month old account smells like kikery, or reddit faggotry. Nigger.

blit416 ago

I remember him, and the other clans related to him. polygamists. media did a bit of a hit-job on them a few years back.