Qfan2020 ago

It has happened at lightening speed! Meant to sweep us of our feet to make us completely impudent!

PsyOp ago

Who the fuck is AmRen (sounds like a discount grocery store chain)? By "Mr. Taylor" I'm assuming you mean Jared Taylor to which I will reply: I really don't know anything about him, or what he has said in the past...I don't listen to any of those people. Talk is cheap.

You wrote: "Neither of these men would have had lasted long talking about these subjects had they named the jew." And why would that be the case? How/when did the jews get so powerful that the mere mention of them causes men to tremble in their boots? I already know the answers to those questions - I want to know if you know the answers to those questions.

dundundunnnnn ago


dudelol ago

Websearch Pat Buchanan Knights of Malta.

voat4895 ago

if free speech, and right to personal property including guns, and beleif in freedom of association and capitalism make me a nazi, color me an american nazi then.

Tb0n3 ago

Shit changes. Not always for the better, but you're not stopping it by crying on Twitter.

RunOverByASchoolBus ago

He did run for president so he didn't just cry about it, but you are right.


Just name em Pat....

RunOverByASchoolBus ago

He has in the past, no one listened then I'm afraid.

biggdiccbenny ago

Sure is a great way to get "extremism" since that's what they're always on about

HarlandKornfeld14 ago

"To much of the world, however, America has become the most secularized and decadent society on earth, and the title the ayatollah bestowed upon us, "The Great Satan," is not altogether undeserved."-Pat Buchanan

CrustyBeaver52 ago


Now I see the stirrings of a counter revolution underway, with all of this Trump business.

The newest generations, especially, are giving me hope and confidence for the future.

This thing is coming around.

kammmmak ago

Kalergi Plan

downvoatmachine ago

how do you have the top 3 posts on v/all u/icuntstopswearing ?

downvoatmachine ago

let me revise and say that you have 25% of the first page on v/all nothing suspicious here... Que media "vote is antisemetic" propaganda

icuntstopswearing ago

Took a break from social media so had weeks of Twitter feed to sift through...hence the pile up!

KLDB ago

We have seen this before. Just ask my ancestors who were baptized by the sword. In the end it is a numbers game.

calcy454 ago

sad realization. you don't have to agree with bible thumpers, but religion does give our country a basic moral compass. you know like murdering babies shouldn't be promoted.

con77 ago

14 words

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mattsixteen24 ago

Thousands of year of Western civilization (Christian civilization) exponentially being destroyed before us.

KosherHiveKicker ago

By Jews lying about "shared Judeo-Christian values", and the White Christians who believe their bullshit.

Germany was correct to shun what Jews have turned Christianity into.

andrew_white_forever ago

And by democracy, the lowest form of government... Propped up by Jewish advertising.

Gorillion ago

He's describing a very tightly stretched rubber band there.

It may have taken half a lifetime, but the snap-back (and corrections) will be extremely swift and energetic.

andrew_white_forever ago

The most interesting part is that, with the internet, they will have nowhere to hide. Everyone started knowing at the same time. This might be a worldwide extermination event.

Libtardscum ago

He is wrong. Jesus can't be dethroned.


Sorry about your imaginary friend

dundundunnnnn ago

Scholars do not argue over his existence, they argue over his resurrection. Jesus' divinity is what is up for debate but his existence? Jesus walked the Earth.

Bigdickedelf ago

Sorry about your lost, bitter soul

KosherHiveKicker ago

Germany almost did it.

The Kikes literally had to lie to get White American Christians involved to save them.

Pollycracker ago

... and all the while ... while making these affronting accusations against each and everyone of us ... they march our tax money out the door into their very own pockets over trumped up reasons.

downton-stabby ago

Jews Jews Jews

We wouldn't be in this plight if our fellow people were kicking them out (like our ancestors did) instead of trying to get a piece of the action. Fuck the people in power who prevent us from doing anything about them.

rebel_1812 ago

Yeah jews are a big problem. Part of the problem is Caucasians don't hire their own. Early Americans jewed out their own people and hired cheap immigrants instead such as the irish. They would also rather buy slaves than hire Caucasians. In present day how many Caucasian business owners and farmers are hiring mexican invaders instead of their own people and paying them a livable wage.

To be part of the solution only hire Caucasians and pay them livable wages. If you don't own a business encourage your boss to do this. Tell him to hire this friend of yours and have these friends always be Caucasian.

downton-stabby ago

This is a good point. We haven't been very good to ourselves.

Spiteful_Mutant ago

We wouldn't be in this plight if our fellow people were kicking them out (like our ancestors did) ...

We're precisely in this plight because our ancestors "kicked them out" instead of doing what is necessary.

But hey, deportations will work this time.

AlexProkhorenkoLives ago

You are forgetting something ......more Jews .

downton-stabby ago

Not all of them are Jews sadly. America had plenty of white crown loyalists during its birth.

no-hurry-no-pause ago

like our ancestors did

Our ancestors didnt have to deal with democracy.

Democracy means the bottom half of the population will side with the jews in exchange for the upper half's stuff. Democracy means that treason is just another political opinion.

Fuck the people in power who prevent us

Hint: it isnt the people in power. It is the people who have a vote who shouldnt have a vote.

oaf ago

Democracy means the bottom half of the population

True, and worse than bottom half when 51% of voters become WELFARE DEPENDENT (a problem not present in 1789).

When 51% of voters become welfare dependent, the old rule the Founding Fathers of USA enacted and used in each state : THAT THE VOTER MUST BE LAND HOLDER MALE, is gone.

The emergency backup at federal level is "Electoral College" but socialists (Democrats) passes laws to give all their votes to California and New York. 11 States trying so far!!!!

Jeffserson wrote letters and essays warning what happens when 51% of voters become depedant on Government (welfare and gov jobs). HE WARNED US!!!


it isnt the people in power. It is the people who have a vote who shouldnt have a vote.


Its the socialist women and invaders and welfare leeches, puppets of Jews, but still at heart socialist low information leeches, @downton-stabby


Land owners in a capitalist society just buy up all the land. To vote you must serve. Military service guarantees citizenship. You have to be invested not just born with a hand out

lacrimamosa ago

I like that idea better than land ownership. I can imagine some billionaire gifting a bunch of degenerates one square foot of land each in order to swing an election

no-hurry-no-pause ago

the old rule ... is gone.

It is not "gone", the white male land owner ABOLISHED IT. Volutarily. He handed out voting rights like candy so he can get more of those new votes in the next election. Which means the white male land owner cant be trusted to vote either.

when 51% of voters become depedant


The socialist death spiral starts much earlier, basically as soon as anybody is allowed to vote, because no matter how small the voting body, there will always be more have-nots than haves, and in every have-not has the same vote as every have, it will always be obvious to buy have-not votes by taxing the haves.

Democracy is socialism and socialism is democracy.

downton-stabby ago

Read my reply to him. These people didn't pop up over night. Don't blame the child for shitty parenting. You could get rid of all of these people, or they could get out of it in a generation with proper leadership.

downton-stabby ago

Hint: it isnt the people in power. It is the people who have a vote who shouldnt have a vote.

I agree with this partially, however these people (like people throughout history) need to be lead properly. You can't lead them properly if the people in power are:

1. Demonizing any opposing thought

2. Bullying people into sticking within the party line

3. Ostracizing alternate political parties (people hate this and will avoid it)

4. Fixing the media so that they don't know what to think

5. Lying to them about their actions and intentions

6. Controlling the narrative (near completely) through media, culture, news, most all avenues of communication

People didn't end up this way, they were trained and bred.

no-hurry-no-pause ago

need to be lead properly.

I.e. no democracy.

Demonizing any opposing thought

If you dont, you will lose your power.

Bullying people into sticking within the party line

If you dont, you will lose your power.

Ostracizing alternate political parties

What parties? No democracy.

downton-stabby ago

need to be lead properly.

I.e. no democracy.

In a democratic society people elect people to represent them and to do things that benefit the society. We put up judges and police and military to protect us and others. These are positions of LEADERSHIP.

Demonizing any opposing thought

If you dont, your enemies will constantly "oppose" you until you lose all your power.

Really? Then how was the country founded on freedom without demonizing opposing thought? How did that work I wonder? hmmmm.

Bullying people into sticking within the party line

If you dont, you will lose your power.

You can rule by terror, or by example. I choose the latter.

Ostracizing alternate political parties

What parties? No democracy.

Ok go put a Maga hat on and run around saying I love trump in a large city. Lets see how long you last before you get physically assaulted. Parties still exist in people's mind.

no-hurry-no-pause ago

and to do things that benefit the society.

Youre fucking crazy.

How does taxing working whites and giving the money to unemployable retarded niggers in exchange for their vote "benefit" the society? It's fucking robbery. It benefits the society as much as rape does.

downton-stabby ago

How does taxing working whites and giving the money to unemployable retarded niggers in exchange for their vote "benefit" the society?

They aren't representing us are they? They are representing their new subjects. We're no longer in a democratic society as you said.

TheFlameOfTruth ago

Nations throughout history began with it being one people staking a specific piece of land. From that point it may become multicultural but it doesn't last very long, and certainly isn't as strong.

Technology has allowed a very quick and literal muddying of the waters throughout the world. We need to start seeing people first, nation second.

downton-stabby ago

We've always staked land and fought for it. We're tribal. It's a good concept, but greed and stupidity will prevent that from happening.

123456788 ago

And overpopulation by importing and incentivizing only the people on welfare to reproduce. Also allowing foreigners to buy land. This is preventing hard working americans from buying land and starting families.

tempuser1 ago

Foreign entities and wealthy americans also facilitating rent-seeking.

TheFlameOfTruth ago

greed and stupidity will prevent that from happening.

Agreed for the entirety of the US, due to our political structure having too much power and being self contained from the people. The very top no longer cares for us, though a few pockets seem to care.

As you said though,

We've always staked land and fought for it.

obvious-throwaway- ago

Traitors first.

rndmvar ago

Dogs need to be taken on walks every so often, to keep their energy and spirits up.

Politicians need to be put on leashes and taken on a drag through town every so often, to keep them honest.

PsyOp ago

Pat Buchanan isn't one of the good guys...he has never named the jew (even though he has direct knowledge of their activities) and he never will. He's much more interested in his career than with the fate of the nation. I supported the guy in the past...but, fuck him!

RunOverByASchoolBus ago

He named them several times in the past, no one listened. His book "Churchill, Hitler, and the Unnecessary War" points how the Hololcaust was impossible for example.

PsyOp ago

Well, you're going to have to give me direct quotes from Mr. Buchanan...and put them into the proper context, please.

RunOverByASchoolBus ago

I don't have the book with me I'm afraid, I'll do my best though.

In the past he has said some of the following:

It was impossible for 900,000 Jews to have died in Treblinka for the New York Post in 1990.

In regards to the 1990 Gulf War he said only the Israeli Defense Force and their "amen corner in the US" wanted war (Jews who were more loyal to Israel than the US as well as neocons would be my assumption to who he was referring to), and said it wouldn't be Jews fighting the war but instead Americans on the McLaughlin Group.

Also on the McLaughlin Group he said the Capitol is occupied by Israel and he pointed out at that time despite being 2% of the population Jews had 13 senators. He said they had the real power in Washington.

Donald Trump called him an anti-Semite during the 2000 election.

He himself has denied being an anti-Semite, however in the aforementioned book he pointed out Arabs and North Africans are also Semites. Over time he appears to have grown too tired to keep being demonized for telling obvious truths.

Sorry this is Kikepedia, if you're okay with it go to career then scroll down to anti-Semitism and Holocaust denial. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pat_Buchanan

PsyOp ago

The things that Buchanan has said are very mild compared to the things that I know to be true, which means that he's not telling the full truth, which is a huge problem. Seems like a no-brainer to me: if they're already calling you an anti-semite why not put it all out there for the world to see? That would be very powerful, indeed. We need people like him to sacrifice themselves...if they're not willing to do that - as we face total extermination - then what good are they?

RunOverByASchoolBus ago

I suppose, but he's about as far as any person with any amount of power has gotten. Not to mention outside of the alt right he isn't well known, in fact even in the alt right he isn't well known. He put out the information, no one listened. Plus he never apologized or back peddled when he was called an anti-Semite. He even ran for president despite the information he put out, he said he could never be elected because he would radically change America, but he ran anyway. Now he's over 80 so I suppose he has nothing to lose, but he spoke out even when he had everything to lose. Very few people listened then, to him it probably seems too late. All that aside, pointing out the Jews run America and the Hololcaust is a lie is considered by the average Joe to be outside of mild as it is, I myself began becoming red pilled after reading his works. He likely knew more, but if people don't care about those two huge things that he pointed out, do you think they'd even consider the bigger things? You take the bottom of something out and everything comes crashing down, you take the top out first and it can be rebuilt.

Harry_Areola ago

Butt fuck him? Ewwwww.

no-hurry-no-pause ago

he has never named the jew

You cant openly name the jew and survive the same way you cant barehandedly wrestle a bear and survive.

You have to word stuff in a way that makes anybody above IQ 80 draw the conclusion that its the jews but keep the plausible deniability to avoid the deadly onslaught of their stooges. Why would you voluntarily leave your safe sniper nest?

PsyOp ago

You wrote: "If Buchanan had named the Jew back in the 70s or 80s none of us would never have heard of him, let alone of him having a fair shot at the presidency." If the jews were so powerful, which they were, how would Buchanan have a fair shot at the presidency...unless he was in with them, like Donald Trumpstein is?

Drunkenst ago


FederalShill ago

I dont think thats reason enough to hate him. Is he acting as a mouthpeice for the jew as well?

PsyOp ago

No, I don't think he's a "mouthpiece" for the jews...his actions are much more insidious than that. Not naming the jew is the same as protecting them.

19810708321b ago

They're called Communist Jews Pat. They're called Communist Jews.

HarlandKornfeld14 ago

The US supported Cultural Marxism in the Cold War. Cultural Marxism was created by Jews disillusioned with the Soviet Union for not being Jewy enough. https://archive.schillerinstitute.com/fid_91-96/921_frankfurt.html

BoomerHater1488er ago

That's a bit redundant. Saying "Jew" is sufficient.


And the reason...


Acerphoon ago

Pat Buchanan might be the last true conservative.

tom9152 ago

Jews did this to us.

no-hurry-no-pause ago

Democracy let the Jews do this to us. Without democracy, jews would be as powerless as any other hostile subgroup.

Jews are just a common cold and democracy is AIDS. You can easily deal with a common cold unless you have AIDS.

70times7 ago

Amount of upvoats in 10 minutes is a tad suspicious.

Monkeyshinerbot3000 ago

Hey, I voted for that guy!

Locked_Account ago

Me too.