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Conspirologist ago

It's sad that she died without exposing the conspiracy inside the government. Sandniggers can't kidnap and gangrape a politician without somebody from government commanding them. Unfortunately Scandinavian people were living in paradise land for too long, so now they are unable to comprehend the danger incoming to all of them.

Truthsayer9000 ago

wtf. thats sad

Intrixina ago

If you're in so much pain you need to off yourself, take as many of the fuckers with you in the process.

Sanpa33 ago

Fuck this Dutch whore. She voted for this! And fuck everyone who thinks it's a great idea to go on a Muslim killing Spree like Tarant or that retarded German. You assholes are blaming Muslims for being Muslims when you should be tossing the politicians who created this mess from the roof tops.

StankMouth ago

Those shootings were staged / fake. Important to know that imo.

cypherdrunk ago

She was part of the anti-immigrant freedom party you fucking faggot

Intrixina ago

Who said she voted for this? There are plenty of females who don't vote for rapefugees or their leftist ilk.

Todd_Tomorrow ago

It's better to die fighting. If you love your people you must fight.

DestroyerOfSaturn ago

Can't spell Netherlands without neanderthal. The Dutch just aren't much.

DanielR ago

She should have taken at least 1 down with her

At least die for something !

HiJoker ago

Look at all the faggot shills in here sliding this fucking post. You can see them by how they make outlandish troll remarks to divert attention from the muslim filth that needs exterminated globally.

prettymuchbullshit ago

Yeah - This appears to be from last year. It's still sad.

awildbanannaphone ago

Should have given her a gun and placed her in a nogo zone, could have done something productive with her life

Guy_Justsome ago

“After it happened, I did not tell anyone, I just did my debates the next day.”

No report, no rape kit, no DNA evidence. She just gave them all a free pass.

The depth of her thinking could scarcely get your feet wet. Women. Running countries. With their childlike feelings and nothing else.

aaronC ago

It's because she knows that she is less valuable to her government than these "refugees", and the government will treat the whole situation as such.

modsrcuntz ago

This is literally what the Jews want to happen. Best case scenario for them.

GoyimNose ago

She was probably killed

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Saltyhymen ago

If what she says is true, then their tactics worked. Rather than using the situation as a rallying cry, she rolled over and gave up. Disgusting all around.

Derpfroot ago

Sucks she wasn't in the U.S and allowed to shoot these people instead of having to accept it.

inb4: pfff "allowed" know wtf I mean.

MassTooter ago

Now the shills are gangraping the comment section.

Lagmonster ago

Muslims, they rape anything!

ex-redd ago

no kidding

Reverse-Flash ago

And threatening to do reposts in v/jokes. This is unacceptable!

speedisavirus ago

It's in part her fault the country was invaded

Goys-R-Us ago

Provide some proof that her individual actions caused the invasion. Otherwise you're a fucking moron and you can go fuck yourself.

BanjoPatterson ago

It's not women's duty to defend the border.

Randy-Dreamweaver ago

It is their duty to be loyal helpmates to their men. Dutch women have been anything but for 60 years.

satisfyinghump ago

You are right but in the practical sense very wrong. Traditionally yes. But modern women have forced themselves into positions who are responsible for those borders and how, if at all, they are defended. This is worst then a woman with a gun defending the border, as shes one incompetent woman responsible for her own ass. But a woman that is responsible for the border? Shes responsible for all those asses. And what did she let happen to herself? She let her bullshit propoganda get to her head and convince herself she was not in any danger. After being given a strong lesson in reality she didnt undo any mistakes or decisions and killed herself. Although she removed herself from her position she didnt help further her countries defense of this invasion. If anything, simply looking at morale, she made it weaker.

midnightblue1335 ago

What if women vote for the borders to be opened to any savage who comes by and pretends to be fleeing a war? Whose duty is it to stop it then?

Lagmonster ago

But it is their duty to vote to open it and let everything in?

ardvarcus ago

People who commit suicide are not mentally stable. What they say should be viewed with skepticism.

Intrixina ago

Ah yes, when your innocence is taken from you by force, by a mudscum to boot, and you think that that's just hunky dory?

Neck yourself, fuckwit.

Sh-shh-shaaa ago

People who commit suicide are not mentally stable.

blit416 ago

no... no.

NarrativeControl ago

I could've never imagined getting gang raped by sand niggers would leave you mentally unstable!

MassTooter ago

Maybe she didn't commit suicide. She didn't actually say she would in the video. She said people were threatening to kill her. Certainly this story deserves attention one way or the other.

dirt_reynolds ago

It's not heartbreaking at all. They did this to themselves.

tokui ago

Anyone have the rape tape?

Asking for my rape folder.

lord_nougat ago

Is it not in your local synagogue's library?!

RabbiRabbit ago

I've read 3 posts from 4chan saying the rape was proven to be a false allegation. I can't find a reliable source on that aspect of this incident though. Do you have any more light you can shed on this for me @MassTooter?

Truthsayer9000 ago

shut up retard

Octoclops ago

Ive seen at least 5 posts on 4chan saying lizard people are real and even more saying the earth is flat. Means fuck all.

Guy_Justsome ago

Found the lizard person.

dassaer ago

PLAN - ET ...

PC-CD ago

Did you watch the video ?

MassTooter ago

Yours is the first I've heard of it. Do you have the posts or can you find them? I'm curious how such a thing could be proven false.

Hand_of_Node ago

Maybe related to her giving zero indication to anyone that it happened, by her own confession.

RabbiRabbit ago

That's what sucks about 4chan. When something of importance gets posted, the jannnies (moderators) tend to either archive it quickly or delete the post. I can't find them at the moment because they aren't on the front page of /pol/. I'll look again after work but when I saw the posts this morning they weren't linked to proof but made the claim she wasn't raped. There are a lot of trolls on 4chan posting BS info so that's why I was trying to dig further.

Barfin ago

most raoe claims are false. probably what happened is she had consensual sex, regretted it, if you look at her no one would rape her, too ugly, if she was raped over a year ago should have gone to cops immediately, no shock a fake conservative politician would have sex with islamic guys, not sure if she really committed suicide, could be clintoncide type of thing too. She doesn't say in the video she would kill herself.

Goys-R-Us ago

Oh look boys, we have an expert. Fuck off you stupid asshat.

Barfin ago

reee meltdown from a boomer

canbot ago

It is not likely that she had consensual sex with muslims. If this was like an attractive, fit guy with conservative views I could see that happening; but you can't expect people to assume that the rapist race is innocent on this one.

Barfin ago

very likely sorry boomer

canbot ago

Unlike you I actually interact with women on a daily basis, there is no attraction to ignorant, arrogant, narcissistic, unattractive men. The Chads who have those qualities and still get women always have something going for them. Muslims generally don't. Not to mention they are generally perceived as low quality, and subconsciously or otherwise women use men as a status symbol.

Barfin ago

kek at this woman worshipping cuck

HiJoker ago

Found the muslim faggot.

PC-CD ago

I bet you did t watch the video .

Barfin ago

did you, it's dutch anyway who knows what she is saying on this site that has AIDS

PC-CD ago

I realize now who I m speaking with .

Barfin ago

someone kekked and based?

blit416 ago

No..... no... you'r3 lying too, just like /u/ardvarcus in the comment above. Your names are on the list now. thaank you come again.

Barfin ago

lol meltdown from a cuck

blit416 ago

you think those muslims are on your side pal? even if you're a kike, they hate you. if youre not, they're raping your womenfolk and snickering at you in arabic. I only see you as the cuck in this exchange.

Barfin ago

lol this boomer cuck mad

blit416 ago

ok kikey

Barfin ago

this kid mad lol

ex-redd ago

first couple lines sound like a bot reply...yeah, the anti-muslim council member had a consensual gang bang with a bunch of filthy muslims and then killed herself from regret of not harnessing her secret carnal degeneracy--a bit more far fetched my nigger

Barfin ago

woman lies, not really hard to believe, seems she is crazy in the video. notice end of the article, sounds like cops looked into it and didn't believe her anyway

Octoclops ago

European cops are garbage. It doesnt matter what they think.

Barfin ago


ex-redd ago

new to me: not passing judgement one way or the other--but definitely needs attention. If true, this could be a good call to arms

Barfin ago

she wants attention yeah i can see that

ex-redd ago

what? a dead person wants attention?

Barfin ago

doubt she dead. you boomers fall for fake news sites too easy

badruns ago

Women who use false rape allegations are inherently selfish. People like that do not kill themselves, they leach as much and as long as possible.

People who get raped? They kill themselves

Barfin ago

that's another thing. women never commit suicide. They overdose on skittles for attention, sure. This website looks fake af. How did she allegedly kill herself, doesn't say.

klobos ago

She should have at least gone on a muslim killing rampage first. They won this way.

SearchVoatBot ago

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kammmmak ago

(((A good result)))