Base311 ago

That and South Florida

TheKalergiFan ago

Jews are just smarter than everyone! That's why they have the highest SAT scores and have the most scientific discoveries and inventions!

Goys-R-Us ago

Google is CIA. These jews were just the front men.

un1ty ago

Russian Jewish

So they're all BOLSHEVIKS

jthun2 ago

A simple story will illustrate how it works. There was an initiative at Google to help mainstream journalists improve their presence on the internet. The idea was probably to counter fake news, but when I saw a list of the journalists involved in the pilot project, they were almost all Jewish. Not just Jewish owned media companies, since they all are, but the actual reporters were all Jews.

They are a tribe, they protect and support their own.

jthun2 ago

This is not news, this is common knowledge.

It's worse if you look at the board of directors and a lot of the VPs. If you aren't a Jew or Indian, you aren't going anywhere at Google.

Fancy451 ago

Someone should tell them that youtube has been instrumental in educating people on the JQ. Their contribution to white supremacy will not go unnoticed.

CaptnObvius ago

Jewish you say? How interesting? Another JQ to solve.

Titanbikes4ever ago

Were you really surprised?

9000timesempty ago



Synagogue of Satan.

Vidarr30000 ago

Of course, so all please take a moment about how logical it is for them to make this move and how strange it is for us to use their jew platform.

Let's just turn our backs and leave them. The more we fight for acceptance, the more we enter into negotiations with the jew.

XSS1337 ago

Fuck Israel and fuck Jews. Kill them before they kill usas non-Jews.

Yuke ago

I like how even in their bio's they say "descent" or "mother was Jewish", they never just straight up come out and say "IS jewish". I guess that would make things too obvious for the retards. Lets try and keep it at arms length guys, lets just say he's got a Jewish momma, they'll never catch on!

CheeseboogerHimself ago

Looks like we have a kike infestation, boys. Many countries have been here before and expelled all jews. No one who holds a foreign identity should be allowed to hold any positions in US gov..

SearchVoatBot ago

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ErrorHasNoRights ago

I'm wondering why Jews create everything. What the hell are whites doing?

CheeseboogerHimself ago

lol Jews steal everything from whites. Jews cannot exist outside of white countries without welfare. Jews have no great empires or inventions and anything they claim is a sham. They steal from host nations.

ErrorHasNoRights ago

A lot of the big brand name businesses out there were started by Jews. Google, Kohl's, Home Depot, Neiman Marcus, etc. I think you'd be surprised.

These people are rolling in cash for a reason.

CheeseboogerHimself ago

all in white nations hahaha

jews. have. nothing. of. their. own.

ErrorHasNoRights ago

Traditionally they've had no nation of their own, that's true.

That doesn't mean they stole their wealth or their businesses, or that they don't own anything.

Hell, they own most of the banking system. They didn't steal the Federal Reserve, they created it. They didn't steal Hollywood either... they created that one too.

This is kind of what blacks like to say. "We wuz kangs but the white man came over and stole everything they got."

CheeseboogerHimself ago

ell, they own most of the banking system. They didn't steal the Federal Reserve, they created it. They didn't steal Hollywood either... they created that one too.


That doesn't mean they stole their wealth

Yawn. another apologist for jews

Jews live by usury and degeneracy. Its why they're the only group who've been expelled from almost every nation on Earth multiple times. Jews hawk the patent office and steal inventions, just like Einstein did. The TV show Sharktank is a tip to how jews come to control inventions by whites. I'll say it again: Jews have nothing of their own. Onl ywhat they have thieved

ravensedgesom ago

I would double upvote your comment if I could

Zestyclose_Marketing ago

Jews live by usury and degeneracy

they also entice some morally corrupt goyim to become masons

CheeseboogerHimself ago

Absolutely true

ErrorHasNoRights ago

If it makes you feel better to feel that way.

Xax ago

Jews team up against goy business owners to file false media reports, crash their profits, and then secure of said libeled business for a “tribe” memba. Da goyim know, yuz.

ErrorHasNoRights ago

There is some truth to that. Look at what they did to the DuMont Network.

Pointyball ago

Sergey Brin, the real Russian interference in our elections.

dudelol ago

Google started and Ran by DOD. DOD is controlled by the Knights of Malta(SMOM), the SMOM is a military order of the Vatican. The Vatican is ran by the black nobility, the black nobility answers to satan.

Hope this helps.


TeddyJackson ago

They are also all men. Those ugly horse faced trannys can't fool everyone.

Wazhappenin1 ago

You hit the mother lode of Jewish clowns. Any of us who submit our brains OurTime and even our money into any of these Frankenstein CIA Berg fronts are getting what we deserve. Just like the movement to unplug the television we need to unplug from The Matrix and Google Facebook YouTube Instagram Twitter that's quite a bit of The Matrix of course there's more we can unplug from but let's do it in baby steps. Thank you though to the Opie for bringing this to our attention there are many of us here that already know this but it's good to be reminded to set our priorities straight

courtjester1111 ago

Maybe this is a test-run coming up for the next elections? I think about this as if what they want for the real world, is what they also want for the virtual world.

Base311 ago

Remember the future "theory" concept of uploading your consciousness in to a "cloud" so you live forever in a simulation? That concept sounds like Hell. Imagine tech Jews controlling you for eternity... nope give me a natural death.

shadow332 ago

The kikess's sister is the head of 23&me.

generate ago

and some idiots believe jews will let them undermine jews and their agenda on jewish owned platform. wtf? Whine that you don't get any of that ads money?

goatboy ago

If Trump really wanted to fuck google, he'd help the Estate of the late Rajeev Motwani seize 33% of all their Stock.

webster_warrior ago

Observers have said for some time, now, as television changes to internet based, Google's role will be to make sure the power and control remains in the hands of the same people who controlled the networks, later the cable system. The money and power are substantial. The idea that Americans might take hold of their own individual destiny is a secondary risk.

Merlynn ago

So who owns Bitchute?

v8ford ago

Ray Vahey (English based) There is minimal about him wiki-wise, but judging by appearance he doesn't look jew.

Merlynn ago

Best keep an eye on him,then. You know how they love shape shifting and controlled opposition.

Agrianian_Javelineer ago

I don't really care as long as they let me host offensive videos we good

bcboncs ago
