ardvarcus ago

Except, he didn't name anything.

Zyklon_Bear ago

Talks about naming the Jew.

Doesn't actually name the Jew.

noob_tube ago

Don't forget it helps with your own sanity. Its not healthy to pretend nothing is wrong when you can see the genocide of your own people playing out right in front of your eyes.

MrDarkWater ago

Out of arguments?

MrDarkWater ago

It's not a rule or anything

MrDarkWater ago

No but I don't operate under such hyperbole

Death_in_June ago

the rules to this subverse "Politics is best when we try to avoid personal attacks, limits on discussion, censorship, trolling, shilling, racism, homophobia, antisemitism, or any other forms of bigotry and malfeasance."

MrDarkWater ago

History's greatest heroes died for the cause.

moarzor ago

Named "i_am_cattle" is clever.

Randy-Dreamweaver ago

If he ran again, I'd vote for him. If he names (((Them))) and aligns with White Nationalists, I'd die for him.

Splooge ago

That's because no matter how you slice it, opticscucks deliberately do things that are antithetical to long-term goals in the name of preserving long-term goals. That's how you end up with the "muh based nigger/faggot/tranny/kike" shit. After a certain point, the line between optics and straight up sleeping with the enemy no longer exists.

MrDarkWater ago


TheAntiZealot ago

That's the enemy's primary weapon!

Ever watched a video of someone getting killed without defending themselves even though they easily could?

Agrianian_Javelineer ago

I doubt Pat is gonna lose any sleep over it.

Broseefus_ ago

the christian-jewish-muslim belief in good and evil is retarded. where in nature does it exist? is the wolf evil for killing so that it and its pups wont starve? sure, jews are evil from our perspective but in a jews' eyes, whites are evil. does securing power and prestige for yourself before worrying about other unrelated men make you evil? maybe if you worship the "messiah" (an ancient hebrew word), who peter and his fellow jews, the first believers of the christian church, recognized yeshua hamashiach as the one promised in the old testament, also written by jews.

Agrianian_Javelineer ago

christianity and other abrahamic religions are retarded, but you are even more retarded if you think objective good and evil don't exist.

Even a fucking nigger can see that objective good and evil exists.

What is evil? the things that humanity UNIVERSALLY sees as evil. in every human society, murder is evil, rape is evil, tyranny is evil. Generosity, and self sufficiency, and frugality and stoic actions are universally seen as good.

If every human culture sees objective good and evil, they are clearly real concepts.

Shituar ago

all of the things you have listed as evil can easily be explained with evolutionary biology.

Let's start with a small example like Lying. Is lying evil? Why don't we all just intuitively always tell the truth? Is it evil that makes us lie? Why would someone lie when they have nothing to gain from it?

Answer: Lying is deception. Many species deceive. A Chameleon is trying to trick predators with deception. The species that is very good at deception is more likely to reproduce and pass on these traits to the next generation. Millions of years go by and our species has recently developed logic, reason, romanticism, and superstition. We rationalize that it would be pleasant if we all told the truth. We say things like "well if everyone behaved like that the world would be a shitty place so you should always try to be honest" but that sentiment is recent and does not overwrite millions of years of history in our DNA.

Rape is as old as sex it's self. The only thing that predates rape is fungus that does not have gender like nearly everything else even plants. Do you think it was evil when Vikings murdered, raped and kidnapped everyone in a village...or was it survival of the fittest?

Agrianian_Javelineer ago

Why don't we all just intuitively always tell the truth?

Healthy men do most of the time.

Rape is as old as sex it's self. The only thing that predates rape is fungus that does not have gender like nearly everything else even plants.

Rape is common in negroes, which are not people.

Do you think it was evil when Vikings murdered, raped and kidnapped everyone in a village...or was it survival of the fittest?

Do you think the vikings raped and murdered other Norse in their own towns and villages?

PewterKey ago

Opticscucks are likely completely wrong. Western apathy and nihilism are at all time highs. While there are SJWs that will try to get you fired over the smallest thing that tide is turning (and those SJWs stick to twitter, tumblr and reddit). And because of the high stress living paycheck to paychek lifestyle, no one really has time to care about someone saying something offensive. And the concept of offensive material is also being heavily distorted, with the main determination of something is offensive being if the person saying it apologizes. Then we add on the rampant drug use, sleep deprivation, constant entertainment psychology and frankly most people likely wouldn't even recognize themselves in the mirror.

Then we have the non-white people that have a different social mentality. Blacks don't care if you are racist, they see all white people as racist. Being open about it just validates their us vs them mentality. Plus blacks have suddenly gone anti-jew. Asians are so racist they hate everyone that isn't their race (and really they hate their race too). Middle eastern moslems hate Jews. It's only white people that try to be above racism.

Then there is the social movement of the left that vilifies everything that is a soft indicator of jewishness: "Eat the rich", anti-banker, pro-Palestine, anti-traditional, anti-religious, anti-patriarchy, #MeToo, pro-anarchism. So liberals have red pills resting on their tongue. They dive into extreme racism the second they feel it's justified.

The mentality of America has shifted.

I will say that sweetening the red pill to make it palatable could have better results. But I'm expecting a 100 monkeys situation, where a critical mass is hit and suddenly everyone names the jew.

NotPolice ago

I doubt they'd kill him, and in this fight, everyone must be brought on board.

TheSeer ago

I am not opposed to it, but how it is done in practice is stupid. People say "name them, name them", and then they want you to say the name of the ethnocultural group, as opposed to NAMING THE INDIVIDUALS involved, in any given case (warmongering, unlimited immigration, corrupt courts, lying media, profiting from fraud, etc)

That is what I have an issue with. We are dumbing ourselves down, and ALLOWING them to use the innocent as human shields (with a simple 'NAXALT' response)

YouAreASlave ago

not all jews!

TheSeer ago

I know, I mentioned that when you 'name them' in the general sense instead of in the specific sense, that is exactly what detractors (those we are ostensibly trying to influence) will say.

YouAreASlave ago

At this point, the whole tribe is guilty. Fuck your optics.

TheSeer ago

If you have already appointed yourself as judge and jury, then what is left?

YouAreASlave ago

Fuck off, kike.

TheSeer ago

Dazzling intellect. Thank you for your contribution to Voat and being a shining example of how we as the white race should conduct ourselves.

YouAreASlave ago

You're right. Let's give them all one more chance. I'm sure the satanic scum won't fuck us like they have 108 times before.

Fuck off back to glp, shill. Your faggotshit doesn't have legs here.

TheSeer ago

Do you even read? My point was, if you are going to name them, name them. Individually. Give people specifics. That takes actual research, though, and that is why people don't do it.

YouAreASlave ago

You're implying that there are good jews who haven't participated in the tribe's lies and swindling of our nations. There aren't.

It comes back to the alt-kike tactic of shilling the value of optics above all else to delay decisive action against them. That time passed a long time ago.

SearchVoatBot ago

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anticlutch ago

capitalizing 'jew'

SAD control of language is control of minds

moarzor ago

If you said, "Name the buddhist" would"Buddhist" be capitalized? I don't want to grant the Jews (jews?) extra importance, but I'm also pendantic about grammar.

anticlutch ago

he's unwilling to control his language and dehumanize jews

(((They're))) sons of satan and not worth "muh grammar".

DeadFox ago

The only optics I care about are the ones that let me see enemies from further away

a8c0737b8bdf41eeb4bd ago

And yet he believes in the jewish big bang theory

Hello9 ago

And the Luciferian model of a humanistic "fight" between "good" and "evil".

TechDumb ago

All the more reason. If you feel that way about him then so do others, and what better way to highlight jew soullessness than by whipping up a mob to harass a liked old man?

Doglegwarrior ago

i think the pros list and cons list can be expanded greatly.. naming the jew literaly can get you put in jail in some countries and in america will get your fired from a job even if you have literaly done nothing else wrong.

Agrianian_Javelineer ago

That's why you gotta make your own job

Doglegwarrior ago

ya i am there. i flip houses and am a landlord. i also drive trucks for a company ownee by a lady who is super racist so she would if anything pay me more if she found out.

aaronC ago

Just use anti-semetism to draw attention to the fact that Jews are involved. For example, with this:

Just accuse Pat of being anti-semetic and you accuse the Jews of bringing all those changes about while letting Pat take all the blame. And you have good optics!

Desolation ago

Name them. Always.

c0ck ago

So does *** count as naming them then?

Desolation ago

It can, sure.

c0ck ago

It can, but in a forum previously acquainted with the subject. I doubt any normie reading would get it or even blink twice, so it isn’t necessarily “naming” them if people aren’t able to process what you’re saying about whom. He could have at least kept a j in there.

noob_tube ago

That whole twitter account is about naming the jew. I don't think that turning it to stars in this case is fooling anyone: anyone still seeing his tweets is someone going out of their way to see his tweets.

SexMachine ago

There's more cons:

  • deplatformed

  • removed from all payment processors

  • credit cards canceled

  • banned from entering Australia

Drakgan ago

Yup. Not a con in sight.

Agrianian_Javelineer ago

  • Make new account

  • Use cash

  • Why would you use these anyway

  • This is supposed to go on the Pros, not cons

The main thing that really matters, is that you might get doxxed/lose job. That's why independence from the system and self sufficiency are so important.

DeadFox ago

Ohhh no!!!! Muh Jewish platform and money!!!!

jewsbadnews ago

banned from entering Australia

oh no! I won't burn alive now or get killed by a million different species!

MrDarkWater ago

Fuck platforms

Use cash

Fuck debt

Crikey, I'll miss Aussie-land

SexMachine ago

If you can't get your message out there, no one will see or hear it.

Without payment processors you'll be dead in the water like voat was, and then Putt had to sell out to some mysterious people to keep the site up.

Without a method to pay online then you can't even make your own website. Didn't that happen to Roosh? He didn't even name the jew and he's a degenerate mussie.

And yeah, that last con isn't that bad.

Spiteful_Mutant ago

If you can't get your message out without relying on the jew systems of control then you, by definition, aren't particularly effective. Maybe, just maybe, if you learned how to communicate with people via non-electronic devices you would see the world in a new light.

Shituar ago

any suggestions on how to communicate with other likeminded people? I got a lot to work on my self so I don't socialize as much as I could...but perhaps in the future I can start a militia or something like that.

Spiteful_Mutant ago

Well, you are going to have to socialize to find out where people are coming from. The key is to have conversations where you can find out what people think. I drop little redpills to see how people respond, and then take it from there.

Personal, face-to-face communication is the most effective form of communication, by the way.

MrDarkWater ago

I'm not so dependent on jews, and that's by design.