Maybe we need to blackmail each other, like jews do with their child porn videos. Except instead of filming new guys fucking little kids, we film them killing a jew.
Nobody in a central command tells the Jews how to commit genocide against the white race. They just know, because they are Jews. They've been taught how to act since birth. Maybe a condition will come about in the future in which nobody will need to tell white Christians how to act -- they'll just know, when the time comes.
Following the Bible will be MUCH more successful and fruitful. Just cut the evil OUT of your lives. AND prepare militarily for DEFENSIVE actions (COMING). Purify.
Reading Lamentations now. So far, it's about "Holy SHIT how did we GET like this???" (God is IGNORING us because we're fucking up)
There is only so much one person can do. Our enemies team up, our enemies plan, and our enemies will destroy us.
If you're planning to do anything that involves violence or anything illegal, keep it to yourself/people you trust and absolutely do not promote it on Voat. Anyone on Voat who is suggesting something illegal is either a glownigger, LARPing, or mentally retarded. And of course, anything being organized online/on Voat is absolutely a glownigger op, do not fall for it.
However, legally joining together with like-minded whites in your area who you know in person and helping spread the word of white genocide is the best thing we can do right now.
OP is a likely JIDF shill trying to drive us apart.
However, legally joining together with like-minded whites in your area who you know in person and helping spread the word of white genocide is the best thing we can do right now.
You contradict yourself since spreading word of white genocide is anti-semitic and is also illegal. Your group of like minded white people will be labeled domestic terrorist and arrested and tried in secret.
It shall be the policy of the executive branch [Trump Administration] to enforce Title VI against prohibited forms of discrimination rooted in anti-Semitism as vigorously as against all other forms of discrimination prohibited by Title VI.
In enforcing Title VI, and identifying evidence of discrimination based on race, color, or national origin, all executive departments and agencies charged with enforcing Title VI shall consider the following:
...definition of anti Semitism adopted on May 26, 2016, by the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA), which states, “Antisemitism is a certain perception of Jews, which may be expressed as hatred toward Jews. Rhetorical and physical manifestations of antisemitism are directed toward Jewish or non-Jewish individuals and/or their property, toward Jewish community institutions and religious facilities”
December 11, 2019.
So yes, it is illegal. I mean technically it isn't because of God given rights but the legal system will be used against you if you are speaking anti-semitically.
Form small militia groups with a public presence. Train together without breaking any law or larping as terrorists. The ZOG will infiltrate you. That's OK, because if enough of us do it, this will represent a Distributed Denial of Service attack on (((their))) manpower resources. Does anyone think there are 10,000 qualified LEOs sitting idle and available? This will provide a screen for the real-deal boyz. And when the balloon goes up and the whole Folk rises, the capability is there, infiltrators or not.
look at the Phoenix militia. they take them down even without cause or legality.
fact is civilians need to be both armed and organised . (trained and led) this is why both are covered by the 2A
but law enforcement in the West do not allow militia. the media is complicit in the denial of militia too. they will label free ppl militia as hate groups or terrorists etc
Just have a strong policy of naughty bois being punished by being sequestered in an unknown location until they start talking. Once you have a unit of those guys, make them do the very dumb shit they were trying to get others to agree to in order to prove they are bout it bout it.
Such people will be simply be told no, or sent packing.
DDOS on manpower is the only thing ZOG cannot handle. Witness how this post advocating to not break any laws is treated. They want us to stay here, in this electronic ghetto, venting off. Anything but get in touch with others IRL...
I think if the whites organizing a resistance want a pattern, the IRA can give the best example to follow. IRA cells survived for decades under the scrutiny of the entire English police machine. Their methods of insuring loyalty seem to have worked.
Honor among thieves is a meme. More so with death and destruction. The meme exists to fool Whites, whom inherently have honor, into trusting (((them))).
The Zionist Jews were quite eager to offer other Jews as Holocaust sacrifices to their Jealous God, so that their prophecy of a new Israel could be made true. Never mind that the so-called "Holocaust" was a myth of their own creation -- these evil fuckers believed in it. They deliberately sacrificed other Jews to bring it about.
Stuff's all over. That's the excuse they used to go after Randy Weaver and murder his son and wife. They had a honeypot "milita" that the weavers initially got involved with because they were supposedly neighbors, the weavers decided they were too extreme so they left, and it turned out the "militia" was run by the ATF so they went after the weavers out of spite.
Ah, I thought this was a specific story. My mistake. I'm sure this happens all the time, and to be honest, I don't trust a single person in my militia. I regularly make announcements to my platoon to never discuss anything illegal and that we likely have undercover law enforcement somewhere in our ranks.
That would be such a great scenario. And even if he (if he even exists) wasn't loyal to the cause, you know for a fact they would be getting some red pills that he could never forget. Kind of like the glows that patrol Voat.
It's a great experience in my opinion. Good training, fun trips, good groups of dudes to protect our families if SHTF. Best decision I've made in a long time. The honeypot concern lingers, but I'm breaking zero laws, so I have nothing to worry about. If the militia you were looking into was talking about breaking laws, it's a good idea to stay tf away. If it's not a honeypot, it will get labelled a terrorist org, so it's a lose-lose for you. But you should have no problem finding a legit militia and if all else fails, the 3%ers are everywhere.
Trust nothing. Respect and honour those that carry themselves with those traits. I respect my father, I still wouldn't trust him to point a loaded gun at my head.
The thing is, we all know what we need to do to fight for our heritage and our nations. We all know who our enemies are. We know they hate us and want to destroy our entire race. We don't really need directives from some commander.
Ah yes, that strategy that has won so many wars in the past. I've been trying to tell the US government for nearly a century that an army was the worst idea basically ever.
I'm not with it. We have had leaders. These men have, for as long as our race can be traced, directed and guided us. It is on us as a collective to acknowledge the greatness of those that came before us. No new leader can hope to live up to them, and unless we acknowledge them for their greatness, any leader will simply be crucified for being a charlatan by our current social (((leaders))) and you would never know their name.
I went to Charlottesville and instantly realized this when I noticed that all the groups there were a bunch of larping faggots headed by beer-gutted Federal boomers who anybody from the street would know was a pig from miles away.
Those boomers thought they were in disguise. I'd feel sorry for them if it ever came to actual war. It really was a pitiable display. Thank God for the normal people there open carrying and all the rest in support of General Lee.
I was there, alone. I concur. Their tatoos were all the same age and color. 90% of them were 18-24 years old, looking like rebels without a cause. A good portion of them were bused in or in rental cars. There was a state-owned cellular comms trailer on the path down from the hill near the parking area with cameras all over it.
I managed to connect with three other guys the day before to meet up near the city and ride downtown together. None of the groups with names seemed to want us, despite the fact that I knew people associated with the Abbeville Institute, which has a history related to the League of the South (total FBI honeypot and more beer-gutted boomers). That reluctance to associate with us was the first red flag. These were supposed to be our “allies” but they acted like they didn’t want us around.
I fucked up their gay chants on the street. I may have ruined that part of the production for them. Fuck them all.
why would they want that? you know how easy it is these days to take out a high ranking politician without even getting caught? they are experts in infiltrating groups, but they ramp up mass surveillance like crazy cause they are afraid of sleepers acting individually. take obama for example, don‘t tell me he isn‘t a soft target. a drone, a sniper, pooof, ded. one could even remote the whole thing.. none of these fcks are safe, unless they go live in a bunker 365 days a year..the only reason they are still alive is cause people are lazy and too well-off still.
Col. Amoss feared the Communists. This author fears the federal government. Communism now represents a threat to no one in the United States, while federal tyranny represents a threat to everyone . The writer has joyfully lived long enough to see the dying breaths of communism, but may, unhappily, remain long enough to see the last grasps of freedom in America.
That is a pretty major oversight in that Communism was never defeated and it is communist Jews who have taken over the federal government and made it into the tyranny that hes talking about.
This is a opportunity to redpill government workers. The White race is more homogeneous and more spiritually connected to each other than any other racial group. It spands far before any of the current religions and has far more personal benefit than a cushy short lived government job, preserving the White race will echo for the billions of Whites born after us just like our European ancestors sacrificed for us. Our race has created just about everything down to the concepts of thought patterns of naturally whats good and bad. By preserving the White race you are preserving the Earth itself and helping the conception of a utopian future for our descendants. Thats why I stay.
The white race is the only hope for progress in the future. But the non-white races are too arrogant and stupid to accept this. So they will continue trying to destroy us.
We need an olive branch...offer them a chance for redemption by killing each other en masse, to save us the trouble. Those that survive become lower caste Aryans.
Posted automatically (#84816) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here. (@tokui: Click here to suppress your anonymous crosslink notifications)
Putzmiester ago
Start a jam band as a cover. Make the name something like "The Resistors" or something and make songs about how gun control is necessary.
Use this as the cover to meet up. Put Beto 2020 stickers and shit on your car. Bleeeeeend in.
WhiteChickens ago
Funny thing is "militias" always go peacefully.
Maybe they need to work on their courage.
It's almost as if they don't know what war is.
That's the idea. lol
WhiteChickens ago
robot7247 ago
IMO the biggest threat to the power monopoly (in Minecraft) is the lone wolf or several lone wolves that have known each other a long time.
Those could operate in plain sight without detection whereas the group meet-up larps are just asking to be databased.
burnthegoyimhaters ago
Me thinking this was a likely hypothetical a few months ago. HaHa
Buff_Awesome ago
Reminds of that one meme where the king gets stabbed in the back by a Jew and he turns out to also be a Jew.
xvart ago
So nothing new then, jew controlled state has been doing this forever
t9spjtws ago
Maybe we need to blackmail each other, like jews do with their child porn videos. Except instead of filming new guys fucking little kids, we film them killing a jew.
llegendary ago
Dexters separate but united.
ardvarcus ago
Nobody in a central command tells the Jews how to commit genocide against the white race. They just know, because they are Jews. They've been taught how to act since birth. Maybe a condition will come about in the future in which nobody will need to tell white Christians how to act -- they'll just know, when the time comes.
steven_feelsperg ago
Nurture vs nature is a meme. Nurture is fake. All is nature.
thebearfromstartrack ago
Following the Bible will be MUCH more successful and fruitful. Just cut the evil OUT of your lives. AND prepare militarily for DEFENSIVE actions (COMING). Purify.
Reading Lamentations now. So far, it's about "Holy SHIT how did we GET like this???" (God is IGNORING us because we're fucking up)
steven_feelsperg ago
I cannot find any falsehoods in your post. BASTE
thebearfromstartrack ago
Cause when you meet me (future) you want to be on MY side.
StrangeThingsAfoot ago
There is only so much one person can do. Our enemies team up, our enemies plan, and our enemies will destroy us.
If you're planning to do anything that involves violence or anything illegal, keep it to yourself/people you trust and absolutely do not promote it on Voat. Anyone on Voat who is suggesting something illegal is either a glownigger, LARPing, or mentally retarded. And of course, anything being organized online/on Voat is absolutely a glownigger op, do not fall for it.
However, legally joining together with like-minded whites in your area who you know in person and helping spread the word of white genocide is the best thing we can do right now.
OP is a likely JIDF shill trying to drive us apart.
Sleuth222 ago
You contradict yourself since spreading word of white genocide is anti-semitic and is also illegal. Your group of like minded white people will be labeled domestic terrorist and arrested and tried in secret.
StrangeThingsAfoot ago
At least in the US, being anti-semitic is not illegal. Except in Florida, apparently.
Sleuth222 ago
It shall be the policy of the executive branch [Trump Administration] to enforce Title VI against prohibited forms of discrimination rooted in anti-Semitism as vigorously as against all other forms of discrimination prohibited by Title VI.
In enforcing Title VI, and identifying evidence of discrimination based on race, color, or national origin, all executive departments and agencies charged with enforcing Title VI shall consider the following:
...definition of anti Semitism adopted on May 26, 2016, by the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA), which states, “Antisemitism is a certain perception of Jews, which may be expressed as hatred toward Jews. Rhetorical and physical manifestations of antisemitism are directed toward Jewish or non-Jewish individuals and/or their property, toward Jewish community institutions and religious facilities”
December 11, 2019.
So yes, it is illegal. I mean technically it isn't because of God given rights but the legal system will be used against you if you are speaking anti-semitically.
StrangeThingsAfoot ago
That's not a law, but nice try.
Sleuth222 ago
That's why I said;
So when you get sent to prison for speaking anti-semitically you can write a book about how it isn't legal.
5y45yers5y5y5 ago
Do it alone! You hear that guys! Be ineffective because numbers can't help win something!
Divided we stand, United we fall! #SovietStatesOfAmerica #1984
In Soviet America government afraids you!
NoseSubversion ago
Pretty sure Voat has now turned into an FBI honey pot.
ardvarcus ago
I hate to break it to you, but the entire Internet is an FBI honey pot.
nukeclear ago
Kleemin ago
yes goyim, join our honeypots so that we can stop you before you do anything anti-semitic
dasmahkitteh ago
You guys sound like schizos. How can both ways be a trap
Kleemin ago
that the joke you dense fuck...
tzitzit ago
Who didn't see that coming?
Granite_Pill ago
Funny, but this is actually based on a true story. A militia turned out to be completely comprised of government agents from multiple agencies
Ok2Bwhite ago
Form small militia groups with a public presence. Train together without breaking any law or larping as terrorists. The ZOG will infiltrate you. That's OK, because if enough of us do it, this will represent a Distributed Denial of Service attack on (((their))) manpower resources. Does anyone think there are 10,000 qualified LEOs sitting idle and available? This will provide a screen for the real-deal boyz. And when the balloon goes up and the whole Folk rises, the capability is there, infiltrators or not.
Belrick ago
look at the Phoenix militia. they take them down even without cause or legality.
fact is civilians need to be both armed and organised . (trained and led) this is why both are covered by the 2A
but law enforcement in the West do not allow militia. the media is complicit in the denial of militia too. they will label free ppl militia as hate groups or terrorists etc
Ok2Bwhite ago
Call it a hiking club. A men's club. A fitness group. A church. Be creative.
Also, please provide details and sources about the Phoenix militia. Hard to believe the "without cause or legality" part.
Is any of them in jail "without cause or legality"? No?
The "law enforcement in the West do not allow militia" lie is also quite amazing. Which specific states in the Western US do you refer to?
Belrick ago
my favorite info on what happened was by rageaholic.
Planetoftheclown ago
You don't get it.
The FBI will send in an informant. The informant will start pushing extremist topics. That alone will be used to justify breaking up the militia.
Putzmiester ago
Just have a strong policy of naughty bois being punished by being sequestered in an unknown location until they start talking. Once you have a unit of those guys, make them do the very dumb shit they were trying to get others to agree to in order to prove they are bout it bout it.
t9spjtws ago
how can we get anything done if you're so scared of breaking kosher laws
DeadFox ago
Excise the obvious feds
The guy talking about making bombs is always the fed
Ok2Bwhite ago
Such people will be simply be told no, or sent packing.
DDOS on manpower is the only thing ZOG cannot handle. Witness how this post advocating to not break any laws is treated. They want us to stay here, in this electronic ghetto, venting off. Anything but get in touch with others IRL...
ardvarcus ago
I think if the whites organizing a resistance want a pattern, the IRA can give the best example to follow. IRA cells survived for decades under the scrutiny of the entire English police machine. Their methods of insuring loyalty seem to have worked.
Sernie_Banders ago
imagine that, the demand for hate crimes is greater than the supply.
Kleemin ago
ya but we're working on that
LettItBurn ago
That's the main weakness of the White race; the willingness to betray their own kind. Jews would never do this to a group of other jews.
steven_feelsperg ago
Honor among thieves is a meme. More so with death and destruction. The meme exists to fool Whites, whom inherently have honor, into trusting (((them))).
ardvarcus ago
The Zionist Jews were quite eager to offer other Jews as Holocaust sacrifices to their Jealous God, so that their prophecy of a new Israel could be made true. Never mind that the so-called "Holocaust" was a myth of their own creation -- these evil fuckers believed in it. They deliberately sacrificed other Jews to bring it about.
uvulectomy ago
Jews jew other jews all the time. Just look at Sholam Weiss. He tried to fuck with their shekels, so they made sure he got 845 years in prison.
Goys-R-Us ago
Sadly, this is probably real. Your tax dollars at work goyim.
HelpAcct123 ago
I bet they still got to claim it as a white terrorist attack plot that was stopped by the brave 3 letter agencies. Add that to the stats
ansuz ago
Have a fresh meme. just cooked this one
AdmiralEnchilada ago
Thank you mr.NotACop
DefinitelyNotaJew ago
Anyone have a link to a source on this, or any names involved? I searched jewgle and the manual that was linked, but didn't find anything.
glassuser ago
Stuff's all over. That's the excuse they used to go after Randy Weaver and murder his son and wife. They had a honeypot "milita" that the weavers initially got involved with because they were supposedly neighbors, the weavers decided they were too extreme so they left, and it turned out the "militia" was run by the ATF so they went after the weavers out of spite.
DefinitelyNotaJew ago
Ah, I thought this was a specific story. My mistake. I'm sure this happens all the time, and to be honest, I don't trust a single person in my militia. I regularly make announcements to my platoon to never discuss anything illegal and that we likely have undercover law enforcement somewhere in our ranks.
t9spjtws ago
what if the undercover leo is actually loyal to your cause? he could be quite the asset.
DefinitelyNotaJew ago
That would be such a great scenario. And even if he (if he even exists) wasn't loyal to the cause, you know for a fact they would be getting some red pills that he could never forget. Kind of like the glows that patrol Voat.
SexMachine ago
I thought about joining a militia, was going through the recruiting process, but just got honeypot vibes from that, so I dipped. What's it like?
DefinitelyNotaJew ago
It's a great experience in my opinion. Good training, fun trips, good groups of dudes to protect our families if SHTF. Best decision I've made in a long time. The honeypot concern lingers, but I'm breaking zero laws, so I have nothing to worry about. If the militia you were looking into was talking about breaking laws, it's a good idea to stay tf away. If it's not a honeypot, it will get labelled a terrorist org, so it's a lose-lose for you. But you should have no problem finding a legit militia and if all else fails, the 3%ers are everywhere.
oaf ago
us too!
but brothers trust brothers, and high school pals trust their high school pals.
Triple_InVerse ago
Trust nothing. Respect and honour those that carry themselves with those traits. I respect my father, I still wouldn't trust him to point a loaded gun at my head.
TheNiggerFaggot ago
Sounds like a sleeper hunt. They're looking for the guy(s) that don't report back, or who warn the other members.
Joe_McCarthy ago
Sniper teams will be more feasible to form once the security forces are overwhelmed by mass incidents.
TheNiggerFaggot ago
Atomwaffen is an FBI plot pushed by kikes like (((Jason Kessler))). Isn't that right, Joe?
MrDarkWater ago
Joe_McCarthy ago
Not that I know of. But then how is that especially relevant to what I said?
TheNiggerFaggot ago
ardvarcus ago
The thing is, we all know what we need to do to fight for our heritage and our nations. We all know who our enemies are. We know they hate us and want to destroy our entire race. We don't really need directives from some commander.
H3r0n ago
I, a white man, am smart enough to think for myself. I will never kill at someone else command. I will only kill who I deem worthy of it.
Tallest_Skil ago
And yet we still do nothing.
chirogonemd ago
Ah yes, that strategy that has won so many wars in the past. I've been trying to tell the US government for nearly a century that an army was the worst idea basically ever.
ardvarcus ago
There is a time for individual actions, and there will come a time for unity. There will come a leader. Have faith.
Triple_InVerse ago
I'm not with it. We have had leaders. These men have, for as long as our race can be traced, directed and guided us. It is on us as a collective to acknowledge the greatness of those that came before us. No new leader can hope to live up to them, and unless we acknowledge them for their greatness, any leader will simply be crucified for being a charlatan by our current social (((leaders))) and you would never know their name.
AdmiralEnchilada ago
What we need are suicide bombers
What we need are subversive nerds
What we need to do is what white folk have always done
Other peoples plans, but better
For reference
All Men Must Die
All Men Must Serve
Gopherurself ago
bb22 ago
I went to Charlottesville and instantly realized this when I noticed that all the groups there were a bunch of larping faggots headed by beer-gutted Federal boomers who anybody from the street would know was a pig from miles away.
Those boomers thought they were in disguise. I'd feel sorry for them if it ever came to actual war. It really was a pitiable display. Thank God for the normal people there open carrying and all the rest in support of General Lee.
OricaTonithos ago
I was there, alone. I concur. Their tatoos were all the same age and color. 90% of them were 18-24 years old, looking like rebels without a cause. A good portion of them were bused in or in rental cars. There was a state-owned cellular comms trailer on the path down from the hill near the parking area with cameras all over it.
It was an op.
bb22 ago
I managed to connect with three other guys the day before to meet up near the city and ride downtown together. None of the groups with names seemed to want us, despite the fact that I knew people associated with the Abbeville Institute, which has a history related to the League of the South (total FBI honeypot and more beer-gutted boomers). That reluctance to associate with us was the first red flag. These were supposed to be our “allies” but they acted like they didn’t want us around.
I fucked up their gay chants on the street. I may have ruined that part of the production for them. Fuck them all.
mememeyou ago
mostly agreed, but they don't target and try to shut down all pro-white groupsJPG for nothing. They're terrified of white people gathering and want atomized individuals.
HillBoulder ago
This is Matt HaleBitChute Read his story how the fbi set him up and threw in jail for forty years.
t9spjtws ago
wtf i love splc now
blackzetsu ago
193 black separatist groups, highest number on the list kek. 13/52 gonna hate
fixstuffnowi1488 ago
General hate. I like the sound of that. The president: "General Hate, our directives have changed. Its time to gas the kikes
General Hate: "Sir, youre a little late to the party. Its done. Go fuck yourself faggot"
The President: "good job Hate, carry on"
fuckdumb ago
I like how General Hate is so fucking slick he can call the president a faggot and still keep his head.
fixstuffnowi1488 ago
You should have an idea what to expext from General Hate when you address him. His service record is lengthy and extremely well documented.
Call_Of_Goat ago
The FBI has a job
Infiltrate any organization that has power or money and shut it down or control it
Ask the KKK
Those dumb idiots got blackmailed 2 death
Monkeyshinerbot3000 ago
That is the standard for every militia out there. More feds than civilians.
Sinjin ago
What’s your opinion on the League of the South?
doubleanalbypass ago
why would they want that? you know how easy it is these days to take out a high ranking politician without even getting caught? they are experts in infiltrating groups, but they ramp up mass surveillance like crazy cause they are afraid of sleepers acting individually. take obama for example, don‘t tell me he isn‘t a soft target. a drone, a sniper, pooof, ded. one could even remote the whole thing.. none of these fcks are safe, unless they go live in a bunker 365 days a year..the only reason they are still alive is cause people are lazy and too well-off still.
european ago
Power requires organisation
Fancy451 ago
If it's that easy why aren't you doing it?
toreador ago
I guess you didn't read to the end. The answer's in the last sentence.
Neongreen ago
Yeah I mean. We did claw the nation out of a most inhospitable land mass in the first place.
I'd be worried about waking that sleeping, drugged out, drunk, suicidal dragon...
Shadowlight ago
But give that dragon a purpose.....
Neongreen ago
They did, drugs, porn, alcohol, righteous SJW nonsense to make them feel special. It's actually worked out better then I ever expected it to.
I gave people to much credit for being educated.
Shadowlight ago
Those aren't purposes. Except the corrupted SJW, but you didn't mention that the firsrt time.
toreador ago
Here's the prescription: Leaderless Resistence
AnthraxAlex ago
That is a pretty major oversight in that Communism was never defeated and it is communist Jews who have taken over the federal government and made it into the tyranny that hes talking about.
Amoss didn't. Louis beam talked extensively on zog
AgentSakura ago
GenderPronoun ago
James Mason predicted this. Linkage.
Gimmethelolz ago
So a metaphor for voat?
Death_in_June ago
if Voat is a honeypot then why are you on it?
donegone ago
If all electronic communications are a honeypot, why use them?
whitesrbetter ago
This is a opportunity to redpill government workers. The White race is more homogeneous and more spiritually connected to each other than any other racial group. It spands far before any of the current religions and has far more personal benefit than a cushy short lived government job, preserving the White race will echo for the billions of Whites born after us just like our European ancestors sacrificed for us. Our race has created just about everything down to the concepts of thought patterns of naturally whats good and bad. By preserving the White race you are preserving the Earth itself and helping the conception of a utopian future for our descendants. Thats why I stay.
ardvarcus ago
The white race is the only hope for progress in the future. But the non-white races are too arrogant and stupid to accept this. So they will continue trying to destroy us.
Triple_InVerse ago
We need an olive branch...offer them a chance for redemption by killing each other en masse, to save us the trouble. Those that survive become lower caste Aryans.
ZenoOfElea ago
Networking mostly. Anybody from NSA want to grab lunch sometime?
ardvarcus ago
I'm still waiting for a private message from the cute female NSA operative who is monitoring my posts. She's playing hard to get.
uvulectomy ago
I'm buying if you can get me the number for that redhead in OpCom. The new chick, not that over-the-wall hag (she's a dye-job anyway).
MrDarkWater ago
Because fuck em
anamazonslittle ago
Because saying "I'm glad that nigger/faggot/kike is dead"isn't actually against the law (yet).
SexMachine ago
Right? If they want to watch me, I bet they probably already are.
tokui ago
Yep. Find your niche by finding your interest and strengths.
When the time comes, when you are called, you'll find your place in the war machine.
SearchVoatBot ago
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Posted automatically (#84816) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here. (@tokui: Click here to suppress your anonymous crosslink notifications)
Maroonsaint ago
I bet part of your duty will be sending dick pics so why don’t you get started
anamazonslittle ago
You're getting more creative. I like it.