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anticlutch ago

The holocaust didn't happen (((DesertFox33)))

DesertFox33 ago

I disagree

anticlutch ago

Care to prove to me the holocaust happened?

How did the Germans get flimsy, nonsealed wooden doors to work with gas chambers?

How did the Germans get a delousing substance to work in killing millions?

How did the Germans oven 6 million people in such a short period of time?

How did the Germans get rid of all of the evidence?

Where are the anal dildo roller coasters?

Where are the masturbation machines?

Why did the (((death camps))) have dentist offices, gardens, pools, orchestra halls, play venues etc?

DesertFox33 ago

Listen, read the destruction of the European jew by hilberg.

Check his sources.

If you want to, give me some source material for your arguments, I'll read them.

Then we can have a debate but not until then

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

I've read that book and it is used in the evidence i provided you.

You dumb nigger.

DesertFox33 ago

You've read it?? Really

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

Yes. Its included in my sources you fucking nigger. I've used official primary documentation to show you the inconstancy within your accepted "truth". You fucking nigger.

DesertFox33 ago

Can you please post that particular part again

Only that part

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

Not to come off as insulting but you do know that beneath the title of the post there is a plus (+) sign right?

Did you know that if you click it that it expands the text of the post? and that if you dont' click it all you see is the title without any supporting text?

It sounds to me like you didn't know that, and if you did then no i am not going to take the 1.4 seconds to copy and paste it for you because literally 1000+ other people managed to press the (+) and to expand the text.

If you need help with this i can take screen shots and show you how.

DesertFox33 ago

I'm on the Brave browser on my phone. I'll have to revisit your post on a computer. When I click your expand options it just feeds me the image one at a time, and it takes a fair amount of adjustment to get it to the proper size to read.

I was more just hoping for the particular post in question concerning the raul hilberg research.. The materials and only the materials relating to it

Was more curious what you were referring to specifically, to get on your level before I spend more time fully appreciating your response.

Which I will, I just haven't met that bar as of yet

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

This link is what you are looking for. On the highly OFF chance you are sincere in your efforts you need to watch the entire documentary. It uses ONLY jew approved sources from the official narrative and accepted story. Raul Hilberg, Samuel Rajzman, Arad Yitzhakarard, Alexander donat. ETC ETC.

It is the single greatest educational source for delivering primary documentation on screen at time of mention and leaves the viewer with no choice but to conclude the logical and reasonable answer. You must watch all of it. Takes notes. Pay attention.

If you don't, you were never after truth you were after comfort.

The rest re pasted for you ease.

Testimony from jews who were at the actual camps.

Here you go Goy