MaFishTacosDaBombBro ago

What a tool.

imdrowning ago

he denies going to war, get accused by an old ugly jew,, and his history is he only bangs russian models.. seems legit

cantaloupe6 ago


HeavyBrain ago

90s huh, so when Trumps wife was even hotter and he apperantly had a porn star on the side he decided to do to this think waht "meets the diffinition of rape"

Sounds lefit.

DaveofPC ago

He never drank. There is no way any guy would mount that without lots of whiskey.

Shilly_Mc_Shillface ago

MeToo Trump raped me. It wasn't that long ago, around April 15th. He took something I can never replace- he forced me to give it to him. I will never forget the trauma.

Yuke ago

If he had really done this that woman would have been telling this story about 2-3 years ago when all the talk of Trump and grabbing pussy was in the media 24/7. Waiting until now only makes it look like what it is, yet another Democrat smear campaign. I'm sure she'll have a GoFundMe set up for her shortly so she can get her payday. Keep your eyes peeled for that.

NotaQjackass ago

Yes the OP's thread title nails it.

Neskuaxa ago

Convenient this didn't come up, I don't know, say before he was elected? I smell bs.

boekanier ago

Jews are stinking liars and deceivers. Rotten race.

Glipglup ago

Lying about rape hurts real rape victims. More men are victims of rape than is discussed as well. Women who are raped experience extreme trauma, especially if they end up pregnant. They don't just suddenly remember years later and post about it on twitter.

Speaking of which, this seems like it's all a psyop. It's bullshit to distract us from the fact that these people fly private jets paid for with stolen money. Also they Jews because every time™.

tokui ago

Lets see that beak.

Reed_Solomon ago

It's nice to know that this is all they have left to throw at Trump. It's just petty shit flinging at this point.

webster_warrior ago

She has him confused with someone else.
I mean, there have been so many.

canbot ago

Another example of weaponizing rape allegations. Can't the Jews come up with anything new?

geovoat ago

Of course.

Also this shows we need to completely rewrite tue laws and penalties for rape because penalties designed for when people used to he held at knife or gunpoint and often physically tortured while being sexually penetrated are now being extended to people who brush up against someone without heir explicit written non retracted the next day consent. Seriously.

If copping a feel is going to be prosecuted then it needs to be redefined as something else and have the very minor non felony penalty it deserves.

And that goes right up the list of degrees of sexual interactions.

Charilko ago

“Her description of the event meets the legal definition of rape”

Wow so convenient that this brave brave woman didn’t describe this event for the anti-Trump folks back in, oh I don’t know, 2016.

Any sexual encounter can be described as meeting the legal definition of rape. Doesn’t make it true.

Steinmacher ago

Glasses are tilted to match her eyes...

John_B_14 ago

Wow, wikipedia removed the "jewish" reference today.

The wikipedia editors claim that she's not Jewish.

But even the Jerusalem Post says she's Jewish.

Gingercuntfirecrotch ago

Appearently Wikipedia doesn’t site sources, just whatever the editor at the moment feels.

HeebSlayer ago

Feelings over facts.... the liberal motto.

Hebrew-Virus ago

The fact that (((they))) had to even do this means non-degenerates are winning.

Vidarr30000 ago

this needs more upvotes

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HeavyBrain ago

Well of course.

I undestand why my teachers said Wiki isnt really a legit source.

9000timesempty ago

Evil fucking bastards...

drhitler ago

Trump probably has everyday he has lived logged, where he was, time, everything

So good luck picking a date which lines up with what he was doing

dassaer ago

Yeah and if he doesn't, a combination of mossad, alphabet agencies, new york mafia, and from 2016 DNC and deep state all probably have ....

satisfyinghump ago

Im pretty sure the kookie definition of rape these days is just looking at a girl...

And she supposed victim ofcourse LOOKS like the kind who would do this.

o0shad0o ago

Is she even getting much play in the press, aside from the worst of the rags?


Looks like a man

Goys-R-Us ago

Mossad is so yesterday.

imdrowning ago

The guys been fucking russian models as long as i've been alive. I am pretty sure he didnt rape an ugly old jew

Rabid_Robot ago

So sick of ugly Jews trying to manipulate the public.

speedisavirus ago

He was busy fucking super models. Not buying it.

edgydude69 ago

“whether it’s my age, the fact that I haven’t met anyone fascinating enough over the past couple of decades to feel ‘the sap rising,’ as Tom Wolfe put it, or if it’s the blot of the real-estate tycoon, I can’t say. But I have never had sex with anybody ever again.” Hahaha, oh god, fantasists and solipsists always seem to get a free run at potus. Remember the days when the newspaper men just said “nobody wants to hear this shit, who gives a fuck, lady?” Good times.

kingdomhearts123 ago

Very little in the way of entry costs for a rape accusation.

Like I mentioned during the russia investigation... paper tiger threats benefit the target.

369693936 ago

Another deep cover Mossad agent is activated for its destiny.

edistojim ago

Yeah, this one was so hot Trump couldn't help himself…………..said no one ever.

WhiteChickens ago

Uh yeah, he just had to have THAT. lol

Vidarr30000 ago

and no alcohol!

cantaloupe6 ago

Weird timing - for the last 24 years she wasn't ready to talk about it - but suddenly it's time.

369693936 ago

Esp. 24 years ago when she was older than his current wife. She must have been exuding pheromones that made her irresistible during menopause.

Turkeypotato ago

He desired the Jewish female nose. Those nostrils are tighter than their cooch.

sherlock_holmes ago

Not hot enough, no way.