SmashMeleeFemDom ago

Doesn't really matter as you won't get out of prison ever.

imdrowning ago

They want to ensure there are Canadian stories, lol they already have crazy rich Asians and some dumb poo shows.. What else is there....

lecnylep ago

Trudaeu is a closeted cuckhold

Literally-Oppressed ago

My theory is that that is why he is constantly traveling

boekanier ago

You surely don't call the mass media 'free'?

Zen-Zinxe ago

If you're still watching TV or listening to any mainstream media at this point you deserve the gulag.

SoOutraged ago

Canada is a lost cause.

Rabid_Robot ago

Designed to kill off Rebel News.

SmashMeleeFemDom ago

And then a new puppet will take his place and you will have ended your life.

Bravo1XRay ago

My question Is Why hasn't one Patriot get rid of this Mutt & all his Faggotry friend?

VoatContainmentGuard ago

Gotta get everyone under israeli control

phillyjoe ago


petevoat ago

Poor Canadians. They've been cucked so much they're Germans 2.0

Itgetsbetter ago

Germans had this shit foisted on them with a gun held to their heads. Canadians volunteered for it. No comparison.

mendelbot ago

Didn't they elect Merkel?

z31fanatic ago

People of Canada are to blame for voting for this globalist scumbag.

Scine ago

Oh, so NOW these leftist faggots scream about "rights". They got no problem with gun owners having to jump through tons of hoops to exercise their fundamental rights, but if you dare go after them, they squeal like a stuck pig.

Fuck those little faggots. They earned this shit electing a cocksucker

mendelbot ago

They could have elected the Conservative leader scheer who would have done the same thing. Laurel or Hardy? The decision is yours. What is not our decision is policy.

I voted for a third party. One of only about 0.5 percent of the voters. We are going to get what we deserve good and hard.

MysticMa ago

This should be a WTFU to all in US ... What is occurring to the N. of our boarder is exactly what the left would implement... or least try like hell. This WAR on your RIGHT to FREEDOM of SPEECH is a prelude to annilation of THOUGHT. JT opened Canada like a vacume for every Sharia Muzzie including some of ours. Why? Sharia complements SOCIALISM. They WILL assimilate without a whimper.

Blizzardpants ago

The longer I live the more I appreciate our founding fathers.

newoldwave ago

and if Trudeau don't like their editorial policy, no license.

Newmemba ago

well it all depends on how it is handled, this is definitely a multi-edged sword

I do for one do not believe Canadians need that much oversight of information providers

Hope it comes back to bite the pushers at least make them bleed a little

69soygaysonaboat ago

So the major Canadian broadcasters/media producers are already govt funded. This bill is to eliminate they're opposition (small, uncontrolled news outlets).

mendelbot ago

Here is the related report:

The panel urges the government to act quickly, before people realize their free speech is being further throttled. I haven't read the report, but when even some journalists raise concerns, you know that it's really, really bad. (Since it is actually better for journalists who have an audience with no independent sources of information)

And by the way, the "your ward news" item is very disturbing. Obvious satire. T Judged who sentenced the man was "frustrated" because he could not give as harsh a sentence as he wanted.

Canadians are blissfully unaware.

Heisthestorm ago

Canadians won’t do a fucking thing about it either.

GoddammitMrNoodle ago

Unfortunately this is too accurate. The few that would are marginalized quickly. And the rest are either young and brainwashed or immigrants who have a vested interest.

mendelbot ago

First they bought off all the media companies, now are instituting a monopoly

And the conservatives are too cucked to push back.


Trudeau is a filthy pail of shit...he's a fucking ASSHOLE.

Gorillion ago

Both his daddies would be proud.

veteran88 ago

only jews and their slaves will get a licence

downvoatmachine ago

I guess this is a counter punch to Rebel News secretly videotaping his secret press suppressors after a book didn't paint a favorable image off him.

Wheatstone ago

Trump was just talking about the murder and trafficking of USA First Nations, signing another EO about human trafficking.

He is cleaning up a crime in the USA that is a hundred times worse in Canada. When these facts come out it will quickly spill over into Canada.

He has a sex scandal of his own that was barely covered up before the election. An underage student at his school when he was a teacher.

His friend, financier and advisor is Stephen Bronfman. Cousin of Clair and Sarah Bronfman of the NEXIVM child trafficking sex cult.

Then theirs uranium one.

Then their the ten billion dollar per year adrenochrome industry in Canada.

He has already made deals with social media and msm paying them hundreds of millions in tax dollars.

He has had Elections Canada investigate Ezra Lavant for writing a book criticizing him.

This guy is in a frantic panic trying to cover up absolute treason and crimes against humanity. All while POTUS is tightening the noose on the USA connections to many of these crimes. He knows bad news is just around the corner.

This move show us all just how weak a position Trudeau really is in. This won't be received well. This is what people with their backs up against a wall do. I smell fear!

GenderPronoun ago

Then their the ten billion dollar per year adrenochrome industry in Canada.

I'm interested in more information about this. I found this recently and have found ties to other strange things. It seems both major parties are involved and there's clearly something sinister going on. It seems the Canadian population is totally brainwashed.

Wheatstone ago

Sorry I don't have a link to that.

But yes!, the Canadians are completely brainwashed.

They live in a completely fake reality thinking Canada is a fair and decent place. When that bubble is popped and they have to face the reality of these horrors they will be completely mind fucked.

They have no clue what they are about to have exposed. This is the exact opposite of what they believe Canada is.

They will have a complete break down when it's all exposed. It will break many of them.

Agapechik57 ago

This bodes very baaaad.

YourMomsOtherAccount ago

A thinly veiled attempt to shut down Rebel Media.

yob ago

Canada ALREADY arrests and CONVICTS publishers of satire and humor, if Jews are the target of the jokes.

Canada famously convicted magazine publishers for hurting womens feelings in a recent large court case! JOKES ABOUT WOMEN that are too mean!

At Behest Of Powerful Jews In Canada, Satirical News Site Owner Sent To Prison For ‘Hate Speech’:

mendelbot ago

I hadn't heard about that. It wasn't reported in the news.... oh yea, I forgot

1Sorry_SOB ago

He's just doing what he was told to do.

EnsignPossible ago

how did the young get so SMALL minded? Like THEY have infinity in a nutshell.

WillowsRecipe ago

One more step towards outright communism...Karl would be so proud of their progress

Smokybubbles ago

You poor motherfuckers better stop thinking about hockey, and start thinking about taking your country back. It's time you put on the foil for something other than the third period.

steponthegas ago

They don't give a fuck. You wouldn't believe the level of apathy in Canada. They'll have every right taken away and apologize for not asking for it to be done sooner. Half the country is already "New Canadians". Think about this - the US (population of 330 million) takes in 1 million immigrants a year - which is VERY high. Now Canada (population 37 million) ALSO takes in 1 million immigrants per year.

Canada is totally fucked and actual white Canadians have no idea the fucking wrath that's headed their way.

surfsup ago

So now one cannot share events with fellow Canadians. One will be governed and their can decide to not issue a license if they don't like you. They can revoke a license if you do not tow the line. They can decide against renewal of they choose.

Rellik88 ago

Well if you need a license for a gun.

BushChuck ago

Thanks for helping me ragepill Canadians, faggot.

modsrcuntz ago

RIP Canada

Octoclops ago

Good thing they're right next to America.

mendelbot ago

You'll be having to build a wall to keep out the Canadian refugees when our communist "post-nation state" collapses.

steponthegas ago

Its actually really close - all its going to take to totally devastate Canada is the already heavily burdened healthcare system to start collapsing. it's on the brink now - but the news won't talk about it. I know front line people working in the hospitals and its getting grim.

Deplorablepoetry ago

Voat sucks Trudeau’s pig dick.

The only good Voat is a dead Voat.

uvulectomy ago

You're eternally triggered, aren't you.

Deplorablepoetry ago

Hello officer.

Please kill yourself, coward, public union communist.

The only good Voat is a dead Voat because of scum like you, officer.

uvulectomy ago

>goes to voat thread criticizing Turdeau

>"Voat sucks Trudeau's pig dick!"

>Gets ridiculed for being perma-triggered

>"Hah! You're a communist pig!"

I take it back. You're not triggered. You're just retarded.

HiJoker ago

He's just our resident 'police abuse victim' who gets to vent here. We probably save him some trouble by being a place where he can lose his shit and someone might notice yet not haul him away for more abuse.

He's caustic as a drano enema but that's a skin care product of voat. Watch, he'll dog the fuck out of me for being a jew cop retard, it's fucking beautiful.

Deplorablepoetry ago

Die pig.

uvulectomy ago

reeee some more, mongloid.

Splooge ago

You know, if you left Voat, you would be directly contributing to its death.

Deplorablepoetry ago

You don’t know, that I have nothing but contempt.

I have nothing to offer here other than to promote suicide.

Pride in a failed system perfectly describes this place.

Disgraceful is an understated word when it comes to voat’s lack of self awareness

Embarrassing, a concept that the slow minded, retarded faggots, on voat not even worth naming

I stab Voat in the heart.

..Side note, splooge, more than a few times I have noticed that you have the skills to be an actual journalist.

The only good Voat is a dead Voat, get a real job..., these pigs have nothing to offer..

HiJoker ago

Stop being so coying, tell us how you really feel.

By the way, you need to greet all the new migtow refugees if you would?

BTW, if all of voat is all of that, why are you here, because it makes you part of it when you use it or didn't you realize that? If you are really that angry at voaters and want to punch one, you need to start with the first one around you, and that's you. lol BAM!

Talk shit to yourself while you do it. Try it after the bar closes one night and see if it catches on, you might start some kind of club or something.

Diogenes_The_Cynic ago

This is a victory for conservative parties. Throttling the stream of misinformation coming out of left leaning prooaganda sources should be a conservative issue.

Octoclops ago

Yeah I'm sure Trudeau is gonna use this to shut up his fellow leftists and not everyone who disagrees with him.

Diogenes_The_Cynic ago

Its one government and his party won't be the only guys in power forever. He's making a mistake and undermining the institutions that support him. Don't try to get in the way of that. "Never interrupt the enemy when he is making a mistake"

xExekut3x ago

Ministry of Truth...

JewishKid ago

Requiring a license for media companies is a proxy for speech code enforcement on social media, further normalizing censorship. Roast him hard, repeatedly, and legally on your platforms while you can. Your life and freedom depends on the awareness you can raise.

SearchVoatBot ago

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modsrcuntz ago

Literally. 1984 was supposed to be a warning not a playbook.

Floodthewestcoast ago

Wow what an original thought! Never heard anyone say that before. Fucking tool

modsrcuntz ago

Thanks for noticing man. Everybody says I'm really smart.

vanievilgenius ago

1984 was describing exactly what was happening in his era. It also shed light on the goals of those responsible and was written in a way to make it seemingly happening in the future. Probably needed to do that to even get it published. Just my opinion.

BalfourYourFace ago

Eric Blair didn't describe what was going on, he described what their plans were. It was the warining of the playbook.

Blood-is-Nature ago

Probably needed to do that to even get it published. Just my opinion.

Orwell, Huxley, Arthur C. Clarke and many more were all agents to the system with ties to the British crown. This is all sleight of hand propaganda to pre-program the future.

InClownWorldSellPnut ago

Lol what Clark novel has come true? I don't see any space elevators, space monoliths, demon aliens come to ascend the children or gigantic empty sun diving cylindrical worldships.

I think you are reading too deep man. Huxley was an upper-crust psychonaut, Orwell was a fervent anti-communist, Clark just wrote shit so dry it can only be rivaled by Asimov and Jules Verne. Occam's razor on this one.

Blood-is-Nature ago

I don't see any space elevators, space monoliths, demon aliens come to ascend the children or gigantic empty sun diving cylindrical worldships.

You take stories too literally. The names, dates, locations and events can be freely changed in any given story. What matters is that somebody is telling the story, and that you are the target behind the tellers intent. that's what you have to look for, the rest is just theatrics; distractions.

I think you are reading too deep man

The opposite, I just looked at the surface level of what the intent over nature, which we see today and which transhumanism aims at.

Huxley was an upper-crust psychonaut, Orwell was a fervent anti-communist, Clark just wrote shit so dry it can only be rivaled by Asimov and Jules Verne. Occam's razor on this one.

Nope. They are all connect through publishers as a vetting process for their works, the usury mafia as the financiers of their works, as well as being members in the usual circles of bloodlines, freemasonry, wealth, royalty, and the internationalist lifestyle. See, historical revisionism doesn't like to tell the stories of those who doesn't play by the rules of the system. Also anti-communist? You mean like the US government who had an entire "cold war" against the threat of communism? As you probably noticed the US government are communist and capitalistic, because those are both tools of subjugation for the same group of controllers.

Fuckle_Chucks ago

That's because this shit has to happen in order for humans to evolve. Universe is order and entrophy—there is no equilibrium. The system either grows or regresses. Anybody thinking otherwise is a fool who will be ground into dust by the machinations of Universe.

Blood-is-Nature ago

Universe is order and entrophy—there is no equilibrium

Incorrect. Our existence happens in between life and death, with time initiating the movement from one towards the other, thereby creating the demand for adaption to ever changing circumstances, to uphold the balance (the natural order) in between these two outcomes. This is why all our actions have a positive (life) or a negative (death) consequence that nature judges.

The system either grows or regresses

No. Existence itself is based on time initiating movement, which creates two opposite barriers in between which all existence happens; a beginning and an end. If you have two barriers than everything in between is finite so there can be no growth of the core energy. What you are describing as growth is a reconfiguration (order) out of constant loss (chaos). The only thing that can grow inside the barriers is our comprehension of what is possible for us to achieve. All knowledge already exists in the nature of this ecosystem, it is our comprehension that isn't up to par to understand it all. If we want to "grow" our conscious perception, we need to follow the laws of nature and maintain our blood, which holds not just our identity, but the chance for individual traits like creativity, intelligence, strength and so on. And the only way to maintain the blood is to maintain this system as steward, because what our species bring to the table is comprehension (as in we have the most sophisticated consciousness), which is why we are a type of mimic that can comprehend and create of the world around us.

machinations of Universe.

Universe describes your longing for the outside, based on the repressed fear of the inside (death), which is why your consciousness creates substitutes for the unknown end, which is based on mankind not comprehending that the goal they are so desperately chasing after, the purpose that they cannot seem to find, was given to them at the, which is the ultimate git of existence, which is required for anything else to have a value.

vanievilgenius ago

It's a bit of that too. Although I think there are and have always been insiders against the overall plan.

Blood-is-Nature ago

Of course, that's called the jew vs jew backstabbing competition about how to share the spoils from the exploitation of mankind. There is no help from within only the off chance of powers shifting and one psychopath being replaced by another.

bbqchipz ago

Next you'll need your loicience to watch tv like euro-stan.

CrustyBeaver52 ago

He's like his father, the Communist Castro.

Smallest_Skil ago

castro was not a homo, so not the same

AgentSakura ago

Bastard Faggot Cuck Communist Son of a Cuban Dictator