TheKalergiFan ago

Most teachers are libtard mentally ill commies, I wouldn't want those cunts having guns

anticlutch ago

instead of communist teachers that sexually assault and violently rape the children at an alarming rate.

performance ago

So you want every school in America to lie about their teachers?

LaRiver ago

Bravo, POTUS!

ShakklezthaKlown ago

should say "armed NATIONALIST teachers"

Goys-R-Us ago

You would need to find a school with no commie teachers.

Splooge ago

That was once possible not too long ago, but unfortunately (((Common Core))) has rendered that a sheer impossibility.

Goys-R-Us ago

Modern day schooling is nothing more than one big argument from authority fallacy for 7 hours a day. Teacher said it so it must be irrefutable.

Agree. And it continues on into academia and academic research. You have to buy the mainline paradigm or you'll be ostracized and unfunded in a second. Go into any biology department at a major university and tell them you think evolution is bullshit and you'll be treated like a leper. I'm not a creationist either. I think we just don't fucking know.

Irreducible complexity has to be explained (reduced) in evolutionary theory or Darwin's theory is wrong by his own admission.

ShakklezthaKlown ago

you could just train your kid to automatically distrust what their teacher says. unless he/she is a low iq trog, it shouldn't be difficult.


Except the teachers don't give a damn about the kids. Every school in America, big and small, has LGBT propaganda spewed everywhere. It's quite sickening

Herkules97 ago

Can't load it, but other catbox images are fine..

poopdawg15 ago

Getting rid of the communists in the schools might be even better than posting the sign.

Muh-Shugana ago

Yup, OPS still pretending like the school system isn't just a big series of gulags to fuck kids up in the head.

ALIENS2222 ago

Nigger storage... It is nigger storage so shaniqua can get a new weave with the wellfare money,.

cdglow ago

If that's Nigger Storage, where is Dead Nigger Storage?

Tarantino might be one of those Hollywood perverts (maybe) but goddamn did he write some good dialogue.

Goys-R-Us ago

I usually throw out worthless stuff myself.

ALIENS2222 ago

Well, that is ideal... Maybe we can take them to this trash heap?

Goys-R-Us ago

Not gonna happen. Ain't no gibs in Apefrica.

ALIENS2222 ago

Sure there are! We gib the fuck outta apefrica!