Monkeyshinerbot3000 ago

Actually your old now and it was a very long time ago. When Carroll O'Conner played Archie bunker on TV, that was when the Jews assumed full control over Hollywood, and were well on their way to control the news media.

Tallest_Skil ago

why do jewish puppets do what jews tell them to do

Gee, i wonder. Lurk more already.

Merchant_Menace ago

Traditional families are the way in which whites flourish and their populations increase. They hate these structures because they want us extinct.

SirNiggsalot ago

Because the Left want you to be completely dependant on gubmit and be completely under their control.

Glory_Beckons ago

Copy-pasting from my reply to another post, since it is relevant here:

Let me introduce you to The Mass Psychology of Fascism [img] [full pdf]. A book, published in 1933, the year that Hitler was elected, by one Wilhelm Reich.

Subtitle: "On the Sexual Economy of Political Reactionism and on the Sexual Policies of the Proletariat".

Wilhelm Reich [img], being a follower of Freud, practiced psychoanalysis and psychiatry in Vienna, Austria. There, he joined first the Socialist Party in 1928 and, later in 1930, switched to the German Communist Party when he moved to Berlin. He was, of course, as you might have guessed, though purely by cohencidence... a Jew.

In "The Mass Psychology of Fascism", he argues that the reason Fascism succeeded over Communism in Germany is specifically because they were sexually repressed, citing the sexual liberalism in Russia as evidence of a better outcome. He argues that German children being sexually repressed by their parents is what drove them to authoritarian idealism.

His words:

Suppression of the natural sexuality in the child, particularly of its genital sexuality, makes the child apprehensive, shy, obedient, afraid of authority, good and adjusted in the authoritarian sense; it paralyzes the rebellious forces because any rebellion is laden with anxiety; it produces, by inhibiting sexual curiosity and sexual thinking in the child, a general inhibition of thinking and of critical faculties. In brief, the goal of sexual suppression is that of producing an individual who is adjusted to the authoritarian order and who will submit to it in spite of all misery and degradation. Initially, the child has to submit to the structure of the authoritarian miniature state, the family, which process makes it capable of later subordination to the general authoritarian system. The formation of the authoritarian structure takes place through the anchoring of sexual inhibition and anxiety.

The solution, then, is obvious. Spread "sexual liberation" to destroy the authoritarian order. To that end, he published another book in 1936. Sexuality in the Culture War. Subtitle: "Towards Socialistic Restructuring of Humanity".

This book was effectively a manifesto, outlining the steps that needed to be taken so as to destroy the existing order:

  • To undermine the idea of monogamous marriage, which he called "compulsive marriage"
  • To cease "suppression" of infantile sexuality, which, paradoxically, he claimed only led to perversion later in life
  • To push for candid sexual education and sexual freedom for adolescents in school
  • To end the persecution of unnatural sexualities such as homosexuality
  • To legalize abortion and make it easily available
  • To justify divorce for no reason other than "incompatibility", and ultimately abolish marriage as a legal concept

Any of this sound familiar?

dcprisbrey ago

Good find!

cT9NlRLhxlyr ago

Do you remember being a kid and telling a lie that your parents knew was a lie? Remember how you'd double down on the lie and then have to tell more lies to cover the first? The lies got more and more ridiculous as your parents questioned you. I think that's how modern liberalism came to be. They started with shit that didn't seem that crazy, stuff like "women should get to vote." As each of their demands were met and society started downhill they'd have to double down and get crazier and crazier, because the only other choice was to admit they're wrong.

BlackGrapeDrank ago

you're describing almost every government social program

sore_ass_losers ago

Unresolved childhood issues.

Titanbikes4ever ago

The behavioral programming was just more subtle then. Since the invention of TV, it has been there. All the actors have been jews or niggers.

deathsquad ago

Marx wrote extensively about families being a power hierarchy, his aim was to create a society where family is not needed (or allowed) because children are raised by the state and the adults are "free". It's another example of how leftists need to deconstruct absolutely everything, except government itself which is akin to god for them.

cT9NlRLhxlyr ago

Which Marx book is that in?

Tallest_Skil ago

The Communist Manifesto, of course. Chapter 2.

Trippertje ago

Not in communist manifesto, i would like to know aswell where he said that

Tallest_Skil ago

Literally in Chapter 2. Have you even read it? Search for “Even the most radical” to jump right to it.

Trippertje ago

it was a while ago that I read it, thank you for pointing this out. it makes me hate communists even more.

Plavonica ago

Because communists are the losers of society. They resent the power of a strong family that they can never have.

philmchawk ago

It wasn’t so long ago that traditional family values were displayed in TV shows and movies.

When? For 60+ years every show has been "WIFE BAD/NAGGY" "HUSBAND STUPID".

alalzia ago

Neliberals have an agenda that requires the disintegration of any and all communities starting at the core of them , family . They are not leftists they are self serving assholes .

oldboergoat ago

If you want to destroy/rot a country for take over you make everything stupid, selfish, violent. The ultimate goal was to make the public beg for the horror to end, then rewrite the constitution. I hope they fail, but we have been screwed financially, so get your house in order.

lemon11 ago

They have to destroy existing interpersonal relationships in order to rebuild them according to their will. It's satanic stuff.


Don't you know? Q pointed out this EXACT INFO in Q drop #347! You sshould GET INFORMED patriot! W1gg1dy whack don't talk back, brother!

Tallest_Skil ago

Was that a meta joke about how you want all these kike puppets banned from here? Because that’s hilarious.


I just picked a random number

AdmiralEnchilada ago

They're communists on their best days, child killing pedos on their worst

Or do i have that backwards?

Maroonsaint ago

Admiral enchchilada . I like that name. Can I see your nudes

Maroonsaint ago

Let me see your dick