Hammer82 ago

Fucking jewry how is this shit legal

Bill_Williamson ago

Used in cosmetics and foodstuffs. I'd try a fake order over of 10k or something and see if it's accepted. Or mail them and see if you can buy in 'bulk'. See how far the rabbit hole goes.

britt121 ago

Just had a white lady friend come over who wants to have a baby soon. I def had the circumscision talk.

DeltaBravoTango ago

If they are already cutting it off, what should they do with it?

Smallest_Skil ago

And here @Tallest_Skil was crawling through the jewish hospital dumpster for expired foreskins. Now all he has to do is service some moslems for money and yummy fresh foreskins will be his.

Please donate to his foreskin account here ---> @Tallest_Skil

Tallest_Skil ago

Hi, subhuman coward.

Smallest_Skil ago

Hi friend.

dwhipwhipplez ago

I don't know why I come here anymore. Feel like this is controlled opposition, its nothing but lies that I'll believe as fact. Then I'll repeat these lies and sound like a fucking idiot. Thus undermining my entire argument about the failures of our reality.

underground_lurker ago

I know that feel. I try not to repeat anything I can’t be too sure of.

ALIENS2222 ago

They sell adrenochrome as well.

FridayJones ago

Mine would have been a fiveskin.

survey_girl ago

Celebrities gotta get their skin treatments from somewhere.... https://youtu.be/BY2aOHQlAco

If this is what they talk openly about, what is too taboo that aren't they talking about

Splooge ago

You know it's bad when you can't think of anything.

I just ran through my mind going "Pedophilia? No. Child porn? Nuh uh. Child sacrifice? Eh... kinda. Satanic rituals? Nope, they talk about that too. Bestiality? Fucking hell..."

Everything I'm coming up with is shit (((they're))) perfectly happy to brag about. I'm horrified at what we don't know.

maaaxheadroom ago

Even Ellen Degenerate is appalled.

AlexanderMorose13 ago

What the fuck? Why? Why would you ever buy that?

You know what, I don't think I even want to know the answer to that question. FUCKING kikes.

TechDumb ago

What website is this?

Destination ago

Noticed how it's always white children?

4n0n3m0u5e ago

Well, we are interested in gaining knowledge about human cell biology in the end.

doubleanalbypass ago

Imagine the chance of a mind developing and accepting satanism in someone who got half his dick cut off upon entering this world. I mean without this, there might even be a chance of jews developing into normal human beings, right?

Thisismyvoatusername ago

Anyone interested in buying foreskins from that place who doesn't first form a corporation and file the paperwork to be a nonprofit is an idiot.

CaptnObvius ago

That was for a causasion, you can get the black ones for $4.31, simple supply and demand, they abort a lot more of the black babies.

Speakfree ago

Do you have proof of this? Makes sense just very interesting this is real.

CaptnObvius ago

Oh hell no, I was just making a racist joke, although the abortion rates for blacks are much higher, that is true.

Speakfree ago

Supply and demand ain’t racist to me brotha. God speed.

CaptnObvius ago

My point was that the abortion industry is making a fortune riding the back of the black community.

Speakfree ago

I completely agree with you. I mean look at the original intent of planned parenthood.

4n0n3m0u5e ago

Why are all of my cells behaving so retardedly since we switched foreskin fibroblast suppliers?


Goys-R-Us ago


snafu ago

You're not buying foreskin, you're buying fibroblasts (a cell type) derived from foreskin. And no I'm not supporting circumcision, but those particular cell lines are really important for research so if an idiot parent decides to subject their kid to it you might as well utilize anything that can be derived from it. And although there have been reports of a single company using such cell lines for cosmetics, the page you linked is for biological research only and the materials can't be used in products (research materials are heavily regulated and can't be used on people without the manufacturer and purchaser being approved to use them on humans). This is retarded FUD from a user that probably didn't pass high school biology.

Fish_n_Cigs ago

oh finally. someone else who actually knows about research.

SeveralAxolots ago

Thank you I wanted to highlight this as well. It is only selling derived cell lines!! In addition many of the cell lines are extremely old, like 30-40 years, when circumcision was extremely common so the doctors made the best out of the situation.

Napierdalator ago

for research

Elaborate, please.

smallerhobo ago

Fibroblast cell lines are used for biological and biomedical research (for example drug testing would be done first on a cell line, then in mice, then maybe dogs, then finally tests on a group of patients before being wifely used). Doctors and scientists make immortalized fibroblast cell lines from foreskin because circumcision is common in America, but this type of cell line can be made from nearly any tissue that's been removed

PygmyGoat ago

Naw don’t need to do all that testing on drugs before using it on your wife. You’ll know if it works or not pretty quickly.

4n0n3m0u5e ago

Fibroblasts have traditionally been a default cell to use in molecular biology experiments for a long time now due to ease of access. The regulations for obtaining any human tissue from patients with specific diseases in a hospital/surgery type setting has skyrocketed, so people chose to use skin epithelial cells since they were readily obtainable.

New_years_day ago

The biological material is readily available for literally no medical reason because the whole population was lied to for the last 100+ years. Pretty odd that the source material in question comes from yet another Jewish subversion.

4n0n3m0u5e ago

All true. Why anyone was convinced that they knew better than millions of years of evolution that a mucus membrane connected to 6,000 nerves on a penis should be traumatically severed from an infant days after birth is just pure madness. I'll also accept pure evil, since this is jews we're talking about here.

New_years_day ago

I'm sure it's just a coincidence that it's done for no reason, and not only do the parents and child have to pay for it with blood and money, multiple different corporate entities make bank off it.

4n0n3m0u5e ago

it's done for no reason

It shouldn't be done - I'll reiterate that sentiment. There is some reasoning that it's an incredibly young tissue that has undergone few cell divisions. For the purposes of studying genetics and experimental series with reasonable reproducibility, these tissues provide cells with some of the most longevity outside of the body that can be harvested. The human cost is absolutely not worth it and it's done to children, which is an automatic inability to consent.

Drstrangegoy ago

its really disturbing to think of my dick being smeared on someones face without me being attached to it, okay? it feels like some kind off horrible, cannibal rape. i feel horror, okay? this is like human centipede level shit, okay? on a worldwide scale. so don't you go all science-ey on us when they are smearing our dicks on their faces!

4n0n3m0u5e ago

I think I'll go all science-ey whenever I damn well please.

Drstrangegoy ago

damn is an appropriate word.

4n0n3m0u5e ago

Used to emphasize or express anger or frustration with someone

Definitely agree

derstoyvsky ago

Reddit told me that Nazi scientists were cruel idiots who produced no useful data, only jewish misery.

4n0n3m0u5e ago

If all of the human experimentation is actually true, I think it would be an interesting read. I doubt it even exists. If it does, you know it's probably Soros or some other ancient kike that has it locked up deep in their panic room.

4n0n3m0u5e ago

That looks like something I'll have to set aside some time to watch. Looks like a quality share, so thank you!

Maltherian1 ago

I’ve never seen any from the national socialists. Doesn’t mean it’s not out there though. The Japanese research into the affects of pressure on people is well documented and the foundation of our knowledge in that area as the experiments were horrifying and cannot be publicly repeated.

Hourtime ago

Your explanation alone says you are pro circumcision.

Anonfag ago

I think I’m beginning to buy into the “right wing SJW” meme.

not_saying_a_thing ago

It's a thing. Horseshoe theory in full effect.

There's a major difference, though - he won't shout you down or try and drown you out. He might call you a faggot, or a retard, or a nigger - but he will let you speak.

Anonfag ago

Sure but is that just because he doesn't have the power to or is it because of his beliefs?

not_saying_a_thing ago

It's easy to shout someone down. It's harder to listen to something you disagree with.

I think it's an individual choice. I listen because I expect people to do the same when I speak. Even if they disagree with me - that's okay. It's would be a boring fucking place if we all agreed on everything. I'm not sure what motivates anyone else.

Anonfag ago

You never can account entirely for what's going on in someone's mind, especially on the internet. I'm just worried that when you dethrone one side you might end up forced to spout the other's beliefs even if you don't want to.

4n0n3m0u5e ago

no I'm not supporting circumcision

you are pro circumcision


RoundWheel ago

Please keep in mind Sandra Bullock claims she uses foreskin on her face to fight aging. There is a huge market for this type of depravity.

Baichu ago

And keep in mind Impossible Foods who make Beyond Burger...oh, that might be made from aborted fetuses, not foreskin (Senomyx)

robinofthehood ago

She can use mine if she wants. I'll even throw in some protein masque.

mleczko ago

I have bad news for you, Sandra Bullock is a man.

robinofthehood ago

Another dream shattered, LOL.

ardvarcus ago

I have an image in my my of Sandra Bollocks with foreskins stuck all over her aging face.

flapjack_charlie ago

These are HFF cells, commonly used in disease research because it's a way to test disease / drug interactions in human cells without testing on humans.

Without this we'd have to test on animals or actual humans.

kingdomhearts123 ago

so in your heirarchy of evil, animal testing is above genital mutilation of a baby?

is that what you're saying?

New_years_day ago

Oh shit, shots fired

kingdomhearts123 ago

Why can't I get some chimpanzee foreskin cream?

This is America

flapjack_charlie ago

They dont circumcise kids for this purpose.. its happening anyway. To throw that tissue out and instead torture animals by the thousands is absolutely worse.

Not to mention, it's not even feasible. The cost alone would be prohibitive. The number of animals needed to replace cell culture testing would be astronomical.

I personally oppose circumcision, but to say let's not use these cells because of some abstract idea of moral purity is not just stupid, its evil.

kingdomhearts123 ago

no... babies can't consent.

you're a fucking moron.

flapjack_charlie ago

You have no idea what you're talking about and have a handle based on a Disney property. You sound like so many on the left who call for crap like socialism because they dont know what they're asking for.

kingdomhearts123 ago

you kikes reuse rhetorical devices like you didn't go to high school.

god damn who pays you. Can you throw a few more buzzwords in there? Just call me a kulak why don't you? Go for it.

flapjack_charlie ago

I actually worked in molecular virology. I know why we need to do unpleasant things.. because the alternative is worse.

You on the other hand have just hurled invectives and offered no solutions, yet you call me a shill?

kingdomhearts123 ago


flapjack_charlie ago

No. And the circumcisions are happening anyway. It makes no sense not to use the tissue.

kingdomhearts123 ago

I bet you have a sack of foreskins in a cubby hole behind the radiator in your bathroom

flapjack_charlie ago

Actually it's just a wallet but if you rub it a little it becomes a briefcase.

HeavyBrain ago

Wonder what else you can buy.

-Organ doantions save lifes and are only preformed on brain dead people.

poopypoopypoopy ago

Being a donor gives the hospital free reign to harvest your organs, regardless if one is likely to survive an injury or not.

‘Brain death’ is a bullshit term. Being in a coma could be ‘brain death’. They really just need an excuse to harvest.

Don’t be a donor.

MysticMa ago

Your right... But it's even worse than you might imagine. My son's 17yr old GF was in a accident on her way to school. They life-flighted her sis & her to different hospitals. 7:30am... When her Dad who works for the state, got home from work they were not home. By 6pm he was calling everywhere. Finally at 8pm he got a call that the 17yr old had been listed as a "Jane Doe" with head trauma. When he got to hosp. they apologized for the mix.. Then said, that had they been able to do surgery that morn... survival 100%. Yet 12 hrs later, too late. Truth.. her DL said "Donor" and was in her purse. Next day They told him no hope but... she's a match to a in house patient for her liver. Let us know when you want to pull plug! She was parted out like a piece of meat. NEVER CHECK { } DONOR...

Goys-R-Us ago

Except that guy in Texas that prevented doctors from pulling the plug on his brain dead son and low and behold the son regained consciousness and is perfectly normal now.

Fuck, they lie a lot.


HeavyBrain ago

Thats the point.

Goys-R-Us ago

Got it.

I posted for goats that may not have heard this story.

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RunOverByASchoolBus ago

What website is that?

4n0n3m0u5e ago

Looks like ATCC. They sell a variety of cell types that have been genetically altered to grow in petri dishes for research purposes.

RunOverByASchoolBus ago

Cool, thanks.

yids_rape_kids ago

Disgusting fucking kikes.

Drstrangegoy ago

they aren't jews. they are lucefarians.

Cockboy ago

Literally the same thing dummy.

Drstrangegoy ago

could be. but i know some good jews

ALIENS2222 ago

Oy vey... A shabbos goy!

Drstrangegoy ago

Interesting. I'm a strange goy. But I'm not a doctor.

Cockboy ago

i know some good jews


Maroonsaint ago


Drstrangegoy ago

heh...…"jews" isn't an appropriate descriptor. devils might be.

Death_in_June ago

Jew don't see Lucifer as bad is what Cockboy is tying to tell you, and he's correct.

Drstrangegoy ago

how is he correct? you cant harm the innocent and be good.

Death_in_June ago

The jews don't consider Lucifer as a force of "good". They don't believe in "good" and "evil". To them Lucifer is a powerful angle, you should dig into some Kabbalah research.

Drstrangegoy ago

i have my head wrapped around it now. i remember what horrible evil is. i remember how it knows the right thing to do, and does the opposite because that's its nature. so i have the psychology pegged, all you have to do is take the average joe's moral compass and flip it 180 degrees.

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Bipee ago

Yeah... but how do they know he's male? It hasnt even picked its gender yet.

yids_rape_kids ago

Fkn a man.

lululu ago

homo sapiens foreskin tissue ?

to who will it go?


yids_rape_kids ago

Hungry jews. Its a delicacy for them.

Splooge ago

Sold to jews at makeup companies, who use it to make creams, who sell it to the shiksas, who use it to appear more attractive to goyim, who fuck them and produce sons, who are then snipped at birth (for a reasonable fee), the parts of which are put online to be sold to jews at makeup companies.


Read chapter 6 of blood passover. Ariel Toaff describes how jewish females at weddings / bris would literally dive for a childs forskin that was thrown, first one to grab it swallows it whole. They believe it magically increases fertility. Similar to the way our women try to grab the boquet of roses that is thrown.

Sick stuff. Jewish cannibalism has been a thing for a very, very long time.

BoomerHater1488er ago

There is a long list of uses for christian infant blood,

Ethnic European is not synonymous with Christianity. Erasing and replacing our people's native spirituality with Judaism for Goyim was the most insidious thing the Jew has ever done - and we will never, ever throw off their control so long as we submit to the religion they have created for us.

Just look at how you identify as Christian foremost instead of white. It's subconscious. And the rest of the world is engaged in a racial struggle for supremacy; only white Europeans think spirituality matters.

Do you think Arabs will stop stabbing Brits in England even if all the Arabs converted to Christianity? Do you think Arabs in Sweden will stop running over Swedish children, even of all Swedes convert is Islam?

Why do African Christians still commit absurdly disproportionate amounts of crime compared to their European counterparts?


Fuck off kike.

BoomerHater1488er ago

I'm not the one who literally worships a Jewish God and struts around bragging that white people are the real Jews now; cuck.

Splooge ago

Dissociative trauma, just to turn a profit. Pure, unadulterated evil.

Slightly NSFL: https://files.catbox.moe/20vlj7.jpg

KLDB ago

rip dick skin.

4n0n3m0u5e ago

just to turn a profit

I'm not going to defend the practice of non-consensual, infant, genital mutilation here, but there's a $70 premium price attached to for-profit purchases right in the screencap you posted.

CowWithBeef ago

The organization selling it charged the parents to take it off. Even a price of twenty bucks would be a profit for the dick choppers.

Non-profits still generate windfalls for their employees in the form of wages even if it's not called "profit."

4n0n3m0u5e ago

The organization selling it charged the parents to take it off

Pretty sure they didn't. They are a cell repository. The company is ATCC. You can see what they actually do for yourself.