ardvarcus ago

Biden lost the election before he decided to run. He could never beat Trump.

Armpit_and_Ass ago

OP is 23 of the last 25 times this domain was linked.

Look at his submission history. Two investmentwatchblogs and a breitbart. 20 pages of it.

Stop upvoting spammers you retards.

MrDarkWater ago

Smells Jewish

Nosferatjew ago

Like pickles and shekels.

green_man ago

Democrats don’t want an old, white, straight male

Well he's a pedo, doesn't that count for something with the shitlibs?

aGameCalledCountries ago

They buried the lede:

But in Thursday’s Democrat presidential debate he committed a much bigger sin than senility, or corruption. Biden alienated his base- the only group that still backs him in the Democrat Party.

What did Biden say in that debate? The moderator asked, “As president, would you be willing to sacrifice some (economic) growth, even knowing potentially that it would displace thousands, maybe hundreds of thousands of blue-collar workers, in the interest of transitioning to that greener economy?’”

Biden answered quickly and boldly: “The answer is YES.”

kammmmak ago

Just. It wasn't clear before.