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Even if this is true, it only illustrates that even a president with a pathetic 20% approval rating can get a few people together in a city the size of London. (And why does that guy sound like an American?)
This has been posted a few times....I believe it's from a free Tommy rally last summer....hardly anyone turned up in London on this visit either pro or anti Trump
It's the same thing those hook nosed kikes do with the crowds that Trump draws. They refuse to show the actual crowds or they edit the footage in a way to show 20 people and lots of open space.
SearchVoatBot ago
This submission was linked from this v/whatever submission by @Delacourt.
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hankylanky ago
Even if this is true, it only illustrates that even a president with a pathetic 20% approval rating can get a few people together in a city the size of London. (And why does that guy sound like an American?)
madhatter67 ago
This has been posted a few times....I believe it's from a free Tommy rally last summer....hardly anyone turned up in London on this visit either pro or anti Trump
performance ago
It's the same thing those hook nosed kikes do with the crowds that Trump draws. They refuse to show the actual crowds or they edit the footage in a way to show 20 people and lots of open space.
shbbougter ago
Trump has a lot of Jewish-Zionist support.
u_r_wat_u_eat ago
Next News Network is a jew loving outlet.
gosso920 ago
Well, it doesn't support their narrative, so...
refugee610 ago
The true mechanism of propaganda isnt in telling lies, it's simply choosing what to highlight and what to bury.
un1ty ago
Propaganda is typically in what wasn't said and less in what was. If anything, its how it was said and what wasn't said.
BitChuteArchive ago
derram ago :
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