Groff ago

Funny but I lived in China for several months (on business), always eating with the locals, and never once got sick - not even a cold.

I have however had food poising here in the good old USA several times.

I wonder if it has something to do with the FDA?

Groff ago

I wish that I did just so that I could quit -

Dogma40 ago

.... what the fuck did you expect! ITS KFC. its like you somehow expected these Section 8 monkey to cook for themselves or make good life choices?!?!?!

fellowwhiteperson ago

Yet another instance where a ginger is sacrificed on the globohomo altar for a nigger.

Hand-Banana ago

They used to have this ad:

Apparently it was racist but this is not?

MWcrazyhorse ago

The Jew has some bizarre obsession with gingers.

It's always the gingers.

Why is that?

Is it because of the Leprechaun?

The Irish get too close to naming them?

satisfyinghump ago

Holy fuck, now that is blatant. Only one niglet in the crowd and she kissing him. What a traitor.

Beeboy ago

26k boos already made lol 😂

Beeboy ago

I booed it on YouTube mate

Mustard_Monkey ago

Which one is the bacon lover?

ravensedgesom ago

I want to see an ad like this except the white guy on the left just starts pounding the shit out of the nigger at the end.

surfsup ago

They are catering to their customer base and making them feel better about eating that trash all their lives.

Littorio ago

The Problem is not Like or dislike. The important Thing for Them is that you have watched it. Bad or good, an ad is Always an ad. Even If you dislike, in the meanwhile people are talking about it.

Mortifera ago

Well that's disgusting.

TheWorstImaginable ago

The two behind the nigger and race traitor look concerned about the herpes she's contracting, and her boyfriend next to them is totally a voyeur cuck

fightknightHERO ago

It is the very definition of Niggerchow

patriot911911 ago

Seriously stopped eating fast food a decade ago man. I know there has been a onesy-twosy in there at some point but for the most part I just cook my own food at home. Freshly, Sun Basket, Hello Fresh...there are a dozen easy home delivery fresh food box options out there that actually are cheaper than eating out and allow you to know what's going into your diet. Omit what you like, add what you's pretty awesome.

HighEnergyLife ago

Jews do this so white men know their nation is conquered. It has nothing to do with chicken

vastrightwing ago

I boycott Hollyweird, Gillette, P&G, kababs, Shariabucks, as many multi-national conglomerates as I can. I prefer American owned businesses.

Lord_Kristopf ago

The unfortunate aspect is that for every one of us they lose in the process, they believe they ultimately gain a greater number of leftists to replace us.

vastrightwing ago

Yes, I believe they think that. (((They))) fail to understand that an economy requires people who produce. Non whites produce little to no value. You only need to look at africa to see the result of an economy largely made up of non whites. Then look at Venezuela to see the result of leftist economic policies.

Be prepared for the United States to have another economic hardship due to criminal behavior. That is to say, the (((central banks))) theft and ponzi scheme. We'll survive just like we did the last time. However, our economic output will never be what it was. Automation does not move the economy because robots don't consume. Non whites produce very little, so the economy cannot go at a high rate. Until we replace the (((criminal))) banking and fake fiat currency with gold or some other asset, we'll continue to suffer a declining economy and society.

Animals9 ago

Burn the coal, pay the toll. Stupid white bitch.

ReverseDay ago

isn't KFc mostly for chimps anyway?

PsiloTheWolf ago


SpiritExpedition ago

It's the negresses we need to appeal to on this. They are a protected group that enjoys free speech rights. And they hate interracial couples possibly more than we do. Why the war on black women, Jew media? You lock their men up in jail leaving the black woman alone, then try to breed her out by programming black men to betray black women with devilish whites. Stop bleaching blacks you racists!

Shituar ago

black women really do share the same opinion on race mixing because everyone is attracted to a pale skinned woman with colorful eyes and contrasting colorful hair...whereas no one is attracted to African women.

The only African women that seem to rise up as sex symbols are mixed.

The only black men able to entice white women are the ones in perfect health and well paying careers. So the only black men that will date black women are the lowest performers. Even low performing whites will find a chunky white girl or a fit uneducated barely speaks English latina before dating a healthy successful black woman.

It would be really funny if Voat became a safe place for black women to protest race mixing and get woke to the jq at the same time. No one is louder than an angry black woman so maybe we should keep an open mind for allies.

PHXSunlight ago

LOL, at first, I just assumed it was at 13k likes vs. 1k dislikes, instead of it really being 13 vs. 1k.

Call_Of_Goat ago


Looks like KFC can kiss my fucking ass

Smallest_Skil ago

So the Whore will sell more chicken?

Doglegwarrior ago

good call. the harder one is going to be chic fila. i love chic fila i love the way thry run their stores it just seems right. but i would much rather seem them go from 7 billion a year to 500 million because they fucking gave into the lgbtqzx pedophile liberal lefty faggots by hiring an ex cliton associate who donated to liberal bullshit while stopping support of conservative organizations. i will not be giving them my money until they come clean

FreeSpeechForever ago

the video has 200 likes and 17k dislikes. I'm in Australia, I will never eat at KFC again, and I will push as many people as I know the never consume it.

Get woke, go broke.

u_r_wat_u_eat ago

Go cucked, get fucked

spaceman84 ago


Leveraction ago

Well if i ever ate fast food, i would have gone to chickfila. But now,...i'll keep eating elk, moose, and antelope.

PsiloTheWolf ago

And bear. Bear is delicious. And lever actions are great.

mattsixteen24 ago

Filthy jews.

kw92 ago

notice the jingle at the end "I dont care, I love it" absolutely subversive

86753090100 ago

Long history of KFC treating it's chickens terribly.

I've not visited one for 20 years now, and I had one a block away.

No angry chicken - also why I avoid Popeye's. Chicken karma?

CrudOMatic ago

Kikes really are amping up the nigger worship in the last few years, let alone months. Something tells me there is a massive power struggle amongst bolshies and zios and the bolshies are losing for the first time in generations.

1Sorry_SOB ago

Kikes really are amping up the nigger worship

It will backfire spectacularly. I can't wait.

u_r_wat_u_eat ago

They can try everything they can to control the internet but the cats already been let out of the bag.

I think it's important for everyone to remember that shitskins are just pawns in a bigger jewish game, and it's the players that are the real problem

recon_johnny ago

The fascination with niggers is wearing on me.

1Sorry_SOB ago

negro fatigue.

speedisavirus ago

Good ratio

DanielR ago

"Niggers can be our allies fellow goyim, let them in our movement!" - merchant in disguise

maaaxheadroom ago

QRV faggot in real life.

MarauderShields ago

Recent post on QRV celebrating a coal burner as a patriot.

DanielR ago

what do you mean ?

maaaxheadroom ago

Your merchant in disguise is what QRV people really seem to believe

DanielR ago

wtf is ORV ?

wincest1 ago

KFC is nigger swill.

totallynotFBI ago

It's literally the original delicious/will it help us sell cartoon.

kingkruiser ago

Yes because chinks want you up in arms about black men taking your women, hating them, instead of realizing how easy it would be to uncuck yourselves and get rid of all the slant eyed shrimpdicks that are conquering you. BLACK MEN may be a micro issue, but chinese men in white nations pose a HUGE MACRO ISSUE. They must all be sent back.

Ocelot ago

black men may be a micro issue

black men

You're a faggot. Niggers aren't men. Man means human. And neither are niggers a micro issue. You're obviously a newfag nigger lover here to push your cuckoldry on the rest of us normal white men.

kingkruiser ago

bhahaha. newfag?I've been here longer than most, including you I just never post because asshats like you talk out of their ass. Black men arent real? You're nuts right? Cuckhold how so? If whites are strong, nobody is a threat. If whites are weak, muh black men cuckhold. You're just a fake shill, here to respond with bullshit to keep an echo chamber going where white men can be afraid of blacks and keep spouting off. I grew up with blacks as friends, I grew up in an almost all white place. Blacks are not behind the orchestrated hatred sowing in whites, it's jews and chinks. If you can't get that far with your brain, I wouldn't recommend sharing other thoughts either.

ardvarcus ago

I used to like it when I was a kid. I think they did something nasty to it, because it turns my stomach when I try to eat it these days.

LettItBurn ago

I'm going there tomorrow and ordering ~$50.00 worth of their shit food. When I pull up to the window to pay, I'm going to ask if they take EBT. Then just drive away.

maaaxheadroom ago

Video please

FederalShill ago

We may not be in a position to boycott our local KFC, but we can always burn it down.

xachariah ago

None of us would be surprised, since we see it everywhere else too. If you looked at American media, you'd think 90% of all relationships were miscegenation.

1Sorry_SOB ago

Gee, How did someone like Hitler get so popular?

DrShitlord ago

He used century-old antisemitic feelings in the populace that had no basis in reality, because Jews are 100% perfectly nice people everyone can live with. Next question?

ReturnofGrandfrag ago

Jews are 100% perfectly nice people that everyone knows have no nukes. Right?

DrShitlord ago

Of course they have no nukes. Otherwise they would run the risk of accidentially bombing a reconnaissance ship from one of your great allies, which they wouldn't do, under any circumstance.

ReturnofGrandfrag ago


Is that what you're saying? Because there's a lesson to be learnt in not underestimating your enemy.

bubby963 ago

From what Ive heard just one day for no reason whatsoever people started to like him. Funny how that could just suddenly happen hey.

EuropeanRapeWar ago

Personally I'm not sure what the kikes intended play is for China or whether they even have one. There's no doubt that even if they succeed in wiping us out, there's going to be more than a billion bug people distributed throughout the world with huge systemic and infrastructural power.

And yet the Jews don't seem to be doing much about it, which makes me think that either they have a plan or they lack sufficient control to do much in chink-heavy nations like Australia. Evidence for the latter would be the way they discriminate against slants in higher education in America much like they do with whites (indicating that they clearly understand the yellow threat). Further evidence would be the prominent lack of chink presence in Aussie advertising: we already know that the Jew's tactic is to assault whites with images of their replacements to help us "adjust" without too much resistance, so why no chinamen if they're the future? The gooks' preferred mode of takeover seems to be based on stealth acquisition of resources and infrastructure, which tracks more closely with what's actually going on there.

Maybe Australasia really is a special exception with a true bipartisan struggle for control. There's no doubt that the China threat is very underrated by white nationalists outside of Australasia. It goes under the radar with so much focus on the kikes and the fact that the gooks are only making real inroads in a small number of white countries. We should all be more concerned, not just for our convict cousins, but that the slants are playing a blinder by taking over Africa first without too much geopolitical fuss, which will be massive in 50 years' time.

Opinions? What does everyone else think about the yellow yid situation in Australia? Do the Jews still know what they're doing there?

AnthraxAlex ago

The kikes built China into the power house they are ala Kissenger and every other international Jew. They've already made their China play and did it 80 years ago when China adopted communism and opened the Jew with open arms. Jews head all of China's banks and Jews can freely hold positions of power in the party and always have been able to, they are the only non Chinese allowed into these positions. Right now the kikes are positioning China to collapse the west once that is done they'll do exactly the same thing they did to every western nation flood it with blacks and muslims and the Chinese communist government will help them. Chinese aren't based they are allied with the Jew and kept strong by the Jew until their purpose is served.

Pointyball ago

Up to 15k negative

WhiteWolfSS ago

42 minutes later and it is now 16k

HiJoker ago

Punch her in the back of the head with a heel palm strike as hard as you can, drive her face into his. Then come over the top and destroy the nigger, stomping him when he's down.

autoencoder ago

I don't understand. Even normies find this racist. An ad that offends everyone?

u_r_wat_u_eat ago

Probably a jew in the PR department. They don't care about anything other than pushing their agenda.

On one hand they ruin a goyim company and on the other hand they appease their nigger faggot crowd.

It's a win-win no matter what cause jews are conniving rats

maaaxheadroom ago

The commentators feel bad for the ginger. If they had been black commentators and started chimping out celebrating the cuck scene then the normies would think this is the greatest advertising of all time.

Astralax ago

There’s responses on Twitter if anyone is interested:

Glipglup ago

Oyyyyyyyy veeeeeeeeey

psimonster ago

The ginger dude next to the kissy bitch has his right hand loosely cuffed in a curious manner.

isikhequanimity ago

At the time of this comment the advert has...

Likes: 194

Dislikes: 15K


The last time my family eat that crap we all got the screaming shits! Never going back!

Merlynn ago

Do you think the ginger looks freaked out because he realized he almost kissed a nigger fucker?

Nosferatjew ago

Current upvote to downvote totals for that video:

Up: 193

Down: 15,000

Comments have been turned off, of course.

user9713 ago

Comments have been turned off, of course.

I went back through their last 5 videos looking for one that had comments enabled before I gave up. 😂

Side note: all but one have been ratio'd. 😂

Nosferatjew ago

Just checked out several more videos on their channel... all of them made me cringe. Time to fire their marketing department.

Ken_bingo2 ago

You really think the kikes on the Board give a fuck about turning a profit?

Nosferatjew ago

Yes, I believe kikes everywhere care about profit. They care about subverting white Christian nations too of course.

JacobJaredKenworthy ago

Black/white hybrids are much better slaves for the Jews than Asian/white hybrids, hence the advertising.

OldCoot9292 ago

*9 months later

Mixed baby

Single motherhood

And a black eye.

ravensedgesom ago

maybe stds

TheTrigger ago

That gives me an idea for a joke...

What do you call a white woman who has kids with a black guy?

A single-mother with a black eye.

sitrep ago

*2 years later

Mother killed her 2 kids and committed suicide

Ocelot ago

I wish. Too many of them survive off the meager emotional supplements of contemporary "single mothers yaaaaas" propaganda and then their mixling abominations survive to further muddy the gene pool.

hello_reddit ago

also note that people with red hair are the most "endangered" subgroup of whites

CrudOMatic ago

Gingers are just dyslexic niggers. /s

maaaxheadroom ago

I see what you did there.

JacobJaredKenworthy ago

The dislike ratio on that video is INSANE

Unfortunately the comments are turned off. They would have been gold.

user9713 ago

Thanks, forgot to link so we can all cast our vote:

Mittermeyer ago

Up to 16k now

offender ago

99% dislikes


Bitethehandthatfeeds ago

18 thousand dislikes, 188 likes, and comments disabled..........the tides are turning!

Lumpo ago

If it was actually at 18K dislikes, (((they're))) lowering the numbers, because it's at 14K now. Either way, their manipulation of like/dislike ratios shouldn't be a surprise to anyone, and their attempts to hide it only make it more obvious what their intent is.

ravensedgesom ago

they ratio the like/dislike bar all the time.

Mittermeyer ago

Back up to 16k now. They keep trying to remove dislikes but the dislikes are not stopping. I give it a few more hours until they disable likes/dislikes

u_r_wat_u_eat ago

At 18k for me

Mittermeyer ago

Up to 21k now

Heathcliff ago


oldbenjamine ago


operation_wetvac ago


Skipberry ago

What video is this

Nadakai ago

The video name is in the pic my fren

madmardigan ago

Trying to sell dumb fat niggers the idea that they too can fuck white women if they eat their processed shit "food"

LastCowboy ago

You should boycott all fast food regardless

deathsquad ago

Fast food is for NPCs. Support your local farmers and butchers. Eat well raised animals like your ancestors did for thousands of generations.

Gopherurself ago

If you haven't watched all ten parts of this, you have no fuckin clue what's happening.

LastCowboy ago

I'll try to watch some of it tonight

ChiCom ago

Looks like 17k people already signified they will be boycotting KFC

rabbisucksbabycock ago

fast food is designed to keep the cattle fed so they don't revolt, jews put dead babies in those chickens anyways, don't eat that shit.

LastCowboy ago

I might eat a fast food Burger once a year out of necessity but outside of that I never touch it.

K1tten-Mittens ago

I couldn’t agree more. Eat out, die home.

TheTrigger ago

Is it weird that I want to become a certified chef, just so I can make 3-star meals at home, while pretentiously laughing at all the retards that are too lazy to scramble their own damned eggs? I don't think so.

canbot ago

A lot of schools really fluff up the curriculum with useless bullshit to justify the tuition. It is a waste of time and money. Especially with something as simple as cooking. You can learn everything you need to know from a cook book and youtube.

Ken_bingo2 ago

Know a girl that is a wold class chef. She did go to culinary school, but her real credentials came from working as an illegal immigrant in Europe for various restaurants in several countries (she is white).

bcboncs ago

so, experience.

LastCowboy ago

It's also a myth that eating healthy is more expensive than eating bad foods. Eating healthy is very cheap.

superspathi ago

Well Im not so sure about that. Ramen noodles are way cheeper than fresh produce and meats.

bcboncs ago

what cc of yours can I use to pay my checkout difference of organic vs non?

K1tten-Mittens ago

I wish more Americans understood this.

Ken_bingo2 ago

Depends. Eating healthy means eating home more and eating less since you are not poisoning your body with cheap processed foods that don't satiate your hunger. In the long run, this is cheaper.

malibu-q ago

i just avoid franchise fast food. Prefer unique operations.

FreeSpeechForever ago

supporting small business is the most nationalist thing you can do.

Groff ago


blackzetsu ago

theres plenty of shitty small businesses.

Groff ago

Maybe so but there is a world of difference between a small local shitty business and a multinational shitty business.

TheTrigger ago

Fuck yes it is. Supporting white-owned local small businesses is even better.

LastCowboy ago

They're usually the best anyway

SearchVoatBot ago

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Shishamo ago

They don't wash their hands and it makes people sick.

ardvarcus ago

That's the only nutritional value in it.

LastCowboy ago

You should just assume that is how it works at all fast food restaurants.

Shishamo ago

That's what I'm saying. Don't eat food prepared by minimum wage people.

TheTrigger ago

You should look in to how little chefs who don't own their own restaurant make; it's almost criminal, for how much skill is involved. I wish the jews hadn't kiked-up the economy so much, but... eh, I'm too tired to circlejerk atm. You know where I'm going with this.