TheEqualizer ago

I hope Britain can get rid of the faggots, foreigners and social workers (Care) next. England has been falling apart for a long time. Sad her Queen does nothing.

boekanier ago

In the rest of the dictatorship which is the EU, voting to remain or to leave isn't possible, we don't have that choice, 'democracy', you know... Which again is proof that the people have nothing to say and that it is the elite who decides what is 'good' for us.

Monarch981 ago

Oh, they're ready alright. If you don't think all of those people are ready to cry about how its all the same people pretending to be multiple people, or how they're all bots, or paid actors, you're a fool. They would even see the people irl and pretend it's some kind of mirage and then forget about it after a few days. They are completely ready. Learn from the past if you want to have some kind of grounding in reality. That isn't meant to be an insult.

Spiteful_Mutant ago

Nature, red in tooth and claw always heeds the calling of its master: Universe.

This has happened before, and it will happen again.

Charilko ago

They think they can shut us up by taking our Internet away.

Silly liberals, the Internet is the only thing keeping the unwashed masses from doing things in meatspace.

TheEqualizer ago

Well, maybe it's time to get offline..for all of us.

0rion ago

Meatspace...never heard it before but I like it.

voatusernamevoat ago

The tide has turned

What are you thinking of to think this? Clue the rest of us in on whatever tide you're seeing that's turned.

Approved ago

What are you thinking of to think this? Clue the rest of us in on whatever tide you're seeing that's turned.

Well, for starters, once 50% of the population has been "deplatformed", "cancelled", or "banned" for not being sufficiently woke... would expect that anybody who was woke would never win another election.

Rawrination ago

We didn't vote our way into this mess and aren't going to vote our way out of it. Doubly so considering rigged elections and voting machines owned by our enemies.

Approved ago

Yes, BUT... the whole point of having elections is to lull the populace into thinking that thier vote matters, and that things can be solved by elections.

Too much rigging, and too obvious a rig job, makes even the normiest of normies wake the fuck up.

Now, with most Democrat "front runners" struggling to fill a waffle house or a living room wurh a crowd, while trump fills stadiums to overflow, it's getting to the point that only massive censorship across the board will keep the normies asleep.

And the situation accelerates.

rexbro ago

"E-EVERYTHING IS OK N-N-NOTHING WILL HAPPEN" Said increasingly nervous kikes.

neuschwabia ago

When will politicians be arrested, tried and executed for their crimes?

Israel-Did-9-11 ago

Communists fear the samurai

Whitegoy ago

As niggers still flow in for gibs.

DamonAxemaker ago

It's going to be a fun few years

rabbisucksbabycock ago

brexit what? what's the point of that thing? jews still own your banks.

olltre ago

its a first step

SoOutraged ago

That's why I keep saying they are digging their own grave and don't even realize it. Every time someone gets banned or deplatformed that's another shovel of dirt.

Paulsmith1958 ago

There is no question it’s turning and as always the pendulum will swing hard the opposite way at first.

changz ago

They will just double down and get you imprisoned or financially ruined.

slwsnowman40 ago

Yea, but nothing will happen.

Fried-Laptop ago

as the tide-pod turns..

NoBS ago

All three flags that virtue signalling parrot advertises had all given up the right to openly carry.

Every single one of them.

Slaves have no right to dictate or make demands. The fact that they don't understand why unarmed citizens are enslaved is the real horror.

Horrux ago

OTOH Americans are extremely complacent BECAUSE they have guns. They think they're safe. But what caliber will save them from brainwashing?

MaFishTacosDaBombBro ago

A .45 caliber should do the trick, considering ear plugs are generally around 1/2".

Deplorablepoetry ago

Voat is the shitstain of the Internet.

Little piggie safe space.

Voat sucks Epstein’s egg shaped penis.

Voat has the community awareness of a flock of Greta Thunberg’s on a cold summer day.

Voat is super fucking gay.

Fix your shit you worthless retards or .......fade............away

NoBS ago

This site is an FBI Honey Pot. The Pizzagate censorship was a clue. One of many...

Deplorablepoetry ago

This dude knows.

Cheers friend!

we_kill_creativity ago


NoBS ago

Jenn777 agrees from the fallen.

Thank you PG Mods, you are not forgotten.

jedimind ago

Go live out your worthless utopia fantasy in Jew York City or some other shit hole. While you are getting butt fucked by a nigger... we will all be homesteading, learning to live off the land again, putting GOD first, and raising happy children. You lose, we win.

Glipglup ago

Your family comes before God. On a real human understands this.

Deplorablepoetry ago

Why don’t you kill me with your Jedi powers?

Silly little faggot, die pig scumbag.

jedimind ago

You sound like you are 13 years old...Its Friday night, shouldn't you be out playing super smash brothers with your gay friends?

Glipglup ago

Hey man, the Melee community is kind of based. I mean they aren't like us but they aren't like them either.

oneinchterror ago

Kill yourself

American-Patriot ago

I hear guns and bombs make loud noises...very hard not to hear them.

NoBS ago

Those hand grenades getting sold all over Europe right now are down to $20 USD per in the standard 24 box unit.

Care to guess why it's so cheap over there?

Subsided would be my guess.

How many grenades can a measly 1.7 Billion in cash buy? Just one pallet is 800 million. Just 100 million can corner the market as big as North Europe all the way to the Chinese source

Those bloody Anti-personnel grenades have Obama's finger prints on them and FUCK the CIA.

olltre ago

interesting post. got any more sources on that?.... not that i dont believe you, i just want more info

NoBS ago

Are you asking to reveal my contacts? Sorry brother, you're not worth dying for.

Right of the bat the local bloggers in Sweden and Germany have been posting the bombings daily. Never on main stream media. So if controlled media is your only source then I'm full of shit.

The Bombings in Brussels and Spain are heavily censored, even the bloggers since they get arrested over there.

olltre ago

lol ok larpy mclarp

HAESisalie ago

You mean the grenades that are illegal for people to buy? I guess you pulled that right out of your ass huh? Sounded good though. "Yeah give me a carton of cigs and toss in a case of those illegal hand grenades for only $20."

Spiteful_Mutant ago

Lolz. Grenades were available in the US in the 1990s for about $25/each.

You mean the grenades that are illegal for people to buy?

Yeah, laws stop crimes. That's why they have to keep putting people in jail.

Plavonica ago

Never been to the dark market have ya?

NoBS ago

You have not been down to shakey town recently, eh? Step away from that safe space and find a large Social Services hot spot. It is where drugged up mothers pimp out their children.

HAESisalie ago

Please. You people are living in some Hollywood movie land. You saw it in a movie right? Tom Cruise needed a grenade launcher and headed down to his Pakistani contact at the open market and said the code words... Sheesh.

Maroonsaint ago

Isn’t it a good thing you can get grenades so cheap?

Plavonica ago

If only it were on the open market.

NoBS ago

I really see no reason to drop the price from $100 from scary spooks to "Psst, want a buy some grenades for $45?"

Then there is the dreaded "Buy 3 and get one free".

Well, that's were Sweden is right now. Fancy that.

Fuck me, even in Mexico they cost at least $60 if your papered. Over $100 for the soon to be departed. I prefer the last, no?

olltre ago

lol i actually read in another thread a while ago that they are actually giving away a grenade with the purchase of an AK in sweden. and im pretty sure they were serious.

NoBS ago

AK's are still spendy in most of Europe because they use all stops to curtail imports due to optics.

The grenades are usually around the opium/hashish dealers. I can see then doing the buy 100 grams and get a free grenade deal.

I have to admit I'd love to go fishing with a grenade at least once in my life time.

Lovingjudas ago

I want grenades. I don’t wanna pay $200stamp for each one

muhfuggabixnood ago


thebassdude ago


veteran88 ago

I can't wait for RWDS.

I will join, but if I am to old I will give them water and whatever else they need when they March down my street.

ScottMAGA ago


What does this acronym mean?

Crux ago

Really Wild Dance Squads

veteran88 ago

Right Wing Death Squad

Doc_Shotgun ago

Right Wing Death Squads.

SearchVoatBot ago

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SolomonPapermaster ago

Yes, dead squads marching down the streets, that will solve everything. I'm sure nothing will go wrong...

NakedWarrior ago

There are those who will not have their freedoms taken, at any cost, these were the same brave people who fought for this country in the beginning and won. Then there are those who cowardly tremble in a corner, allowing themselves to become slaves, allowing themselves to be march by the thousands into camps or gulags with no resistance. If you are afraid to stand up for your rights, then by all means take that train. But do not disparage those who are braver than you.

SolomonPapermaster ago

A revolutionary army and war are not the same as kill squads walking down the streets. On takes courage, has at least a semblance of legitimacy and is justified, the other are just a bunch of cowards shooting people they don't like. You people are so eager to jump into the keyboard grandstanding you are understanding what you want to understand.

NakedWarrior ago

I actually deleted my comment because I did some research and agree

SolomonPapermaster ago

Takes a man to admit when one is wrong. It's something I take pride on and strongly appreciate in others.

blit416 ago

I agree wholeheartedly. glad you're onboard with RWDS. unless you have some complaint, Herr /u/SolomonPapermaster?

habst du eine complaint meine freunde?

(marching noises)

SolomonPapermaster ago

I'm sure there are many leftists that wish for the extreme left (communism) to get into power and start shooting right-wingers. They think that because they are in the left, that they are safe. We call them useful idiots and they are the first ones killed when communists to get into power.

You guys all sound like right wing useful idiots to me.

Astupidname69 ago

right, so what's your plan then, surely you have a better alternative?

Spiteful_Mutant ago

He doesn't because there isn't one.

What is coming is what always comes and cannot be stopped

Universe favors chaos, and chaos is oftentimes violent.

ThorsIbanez ago

As if the tree of liberty desires some other beverage? It's whats on the menu. Every oppurtunity has been given to walk this inevitability back. Every injustice of which there are thousands has been met with an obsequious groveling submission to the relentless mob. Whatever fate befalls us is that which was chosen and earned. Maybe not by the individual on an individual basis but collective insanity deserves collective reform with extreme prejudice.

Spiteful_Mutant ago

Well written.

SolomonPapermaster ago

I am sure people where telling themselves the same before the French revolution. There is war, there is lawful executions, there is justice and there is dead squads walking down the street. They are not comparable.

Plus, humans are humans, no matter what their ideology or political ideas are. If right wing extremists that wish to purge humanity of scum get into power, then it is us who will be the useful idiots and the first ones to be shot.

ThorsIbanez ago

You're a fat fucking pussy.

SolomonPapermaster ago

ad hominem

BeeBop71 ago

..but deserved

ThorsIbanez ago


veteran88 ago

These Jews are leaving us little choose.

Their monopoly on all branches of power leaves us as slaves.

Fuck there kosher sandwich of acceptable opinions and print Jews first in every case.

Total war is better than slavery to these rats.

SolomonPapermaster ago

Well, I don't really consider jews people, so no problem. But extremist walking the streets killing people? Sounds an awful lot like communism. And the first people communists kill are the useful idiots that supported them. Why wouldn't right wing extremists do the same? An extremist is an extremist, no matter where they are in the political spectrum. They are like religious zealots, and zealots cannot be reasoned with.

veteran88 ago

communism and natsoc are opposites.

communism is a jewish dictatorship full of drone slaves that believe in nothing. they say their little catch phrases and their death squads (NKVD) were 80% jewish. their aim was just to kill the European Christians whom they murdered in the tens of millions. they didn't rape or kill their obedient slaves unless they were in the mood to do it. These jews actually had warrants to rape women they found attractive. (the last Dr DD podcast goes into detail about this )

natsoc is an authoritarian hierarchy of the people whos land it is, so in germany is was germans, in kenya it would be kenyens, peru peruvians. They serve themselves and their people, not some hostile foreign group (aka jews). Jews hate natsoc/facism because it is the only system they can't subvert. With the SS empowered to hunt down and destroy globalist vermin and communist parasites they can never take root, and whenever they try they will simply be slain. The aim of natsoc is a spiritual one, not an economic one. It is to make your people the best they can be in all ways. Expanding without limit in every field while holding to the truth. That is the opposite we have now where everything is being held back so a hostile foreign enemy can maintain monopolies on what it controls.

Communist (((NKVD))) slaughtered and raped for fun. so right now the NKVD aka what antifa would turn into would be walking around the mall shooting whites for sport and gangraping any women they found attractive.

SS efficiently executed their enemies for the good of their people. right now they would be hunting epstines associates, everyone who went to pedo island. the heads of these tratorous multinational corps who put their profit over our people. and the entire lying press. (lugenpresse) There is no need to reason with soldiers attacking those targets.

it is the difference between shooting a shotgun at your own leg for no reason vs using a scalpel to remove cancerous cells.

There is literally nothing wrong with a natsoc zealot who is fighting for the very existence of their people in their own land. There is 0 reason to tolerate hostile foreign enemy combatants in your land doing psychological warfare to your people and trying to replace them with mass immigration. The enemy has no rights, and whatever it says besides "we unconditionally surrender" is irrelevant.

PoliceICE ago

right now they would be hunting epstines associates, everyone who went to pedo island

And the Jewish bankers, the Latino filth that ruins our streets with gangs and drugs, the,nigger problem, the media, and the disgusting entertainment industry. Basically all the things that are wrong with this country. Some people call me a dreamer.....

veteran88 ago

but you're not the only one

Ol_Hickery ago

Well said fellow fren.

BlowjaySimpson ago

The christcuck cries out as he is genocided slowly

HiJoker ago

I guess it's up to the not so great christians to be the faith militant.

Glipglup ago

Innocent lives are already being taken. Might as well take down a few bad guys along with them.

BoomerHater1488er ago


GenderPronoun ago

I look forward to seeing it happen.