Justice-Formidious ago

Dey wuz KANGZ!

DontBeRacist ago

For some reason every movie besides that one has a female polar bear and male grizzly bear couple.

clubberlang ago

I hope that's a powerful black female polar bear as the lead!!!

HeavyBrain ago

Yes and didn't kill you in the process.

You know why? Because they were smarter than the average nigger.

Leonidas4Q ago

Old Russian joke: Three polar bears are sitting on an ice berg, momma, poppa, and baby bear.

Baby bear asks: Momma, am I really your son? Am I really a polar bear?

Momma answers: Of course you are my son. Of course you are a polar bear.

Baby bear asks: Poppa, am I really your son? Am I really a polar bear?

Poppa answers: Of course you are my son. Of course you are a polar bear.

The next day the baby bear asks the same things: Momma, am I really your son? Am I really a polar bear?

Momma answers: Of course you are my son. Of course you are a polar bear.

Baby bear asks again: Poppa, am I really your son? Am I really a polar bear?

Poppa answers: Of course you are my son. Of course you are a polar bear.

Baby bear: Well if I am you son, then why am I so fucking cold?

PolarBear535 ago

They're writing me out of my own history!!

recon_johnny ago

Hey Mr. Ranger, sir.

arniecuntingham ago

they are probably gay too.

Racial_Maddow ago

Lol that was grrreat

tomdogg ago

So subtle and yet so meaningful.

marcuscato ago

I saw an image from here a few weeks ago, showing 15-20 different characters from English history from BBC shows that were all blacks. Can anyone link that image? I searched but was unable to find it.

Thats_not_my_dog ago

Thank you for that. I laughed so hard my wife came into my office to see WTF.

Fuckle_Chucks ago

Yogi Bear is a typical nigger.

clubberlang ago

Hey hey jew jew!

SparklingWiggle ago

That motherfucker is a jew!

KLDB ago


suke ago

J'adore les documentaires animaliers !

Frankenblock ago

Damn, I'm 300 miles south of Fairbanks and I never realized polar bears were down here until now. Buggers tried to eat my bird feeder.

PolarBear535 ago

Sorry Mate

Frankenblock ago

S’all good

Re-nailed and good as new

Moln0014 ago

Niggers steal everything

Moln0014 ago

Winnie the bear was no nigger

CrudOMatic ago

I for one cannot wait to get my information on with this totally unbiased and whitewash free documentary series. Finally we get the truth instead of some fake albino CGI bears n' sheeit.

Slashcut ago

Not gonna lie I had to stare at this for a minute to get the joke lol. Isn't that the truth, did you see the clip from The Witcher? Where every 3rd person was black in olden european times? So dumb. Why isn't every 3rd person white in the black hood crime movies? RACIST

HeavyBrain ago

Rememebr when they complained that "muh witcher is fantasy so you can easily plant blacks in there" but at the same time they complained that Kingdome come a game based on actual History didn't have blacks in it.

BTW here is what the joke is refering to

user9713 ago

lol polar bears are white, man. Should've gotten the joke a lot quicker.

satisfyinghump ago

That show is quite the joke thread amongst eastern European twitter/TV accounts

Fuckle_Chucks ago

Why isn't every 3rd person white in the black hood crime movies?

Altering White history might work. Altering nigger reality is doomed to failure.

hello_reddit ago

for a few seconds i thought it was related to global warming and how polar bears were supposed to be dying but aren't, or something like that.

PolarBear535 ago

We gonna THRIVE

Racial_Maddow ago

That’s what I thought initially..Netflix tho Jesus Christ

klobos ago

Blacks make up 13% of the population but make up >50% of acting roles.

ALIENS2222 ago

I kek'd

EpiPendemic ago

nice that is very good I give it a 100

RunOverByASchoolBus ago

How dare you waycist! We are all bares so it shouldn't matter what color the bare is!

Reminds me of what happens when you Google white couples.

TheLoneQuanger ago

Maybe they’re BiPolar bears?

well-oil-bee ago

Nonbinary bipolar.

cattarhero ago

Yeah, that's the ticket! LOL!

ImHavingFun ago

Two years ago, I would’ve posted this in v/funny.

SearchVoatBot ago

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v/funny is where unfunny faggots circlejerk over shit they stole from reddit.

Maroonsaint ago

We’re having a circle jerk? I’m down

Wowbagger ago

Getting you to stop jerking people off is the real challenge. Grocery stores, restaurants, weddings, funerals, kid's birthday parties...

Maroonsaint ago

Iv never jerked anyone off except myself. I might in the future though who knows

Acerphoon ago

Sees i.reddit.com link

Stop. Just make it stop.