Higgler ago

Plenty of Native American artifacts... best get rid of them.

Wynterwhisper ago

Did the swedes obey? That's my question

edgydude69 ago

Hahah fuck Vikings. Thieving sea-niggers.

GlowWorm ago

Artifact implies your technology improved, which it never did for niggers.

Cadster ago

Translation -

Sweden's cultural heritage is systematically destroyed - items from the Iron Age are sent for metal recycling

It is Johan Runer, archaeologist at the Stockholm County Museum, who has raised alarm about how the county administrative boards in Sweden misunderstand our cultural heritage. The reason is that they are not considered to have the resources to handle and preserve all metal objects found in connection with archaeological excavations.

In the article, an excavation of Flädie outside Lund in Skåne is given as an example. The site was investigated by archaeologists in connection with the reconstruction of a traffic site last year at the E6 motorway. The report that was compiled in connection with the excavation lists a large number of finds.

But the archaeologists did not have the resources to take care of everything and were forced to "thaw" a large number of objects, that is, send them to the scrap metal. Among other things, several coins and buttons as well as a knife and a ring.

Other objects thrown out are amulet rings that were ritual objects for the ancient Swede during the Vendel and Viking times.

  • It is provocative when you do everything in other countries to preserve the cultural heritage and risk it, says Lena Holmquist, an archaeologist at Stockholm University with a focus on the Viking Age.

According to SvD's cultural writer Ola Wong, it is about "quickly and cheaply getting away from the cultural heritage" in order to get started on the planned road or house construction.

Runer also says that archaeologists do not give or sell the finds to collectors, something that could have saved them to the afterlife. The reason is that one does not want to create a market for antique objects and thus encourage looters to go out with metal detectors to look up their own finds.

boekanier ago

Swedes are even more cucks and cowards than that I thought. They'd better commit collective suicide before another does it for them.

whitesrbetter ago

Can we meme a crusade conquest into Scandinavia to kick out invaders and take our payment from seizeing from the officials , its not like their government would or could resist.

MDEneverdies1488 ago

As their descendents, can we have rights to invade Sweden and kill every perpetrator?

newoldwave ago


FireSauce ago

this is the west's great leap forward

Sitnikoff ago

Old news, but still relevant

kidcip16 ago

"why wont muh mud n sticks melt? they raycist"

burnthegoyimhaters ago

What the absolute fuck... I'm so done with this timeline.. This is disgusting..

WhiteChickens ago

White people overwhelmingly have an aversion to combat and would rather be enslaved than take any risk at all.

40KFTAGLView ago

Sweden is #1 Cuckold Nation. I guess their women love stinky black men raping them! A fetish?

mattsixteen24 ago

This is old news.

HeavyBrain ago

The offical reasoning is that its too expensive to catalog them. Not like you cant sell them in a mystery bag for 50 bucks a pop no matter the condition to collectors.

Besides if the first Swedes were black its racist to melt down their heirtage.

Q-Trump2018 ago

What's more pathetic Is it no one will stop her. The law just sit on their hands and watch her do it.

Reddit-is-kill ago

If you look up "cuck" in the dictionary you should see a picture of the swedish flag.

Tallest_Skil ago

Reminder that this is proof of everything I’ve said.

cdglow ago

Let's conduct a simple thought experiment.

What's a random, common, object today that construction workers of the future will be digging up tens of thousands of?

Fidget spinners.

Imagine people 700 years in the future randomly digging up a bunch of old fidget spinners. Let's say that future archaeologists catalogue and preserve thousands of pristine examples: enough for every museum and private collectors, and they have many more thousands of fidget spinners that are partially broken and used by crafters on some future version of Etsy to make decorative home objects. The point is that they're pretty common and fairly cheap and they discover new buried fidget spinners in every other new construction project. At some point, if you uncover yet another load of buried fidget spinners, most of which are in really bad shape, do you really take your limited historical budget to take highly paid archaeologists off of more important projects to catalogue them, and then pay to restore and preserve them them somewhere when you already have so many examples?

If I described it like this, would it make you think a bit more about this story? What if we're not talking about key Viking artifacts, but random trinkets that are common and low-value and in really bad shape: kind of like this fidget spinner hypothetical?

I was initially outraged when I saw this story about 2-3 years ago, but I think there's a lot more justification to it than initially meets the eye. As whites who are under attack, the idea of our history being erased is enraging and we're sensitive to it. But if we're dealing with the 700 year old equivalent of fidget spinners (common, low value, bad shape old artifacts) at some point do you have to keep preserving every fidget spinner you find? How many fidget spinners in storage would be enough? I don't know the answer to this. Would it be considered erasing history if future archaeologists don't preserve and research and catalogue every single fidget spinner they find until the end of time?

Where I think the minister really erred is on not auctioning off the goods on eBay or something. Scoop them into bags, take a picture, and sell them for whatever the market can bear. Private individuals can look into what they get and preserve them if they think they're worthwhile or recycle them if they're totally scrap. This seems preferable than a dumb Swedish law that I believe is designed to prohibit black markets in historical artifacts to emerge.

hello_reddit ago

at least they haven't had a nigger president yet

RunOverByASchoolBus ago

Take a look at the new Swedish cultural minister, it looks worse: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Minister_for_Culture_(Sweden)

combatveteran ago

This is old.

tally-ho ago

Source? This shit doesn't look real at all.

Gamio ago

Its old and much older than the black minister's ruling. Its extremely common to find viking era arrowheads, axe heads, nails etc because they are not rare. Plus a awful lot of these are just essentially rusted lumps with zero value and its exactly what museums do unless its a particularly good piece.

mrnicegoy ago

also they appointed a pakistani guy who openly admits not knowing anything about swedish history...to their heritage board whatever that is


Tb0n3 ago

I think the problem was there were millions of the damn things taking up space and resources when there's no real value.

Uncle_Tractor ago

They should sell the stuff instead of melting it down. Add some info labels, slap on a really high price-tag, and they'll have value all right.

tally-ho ago

Sounds like the nasa excuse, in which case the obvious solution would be to auction them off - not just destroy them.

Tb0n3 ago

It seems that their sale is illegal.

bfriend13 ago

If only we had politicians to make new laws.

tally-ho ago

Well that's silly.

Tb0n3 ago

Probably allowed prosecution of black market trading of artifacts when there weren't any overflow of them.

mrnicegoy ago

its old definitely happened, hard to find any sources now that arent just people talking about it but here is one in swedish https://nyheteridag.se/sveriges-kulturarv-forstors-systematiskt-foremal-fran-jarnaldern-skickas-for-metallatervinning/

moosethenoose ago

Dwight Schrute wants his glasses back nigger.

fritz_maurentod ago

You have to put some reliable source with this...

SubhumanDeplorable ago

Nooooooo, hell no.

knightwarrior41 ago

Soo cucked by socialism Lol

Smallest_Skil ago

niggers have zero history and culture, they enjoy destroying white culture. Sweeden needs to smarten up. A nigger as cultural minister LoL and ordering all culture destroyed. Fucking grade A morons. They are getting what they deserve.

Speakfree ago

This is sadly old news.

Holonomic ago

Fucking mohammed-niggers.

You assholes elected this shit Sweden...now suckle its teats and revel in the diversity.

ArielQflip ago

It's wearing men's glasses. Thick neck. I think it's the whoremoaneeees that create psychopathic humans. Smelting artifacts! That's a new low.

webster_warrior ago

Sweden may be an example of mass mind control technology. When we read Orwell, we thought the idea of doublespeak was amusing. What we are now recognizing is that pre-requisite to double speak is an advanced form of confusion that Orwell recognized as technocratic. The Bible refers to "The double minded man is unstable in all of his ways." Nineteen hundred years later, the Third Reich made it happen.

Horrux ago

The Third Reich has nothing to do with this. Uncle Adolf was FIGHTING this crap.

Bigdickedelf ago

Lynch the sheboon instead

TheKalergiFan ago

She's not black, she's NEW SWEDISH, you racists!

Holonomic ago

'She' is a pajeet-nignog, dipshit. Go be a fucking crybaby some place else.

TheKalergiFan ago

eat shit you nigger tier faggot, learn about sarcasm

Holonomic ago

You beat me to it [d]eddit-licker.

superspathi ago


Leveraction ago

Yes, they have lost their cohones! What the hell happened to my strong viking heritage?

WhiteChickens ago

They were always moslem collaborators and cucks.


This is why we have guns.

WhiteChickens ago

Guns are pointless, all people do is brag about how they're going to hide them.

A chicken with a gun is still a chicken.

Thogiker ago

Yet you're not using them.

giveitup ago

ok then, when does the uprising, around the world begin? it should be BEFORE 5G is rolled out and then they have a weapon to use against us.

Big_Willy_Wallace ago

Nah it’s real. You’ve extrapolated a motive and then determined that to be fake news, but what OP just cited, that this lady had the shit recycled, is true. Which would make you fake news.

SexMachine ago

It may have happened, but not the way the picture with a sentence under it claims. Seems like the people were throwing it away anyway, and there might be a nigger in that position, but it's got nothing to do with the artifacts being melted down.

con77 ago


AntiMason ago

Why is a nigger even in this job?

Adam_Jensen_ ago


Leveraction ago

Affirmative action employee. The only way a nig can get a job since their IQ is that of a 3 year old.

HeavyBrain ago

You dont have even to go down the affirmative action path they just give the job to you.

DoOver ago

You can thank the Woke culture. Gotta install woefully underqualified niggers to every possible position of power in order to demonstrate how totally not racist you are.

Doglegwarrior ago

i think maybe around ww2 (((they))) figured out a way to brainwash people with tv and radio signals.. im dysclexic and a lot of billionairs are as well i think maybe being dyslexic helps protect you from the brainwashing. just a theory.

DoOver ago

Your theory is dead on arrival because plenty of dyslexic people are woke faggots and plenty of non-dyslexic people aren't.

Doglegwarrior ago

based on the weird percentage of rich fuckers who dont follow the rules happen to be dyslexic.. something has to be stopping some% of the population from being brainwashed or voat would not exist

DoOver ago

something has to be stopping some% of the population from being brainwashed or voat would not exist

Yeah, it's called willpower. All it takes for someone to stop being a woke faggot who opens their eyes to reality is willpower, nothing else. Well, probably intelligence as well. You don't need to be a genius to escape the farm, but if you're so woefully stupid as many people are, there is probably little hope of ever waking up.

John22 ago

Majority of Swedes seems to be feeble mindedly naive. People like these will call you a racist if you advise them to preserve their heritage. So swedes fuck off, you destroyed your own culture by virtue signalling and feminism. Sad for the few goats stuck there. Your welfare economy will soon collapse under strain from unemployed migrants.

DoOver ago

And it's gonna be the ultimate schadenfreude because all the faggot disarmed themselves so they'll be slaughtered in the streets with axes and machetes by all the ferals they imported.

Shadowlight ago

They want to destroy our history.

WhiteChickens ago

And they will succeed because no one cares or has any pride left.

thebearfromstartrack ago

Niggers gotta GO! NEVER be nice to evil. NEVER be nice to someone who HATES you.

Moln0014 ago

I hope they don't. History should be preserved. Don't listen to the nigger Sweden!

ScientiaPotentia ago

When appointed to a position of trust, Africans/Muslims immediately betrayed their hosts and revealed themselves and their true intentions. The same thing happened when Canada appointed a Somali in charge of immigration.

DoOver ago

appointed a Somali in charge of immigration.

Why would you do that??

Big_Willy_Wallace ago

Astronomical levels of soy.

ScientiaPotentia ago


It's proof that Canadian government full of traitors to the Canadian people.

toobaditworks ago

Canada Cucks

celestial-skylord ago

As far as I remember the reason given was that these Priceless Artifacts of Cultural Heritage "take up too much space".

Leveraction ago

Yeah, and i'll throw the bullshit flag on that one.

Big_Willy_Wallace ago

Conspiracy theorist! Which means you’re also a white supremacist cis male holocaust denier fascist nazi!!!

And now that we’ve established that, off to the gulag with you. Bye bye.

con77 ago

and would cost too much to catalogue

DoOver ago

So give the shit away to collectors or auction it on Ebay, you fucking niggers. Their bullshit lies are so paper-thin they are totally transparent.

bareknuckledragon ago

This is a classic example of, "they hate you cause they ain't you."

mralexson ago

The Khmer Rouge murdered millions of their countrymen to create a socialist utopia. The Hutus butchered tutsis cause they jealous of their higher social status and Caucasian facial features. Muslim Turks slaughtered Armenians and Pontic Greeks cause they rebelled against Islamic rule and allied with Russians

White supremacy or colonialism is more than enough justification for shitskins to attempt genocide against whites

JustFuckingDoIt ago

Muslim Turks slaughtered Armenians

Jews masquerading as converts to Islam

uvulectomy ago

"Muslim Turks slaughtered Armenians..."

And then, proving how successful the slaughter and indoctrination was, Anna Kasparian denies this happened, and even works for a media outlet that named themselves after said Turks.

TheKalergiFan ago

'First they came for my father' was on Netflix of all places, showed what happened in Cambodia at the time, communist flags and all. I was really surprised at that.

satisfyinghump ago

What i dont get is... not one person said "i will volunteer my basement for some of these artifacts"???

How can this be explained in anyway other then the actual physical destruction of a culture?

This is literally what was done when one group/tribe/country took over another. They burned their books, melted down their cultural artifacts, adopted their kids as slaves and raised them as the dominating culture, raped their women who would have babies of the dominating culture and enslaved or killed their men, and definitely killed their elders who were typically oral libraries.

Whats worst is that stupid niggress smiling surrounded by spineless smiling "men". Dont even know what to call them.

Imagine we were to melt down and burn artifacts from africa? Oh my, what a travesty!!!!

Lynch_Tree ago

Whats worst is that stupid niggress smiling surrounded by spineless smiling "men". Dont even know what to call them.

Even out of focus you can easily spot the smirking kike in the background.

Plavonica ago

Dont even know what to call them.

Soyboys, soibois, etc.

NPC-57981209 ago

They wouldn't allow anyone to volunteer to take them. That would run the (((risk))) of creating a "black market for artifacts", and that's unacceptable!

BB-3 ago

Only a Jew could come up with "reasoning" to say it's better for the artifacts to be destroyed than for private individuals to own them.

NPC-57981209 ago

Here's an archived Reddit comment from 2017 regarding precisely this: https://archive.is/rYghk

Note the last two sentences: "Runer also says that archaeologists do not give away or sell the finds to collectors, something that could have saved them to posterity. The reason is that you do not want to create a market for ancient objects and thus encourage looters to embark on metal detectors to look up their own bargains."

BB-3 ago

create a market

Like they have any control over this. The market for priceless antiquities will always exist. They're just trying to push it further underground.

Smallest_Skil ago

africa still bleaches their hair with cow piss, what artifacts from africa lol.

HardCandies ago

Dude if it's anything like North American archaeology it's nothing but a bunch of little pieces of metal sitting in bags inside of cabinets.

What they are doing isn't good but I think this article is just to get a bad reaction. At the same time it is fucked up that they wouldn't give them away or sell them.

DoOver ago

It's not like NA archaeology. Unlike NA, which was only populated by vagrant roamers who had practically no technology and was only recently populated by whites, Sweden and the surrounding areas have been populated by whites for pretty much all of recorded history, and they actually made advancements. There is a lot more interesting history there than in NA.

ifuckdolphinseverday ago


Smithsonian is cabal controlled and they have hidden relics and sites in NA from the general public. Next you'll be saying NA doesn't have any megalithic sites. Which it absolutely does.

DeadFox ago

Kennilwick Man

NukeTheEstablishment ago

And Aryan giant skeletons.

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

From china to peru actually.

American-Patriot ago

As an archaeologist we rewrite forgotten history from those objects from the past. How dare this Nigger destroy our only chance at truth and what happened in the past.

TheTrigger ago

Who currrs. Pfffsssh, whypipo dun even has any culcha anyways, HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

*collects welfare check, while still laughing, and spends it on grocery store liquor while taking selfies on obamaphone*

fuckfuckfuck1 ago

Yeah (((ISIS)))

Splooge ago

Silly goose, how are you gonna melt down a pile of sand and fecal matter??


SirFlamenco ago

Africans used to have big cities, but this website doesn't seem to care about facts.

Smallest_Skil ago

well to be fair, you could burn the lip disks.

Oldgusschiggins ago

To be faiiiirr.

Trump2028 ago

And the neck rings

ex-feminist ago

the thought of sand being melted down into glass mixed with fecal matter was very disturbing thanks

CheeseboogerHimself ago

Barbra Spectre & friends spreads their demonic wings and laughs.

SquarebobSpongebutt ago

It is definitely happening, but the reasoning is up for debate. Some say it is the archeologists themselves doing it because the museums no longer want artifacts that require certain work be done to them, so ceramics get saved by metals get dumped. Since they can't legally be sold due to Swedish law they get melted. Others say it is because they are trying to clear these excavations without investigation so they can be used for commercial reasons. Others blame her. It does appear that she in not legally supposed to be able to order this at all, but might still be doing it.

illuminalto2 ago

I was wondering if it was just some bloviated sjw speech - something she said on a radio show or tv to sound cool, but it never really happened.

Did it actually happen? Did they just melt ancient artifacts because someone said they should feel bad about their history?

speedisavirus ago

When are they going to start purging their niggers?

Chimaeric ago

nah sweden is lost. in a few years it will be a muslim majority.

the image of the beautiful blue-eyed blonde native swedish woman that you've had in your head is going to be just that; a memory.

TheKalergiFan ago

The Swedish bikini team will just be a bunch of twerking African uglies.

hang_em_high ago

Wonder how the Swedish bikini team is faring ...

ChiCom ago

It's now the Swedish BBW Burka Twerk team, bigot.

Imjgalt ago

BBW Burka Twerk team

It exists

ex-feminist ago

ill add by saying that they need new members after each event because it is a sin for woman to show skin and theyll be stoned and raped to death.

uvulectomy ago

Now if only the civilized world had a punishment for fucking niggers...

ex-feminist ago

id say lets start punishing the white men for being spineless and not owning their woman properly to begin with. white men let the jews take over, let them give woman the right to vote, and let their woman run rampant. everyone is responsible for the degeneracy in this country and slaughtering all woman whove ever fucked a nigger or more than one guy at this point would drop our population even lower that we will most definitely become extinct as a race. sure, we could recover from a population of 10K but if you dont think the jews wouldnt take advantage of that your ignorant or stupid. producing more white kids and improving the world and changing the way we run society is more important than slaughtering every white woman that doesnt meet your standards. id say your plan for white survival is more dangerous to the population than mine.

youre probably one of those niggerfaggots pretending to be a white guy who cares and spreads blackpill hate by suggesting that we must "punish" white woman for the failure of white men. woman follow the lead of their men, and men are not supplying leadership except in rare isolated cases.

SealofApproval ago

How about melting down the migrants instead.

mediaisfooked ago

Hahaha. I was thinking melting them down into bullets, but your method is more direct. Just started my 1st cup of coffee so I am not firing on all cylinders yet. It is nice to have a laugh for my coffee, so thanks for that.

HiJoker ago

That would be so easy, if it's a shitskin, shoot it.

It needs to happen in all white lands.

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bizzywiz ago

firstly, it's aliens not migrants

second, they don't melt they'll BURN, and that's just AOK

whatisbestinlife ago

hes right. carbon doesn't melt

Reddit-is-kill ago

I assume you're an engineer, not a physicist.

Give me 10 niggers and a fuel heavy closed cycle rocket engine with hydrogen fuel. I'll show you nigger soup.

Could show you with just 1, but 10 just sounds better.

whatisbestinlife ago

well I have put some thought into it. im not sure how far we are in regards to molecular transformation but being able to turn skin and bone into some sort of material that will melt and melt them before they die on their own seems to me the only plausible method but I am open to new ideas on the subject.

Deezedlat ago

And ill be the welder to seal that pressure chamber.

TheKalergiFan ago

Invaders not aliens


Alien invaders

Capt_Save_No_Hoe ago

I'm kinda partial to interlopers, just because the MSM made such a big deal over using the word invader, but I have options.

TheKalergiFan ago

we can just use all of them at the same time then

uvulectomy ago

Plague, not invaders.

bizzywiz ago

correction noted

Call_Of_Goat ago

Good idea.

Themooninthesky ago

This is extremely sad and yet the people do nothing.

TheSeer ago

It happened months ago. And it is cultural Marxism. Do you not yet realize that demoralization (as described by Yuri Bezmenov) is irreversible? Those that are infected are infected. There is no cure. No reversal process, for those people. You could tell them that black is the same as white, literally, and their FEELINGS would tell them this is true.

webster_warrior ago

The only course of action is to send in the troops and liberate them. There is enough evidence, now.
