Conway ago

Guess the Q army isn't as big as one would hope.

Qfan2020 ago

Well the school board just threw gas on a fire, alerting the rest of us to a problem in Fort Worth and Texas. Nice job - because this will go to court!

fourth_account_fool ago

Oh golly. Just wait until the teachers union rep hears about this. Oh wait, nowhere to be seen.

aiisreal ago

Good. Pensions are economically immoral, the equivalent of stealing from your children.

watts2db ago

get her on voat

LDIP ago

Do teacher unions protect you from BS firings? My union would

midnightblue1335 ago

They're supposed to... isn't that one of the main functions of a union? I'm not part of one, but I had family in the steel working industry who were in a union. They worked very hard, but they were very well taken care of and compensated.

LDIP ago

That's what I'm asking. How can she get fired when the teachers union should be backing her.

bourbonexpert ago

Ffs how many times is this gonna be posted?

SubhumanDeplorable ago

She has a good, very good, lawsuit.

thelma ago

What cause of action?

lanre ago

But when teachers suck at their jobs it's magically impossible to fire them.

bloodguard ago

You'd think that Texas Governor Greg Abbott would weigh in on this if he's not a quisling RINO.

Black_Phillip ago

Sad how it’s impossible to fire teachers unless they don’t tow the communist agenda.

SearchVoatBot ago

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whatdaheck ago

It looks like the guy to contact is Clint Bond, he’s the head of communications for the Fort Worth school district. [email protected]. (817) 814-1937. Please let him know your thoughts.

StrangeThingsAfoot ago

This is tyrannical bullshit. However, she is pretty out of touch and stupid if she thought tweeting that was a good idea.

midnightblue1335 ago

The article makes it sound like she was inept with the use of twitter:

What Clark did not realize is that she was publicly tweeting the president and less than a month after the tweets

To me, that reads like she was trying to sent private messages, but was tweeting publicly. Fucking dumbass boomers.

Thatsmybutthole ago

Someone find the number I cant get it

whatdaheck ago

Clint Bond: head of communications for the Fort Worth school district. [email protected]. (817) 814-1921

Thatsmybutthole ago

Did gods work thanks.

whatdaheck ago

Anytime. He should be getting out of a meeting around 4:30 if you prefer talking to him in person today.

Kalergi ago

Lol, I guess she didn't figure out Trump is Jew puppet and immigration control was election year promise he never intended to deliver on.

Captain_Atlas666 ago

Got a better alternative?

Kalergi ago

That is the rigged Plan: You can choose ZoG candidate A or elect ZoG candidate B

Ever notice how the (((media))) favors certain candidates while ignoring/destroying other candidates early in the primaries?

DayOfThePillow ago

Boomer logic 101. As long as she knows she lost it for Israel she'll be sleeping in a box on the sidewalk with a smile on her face.

Zestyclose_Marketing ago

boomers love jew cock

trevmon ago

lol yup lost everything to defend a zionist

strongsad ago

The black pill is I went to see facebook comments on this news story, and all the hispanic last names were praising this decision because she was "bigoted" and "influencing their children." It doesn't matter how "based" or "winning" you feel when you're becoming replaced every year by the millions. We're fucked, fyi.

midnightblue1335 ago

We're fucked, fyi.

It's not over until it's over.

As a matter of fact, it hasn't even begun yet. The Vox censorship sweep that began yesterday (or Tuesday?) is one of the final pieces falling into place that will ignite the inevitable wars to come.

When conservatives suddenly have nowhere to vent their frustrations of living in clown world, they will find other, more tangible ways to express said frustrations.

I understand the despair. I feel it, too. But I'm a warrior. I do not give up. We are partisans. Wear the title with pride.

strongsad ago

I think I meant in the sense of the United States. Balkanization is inevitable. My family goes back to the 1776 revolution, and even generals in the civil war. I have found new meaning in life in trying to preserve America in some sense. I also need to figure out where I can move to, I'm in a deep blue state right now.

jwm5514 ago

You say that we’re fucked, but whitey is starting to get pretty pissed off and the whole world knows just how nice whites are until we’re not. Gen Zyklon doesn’t even need to get angry, it seems like they’re already predisposed to it.

strongsad ago

I hope this is true. I want to pass off a good place to my children.

Zestyclose_Marketing ago

This Country has long belonged to Kikes and welfare loving niggers

LibertarianForChrist ago

She is gping to make so much money wgen she sues. This is a pretty easy case if we are getting the full story. Most jew lawyers are in it for fame and money, not to spread marxism. Greed will save us.

Ghetto_Shitlord ago

Or it could cost her dearly, we do not even have near all the facts yet to say either way.

Ayemyhippy ago

Save us? She’s gonna get paid. Her lawyer is gonna get paid. The public will be stuck paying the bill.

Coontown_Crusader ago

Welcome to the Jew SA soon-to-be the new Soviet Union. Better to remain silent here than to stand up for your 4th ammendment rights and to speak the truth. America has become not the land of the free and home of the brave but the land of the slave and home of the coward. It's just a matter of time before people will start turning on each other and will rat out their fellow man to the authorities for every little violation they can.

Zestyclose_Marketing ago

The American Soviet Union is already here, and the mutts are too stupid or cucked to do anything about it.

Nebor ago

She's not losing her pension, she's been teaching for over 20 years. TRS (Teachers Retirement System) afford 2.3% of salary per year for pension. And I bet she sues the district for unlawful termination.

glassuser ago

And I bet she sues the district for unlawful termination.

That is basically impossible to win in Texas. It's an at-will employment state, and you can be fired for any reason (except being a member of a protected class) or no reason. About the only way to get close to that is to have a contractual guarantee of employment, in which case you can get the penalty clause.

9000timesempty ago

I had an idea. Since Jews aren't really jews and can't be a jew since the law is null and void making Jewish mean nothing.

Let's start calling ourselves jews. Then we become a protected class. Lol. It would both destroy their protection and the abuse of our republic.

snafu ago

At will employment only applies to private companies -- if this was a state funded school then employees actually have more protections when it comes to constitutional rights because the courts generally consider this the government taking action against the employee, rather than an individual (the courts use a higher standard). If this is a public school she might actually have a valid first amendment case since she was obviously engaging in political speech, and didn't mention anyone by name.

voatusernamevoat ago

When they fire for a given invalid reason, not really.

glassuser ago

Nah, that's pretty narrow, and doesn't really cover any of what the teacher did.

voatusernamevoat ago

She reported a crime.

andrew_jackson ago

Yeah, @glassuser loused that one up pretty bad

Guy_Justsome ago

If she can demonstrate that the school district failed to train her in compliance with the Supreme Court rulings she violated, she'd win.

everlastingphelps ago

You mean where she used government power to retaliate against a citizen for petitioning the government for redress of grievances?

Oh, wait, that was the school board.

Tacomelt ago

She did not specifically state which students nor did she technically violate the supreme court rulings. Though she may have broken an ethics violation for acting in a specific manner for use of social media. I am not sure how things work in Texas since I teach in another state. She is in a legal grey area and would win on technicalities unless there were clear ethics violations IE made students feel unsafe which the school would have to prove.

MrDarkWater ago

>he is in a legal grey area

that may be true, as the laws are nhe is in a legal grey areaw, but does anybody think she did anything wrong?

No. therefore, it's about time to say "Fuck the law of (other) men."

turntheradioup ago

Depends I guess. She did not report any students or their family. I'd presume reporting them would require actually naming them or identifying them in some manner. She asked how she could go about doing it, but I see nowhere in the tweets i've seen that she actually did violate the court ruling.

HansWithTheGas ago

I call BS. Look at the age of this picture. And her Twitter handle is clearly her birth year, 1939 which makes her 80. Nobodies teaching at 80.

stbelmont ago

The 1939 ‘Rebecca’ is the perfect Hitchcock crash course


Cooldadjp ago

That only happens in Politics and the Supreme Court. By the way, where is RBG?

uvulectomy ago

Her carcass is being fumigated while they make some repairs to the robot skeleton and brain they're gonna stuff back in it.

ronis_yorgos ago

Trumptards: we are winning!

Zestyclose_Marketing ago


DayOfThePillow ago

Wagamaga111 trust the plan, he's taking away silencers and being silent on issues like this cos muh 34dd chest. QQQQ

bcboncs ago

I follow Q and found this funny. I question everything, including Trump signing Bill 672 and 5g. Take an upvoat sir.

midnightblue1335 ago

I follow Q

Stop it. Think for yourself!! Stop idolizing this false prophet. That's what he is.

bcboncs ago

You aren't thinking for yourself. Read my post again.

capnflummox ago

Follow the (((money))). School budgets are largely effected by enrollment and daily headcounts. This is why they give out awards for perfect attendance.

BordelonLoop ago

"It’s not a surprise that no one spoke up in her favor and it’s a wonder she wasn’t fired sooner. Clark has a history of racist and anti-immigrant behavior that the school district chose to ignore."

the school board has already began, with the help of the marxist media, to set up a defense when she sues the crap out of them. i would suggest that everybody call the school board and let them know they are traitorous cowards.

Angryelectrician ago

traitors go first.

MrDarkWater ago

all white teachers get called "racist" constantly.

Whites should all step away from public schools, attending or working, and let the niggers eat themselves. also, change the taxes for public schools as they do not answer our problems of educating our children in a way we deem appropriate.

glassuser ago

all white teachers get called "racist" constantly.

Well, they are, of course. How dare they be white.