Ivanovich ago

These fake accounts are becoming pretty lame

Tb0n3 ago

I'm not afraid of saying it. I just don't believe it's the truth.

obvious-throwaway- ago

History is literally full of them doing this shit over and over again. Who were Jesus and Hitler, people who stood up to the Jews. It's the eternal battle of good vs evil.

IHateNiggersAndKikes ago

What are you waiting for?

Cat-hax ago

Almost everyone at work hates Jews in some capacity, the recent string of Jews crying the victim yet again, is actually working against their narrative.

SteffisCute ago

I tell people all the time its the Jews that are responsible for 99% of the worlds problems. I have gotten to the point that I do not give a fuck what people think or how they react.

CrystalLife ago

Where do you peeople get your ideas? The sooner you learn that your enemy are those who divide and try, well suceed, in making you hate. There isn't one shred of evidence to support your belief, not one. And not only that, but you need to look at yourselves and figure out from where your hatred comes. It's clear from reading this thread why most of you feel the way you do, and it has nothing to do with Jewish people. When you stop being reactive and start being introspective, you, the people around you and those you attempt to influence will be much happier people. And all any one of us wants is to have a happy life.

KLDB ago

Puppet masters have always been the target.

Titanbikes4ever ago

They started the feminist movement, women's suffrage, childfree movment, pushed women to get careers. All evil

nouseforaname ago

It's the Jews who hold political, media, and financial power. The guy who owns the deli is not my enemy (unless he's supporting and donating to push this shit).

Bool2k ago

Lmao if you think you consciously saved them, you're delusional. The US helped in WWII because it was already infiltrated by Jews. Jews helped themselves, the US was just the parasite's host.

goatboy ago

I will not be the first to initiate Earth’s extinction, but I may be the last.

Simonsaysgoat ago

We should just get with other countries against them and wipe out our debt along with them. We could use that as a way to convince other countries to go along

Mustard_Monkey ago


JudenIsEdom ago

There were no death camps. They orchestrated their own personal get out of jail free card for the rest of human history. Now to criticise them you have to come to sites like this away from the general public.

Unchosen1 ago

The greatest trick the "jews" that are our enemy ever pulled was conflating their identity with the wider several classes of people who are also "jews". I know several who I'm certain are not aware of or involved in any of this, nor would they want to be. I wish there was a more specific and unique name for these bastards. It really is the biggest hurdle to widespread awakening.

sugamari ago

i think you refer to the zionist's who are not just jews and not all jews are sionists.

smokratez ago

We saved them from the work camps in Germany and Poland

They were vacation camps. The holocaust didn't happen.

How fucking dare they?

Calm down Greta.

How about we kill them, then?

How about you do what you want to do, and stop trying to get us to do violence for you? Sounds good?

Glow ass faggot nigger.

pitenius ago

Calm down Greta.

You've been on fire lately.

smokratez ago

*tips hat

pitenius ago

Hey, I kinda wanna wade into this thread with an unpopular opinion, but it looks like there's 100 one-liners.

Should I bother?

smokratez ago

Do you have a talking point that hasn't been covered yet? Or just something you have to get off your chest? It's anybody's ocean. Just gotta swim.

pitenius ago

I might return to it... kids wanna play with me.

justregtoasku ago

They're called children you fukwit

pitenius ago

You're on a site that has adopted a goat mascot.

And it would be "fuckwit", chump.

justregtoasku ago

For you I prefer fukwit

smokratez ago

Nice being popular.

krz9000 ago

you have to understand that the jews have been upset that the german reich had economic success without jew money. they made the brits plot against germany with russia and france to attack germany and in the end blame it on the germans. the versaille treaty basically killed the rest of germany...and therefore resistance build up and led to hitler. all he did was taking revenge by using jew tactics. what i want to say is....basically you can take all the stories that are told to paint germany evil...switch the word germany with jews and you are much closer to reality then the jew media spread lies that we all carry in our heads up to today. as you can understand germany suffered a lot and the world believed in the jew lies instead of getting any help...therefore dont exspect the jew purge to come from this area this time. id love to see the initiating moves come from the usa this time because the misstreatment is the most obvious in that nation these days.

gerberlyfe2 ago

It is Jews. It's israel. They had blackmail on Clinton because he rode on the lolita express and they used it to get him to pass NAFTA to destroy this country.

registeretakes10s ago

Wait til you realize it's possible we helped the wrong side during ww2 and that history is obviously always rewritten by the victor

justregtoasku ago

When i was young my grandparents (who sadly experienced the 2nd ww) drummed into me:

-dont trust anything in the papers on the wireless or on the television

-the victors write the history books

Merlynn ago

Because people have been lied to for so long it's ingrained in their minds. I used to make the argument that it's propaganda,not brainwashing. But seeing the long term effects of propaganda,it really is low key brainwashing. If it really sets in,you won't be able to question it at all. I've always questioned things. I've always noticed something seems off about things. I think that's why my red pilling went easier than others. I always knew something was wrong. Once I learned to accept the scale of the lies I was told,realizing it was the jew was as simple as just looking up who was in charge of the things that were wrong. Once you start looking for them,they're easy to spot. And you notice how much power they have.

But others don't question. They believe what they're told. It's like that one ex-KGB guy said. Once they're demoralized,once they are broken,they can't reason anymore. No amount of evidence will change their mind. Only once they are being marched into the death camps and facing a firing squad,only then will they question what they are told,if they ever do.

An open mind is like a fortress with the gates unbarred and laid open.

Blood-is-Nature ago

you won't be able to question it at all. They believe what they're told.

Because belief in nature is a temporary assumption initiated by your survival instincts towards an unknown, which is automatically followed by curiosity, which starts the natural path of knowledge that makes holding onto the belief unnecessary; makes it into the temptation of blind faith. The path of knowledge is based on adaption, while holding onto beliefs represents stagnation. This is why we are facing parasitical predators who utilize primarily deception to trick us into accepting beliefs.

you won't be able to question it at all

Because you accepted it as the fixed rules that your consciousness will operate under, and therefore the consciousness will bank this as truth, and will make up justification for why everything challenging it is a lie. The consciousness is a tool for comprehending the world around us; a world based on adaptation; and when you set the rules in stone (by believing) it cannot adapt to everything anymore, only to the barriers you set for it. It's the modern analogy of using statistics to research crime, but leaving "blacks" out of the results. that is what you do to your consciousness by holding onto any belief. You're manipulating the end results.

Merlynn ago

You are terrible at making your points. Put more thought into how you're presenting this and you'll find it easier to at least make your points clear. And you should do this because they are good points. You just need to work on presentation to get them across better.

Blood-is-Nature ago

My problem is primarily the corrupt English language, with all the rhetorical tricks implemented, the historical revisionism applied to and the meanings distorted to a point where certain terms can have endless meanings. I also try to follow my mantra that "simplicity states truth, while complexity hides lies", which is why I always try to explain it in the most basic terms possible.

Help me out. How can I get my points across even simpler? I'm always game for adaptation.

Merlynn ago

Your idea of "simple" is still too complex. Use smaller words,keep it tight and pithy,try to think in terms of catch phrases and lowest common denominator. People have little time and less patience these days as they race around trying to keep up the status quo. Which is how the jews like it,but it's shit for the rats in the maze. Break your argument down into the simplest terms and try to avoid run on sentences.

For example,one might break it down like this.

There's what you know,what you think,what you believe,and what you heard. What you know is things you've seen with your own eyes or can otherwise prove. There's what you think,which is what you're fairly certain of but can't completely prove or some theory you just came up with based on what evidence you have. There's what you believe which is based on ideals and what was drilled into your head. And there's what you heard which is pretty much rumors and gossip and completely unproven.

These are in order of highest to lowest priority. You want to work from knowledge. You usually have to work from what you think. When things get tough,you run on belief or faith. And when you're really desperate,you go with what you've heard.

I hope this has illustrated my point.

Blood-is-Nature ago

catch phrases and lowest common denominator.

I can't describe fundamental truths by utilizing deceptions. That's also why I could never put it in book form, because how can I speak about truth and adaption, while giving you a fixed text attached to a price-tag? I want to challenge the misconception of holding onto beliefs, and the consciousness recognizing it as an attack against the (false) identity, is what I want to overcome. Problem is... even if I achieve that, the consciousness will just replace it with the old belief, but not initiate adaptation. You cannot adapt while holding a belief...how do I sell this?

trying to keep up the status quo

That's the path of least resistance (death) designed for them to walk to keep them occupied, and it doesn't take many temptations to lure people away from the path of struggle (life).

try to avoid run on sentences.

Yeah, that's a thing I got to work on.

There's what you know, what you think, what you believe, and what you heard.

What you know is an assumption, because outside of the fundamental laws of nature, all received knowledge is based on adaptation and therefore always moving. What you think is just the progress of comprehending received knowledge, which will lead to your actions. The pre-judgement you make here is not truth, but also an assumption to help you decide on your actions. What you believe is what restraints the progress of comprehending, which is what will always negatively influence your actions, because you won't let your consciousnesses run freely, so this isn't truth either. And what you heard is the same as what you think, because it's just knowledge received from a different angle, or even with a belief attached to it.

The entire process of deciding what is truth and what isn't, is hedonism. It's not yours to make, because if you decide to make it into a belief, it prevents adaptation. I posted the 1+1=2 example before, which you would believe to be true, but didn't get all information and you will never have all information, because nature is always adapting. So if I give more information that 1 (male) + 1 (female) = lots of kids, then your belief turned out to be a lie. The problem then is how strong are you holding onto your belief to ditch it, or even question it in the first place? And also if you would question one belief, why not all? And if the answer is that you know it's true, then why do need to still believe it?

When things get tough,you run on belief or faith. And when you're really desperate,you go with what you've heard.

All this stems from having the wrong foundation. Only the laws of nature are fundamental, all the rest of knowledge falls under that foundation, especially that opposites must coexist, because they are defined by each other. That means that all knowledge carries truth and false. For example, in this system based on time you can never truly say "this is the present", because once you said it, it's already the past. There can not be a truth in a system based on time, and it's time that creates the fundamental barriers; a beginning and an end, in between which all existence happens.

Does that make sense?

Merlynn ago

You're largely engaging in some high end nitpickery. The hierarchy of information is that way because what you know to be true is true because you observed it happening first hand. Either "you were there" or in the case of testing results,tested it personally. The only time one's own observance can be doubted is if one is insane. And if you're nuts,you can't really know anything and the whole information hierarchy goes right out the window. But "what you know" is what you can prove to be true.

"What you think" is some conjecture built on knowledge as well as some guess work. For example,I know X and observed Y just now so I come up with Z to explain a correlation between X and Y. At that point,Z must be tested to see if true or it stays in the "what you think" category.

What you believe are general things that aren't necessarily true but either work anyway or you generally think they do. For example,in Terry Pratchett's Hogfather,Death pointed out things like justice,mercy,and duty are all concepts. As such,they don't really exist in the physical world,only as ideas of how one should behave. To not believe in these things means they don't exist and your society breaks down into who can fuck up who more and dominance battles. Which is a pretty crappy way to live,as you may or may not have noticed. There's shit that's real and shit we make up to help us get along with each other better or general philosophies that help us deal with the shit we go through.

And "what you heard" is things that have no source,no basis for proving to be true,and are generally just random crap you hear from time to time. It might move up the chain if it's proven true,but in the end,until something happens,it's just trivia. It doesn't define who you are or what actions you'll take.

Beliefs should be lower than knowledge and thoughts because they're basically unproven. Or require some kind of group agreement to be effective. They can also be changed pretty easily in a properly ordered mind. I generally prefer not to kill people,but can be motivated to do so in the right circumstances. However,because it's situational,I might be slow to respond to said "right circumstances". Still,I prefer to take my chances on that than just murder people all willy nilly.

But let's look at your math problem. The things being counted are still totally 2. You have one male and one female. That's 2 beings. As for whether they'll have "lots of kids" depends on several factors. For one,are they same species. You said one male and one female. If it's a human male and canine female,then no,they won't have babies together. Even if they are the same species,they have to both be fertile. And,of course,they have to get along well enough to have sex several times. And they have to want kids or they'll so protection or abort the kids. So that's not really a good example.

The laws of nature are as mutable as any other. You just have to know how. So that's not a good metric to base your beliefs on either.

And the "present" is where your conscious mind is at any given time. Most people move linearly because it's just easier to keep track of things that way. So the "present" is where you are in time. Does that help?

Blood-is-Nature ago

what you know to be true is true because you observed it happening first hand

You ignore adaption. It's just momentarily true and only for you, someone else could see it different. Truth is either fundamental or a lie until proven otherwise. What you say is true for you is what works for you in the moment, which might not work later. Saying it's truth means holding onto the belief, thereby restricting your consciousness. Using it because it works right now is adaptation, because that way your consciousness is always ready to adapt to any change, instead of finding ways to justify why it doesn't work anymore, based on your belief restriction.


That's a consequence of a former action; a corruption of the natural order (or an assumption based on intent). The consciousness may be corrupt, but the laws of nature are still in effect and judging. An inanimate object has no comprehension and is still affected by the laws of nature, because it's a part of the sum of all things inside this ecosystem.

justice,mercy,and duty are all concepts

I can prove justice with the laws of nature; "all actions have consequences" is self explanatory, but if you combine that with "opposites must coexist" you "morality". The opposite barriers of our existence are life (inception) and death. One is a positive consequence while the other a negative, based on all our senses and instincts trying their utmost to avoid the negative outcome. So all our actions have either a positive or a negative consequences, leading to either life or death. And since life always runs out and death is unavoidable; existence in between demands the struggle to uphold a balance. There is your responsibility; your duty. Mercy on the other hand is not a law; it's a choice that can lead to either outcome, depending on the circumstances.

Terry Pratchett's Hogfather,Death

"THE NAME'S DEATH" I read them all.

to not believe in these things means they don't exist and your society breaks down

Nature will always create order out of chaos. This is a self sustaining system. The responsibility to uphold the natural order is the preliminary for this system to offer freedom of choice to the existing participants. Why? Because "opposites must coexist"...freedom depends on slavery to rules aka responsibility and vice versa. You cannot comprehend what freedom is if you're not enslaved, and you can't comprehend slavery if you were not free before. Sure there will be consequences to a society breakdown, but the order will establish itself automatically...if we don't act against it.

shit we make up to help us get along

"All (negative) actions have (negative) consequences" You misuse the consciousness to make up justifications for your negative actions to have short term benefits, while ignoring long term consequences. You don't help anyone by doing negative things, by falling for temptations and nature will judge you for it sooner or later.

"what you heard" doesn't define who you are or what actions you'll take

We are the sum of all things that sustain this ecosystem and all our individual actions have an effect on everything else. All creation utilizes the sum of all things; you cannot create without everything else. So what you heard isn't something you can allow yourself to make a belief out of, but if any of it does happen it will have an effect on you as well.

Beliefs should be lower than knowledge

Like I said; beliefs are just momentary states that are followed by curiosity, which leads to knowledge (eventually). It's the survival instinct urging you to make an assumption on the unknown. Like a young deer witnessing its first thunder storm...first it believes something bad will happen (panic), then comes curiosity as to why the other deer are not in panic, then knowledge replace belief. At no point does one need to hold on to any kind of belief/faith, it's just an initiation point to deal with the unknown.

murder people all willy nilly

Nature offers total freedom of choice to our actions. Murder is not restraint in any way by the natural moral system, because nature only judges the consequences. There is nonstop killing in nature; some positive, some negative, but only the laws of men trick the corrupt human consciousness to make a problem out of the act, to the absurd point of of hiding the state of death from each other; the second most important aspect of our existence. This is obviously also based on the fear of death, which leads back to us not identifying as the blood.

But let's look at your math problem. The things being counted are still totally 2

I gave you an entire calculation and make up a justifications for just the input and the output, but not the whole. I didn't gave you all this information you base your justifications on, just that 1+1=2, which you would certainly confirm as truth. See, you never really have all the explanation in a system based on adaptation; based on movement.

The laws of nature are as mutable as any other.

They are fundamental rules that govern all existence, and I don't believe in them, I prove them on anything at any time, and ask people to disprove them, which they can't do (because it's impossible). If lies can exist than so must be truths, and the laws of nature are the only fundamental truth of this system. This is the foundation one can base temporary knowledge onto without losing any ground.

Most people move linearly because it's just easier to keep track of things that way.

You cannot move otherwise because your existence is moved from a beginning towards an end. The individual perception of time can be different, but time as the initiator of all movement (which defines existence) will always be the same; from a beginning towards an end.

Merlynn ago

Ok,what I'm seeing here is you're basically treating nature like a god and it's just not. Nature is evolution,instinct,and how things are at the most basic level. Most people,usually the white ones,want to live in a society where we share the work and bring out the best we can be. You can try to strip it down to "we're all animals" and shit but at the end of the day,we all want more than that.

You're also talking about the "laws of nature" like there's a book of 'em and they're all clear and straight forward. The "laws of nature" are "survival of the fittest" and "We all die in fire when the Earth falls into the sun". That's not really helpful and rather limited thinking. Being open to options is one thing. But we don't have to give up the right to a society to do it. And if things are only true at that moment,then you've just destroyed the basis of scientific knowledge and passing on information.

You're seeing how this breaks down with a little thought,right?

Blood-is-Nature ago

you're basically treating nature like a god and it's just not.

A god; a deity, represents the relationship between the child to his father; to the first caretaker, law-giver, responsibility bearer, leading figure, unconditional trust receiver etc. It boils down to the mental manifestation of a leader you can shirk you can shirk your responsibility onto. It's once again based on the fear of death to seek out a mental idol to unburden your own sins onto. Nature is the opposite, because it demands the struggle to keep existing from it's participants, while giving them all the freedom, which comes with responsibilities. The laws of nature cement that and function as the barriers of our existence. It took me years to overcome the mental connection between the laws of nature and religion, because I just wouldn't let myself think about those rules without religion attached to them, but that's all it is.

  • "opposites must coexist" because they are defined by each other
  • "all actions have consequences"
  • "morality" and "natural order(balance)" based on these two
  • "the sum of all things" as the creator of all

These are the foundations of all existence, they affect everything, and they are fundamental; unchangeable. Take a shot at them and tell me I'm wrong. And belief has nothing to do with them, because belief or not, they will affect you nonetheless.

Nature is evolution,instinct,and how things are at the most basic level.

Everything inside this closed ecosystem is nature; it's part of the "sum of all things" sustaining this system. You cannot create anything that isn't nature; not even your thoughts, because they are based on the knowledge you received from the nature around you. Take the grey "aliens" Jules Verne made up...he just rearranged the colors, geometry, behaviors, physical attributes etc. he learned from nature. This also proves that all knowledge already exists in nature; always has, and that it's us that are not advanced enough to comprehend it.

want to live in a society where we share the work and bring out the best we can be

We share the existence with the sum of all things sustaining this ecosystem and the only way to bring out the best (impossible under adaptation btw) is to uphold the natural order and follow the purpose of our existence, which is "creation in accordance to the laws of nature for the benefit of all", which in return gives us all the befits this system has to offer, which is the only way to create the best possible breeding ground for our offspring and for us the "grow" positively.

You can try to strip it down to "we're all animals" and shit but at the end of the day,we all want more than that.

The wanting is the temptation of hedonism, and it is based on not comprehending that we already got the biggest price there is...existence. Nothing you want means anything without it. And it was this hedonistic want that created the justification that is the term "animals", which allows us to commit endless crimes against every other life form, because we claim to have more value and misuse our consciousness to justify, excuse and declare it. And by exploiting and destroying different parts of this ecosystem, we not only act parasitical, we act suicidal, and there is also no excuse for this, because we have the common sense and the consciousness to comprehend what we are doing. This sentence proves that. And guess want? You don't have to want more, because this ecosystem is always offering more to those who follow the rules, which is also the only way for us to keep existing. The only problem is that humans can't comprehend this as long as they "believe" consciousness over blood.

The "laws of nature" are "survival of the fittest" and "We all die in fire when the Earth falls into the sun". That's not really helpful and rather limited thinking.

Here we go...that's exactly where I was stuck too. Religion obfuscating and claiming the laws of nature for themselves, so that we don't logically comprehend their fundamental importance. I cannot help you here, because this is your battle with your consciousness to overcome the roadblocks of belief. You need to understand for yourself; you need to go through the path of knowledge; need to keep adapting. I did it by forcing religion to the side and asking myself if there are rules that govern the nature around me and the above are the rules I came up with on my own. And since then; neither me nor anyone else could make a dent in them. Try to apply them on anything and see how fast your consciousness will adapt if you let it.

Survival of the fittest is also utter rubbish, as proven by the so called jews, and "We all die in fire when the Earth falls into the sun" is obvious fear porn that affects literally nothing and nobody. These are not laws at all.

Being open to options is one thing

What is the origin of options? I told you this. Freedom comes from slavery and vice versa. Your consciousness is allowed to consider options, because it operates under fundamental rules (the laws of nature).

But we don't have to give up the right to a society to do it.

Blood, family unit, race, nation, civilization. That's the natural order of humanity. Society are men made rules trying to exploit and destroy that order for short term benefits, while ignoring long term consequences, and they justify the consequences of their actions with false laws, based on false morals, based on the hedonism of ownership in a system that gifts everything for free.

And if things are only true at that moment,then you've just destroyed the basis of scientific knowledge and passing on information.

Absolutely. All knowledge already exists in nature. We don't acquire new knowledge, it's about our learning progress of comprehending that which is already there. Science (corrupt and lethal to humanity as it is today) at it's logical origins (not the intent it was created for by the ruling class) is about working together to make mankind comprehend the knowledge this system offers better; more efficient. Now science is the opposite...it's about blocking, controlling and exploiting the humans from understanding. It's also a fully fledged religion, utilizing cult of personality in combination with historical revisionism to create idols that deceive us. Applicable sciences are obviously beneficial, but even calling that knowledge scientific is a disservice to anyone who thinks freely. Anyone the helps you comprehend the world around you is a better "scientist" than all the official criminals in coats combined. Fuck science.

You're seeing how this breaks down with a little thought,right?

Now put in a little more thought without restrictions...

Merlynn ago

"opposites must coexist" because they are defined by each other

No,they do not. Opposites usually try to destroy each other. Case in point,peaceful Europeans can't co-exist with violent muslims. The Europeans will either become violent and drive them out or they will be slowly consumed by the muslims as they grow in number until they can take over via sheer numbers. End result,opposites CANNOT coexist. In nature,monkeys don't co-exist with lions. They run like hell and get away from lions or they get eaten.

"all actions have consequences"

No,they don't. The perverted legal system is proof of this. Lots of people taking actions that have no consequences for them. Hillary Clinton is a great example of this. Where's all the attempts on her life? Why isn't she a pariah? Instead,she's considering running for president again. Likewise,a pack of wolves eat a deer,regardless of how they feel about it. And the only consequence they face is a full stomach.

"morality" and "natural order(balance)" based on these two

Morality doesn't exist in nature. Ever seen a cow petition a coyote to stop predating on them? Or plead that it's wrong that they should be eaten? Morality is a social construct that helps the society to function because it gives people a general idea of how to treat each other to get along. Natural balance is achieved through living beings basically bashing each other until the fittest survive.

"the sum of all things" as the creator of all

I have no idea what you're getting at here. But anything artificially created is not,by definition,natural.

So you see,your ideas need work. I'll still agree people shouldn't stay on autopilot and actively think more about what's going on around them and adapt or get the fuck out,tho.

Blood-is-Nature ago

Case in point,peaceful Europeans can't co-exist with violent muslims.

Here's your first lesson in using the laws of nature to spot false opposites, which the most widespread jewish gimmick to create division. There is no such thing as a Muslim in nature; it's a belief based label. And Europe is the nation of Europeans; and a nation is a race of people holding land. A nation and a religious label are not natural opposites. Nation means land and all land is the same under this ecosystem, and it's natural opposite is the sky. this is based on the more fundamental opposites of "up and down". You cannot jump up if there's no down and vice versa. You cannot define the sky if there's no land define it against. And under the label Muslim are obviously humans, which are different from each other, based on natural segregation. So the conflict you describe is base on (((those))) who prevent segregation by forcing the differences onto each other. And the natural opposites of humans (life forms) are obviously all non life forms. It's based on the fundamental natural opposites life and death. You can't die without being alive first, and you can't be alive if death doesn't exist. Also, both the land as well as the humans most coexist, because they are all parts in the same ecosystem.

In nature,monkeys don't co-exist with lions.

Because they are not natural opposites, they are part of a food chain, part of survial rules, part of the natural morality and the natural order between order and chaos. They coexist, because they feed from each other. The lion literally, while the monkey receives knowledge by learning from differences. That's why nature is based on differences, so that we can learn. The natural opposite behind those two is predator and prey, which are defined by each other. You can also apply this loosely to Europeans and Muslims, but it's not a natural conflict, as I stated.

The perverted legal system is proof of this

I told you before that we have no right to declare judgement, because only nature judges the consequences of our actions and you can see the negative consequences of a corrupt justice system, operating on a corrupt moral system, pretty clearly all around us. Hillary Clinton is one of those consequences; a psychopathic criminal actor, with an alleged death list. Imagine what she has to endure inside her head? Now imagine how fucked up the life of her daughter must be? The problem here is not that they aren't getting the consequences of their actions (which they clearly do), it's that you want to be the one passing the judgment according to your (corrupt) moral system. That's hedonism, that's once again you looking for short term benefits, while ignoring the long term consequences. You want nature to strike her down with lightning for the crimes (that you judge her for) she committed, because you believe that is the fair treatment.

Nature isn't biased, it's fundamental. Every negative action will have a negative consequences. You can see the negative consequences of her actions on all the others (which proves the law), but you can't see the consequences on her, which is why you fell for the temptation of hedonism and wrath. If you instead think through what the consequences of her behaviors are (lying, stealing, murder, perversion, treason, secrecy, abuse etc.) you can paint a pretty accurate picture of what she has live through. That's one miserable cunt nobody wants to be.

Where's all the attempts on her life?

Where did you learn the idea of political assassinations from? Kennedy hoax? Hollywood? Talmudvision? This is about the consequences of your actions, not your wish-fulfilling leading others to actions. Also "fighting fire with fire?" You better be a professional if you try that without feeling the hot consequences.

Why isn't she a pariah?

I just called her a cunt, I can sense you didn't like her much either, and the "masses" in front of the screen don't like her very much either, so I don't think an actual pariah is as ostracized as her. But wait a second; a pariah is a legal term given by a government, so you seek help from those who put her in front of you to entertain you; to govern your mind, who labeled her a politician, which you want them to change pariah...you think that helps? I don't.

she's considering running for president again

That's a script, she's an actor, politicians are puppets playing a theater owned by criminals. Read the protocols. She has no consideration; she has orders, and obligations, and no way to flee from them but death.

Likewise,a pack of wolves eat a deer,regardless of how they feel about it. And the only consequence they face is a full stomach.

It is you that puts your corrupt morals on that situation. For the wolves it's food, and for the deer survival (well, not for that deer). Their moral system is based on life and death; as is ours, but our sophisticated consciousness can add to the basic rules; even to the point of self corruption. This is why blood drenched lion cubs can carefree play and sleep inside the corpse of their prey, while humans would go into a hissy fit about violence, cruelty and such moral nonsense. The lions do not comprehend your moral restrictions and you can't make them either.

Ever seen a cow petition a coyote to stop predating on them?

Life and death decide the moral order based on the consequences of their actions. Both are comprehending that morality on the most basic level (survival instincts). There is this one vid of a cow mother trying to communicate to a human that her freshly born bay fell outside the fence. That's clearly maternal instinct in action, which is the the moral rule of putting the life of your offspring over your own. The petition part is where you are wrong, because that requires a certain amount of comprehension as well as cross species communication skills, which you just assumed those two have, based on what you have. But the cow will struggle to survive, which is how it communicates the moral superiority of life over death, while the coyote also prefers life over death, but his life over hers. Priorities and such...

Morality is a social construct

Human morality is, because it's based on fixed laws, which do not allow adaption. It's humans ruling humans with rules of behavior. It's also based on belief and law enforcement. Yet, when push comes to shove you will try to survive at all costs, no matter what bullshit rules they put in front of us. Why? Natural morality received through your survival instincts. It's all based on life and death; every decision we make.

Natural balance is achieved through living beings basically bashing each other until the fittest survive.

Nope. Circumstances create temporary rules of behavior. It's called the law of the land. It's also based on the survival instincts of the individual participants, but they acknowledge the collective benefit over their personal one. Like a wolf pack accepts the alpha, because he will protect them better then they could on themselves, but they also challenge him constantly (adaptation) to make sure that they are save. The y thereby accept the law of the land, which is a moral contract signed through behavior.

But anything artificially created is not,by definition,natural.

You cannot create out of nothing. Everything you do create comes from the knowledge you received from nature. You just rearranged that which is, into something different, something new to you. A new arrangement of the foundation of knowledge this ecosystem gives us access to.

I have no idea what you're getting at here.

Take the act of procreation for example. Two parts; male and female you say? Nope...the seed and the egg, the food in their bellies, the air that they breath, the bed they sleep in, the race of the nation protecting them, the land they live on, the laws they live under, the life-forms that live around them, the sum of all things sustaining this ecosystem is needed for the individual parts to procreate new life (or create anything else). All creation comes from the sum of all things reacting with each other, which is also why all actions have consequences, because we are all connected, and ruled by the laws of nature.

So you see,your ideas need work.

It's your consciousness that needs less restrictions.

Merlynn ago

Muslims are taught to be predatory,Christians are taught to be passive. It's predator and prey. Are you saying predators and prey don't exist in nature? Just because someone dresses it up as "god's will" doesn't change what it is. And predator and prey are as opposite as something gets in nature. Monkeys do not live with lions. They keep the fuck away from lions. If a monkey has a means of killing a lion,it will. It usually doesn't so it runs. It hides. It gets the fuck away. That's not "co-existing". That's running from an aggressor.

It is a LEGAL system,not a JUSTICE system. There's a difference. And when you declare nature will pass judgement,you're basically assigning it a will of it's own which,again,is implying nature is a deity.

Hillary Clinton is an obvious bad actor and pretty much an albatross around the neck of her party. She's long outlived her usefulness. Stage assassination,blame Trump. Hillary retires in luxury. And there's all the pissed off assholes who don't care if they go to jail. People take pot shots at others all the time,why not her?

The point of the wolves eating the deer is consequences,not morals. There are no negative consequences for the wolves,only the deer. Natural justice doesn't exist. And the cow got a human to help because it'd be domesticated and knew the human would help. A wild cow would assume the human wanted to eat her baby and probably attacked him when he went to help. That's a learned behavior,not instinctive and therefore,not natural. Likewise,one would refer to a situation where you're in "fuck everyone who isn't me" mode as "desperate times". That is,things are fucked to a degree that normal society can't function. Most people agree that situation would merit loosening of morals,but only so far. It's not cart blanche to do whatever you like. And you will only remain free of consequences so long as others remain ignorant of your deeds. As for lions,there's reason we don't let them walk around town. Animals that don't understand our morals won't behave. It's why most people hate niggers.

And let's face it,that's what loose morals and over reliance on instinct looks like. Niggers. There's no love or hope or progress there. They're animals and they seem content to remain animals. You will never get through to most of them what morals even are,let alone why they're good. They "adapt" to any given moment and think nothing of the future or the past. Their "truth" is what's in that moment. And they're fucking animals no one wants anything to do with. Not even their advocates. You're basically saying you want to be a nigger.

And I'm tried of this exercise in sociopathy. If you're not going to throw up walls of text,we can continue. You're going too far for too little.

Blood-is-Nature ago

Muslims are taught to be predatory,Christians are taught to be passive. It's predator and prey. Are you saying predators and prey don't exist in nature?

I say Muslims and Christians don't exist in nature. They are labels, based on the acceptance of belief. Labeling is the "scientific" process of segregation, but segregation is what nature does on its own. if we do it, we pass judgement, which is once again hedonism. We have the freedom to do it and it is suppose to be a help in influencing our actions positively, but passing it onto others will always have negative consequences, which is why a (((third party))) likes to slap labels on us to create division and conflict between those labels, like black and white or Christians and Muslims. Both groups are labeled by the institutions called Christianity and Islam, which are owned and controlled by the same people who like to put labels on people, to exploit the consequences.

Just because someone dresses it up as "god's will" doesn't change what it is.

Exactly, and that's what they did to the laws of nature, by using religions to sell us into believing in the laws of men, which is nothing but slavery.

And predator and prey are as opposite as something gets in nature. Monkeys do not live with lions. They keep the fuck away from lions. If a monkey has a means of killing a lion,it will. It usually doesn't so it runs. It hides. It gets the fuck away. That's not "co-existing". That's running from an aggressor.

You can't be prey if there are no predators around to teach you that and vice versa. Also, back to labeling...Lions and monkeys don't know that they are lions and monkeys. That is us labeling them, which is us making it easier to compare the differences (pre-segregation). A monkey is food to a lion and a lion is bad news to a monkey. They select differences through their senses, by instinct alone, not by using a sophisticated consciousness to compile all data imaginable, while labeling the world around them, passing morals around, and wearing funny clothes.

It is a LEGAL system,not a JUSTICE system. There's a difference. And when you declare nature will pass judgement,you're basically assigning it a will of it's own which,again,is implying nature is a deity.

Great observation. Let's see...LEGAL are the fundamental rules, JUSTICE is morality applied to them, but morality as I stated came into existence by the rules creating it. Time creates the barriers (a beginning and an end), the barriers create a positive and a negative consequences to all actions, which creates the morality we base our choices on. Nature is all of it together utilizing these rules to judge the consequences of all, thereby sustaining itself through the governance of the sum of all things. And the proof that this is a self sustaining system, which passes unbiased judgements onto everything, is the existence of an integrated flaw that keeps every judgement in check...Chance. There is always a chance for anything to happen. That is how incredible this system is...which btw we rebel against and which Christians call a fallen world.

People take pot shots at others all the time,why not her?

These are criminals following a collective goal of exploiting everyone else. So many of them who where presented to us as death most likely got ushered out the back door, or wear masks to play another role or got written out of the script to face retirement with the fishes. It doesn't matter. They are all replaceable actors, they the majority will forget as soon as the next stooge steps in front of the camera. The lesson to learn here is that cult of personality (idolatry) will always have negative consequences for you; the follower. Doesn't matter if you like her or not, you waste your valuable time on her existence. That is the purpose of a government, to govern your mind. Don't let them.

The point of the wolves eating the deer is consequences,not morals.

Consequences come from actions, which come from decisions and the decision of survival is based on the moral balance between living or dying, with all your senses and instinct tell you to avoid death. That's morality.

There are no negative consequences for the wolves

Balance. Eat too many deer and your flock starves to death or needs to move on. Eat too few and you become lazy, which another wolf will utilize to get your alpha rank. Or by chance a hunter comes by to shop for a new rug.

Natural justice doesn't exist.

Correct. Judgement is the fulfillment of the fundamental rules, while Justice is what you think should happen. Justice is the justification you make up in your consciousness.

And the cow got a human to help because it's been domesticated and knew the human would help. A wild cow would assume the human wanted to eat her baby and probably attacked him when he went to help. That's a learned behavior,not instinctive and therefore,not natural.

Fair point. Domestication means acknowledging humans as provider, that is a learned behavior, but the maternal instinct isn't learned, and the situation of being separated from your child by accident isn't normal, furthermore the human that helped came around also by accident, which is a situation the cow cannot fully comprehend, and therefore acts out by instincts alone. Here is the vid btw.

Most people agree that situation would merit loosening of morals,but only so far.

Human morals ? Yes; just let your consciousness make up another justification and do as thou will. Natural morals? No, because your only choice is life or death, and if you are not corrupted beyond repair, then you gotta choose life no matter what. The agreement of others is your temptation of vanity. Their agreement doesn't matter on your choice of life over death.

And you will only remain free of consequences so long as others remain ignorant of your deeds.

No. Your actions have consequences on others, doesn't matter if they know about them or not. Whatever you did will have consequences on whatever you did it to, which in return will have consequences on its surroundings until the sum of all things is affected by it. This is not about you making a perfect decision, it's about you struggling to uphold the natural order (balance) between chaos and order. At the same time you make your choice, billions of others do theirs, but your common sense can only influence your own actions. That's why individuality is a lie, because we are part of a collective, but have individual traits to help it. Ignorance is a justification made by your hedonism.

Both based on on us not following the laws of nature and meddling with separation by forcing differences onto each other, or allowing it to happen. Don't blame the lion for you build your city nearby, and don't blame the Africans for being enslaved and shipped into your lands by the so called jews. Nigger is a behavior based on the consequences of the identity loss coming from the label "black", given to them by the same jewish slavers. They do nothing but rebelling against differences they can't escape from.

And let's face it,that's what loose morals and over reliance on instinct looks like. Niggers. There's no love or hope or progress there. They're animals and they seem content to remain animals. You will never get through to most of them what morals even are,let alone why they're good. They "adapt" to any given moment and think nothing of the future or the past. Their "truth" is what's in that moment. And they're fucking animals no one wants anything to do with. Not even their advocates. You're basically saying you want to be a nigger.

Their homelands are occupied, they are shipped all across the world to places they will never fit into. That's on us, not on them, because we can comprehend that this can never work, while they are not allowed to, which is something tried to be passed on us as well.

If you're not going to throw up walls of text,we can continue.

You should've wrote that at the beginning...

this exercise in sociopathy

That's a new one. Do you think I try to deceive you? Please tell me why. The reason I write so much is because my answers need to cover so much fundamental ground, which also ties into each other all the time, and I want you to understand these ties. The laws of nature combine everything, and if I use them to answer you, I can branch out into every direction to make my points. I do all of this to find ways to make it easier to understand. It's also adaption.

You're going too far for too little.

My thing is seeing the world in fundamentals; in the big picture, that's what I'm good at. The thing is...you try to answer based on a wrong foundation of comprehending this world, and if you build on a crooked foundation the roof won't fit. Does that make sense?

Merlynn ago

I did. "Keep it short and pithy". You're just spouting words that don't prove your points and just waste time. I think you might want to go over what I said and try harder to understand what I'm saying. Otherwise,this is an exercise in futility.

Blood-is-Nature ago

You're just spouting words that don't prove your points and just waste time.

Well, I tried to address each and every one of your points, while you seemed to ignore everything, discredit me with the amount I wrote and proclaim I didn't prove my points, while not telling me why...I smell denial and upcoming anger, so your consciousness is on the right track by instigating the emotional responses towards a loss. Work through it.

I think you might want to go over what I said and try harder to understand

Oh I understand completely, proven by the amount of text you ignored, it's just that you are trying to make me believe it, because without my belief it doesn't hold up.

"Keep it short and pithy"

Well, now that I know that you're just too lazy to read, I rather stick to writing down my thought processes, while tackling fundamentals, because that's how my consciousness grows, adapts and works through the things I missed before. And thank you for your few answers, because I already gained a lot more insight into my thoughts thanks to writing it all down.

Merlynn ago

Ok,where did you address my point that niggers are what happens when humans ignore the rules of society,think only in the moment,and don't care about the past or future,just as you described?

Blood-is-Nature ago

Nigger is a label based on behavior of corrupted "blacks", which is a color label/false identity given to Africans by jewish slavers. Africa is a conquered nation and Africans are still slaves to the same jewish criminals, who weaponize and foster this corrupt behavior to spread poverty and violence around the world. And the so called jews (a self given label to conceal their identity) are not at fault for this, because they have corrupted themselves into pathological behavior. They will not stop, because they can not stop, which is the consequences of their actions, which is one of natures judgments upon them. Their parasitical behavior is now a responsibility of everyone else, because their actions threat this entire ecosystem.

So yes, humanity is at fault, but no, it isn't because of ignoring the rules of society, but the laws of nature. Why? Because the the rules of society are rules of men; are rules made by an upper class to rule a lower class, which is based on exploitation, which based on hedonism. Following those rules of society leads to self destruction, because that's what hedonism does to you.

think only in the moment, and don't care about the past or future

They are merely different, because the place nature segregated them into requires a different set of "skills". I for example would have a very hard time running all day through the Savannah without succumbing to the heat, but this isn't about which humans race is superior or inferior over another, because that would be the hedonistic passing of judgements onto others. All the problems we have with niggers is because of the crimes against nature that was committed, it's the negative consequences of the actions of slavery, miscegenation, and ignoring the so called jewish parasites.

They do care about the moment and the future, based on them following the rules of survival. As long as they struggle to survive they chose life over death, present (the moment) over future...every life form does. Your perspective on their abilities of comprehension comes from comparing (which is positive) and holding up against (which is negative) your own abilities...you pass judgement downwards onto others. This can only ever lead to conflict, which will hurt you in the process. Pre-judge how their behavior might threaten yours and then act on your behalf, and those around you, to protect your blood from them.

Labeling problems is a short term justification for ignorance, which has long term consequences. We labeled the so called jews with golden stars and threw them in ghettos, and look what the consequences of that are...and don't start blaming anyone, because that's just another label. You need to act; either against them or at least for you and those around you, because that's your and all our responsibility to the consequences of our actions. We are being judged for that inaction all the time.

Merlynn ago

That's a long winded way to call me a racist. And you still haven't answered my argument. Niggers are doing what you suggest people do and it makes them the worst people around. It doesn't matter why or how they came to be that way. They ARE that way and it's exactly what you're calling for. How can you hold to this argument when proof of it's shortcomings are obvious and in front of you?

Blood-is-Nature ago


Flat out lie. They didn't even create an opposite for that label; as in; no term for loving your own race. It's a legal guilt bait for the so called "whites". Racism refers to the hatred of other races, which is based on the false duality of love and hate, which do not exist in nature. They are so called weaponized umbrella terms; a rhetorical trick to hide the original meanings behind a label.

Niggers are doing what you suggest people do and it makes them the worst people around

That's your judgment about them, and it's not based on nature, it's based on a corruption of nature. They are victims of a crime, which consequences are now effecting you. They act like they do, because that crime is still being committed against them.

It doesn't matter why or how they came to be that way.

Yes it does, because the negative consequences of a negative action (slavery), will affect the sum of all things inside this ecosystem. That means us, which my description about them and your judgment of them prove.

They ARE that way and it's exactly what you're calling for.

They are a consequence of our actions; of our (humanity) ignorance to the parasitical jewish behavior, and as long as we not collectively take responsibility for those consequences, we have no way of dealing with the cascading consequences. Take the healthcare system as an allegory...the ones in charge exchanged natural healing methods with synthetic treatments (drugs based on crude oil), and they did this to make healthcare into perpetual suffering through treatments that by design create side-effects, which require more treatments. It's the alchemy ritual of slowly poisoning us to death, which is also according to talmudic reasoning, because we contractually agree to take the poison, while they give us the side-effect list to wash their hands of guilt. Anyway, this modern healthcare system represent the same corruption than the nigger problem...you can only solve it if you tackle the jewish question; if you stop the poison flow. Nature segregates automatically; nobody wants to live among other races (unless corrupt); it's all forced upon us.

the worst people around

Opposites must coexist; chaos and order must coexist. We can never achieve pure order, pure chaos or a pure balance in between, because time moves everything at all time, which is why we can only struggle to balance it into the right direction. Instead of labeling somebody worse you need to make yourself better, because that label comes from hedonism and will hurt you eventually.

How can you hold to this argument when proof of it's shortcomings are obvious and in front of you?

Sorry, but what was the original question? I have ongoing conversions with two dozen people and so I can only react to what you directly write to me. Next time you want to refer to a specific point, please use a quote or write a quick recap. Thanks. That is btw also why I repeat fundamentals so often, because i don't know how much you have internalized.

Merlynn ago

You are the worst jew shill ever.

Blood-is-Nature ago

What do you think is my hidden intent in speaking totally openly about everything? Call me out on the alleged lies I'm telling then...

Merlynn ago

So you can be a better shill? No thanks.

Blood-is-Nature ago

So you throw out accusations but refuse to state reasons? That's talmudic reasoning right there. Also...shill for what? Free thinking?

Merlynn ago

You're not getting anything out of me,kike.

Blood-is-Nature ago

It's always so funny when people call me a jew when I dismantled that whole fraudulent identity many times over. Anyway, since you are now clearly in the anger phase of your loss process, I refer once again to you to try the mental exercise of questioning for yourself if this ecosystem we live under has fundamental rules and how you would describe, prove or disprove them. You will never leave your mental hamster-wheel if you don't do the mental leg work yourself. This is the only thing I want you to take away from this discussion...try to think without barriers. שָׁלוֹם, לְהִתְרָאוֹת (since I'm suppose to be so called jew now)

Merlynn ago

Says the jew in the box of his own backwards religion.

Blood-is-Nature ago

So after ad-hominem attacks against me, you're switching to twisting everything I said about not believing into proclaiming I believe? That's a rather unstable reaction. Here's an idea...take a breather and think about why you are getting mad at the screen in front of you, and why you try to personify the information you got from that screen to the point where you insult the avatar sending it. This is not a real life conversation, we never met each other, this is just digital information exchange. You are falling for transhumanism, by falling for digital drama. It's gives you the same self destructive agitation than the fear porn the MSM is dishing out endlessly. None of what you wrote reaches me, because I don't accept any insults that are not attached to a valuable information exchange.

I have no problem with being proven wrong, getting criticized, or mocked if I make a mistake, but you gotta earn the right to insult me with some attempt of intelligent comeback and certainly not with this talmudic reasoning approach of childish defiance. Have a nice day.

Merlynn ago

Gaslighting is poor form,jew.

GasChamber ago

I think we need to up your dose of redpills, the situation is far worse than you think.

We saved them from the work camps in Germany and Poland

Fuck that, anything that happened to jews back then is one hundred percent their fault. When they couldn't get their way they manipulated everyone into a world war while not having to do jack shit for themselves. If it wouldn't have been hitler, it would have been somebody else.

Watch this and call me in the morning http://www.bitchute.com/video/I7sG86aH5TZ4/

Scruffy_Nerfherder ago

One of the most startling moments for me was realizing that they hate Christians. There is no other word for it. They hate Christians more than anything else.

I have no words to describe the depth of their hatred.

hugecocks ago

Which amuses me. Christianity, especially the old testament, glorifies the people of Israel to an elevated status.

Scruffy_Nerfherder ago

I know. I always felt bad they missed their Messiah, wished they wold come around, but held a respectful attitude... They do not feel anywhere near the same thing. Quite the opposite in fact, and that is what they publicly display.


Just go back to Israel and leave us alone.

doginventer ago

God expresses His love for “Jacob-Israel” while hating “Esau-Edom.”

God's Kingdom Ministries :: Chapter 3: The Hated Son


LettItBurn ago

You know why?

Because we are complacent. We like our beer and our deep fried pizza.

We like our electricity and our thermostats.

We ain't gonna do shit until we have to.

HumanScholar ago

Google: Bible Verses against Homosexuality -- 0 autocomplete results.. all results are how to defeat/debate Bible verses. And how homosex is good.

Bing: 0 autocomplete results and similar answers.

Duckduckgo: autocomplete results are there and proper results.

Black_Phillip ago

Because allowing women to have rights is a worse threat, even if you removed all the Jews they would still destroy the country.

Sleuth222 ago

Jews were the ones who allowed it.

Black_Phillip ago

Oh really? So Woodrow Wilson was a Jew? The numerous Christian cucks who voted in favor of it along with every law taking men’s rights away in favor of da wahmen are Jews too?

No, men stopped believing that patriarchy is the natural order of things and kept giving into bitching bitches for 100 years. Men here will still tell you to get married despite women having a loaded gun.

Sleuth222 ago

Voting is a show, it has no effect on the outcome. Feminism was not only embraced by gullible women, it was accepted by gullible men.

Edward L. Bernays.

Jivicus ago

Let me get this straight... You grow up watching their media and programming, eating their foods that they have told you all Americans should eat, ingesting their prescriptions for your headaches and pains, going to their "learning" institutions for your education and now that they have decided to no longer cater to you as their primary subject and have instead begun to model the behaviors of POC so they can also become "good citizens" you've decided that white people are under attack through replacement actions.

Problem 1: Are Jews so smart and powerful as to trick whitey into subjugation? If they are, then you'll never overcome. If they aren't then quit your worry as they will never be successful in achieving your concern, total replacement.

Problem 2: Unless you personally are able to become something other than a spoiled little rich girl when it comes to wanting your jew programming and to continue to be daddies little girl when it comes to all things that Jews target for destruction and control, poor little white person losing her jew daddies attention. I can hear you now, "I want an Oompa-Loompa-Jewpa now daddy!" Well, Varooka allow me to tell you what you need to know - there is no such thing as a replacement when you're fucking and making little white non-jew babies. You are not in competition with Jews for control of the planet - apparently, they won that fight. You're in competition with other POC for your white women. Maybe get off Voat and start having babies and then make sure they aren't subjected to Jewish programming. Raise the next generation smarted and stronger and more aware of their heritage instead of the popular culture BS you're being weened from.

Fucking whiney white people. Viking up and take care of your shit!

EnsignPossible ago

Because assflag. Conjecture is not FACT. It is a FACT that elites exist in MANY races and cultures, and it is a FACT that THEY want the status quo to remain so. It is a FACT that Jews exist on every side of every social, cultural, political and religious issue. It is NOT a fact that the Jews are lockstep in some sort of master plan to destroy everyone else.

HeavyBeefCurtain ago

The Jew will always tell you what happened to him but never why

SpiritExpedition ago

saved them from the soccer camps

european ago

Maybe it is not just jews but other groups or families too. If it all gets a bit too much jews get sacrificed? Any possibility of that?

noob_tube ago

One day, when all the kikes have been exterminated, we will be able to live in peace.

ALIENS2222 ago

https://files.catbox.moe/jxd4fl.png Netanyahoo just got an arrest warrent from SPAIN... So how can we meme his ass across that border.

Deezedlat ago

Lay off the sauce. There are ways to end this shit. Every white born male knows what needs to be done. We now must wake and do it. A narcissistic jew is a narcissist forever. The only reason they exist is because we tolerate it. Imagine for 2 seconds we cut out the things in our lives that feed off of us. They would starve. I had to do this recently and i know for a fact that people i left behind are in no better condition. Turn off the television. Stay away from porn. Stay away from social media. Any and all true friends will repay your kindness and love. Get a goal and chase that goal. And if that goal is just and right it will be hard and full of hazards. There are too many people in this world all vying for comfort and lust and the easy way. There is nothing easy in life and anyone who says different is a liar and has achieved nothing other than grifting people out of thier money. Now is the time to harden your heart to evil and only let those of substance into your lives. The jews blurred the lines and now we set them straight. We do not allow anyone to latch on and hold us down.

indreams ago

What do the white born women do in your opinion?

Deezedlat ago

Hahaha they are children that need to be forcefully brought into reality

bearwallower ago

You're posting to social media right now.

justregtoasku ago

This place is definitely not what the majority refer to as social media

Deezedlat ago

I wouldn't necessarily call this social media i mean voat is more like having a pen pal

LettItBurn ago

Not all of these rich bastards have their own island. Not all of them have escape tunnels.

Plan ahead for when the power goes off. When the electricity stops flowing, the fucking gig is up.

Wonder_Boy ago

Because we don't wanna lose our jobs & our livelihoods. As we grow in numbers & power, it'll become easier & safer. Until then, keep building our power base strategically & carefully. When it becomes time to unleash our full might, you'll know. And we will.

Valcgo ago

People also need to get over being called 'racist' or being scared of being called one. Remember, racism exist for a good fucking reason. People will forever be naturally tribal regardless of the jews/MSM telling you diversity is our strength. Diversity is not our strength, it is our hindrance and statistics have continued to show that for over a hundred years through empirical data (13/52). America fought the wrong people in WW2 and that fact is becoming more and more prevalent as time goes by.

BlackGrapeDrank ago

100 gorillion $ agreed.

also I believe the latest crime stats require a modification, it's now something like 12/54...


hitekhobo ago

It’s the ‘JEW-suits’... 🇮🇱

ardvarcus ago

Most Jews don't think of what they are doing as a plan to destroy the white race -- they think of it as a way to make it easier for them to blend into society and prosper. Jews promoted the "civil rights movement" for blacks, not to help blacks, but to force integration of blacks into white society, because if blacks became a part of white society, the barriers white society would be weakened and would more easily accept Jews. They are supporting open borders and massive non-white immigration for the same reason, to give themselves an advantage over whites. Multiculturalism makes it impossible for whites to stand together and oppose Jews, but at the same time Jews remain united and integrated as a tribe -- no one is trying to force multiculturalism on them. The effect of this attempt by Jews to smash the solidarity and unity of white culture, for their own advantage, is the destruction of white culture, and ultimately the destruction of the white race. Not many Jews realize this, and even fewer of them realize that when white culture is destroyed, they will be the ones to suffer.

steven_feelsperg ago

jews just want advantage

open borders for thee

not for me

Jewland is anti-open borders. Everyone knows this. Certainly every jew knows this. And for the same reason why any race should want it - to protect their racial stock. Jews also openly say they want the extermination of the White race. It's all over the NYT, JPost, their Talmud, and Twitter. This isn't about getting an advantage. This isn't football with a good quarterback. This is racial hatred, enmity between the serpent and the woman. This is genocide.

imdrowning ago

They have no ability to not be cockroaches, I'm not saying I want them all to die but they should really just be all bright to Israel and walled in. No internet nothing.

There's no reason we should put up with their bullshit

anoncastillo ago

They run sex trafficking rings to blackmail our politicians. They use our banks to drown us in inescapable debt. Their evil knows no bounds.

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heretolearn ago

yes because the politicians control your life. once you ake up and realize they're just people, their power over you is meaningless. until then, shit will get worse.

anoncastillo ago

Sadly, the things they can do with the Fed are not meaningless.

Paperstreet ago

Hello fellow white!

Granite_Pill ago

their power over you is meaningless until

The flashbang goes off in your baby's crib and your dog is shot.

jingler ago

Us whites have access to much more advanced weaponry. Don't think along the lines of small guns. Use your imagination.

Maltherian1 ago

They are few and could be dealt with easily if the warrior spirit hadn’t been subdued with porn, Mountain Dew and Xbox.

BalfourYourFace ago

They snipe your wife while holding your baby

BushChuck ago

Burn 70 women and children alive as cover for killing two former security guards who have dirt on bill.

justregtoasku ago

When was this? (european here)

Granite_Pill ago

Waco, TX 1993.

justregtoasku ago

Ahh - Didnt realise it was to cover something for clinton

963189_137 ago

Fuck the jew. They are the dog turd I scrap off my shoe. Completely inferior in every way...even the FUCKING NIGGER knows this.

How about you begin to focus on your own shit? Get out of debt. BDS every fucking subhuman or person who hires subhumans you can. Stop relying on the fucking dog shit to blame your problems on...YOU ARE YOUR OWN WORST ENEMY.

The jew is not flooding your nation...PEOPLE KNOW YOU ARE FUCKING WEAK AND YOU WON'T FIGHT BACK.


tempuser1 ago

Don't you mean "We are our own worst enemy" or has the shilling gotten that lazy?

963189_137 ago

No! I don't! I am not my own or my people enemy. You people who are willingly being genocided ARE THE ENEMY.

ALIENS2222 ago

The Fed...

YouAreASlave ago

The game is rigged when they control the creation of money.

But you know that you filthy kike.

justregtoasku ago

They've got it well stitched up

Is this fella a jewish agitator then?

lanre ago

They never would've gotten to that level of control without traitors helping them along the way.

YouAreASlave ago

Doesn't make their removal any less justified or necessary.

963189_137 ago



YouAreASlave ago

I thought we just had to pay back our kike IOU's. Now we have to start killing them immediately?

OK, kike. You'll get your wish.

963189_137 ago

Whatever, fedfaggot. I can't believe how terrified you people are that Europeans will wake up to the only TRUTH.

There is no political solution.

'begin to focus'

Do words mean anything in your world? In the end we need to exterminate the kike. But we need to BEGIN TO FOCUS ON getting them off our back FIRST. I can't get these asshats to act in their own self interest, but I can begin to get them to act in non-violent ways in their own SELF INTEREST...and maybe that will cause you to panic enough that you will start the slaughter (well, more than you already betray THE USA FROM THE INSIDE and abrogate your VOWS and betray this nation and its people).

YouAreASlave ago

You're all over the fucking place. Why the fuck would you pay back kike IOU's?

Not sending their best.

963189_137 ago

Fine...take the shortest route to the goal and start killing the kikes and invaders today. Here is how it is done...I know you are too much of a coward to ever consider breaking one of your salon nails. It starts, if it going to be effective, with publicly killing THE INNOCENT...this shouldn't be a hard thing for a 'non-kike' like yourself since they do this to our people every day and you are such a brave strong faggot.

blagjesus ago

That reaction pic where the nigger has a confused look on his face while he scratches the top of his head.

Dimetrodon ago

Yes it's the Jews but their white enablers are the real problem.

Wonder_Boy ago

Blame the middle man?

No. Blame the Jews.

BushChuck ago

Always kill a traitor before an enemy.

justregtoasku ago

This is very wise advice

tempuser1 ago

I'll take redundant seas for 500 alex.

Dimetrodon ago

The Jews are enabled to do what they do because of anti-white backstabbers.

Cid ago

And who has trained the anti-white backstabbers to be anti-white backstabbers through school, media, and popular culture?

963189_137 ago

This is truth. The jew is an incompetent destroying RETARD. It is because White men will not FIGHT BACK that all this is happening.


krz9000 ago

germany fought back and the world believed the jewish lies......twice...:(

shillaccount3344 ago

I don't pay interest and I don't use credit cards.

963189_137 ago

That is a start. Every dollar you pay back destroys it from circulation and depletes the resources of the kikes. This is why Russia paid off all her debt and introduced her own currency.

Understanding debt is understanding POWER.

justregtoasku ago

russia would also happen to be run by the global deep state

Merchant_Menace ago

You tell 'em, agent glownigger.

963189_137 ago

I wish that I was a glownigger because then I would have a LEGAL FUCKING OBLIGATION AND SWORN OATH TO KILL THOSE DOG TURDS.

Israel-Did-9-11 ago

Glow on

963189_137 ago

Well...I am luxaeterna...I might as well continue.

TheRuralJuror ago

Yep, they only have power if it's given to them willingly.

YouAreASlave ago

Stop trading in their currencies then. That is the source of their power.

Blood-is-Nature ago

Friendly reminder that money isn't their main currency anymore; it's information; data.

YouAreASlave ago

Bullshit. Fuck off, kike.

Blood-is-Nature ago

Look up "the internet of things" and "transhumanism". It's all about accumulating every data imaginable to create databases that can predict the behavior of the majority, which is the tool to control everyone, with the least amount of effort. Social media is nothing but information gathering, so is all commerce, education, healthcare, entertainment, the push for mass surveillance, the consolidation of all power into massive corporations owning all information, the destruction of individual rights and the transformation of all peasant property into a commodity which can be bought from them.

Money is 100% fiat currency, backed by nothing, creating perpetual increasing debt that can never be payed back, promoting fear through dependency, and made look real through a false digital economy. The ones controlling usury don't need money anymore, they have it all, and everything else of any value including natural resources, the means of all productions and the fruit of all labor. What they want is totalitarian control to secure themselves from us, because they are committing endless crimes against humanity and the natural order so that they can hold onto all their ill gotten gains. They want to destroy mankind so that they don't have to face the consequences of their actions, which is obviously foolish, since they have been, are and will be judged for the consequences of their actions by nature. They know this, but o not accept it, which is why they are openly rebelling against the natural order. They are not just parasitical predators towards the entire world, but they are also a pathologically acting death cult; one we need to survive at all costs.

YouAreASlave ago

You need currency to purchase the means to live you dribbling jewish retard.

And they have many ways of making that currency artificially scarce. It's totally irrelevant that it's backed by nothing.

The compromised governments force you to transact in jewish fiat with threats of violence and the removal of liberty.

Blood-is-Nature ago

It's totally irrelevant that it's backed by nothing

Natural law: "all actions have consequences". It is impossible to move forward under usury while not destroying yourself, which is its designed intent. Usury creates and controls world poverty, which creates crime and suffering. You're feeding it by participation and the ones on top make no secret out of wanting to exterminate you. Ignorance to all of that is nothing but a hedonistic, temporary retreat. It represents you standing still while they move forward continuously. Making a killing under capitalism, literally means people will be killed by the consequences of your actions. And never forget that this isn't about our flimsy 50-100 lifespan, it's about our offspring; the carriers of our blood; the only thing we can pass on.

the compromised governments force you to transact in jewish fiat with threats of violence and the removal of liberty

Government means govern mind, which means deception of the masses, and liberty means something that was allowed to you by your rulers. It doesn't mean freedom.

YouAreASlave ago

So how do you transact, fuckwit?

Tell me how you function in your society without being forced to obtain your country's jewish fiat currency at some point.

Your government has made it impossible.

You've been called out for making posts that resemble a mad woman's shit on numerous occasions and this is no exception. Typical kike waffle without a trace of a substance.

Blood-is-Nature ago

Criminals use social engineering to control you with fear based on deceiving you into false beliefs. That's what you need to comprehend and tell yourself every time you engage with their system of criminal exploitation against you and billions of others. The reason that their entire system of lies, deceptions, intimidation and fearmongering is working, is because too many believe it. Just understanding this puts you into a better position than over 90% of the rest. If you don't want to use money, then don't make money. There is not much you really need, and everything else is what you want. So first get your needs in order, then find alternatives outside this system to get your wants as an extra. You can raise a family by providing what you really need with ease, it's the wants that bind you to their system of exploitation.

justregtoasku ago

do you have a blog? I really enjoy your comments. The message is spot on and well explained

Blood-is-Nature ago

Nope. I'm everywhere, using adaptation to the responses I receive to learn and grow from.

justregtoasku ago

What does your username mean if anything?

Blood-is-Nature ago

I change them ever so often for fresh accounts, but this one ties the laws of nature with the blood as the human identity carrier (instead of the consciousness). I don't do idolatry (cult of personality) so I use names that showcase my general perspective.

Yogus ago

Yes! Fuck fiat currencies.

beefartist ago

You are trolling, right? Did you ever see the episode of the Simpsons where advertising came to life? Don't strike at the jew, instead "just don't look"...if you don't buy the ticket (((they))) can't make you take the ride, no matter what these voat faggots say

antiliberalsociety ago

Poal Smoking faggot

beefartist ago

Hey great response; I am sure a lot of people will be able to glean something useful from it. Faggots who can't be honest with themselves tend to throw around the most gay rhetoric.

tom9152 ago

Why do White people watch TV, news, and movie hate towards Whites?

Why do White people take out loans they can't pay back?

Maybe Whites are inferior?

beefartist ago

I am not surprised at the downvoats :) If I can offer an excuse there is an AWFUL lot of social programming embedded in popular media and education (things we have been conditioned to trust), also social ostracism is a terrifying prospect for bloodlines coming from cold regions. People from low trust societies take advantage of people from high trust ones but I still wouldn't trade that away. I spend almost all of my time on voat trying to convince "white" people to take ownership of(and responsibility for) their lives and stop blaming jews, muzzies, and niggers for all of their admittedly self inflicted problems. Oddly enough there is a manual that gives all the answers that is thousands of years old but all the smart boy daddy haters here don't want to hear that either. I for one appreciate your comment.

RedditSureDoesSuck ago

You pretty much missed the point.

beefartist ago

Enlighten me, faggot

RedditSureDoesSuck ago

When you charm me like that how can I refuse?

He's clearly being facetious. The point is you can replace "white" with "Jew" and you'd all be fine with it.

beefartist ago

I don't think you know what that word means and your find and replace theory doesn't even make sense, dipshit.

RedditSureDoesSuck ago

Facetious means light-hearted or joking. And it make perfect sense if you're not retarded. Sucks to be you.

beefartist ago

It is fucking great to be me and I PROMISE you I wouldn't trade spots with you (or anyone) for anything. Can you say the same for your life?

RedditSureDoesSuck ago

Sure can't.

imdrowning ago

OB is a champion

beefartist ago

I don't mention his name because there are seriously butthurt former bears who HATE to hear "put your fucking boots on" that follow around and try to shit talk. OB's (and Vox's) message has resonated HARD with me and the only reason I still spend time here is to smack down gammas for others to see and hopefully rectify their course. I still can't comprehend how anyone can argue so strenuously against "drop the porn, read a bible, get a wife, get your hands dirty". They won't acknowledge the truth when I tell them how great family life is and they won't accept that there ARE great women but they don't arrive fully formed and that the men complaining about CHADS and THOTS ad nauseam aren't worthy of a good one anyhow (yet).

imdrowning ago

That's because they are fragile cuck men. They reject hard work because they are weak, good women reject them because . They are weak

They reject God because science TV man told them they are smart if they believe in nonsense and so they're left only to wack off as the only source of dopamine they'll ever receive.

It's sad, I'll pray for them.

I once had the degenerates dream of a life. Millionaire, hedonistic, godless hot girlfriend who didn't want kids.. And no matter where I went or how many times I railed her life was empty as fuck, I legit thought about suicide when I came to that realization.

Decided to look for God, found him married a trad girl and left the West.

Life is meaningful now and I wouldn't change it

OB is a champion. Love that guy

beefartist ago

One unique thing about OB's message is how it resonated across a LOT of different spectrum. We are raised to want to have the things you spoke about (not to mention the ALMIGHTY fame!) yet every peek behind the curtain into these people's lives show horrific conditions. It would be fascinating to hear takes on the story of the prodigal son by a range of men; true basement dwelling gammas all the way up to men of experience who have changed course.

imdrowning ago

Yeah I'm 40 now. I've done so much. You spoke about Fame. Fuck I'm a guitarist in a prog band.. We weren't overly famous but I've been on stage many times and I can shred.

Literally being calm and quiet without worry trumps all that shit.

Amen brother. Hope you're well

dudelol ago

VoatContainmentGuard ago

Gimme a


CrudOMatic ago

Soul Glo, meet my /pol/glow...

70times7 ago


GenderPronoun ago


allogonist ago


pby1000 ago


pshawman ago


Fahrvergnaked ago


Viduus ago


drhitler ago


Cid ago


WyattDerp ago


Acerphoon ago

We did it, Reddit!

offender ago

Thanks for the Reddit gold stranger!

Maltherian1 ago

And my ax! lol couldn’t resist taking part in the faggotry.

Trash_Panda ago

Aw I missed it.

Sweettendiesloving ago

Witnessing it us worth it still