Adrianmc ago

'Go Home and Kill Yourselves' There. Fixed. I should be on her script writing team.

Armpit_and_Ass ago

Oh, shit! Wow! It's another submission to that shitty copy/paste plagiarism site from that guy that exists solely to post links to that shitty copy/paste plagiarism site.


gungasnake ago

Somalia is 99% muslim and average IQ in the place is 68, i.e. the average Somali is a sub-retard. Dumping 70,000 of those fools in Minneapolis/St. Paul was a gigantic political crime.

gungasnake ago

Ever heard what sex therapists call the "missionary position" in Somalia, i.e. two people making passionate love in a cauldron of boiling water with potatoes, carrots,and onions......

PatriarchOppressor ago

Or don't. Just make sure you leave.

boekanier ago

"Rebuild your country". Impossible, they are too stupid for that. But they are clever when it comes to collect free gibs.

StrangeThingsAfoot ago

They're not. Whites are climbing over each other to give them gibs.

Tiktanaboo ago

Not all heroes wear capes.

Ocelot ago



WhiteChickens ago

Send them home, you idiot.

I don't give a flying fuck what they do with their country as long as they remain there.

Goys-R-Us ago

Rebuild? <furrows brow>

GamerNerd ago

Force them out

Sitnikoff ago

+1 for the Danes

-1 for the Dutch

BrennKommando ago

Well.. Former minister. 'Venstre' her party, lost the last election to 'Socialdemokratiet' back in June last year.

I have mixed feelings about her. On one hand she says all the things I'd like to hear, on the other all that talk seldom leads to action. We're not at Swedish/German levels of problems with invaders, but we do as a matter of fact have a problem on our hand. One that she and the previous government only talked about to appease to Vox Populi without ever taking any meaningful action.

Source: Native Dane

divineketchup ago

If you ever come to reddit's r/DebateAltRight you should make a thread about this. I'm interested in Danish politics and the migrant situation there but no one ever talks about it.

BrennKommando ago

Not going back to reddit, but feel free to ask. I can only express my personal stance on things of course.

YourSofaKingdom ago

At least ONE western LEADER has his head screwed on straight and probably isn't SELLING his nation OUT to corporate GREED.

SumerBreeze ago


Barfin ago

based. stop electing women as prime ministers tho.

satisfyinghump ago

They literally dont know how. If they did, they wouldnt have such a literal shit pool to run away from.

mleczko ago

You cannot rebuild what never been built.

SisterOfBattle ago

This is implying that Somalis are smart enough to build something more than huts made from mud.

Cunty84 ago

There’s always one little cunt downvoating, they must be alien looking Somali

Horrux ago

The world needs more like her.

SearchVoatBot ago

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SparklingWiggle ago

Send them all back. From every country they invaded.

Ocelot ago

Too expensive. Kill them all, Somalis are the least human of all the para-human races. I would keep a thousand pet leeches and feed them every day before I welcomed a single Somali doublenigger into my home.

SparklingWiggle ago


I'm stealing this

HiJoker ago

Double your niggers, double your dumb. Double Nigger Gun!

...a play off of Doublemint gum ad.

sir_andy_of_bad ago

I call them infininiggers.

WD_Pelley ago

Even other niggers hate Somaliniggers. Seriously. Ethiopians can't stand them and I remember years back hearing about a massive riot at an all-nig school in Minnesota where the Americoons wanted the Somalinigs to "go back home". They are universally hated for good reason.

LettItBurn ago

People are finally getting fed up with this liberal bullshit.

Niggers are not White. They never will be. Niggers will always be niggers no matter how much tax dollars you spend on them.



Mustard_Monkey ago

Brexit released a valve and the liberal bullshit just lost steam. Come summer hold on to your hats.

HeebyKneegrow ago

You know I watched some videos of a security guard in Atlanta and just watching everybody cross the road and not even worried about getting hit by a car that's is ridiculous. That's a staple of Black culture in any part of the world, why are they consistently a problem and dislike throughout the whole world? It's frustrating

NotAHoneyPotiSwear ago

How can we expect any of these third world countries to ever better themselves if we're constantly stealing their most intelligent and highly motivated individuals. lol.

yt4cz9 ago

This is the exact response we all should say when they say we need them to build our country. If they are so good at building countries, they should build their own.

DaveofPC ago

It won’t be safe once they get there.

KobeBurger ago

"Rebuilding" implies that there was ever something built there to begin with.

imdrowning ago

Hey hey, they wuz kangs

KobeBurger ago

Pffft, they weren't even burger kangs.

Anoxim ago

Europeans built a lot in Africa.

KobeBurger ago

Unless they're still there taking care of it, it will be shit.

bloodguard ago

Call me crazy but I'm guessing the Somalis answer will be to throw back their heads, laugh and tell them "no".

Cunty84 ago

& all the Somalis in Denmark packed and left poof!! Just like that... as if. They need forced deportations with military assistance.

gungasnake ago


"You might want to consider getting the fuck out before my people finally have enough of your bullshit and lose it and massacre your asses..."

Spiteful_Mutant ago

So, just like back in Somalia?

AmericanJew2 ago

top kek

changz ago

LOL...yeah I dont think so. The Somalis are just a number of of the shit-filled rainbow in that country of theirs. All sorts of foreign scum own the towns and cities there with serious crime.

Ducktalesooo000ooo ago

We should let the Somalis slaughter the Somalis

yt4cz9 ago

You don't think so until it happens like every other time Europe has faced invaders in history. You've just never seen video of it.

changz ago

Never seen the videos of it. No I read and watched the history of Europe, even the non-goy history and if you had a brain you would see Europe was plunged into wars by the bankers to weaken us.

This is the end result. Hans and his GF want niggers and other shit stains of humanity in their country and there is fuck all anybody can do to stop it short of mass murder of the traitors at the top and bottom.

But please tell me when Hans and his Gf will change their tune whilst different shades of shit and serious organised crime continue to use their country like a toilet and displace white Danes. Amsterdam is rife with drugs, whoredom and criminality and yet its vaunted by many as a paradise.

Go take a look yourself before demanding others go about mass murder you stupid cunt.

yt4cz9 ago

Amazing that Europe was plunged into wars so many times, had so many invaders and yet still the vast majority is white. How on earth could that happen? Maybe those folks just gave up and went home?

Might I suggest some logic exercises.

changz ago

Invaders didnt stay and were fought off.

You might need to do some logic exercises yourself my friend. Ancient warfare and incursions = modern methods of transport, NGOs and world governments flooding their respective countries with millions of third worlders???? Oh and then you have millions of said Westerners support this diea through different ways, such as racism, guilt, monetary encouragement.

None of that existed prior to what we have now otherwise we'd have become a mongrel place like South America long ago.

ForgottenMemes ago

I've seen video of it. Yugoslavia. Syria. These are ethonoreligious conflicts.