JackCoffin ago

The goal was to never win so CIA could get drug money and so Isreal could grab more territory.

RedditSureDoesSuck ago

All you faggots parroting the same shit are no better than the NPCs you call sheep.

GhettoGhost ago

The war isn’t meant to be won. It’s meant to keep the money flowing to defense contractors and to keep Israel’s enemies in check.

Granite_Pill ago

We've always been at war with Eastasia Terror.

Otter5000 ago

... because the point isn't to win. It's to bank roll jews in finance, defense, pharmaceuticals, oil, and politics.

CornyGoatWeed ago

the nazis didnt lose the war...Germany did, but they just moved their money and thinktanks around the new board and are still doing fine

Smokybubbles ago

It's not about winning, it's about keeping citizens in fear so more tax money can be stolen from them.

zech7 ago

terror is intentionally ambiguous, so this war will never end.

everything is a rich man's trick. US has the best propaganda in the world.

GoldShekelSteinBerg ago

The conquering of sandnigger land for greater Israel.

Humansized ago

war economy, military industrial complex, isratel, ect.

SpreeFeech ago

You still believe the jewish lies about our history. The bad guys won WWII. Look at all the jews in power in America. Look at how our Civilization has crumbled under the jews rule. France didn't surrender they willingly joined and did not want to be "liberated". Same with Japan. They were not evil. They joined because they knew it was right and we're not influenced by jews. Everything in our school books have been edited by jews. You don't need to enact laws to protect the truth. You only need them to protect lies.

downton-stabby ago

Next you'll tell me that Pearl Harbor was a setup and Attacking Japan was unnecessary. Are you going to sit there and tell me that Patton was murdered and that we should have helped Germany and fought the Russians? That the cold war was avoidable? GAH! /s

RedditSureDoesSuck ago

Tell us how the earth is flat.

MemeDropAcct ago

Afghanistan and the other shitholes in "The War on Terror" are mainly a live fire training operation. All of the weapons and tactics you see in use there are intended for use here. And of course there is the Sheep Dipping of those who have proven themselves to be particularly psychopathic and psychotic, placing them in the various lettered agencies to run amok against their fellow citizens here.

MrTerry ago

Trick question? For more than the last hundred years the money jews have been running the show.

iggywon ago

Wars end when you're fighting a nation.

Wars never end when you're "fighting" an ideology.

Almost like it's been profit driven for the last 20 years.

the_art_collector ago

Langley still exists.

Sanpa33 ago

Muslims fought Israel for 6 days and lost. That war was in 1967. It still hasn't ended. Sand niggers are too stupid to stop dying unlike the Nippones and the Nazis. Death cult religions don't die unless it's isolated from the rest of civil society or all of its members kill themselves like Jin Jones and his followers. It's funny that Europe has called for their own ending by importing the death cult into their borders all because their retirement socialist ponzi scheme was beginning to run out. Even funnier than that, they blamed it on climate change and their citizens believed them.

BoomerHater1488er ago

The Nazis were the good guys in WWII faggot.

ChiCom ago

First the population became demoralized and then the intelligence agencies hired demoralized agents who would "play ball" and we lost plot.

ardvarcus ago

Calling something a war doesn't make it a war, except in the magical thinking of Jews.

Mustard_Monkey ago

AMERICA IS A BRITISH COLONY. The "United States" is a corporation, not a land mass and it existed before the Revolutionary War and the British troops did not leave until 1796.

(Respublica v. Sweers 1 Dallas 43,

Treaty of Commerce 8 Stat 116,

Treaty of Peace 8 Stat 80,

IRS Publication 6209,

Articles of Association October 20, 1774)

Tallest_Skil ago

This is why you’re called retarded, you know.

Questionable_1 ago

The only way to win a war against Afghanistan is to kill them all.

Stinkybeans ago

I'm from Buenos Aires, and I say KILL EM ALL!

Patrice_oneal_ ago

do you understand that afghanistan is pro west?

its control of the poppyfields, nothing more.

Cat-hax ago

Radioactive glass

stealthninjataliban ago

6 years to beat the Japs OP....

Zyklon_Bear ago

December 8 1941, day war was declared on Japan.

September 2, 1945, day the Japanese officially surrendered.

Less than 4 years, dumbass.

The entire 2nd World War, in all theatres was 6 years. 1939-1945.

Tubesbestnoob ago

Nazis aren't dirty. Kikes are dirty.

Maroonsaint ago

Somebody pointed out once how the nazis were clean cut. Elegant. Polite. See any movie on nazis THEYRE always so well mannered. True or not that’s how they’re portrayed. And at the same time painted as evil. They’re painting bei well mannered as bad. On the flip it makes it seem like chimping out is ok. They’re trying to make us ok with nigger like behavior. Cause that’s the new norm. Atleast (((thwy))) want it to be

spaceman84 ago

The French and Italians governments warned their citizens about American liberators being rapists, particularly the niggers.

Gopherurself ago

They weren't Nazis they were national Socialists.

Sh-shh-shaaa ago

Where's the difference?

RandomFurryDude ago

Strictly speaking, Nazi was a made up term for anti NatSoc propaganda.

National Socialism is their ideology.

Maltherian1 ago

Nazi was a German colloquial term that meant foolish person. The Jews started using it to describe the NatSocs and it stuck.

Sh-shh-shaaa ago

I know... It is an affectionate form of Ignatz (jewish name), which was then used as a synonymous for fool and was later used by (I might be wrong here, but I believe) Kurt Tucholsky to talk derogatorily about National Socialists. I only wasn't aware that the term actually insults National Socialists... I was under the impression that it was somehow ironically embraced? This is why I asked.

Gopherurself ago

One is kike propaganda slur and the other is their name.

TheKalergiFan ago

Because socialism is great, right

Tallest_Skil ago

oy vey goyim i can’t read

Just leave, then.

psimonster ago

We're still in Germany and Japan, too.

Otter5000 ago

We have bases there but we aren't actively at war with them.

xpat ago

Oh Christ, educate yourself ! No peace treaty was ever signed with Germany. Germany and the US are still at war. Germany did not surrender, only the military did. Germany is still an occupied country. The Reich never seized to exist. The "German government" is merely an All-lied puppet show. Every chancellor who gets "elected" is forced to sign an agreement, surrendering the power of the office. The All-lies were the ones who disarmed the population. They are the ones who dictate school curricula and control the media. Knowledge is power !

Otter5000 ago

Nice bait. We aren't killing japs or germans so the comparison isn't accurate in my opinion.

xpat ago

Facts don't matter, right, right ?

Otter5000 ago

Why would you say that? You're not making content sense and I think you misunderstood my original comment so I was clarifying for you.

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JoeBigCheeseParchesi ago

"We" never beat anyone .. the "dirty Nazis" were Jews who simultaneously infiltrated British, French, Russian German politics sponsoring clowns like Mussolini and genocidals like Adolf Hitler and Churchill who set the white races against each other.

Angela Merkel is Adolf Hitler's daughter there were no Japanese planes at Pearl Harbour, it was a massive False Flag .. Jews were running the shop in Japan no less, according to Benjamin Fulford the Yakuza or organised crime runs every aspect of Japanese society.

BoomerHater1488er ago

Lmfao stupid Boomer 🤣🤣🤣

RedditSureDoesSuck ago

Faggot weeboo.