blkadder ago

"Democrat" and "Republican" are irrelevant terms these days.

Globalists vs. Nationalists, that's where its at.

Choose wisely.

thebearfromstartrack ago

MONEY is THEIR main attraction. My question is, WHY do us nobodies seemingly have NO voice?

Blompf ago

Now watch as leftists magically forget that the Koch brothers were among the villains of their world view.

Atem_Free-Europe ago

Trump is a zionist traitor.

slowcrash101 ago

Hahahahahaha this is going to go well, SJW's hate Cock bros, now they love them.

Qfan2020 ago

Oh and their support of illegal trade and the 1% and Trump is shuddering their businesses. They’re scum!

silic0n ago

As if democrats are for free trade.. lol

DietCokehead1 ago

[ Bernie Sanders self-implodes ]

Mcoli ago

So now they’ll be liberal heroes.

SearchVoatBot ago

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OhRutherfordBehave ago

I believe they still fund fox news and tucker Carlson's the daily caller, so be aware, watch out.

puggy ago

Koch = Cuck

65Creedmoor ago

They can’t even get a Venezuela coup off the ground

superspathi ago

Well that's completely unforgivable.

Sharipie ago

Wha-wha-what!!? You mean the RATS and GOP are nothing but a UNIPARTY!?

TheSeer ago

LOL, knew the Koch brothers were leftists all along. They were FOR YEARS used as an example of 'the Right wing's version of George Soros'. Hilarious that normies now have to admit they are leftists too!

Grunge ago

Libshits are now saying shit like "If the Koch brothers don't support you than you know you are evil!"

Tyrannical government loyalists, all of them.

Apexbreed ago

Open borders=cheap labor for (((corporations))) Free trade=other countries and kikes fucking us over

ados ago

lol, koch bros on the dem team, they've bitched about those guys for DECADES!

psimonster ago

Remember the kvetch choir's mantra from not very long ago about how everyone they hated secretly got funded by the Koch brothers? That went away when Trump entered the scene, the Koch money went to the Libertarian Party, and their corporate masters gave them a new target for the two minutes hate. One of the many reasons I call them zombies.

Sam1976 ago

Are these fools for real...other then the open borders...everything they supposedly don't like about Trump...the Demonuts are guilty of and then some...these POS like all rich elite banksters and corporations need to be put on a leash...a choker chain tied to a tree kind of leash...All I got to say is they want to pray Trump wins in 2020...cause it will be open season on them if he dosen't...

watts2db ago

Good I can use this to point out more libtard hypocrisy when they either support our denounce the koch brothers

ErrorHasNoRights ago

The Left will embrace the Koch brothers now.

CrudOMatic ago

That's what happens when your house is built on shifting sands, and you have no standards.

LoginOrRegister ago

Trump betrayed his voting base first.

CrudOMatic ago

Oy vey, support the Koch Democrat in 2020 - it's the only way to MAGA, goy.

LibertarianForChrist ago

Well there goes the lone token billionaire that leftists obsess about. Looks like the party of the hashtagresistance is also home to every billionaire. Funny, not that the retards will learn. Doesn't excuse the zionist traitors though, but I am slightly more hopeful that maybe he is trying.

madscientist3469 ago

Interesting. Two possible conclusions I get from this. Not sure which is more valid.

1) the Koch network is no longer in control of the Koch brothers and has been co-opted to support the globalists.


2) Trump truly is an outsider and not part of the establishment. I've been skeptical of this for quite some time, but this certainly does seem to lend evidence to that being the case.

ardvarcus ago

Even if you try to support the Jews, you get screwed by them, worthless cunts that they are.

pby1000 ago

We will never be of that bloodline. It is really that simple.

369693936 ago

Loxists will never see us as human, it's really that simple.

drhitler ago

There is literally 7 results for Loxism on youtube, and none actually have loxism in the title

pby1000 ago

True. It is basically saying the same thing.

blagjesus ago

I was asked after the election what it felt like to back a koch candidate. I laughed.

pby1000 ago

And they had no idea, and probably still do not.

blagjesus ago

They really are stuck in the 1960s. They are old hippies.