WOKE88 ago



flapjack_charlie ago

You know, I think someone who spent that much time making movies would know "kosher sausage" is a better line.

Reapreap ago

he a good boy. he dindu nuffin

Armpit_and_Ass ago

After being cajoled into going up to his room, Mann said Weinstein told her friend to wait in the living area of the suite and called Mann into his bedroom. When she appeared at the doorframe, she said that he pulled her in, shut the door, and orally sexually assaulted her without her consent.

“The more I fought, the angrier he got,” Mann said, remembering that she “locked up” and grew very quiet. Then, she said she “faked an orgasm to get out of it.” When Weinstein was finished performing oral sex on her, Mann said, he asked her how it was and, being nervous, she told him, “Oh, it was the best I ever had.'”

Mann said that after the assault she made the decision to be in a relationship with Weinstein, in part, because she had only been sexual with “very few people.”

“I entered what I thought would be an agreeable relationship with him, and it was extremely degrading from that point on,” Mann said.


sore_ass_losers ago

This other article adds more details of her testimony: https://www.vulture.com/2020/01/jessica-mann-harvey-weinstein-trial-testimony.html

“He called my name [from his bedroom],” she said, crying. Talita urged her to see what Weinstein wanted.

“I leaned in and I said, ‘What do you want?’” she said. “And then he grabbed my arm, and he pulls me around, and as he’s pulling me around, he closes the door and he says to Talita, ‘We’ll just be a minute.’”

“The more I fought, the angrier he got,” she alleged. Weinstein then said, “Let me do something for you. I’m not letting you leave until I do something for you.”

“He wouldn’t tell me,” she claimed. “He told me to sit on the bed, and that’s when he went down on me.”

“I started to fake an orgasm to get out of it,” she said. “He asked me how it was, if I liked it. And uhm, I was nervous, so I told him, ‘Oh, it was the best I ever had.’”

So he traps her in the bedroom and that’s when the fight part occurs. Won’t let her leave until she allows oral sex. That’s more definitively coercive.

There’s also an incident of violent rape later.

sore_ass_losers ago

Found another article: https://www.vulture.com/2020/01/jessica-mann-harvey-weinstein-trial-testimony.html

“The first time I saw him fully naked,” she said, “I thought he was deformed and intersex. He has an extreme scarring that I didn’t know, maybe [he] was a burn victim …”

”He does not have testicles, and it appears that he has a vagina,” she claimed, s

boekanier ago

That weinstein is a swine.

Fetalpig ago

Multimillionaire or not you touch me inappropriately...i will grab a chair and bash your face,I will not go into a relationship with them.

sore_ass_losers ago

They are really raking him over the coals, smelly, blackheads, no balls, scarred dick, impotent, and no women actually had an orgasm and none of them loved you.

I do think Weinstein is a major creep and did a lot of perverted things, but this specific case is strange.

satisfyinghump ago

To me, it (weinstein) will always be the "sacrifical lamb"

voatergoateryoda ago

The details are needed I guess. It proves they saw his penis.

sore_ass_losers ago

Perry Mason moment: “Will the defendant rise and drop his pants?”

Voatering4life ago

Indeed. Trying to muddy the waters, no?

DanaNordic ago

Yeah, such details are probably why the pretrial hearings were closed to the media and the public and settled cases have an NDA.

AmericanJew2 ago

Meanwhile, nothing I just read in that article says rape to me. She subjected herself to it voluntarily in exchange for roles and money, that’s called prostitution.

Just because she regrets her decisions doesnt make it rape.

DanaNordic ago

May be some confusion there with consent. Each and every sexual encounter must have the consent of parties involved. Generally, men bear the burden to ensure there is consent because most men can easily physically overpower a woman, and many young women are more apt to submit out of fear of getting hurt more than try to fight off an aggressive encounter. Submission is not consent.

WhiteChickens ago

That's bullshit because asking a woman if she wants to have sex is not how sex happens.

Any man who constantly asks for consent for every sexual act has not had much sex. lol

DanaNordic ago

It does help if both parties have not been tainted with messed up views.

Aryanawakening ago

Don't be such a bigot.

Simonsaysgoat ago

Yeah but if it takes the Jews down that's cool with me haha

areyoumygaffer ago

nice handle. you are a symptom of a larger problem read transcripts of how the (((defendant))) responds to "allegations". same thing with epstein. Fuck off shill. Clutch your pais and die in a fire you piece of shit. Noone will remember you positively and your bloodline will disappear.

sore_ass_losers ago

It’s after George Soros and his band of losers, particularly after their 2016 loss.

This particular instance, as presented in this article, is troubling to me.

Epstein and Weinstein differ in that Epstein pursued underage teenagers.

You are a very unpleasant individual.

areyoumygaffer ago

you missed the point. re read the transcripts of how each of these "men" behaved when their genitals are described. those intimate details gave them the 100% defeat. had weinstein been related to the slick willy he'd be dead too. also, look at the "shit smell" that is common after "trans" surgery. "stein" and "stein" differ because one took advantage of younger girls and used them to recruit others? big deal. both used the same tactic. both were disgusting jews, both rapists. one preferring 16 year old girls is of no consequence.

unpleasant individual? your complaint they're "really raking him over the coals" shows sympathy for a disgusting jew rapist. what's next? are you going to say epstein was a food guy?

fuck off

sore_ass_losers ago

Epstein went as young as 12, I think that’s a huge difference. The role of the Hollywood producer has been well known since the beginning of Hollywood, these adult women should have known what they were getting into.

Spiteful_Mutant ago

... and not having any testicles.

Goddamn; how can you not lol when reading that statement?

Glipglup ago

third-degree rape

It's official boys, 2020 is the year of the clowns

Deplorablepoetry ago

Voat sucks Harvey Weinstein’s deformed dick, collectively.

Voat = pig faggots.

Glipglup ago


Not one person has ever defended this kike. Get out with your lies

Deplorablepoetry ago

Voat couldn’t recognize a communist if the Voat faggot had a commie dick up it’s retarded ass.

Voat, collectively is a very low IQ internet site.

Voat glorifies public union, domestic terrorist pigs.

Voat sucks shit.

sore_ass_losers ago

Your poems don’t even rhyme.

Deplorablepoetry ago

Are you afraid to die?

Kill yourself, scumbag.

Die pig.

sore_ass_losers ago

Ooh, edgy.

Deplorablepoetry ago

You have a gun, you have a mirror, what are you waiting for?

OoklaTheMok111 ago

Better poetry, maybe?

Deplorablepoetry ago

Kill yourself, die, faggot.

Abrahamlied ago

Thank the rabbi.

areyoumygaffer ago

read the page 6 article. she says he smells like shit. common for trannies. for fucks sake jews are disgusting enough already.

MeghanMarklesJaw ago

Cunty84 ago


FurSuitCleaner ago

Yeah all celebs are trannies. Ive been saying this for years on voat. /v/transvestigation

trail_of_toes ago

If you go back for seconds, it was not rape.

chirogonemd ago

But, but, but, you couldn't possibly understand being a woman who was traumatized. She INTERNALIZED her shame and tried to extinguish it by seeking his validation. She was BROKEN for God's sake.


I think everyone needs to get fucking real about these situations with high-status, wealthy gate-keepers. Not only are we dealing with the status of this man, i.e. being a big fish in a big pond, but we're also dealing with someone whose role is literally "making" people. This man is a gateway to a role that might break out a life of fame.

How can we not realistically put these "meetings" into the right context? If a woman, or five, get called up to Weinstein's hotel room at 11:30 pm to meet, fucking nobody is dense enough to misunderstand what's going on. Nobody. Especially not these wannabe's (also something not being acknowledged: their motivations).

I don't give a fuck if he makes a pass at you. Why did you go into his bedroom as you were fucking called by a voice from inside?

Okay, so you didn't consent. It was rape. Aka, you decided at the last second you weren't prepared for something you thought you might be. Understandable. I'm even willing to tolerate the fact that you were intimidated enough that you didn't literally fight (bite and claw) the man because he is so high status it might have actually made your life harder.

BUT, when all is said and done, if you fucking date the guy, then it's patently obvious you were an opportunist who was using this guy as a lily pad to success, and later on (whether it all worked out in your favor or not) you regretted the degenerate things you did and now want a catharsis to convince yourself you were the victim, and not simply a consenting party to pay-to-play.

blit416 ago

as much as I hate trollish jews, I hate lying hoors even more. fair trade, even in her words. she needed acting work. she could have done it on talent and acting skill.

WOKE88 ago

Whores or hooahs!

sore_ass_losers ago

Mann, who met Weinstein at a Hollywood Hillls party in late 2012 or early 2013, described how Weinstein took advantage of her when she was struggling to make it in L.A. - inviting him to his hotel room after a series of meetings in which he asked her increasingly personal and private questions.


After being cajoled into going up to his room, Mann said Weinstein told her friend to wait in the living area of the suite and called Mann into his bedroom. When she appeared at the doorframe, she said that he pulled her in, shut the door, and orally sexually assaulted her without her consent.

“The more I fought, the angrier he got,” Mann said, remembering that she “locked up” and grew very quiet. Then, she said she “faked an orgasm to get out of it.” When Weinstein was finished performing oral sex on her, Mann said, he asked her how it was and, being nervous, she told him, “Oh, it was the best I ever had.'”

Mann said that after the assault she made the decision to be in a relationship with Weinstein, in part, because she had only been sexual with “very few people”.

Sounds like a clumsy seduction. They are applying yes-means-yes rules retroactively to when no-means-no was the standard. Well, it depends on what she means by fought. Did she even say ‘no’? If he was ripping her clothes off against opposition I’ll buy it’s rape.

killkillkill ago

Exactly. And then decides to be in a relationship w/him after?

So...a guy forces you to let him go down on you, and then you just decide to date him after...?

sore_ass_losers ago

“I entered what I thought would be an agreeable relationship with him.”

If she’d already been raped by the monster why on earth would she think it would be agreeable?

killkillkill ago


itssomatic ago

She's attempting to be classy by euphemistically using "agreeable", as in both parties come to terms - meaning an implicit contract between a john and a whore.



sore_ass_losers ago

She’s gotten to the point she’s in his bedroom naked or half naked and then he initiates oral sex. Does she clearly say ‘no’ and actually fight him, or maybe just coyly twists her legs a bit? That’s the crux of the matter, it’s not clear here.

But yeah she tells him that was the best ever and dates him?

killkillkill ago

If a girl has a guy between her legs, she could easily fucking kick him or some shit.

maaaxheadroom ago

He’s one of those reptilian jews, she’s not used to lizard dick

Lord_Kristopf ago

Maybe she’s describing circumcision as ‘extreme scarring’. I mean, she wouldn’t be wrong.

voatergoateryoda ago

No, I think something else is going on here. Maybe he had several surgeries to help with his impotence that left scars. Maybe psoriatic or sexually-transmitted lesions that gave his penis hypopigmented scarring or keloids (such as the manifestation and surgical removal of warts). Sounds like he had testicular cancer as well that maybe spread to both testicles, requiring removal. Strange then he didn't have implants put in. This is more than circumcision scarring,

u_r_wat_u_eat ago

Realize harvey is just the product of jewish upbringing. He was probably just as abused as a child as he treats his victims

AtroNotsAreGay ago

Theyre trannies. /v/transvestigation

EyeOfHorus ago

So are his 5 children not his biological children?

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