Peacethroughpower ago

Can someone who is well versed in political theory and history help me understand something? When dealing with idenity politics, pro white and pro christian is always viewed as right wing. Pro any other group period is always viewed as left wing. Why?

Newmemba ago

what was the percentage of jews

SearchVoatBot ago

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Tubesbestnoob ago

The other 50%+ are jews committing red flag attacks

speedisavirus ago

Jews here do the same. Most attacks are evenly split between niggers, and niggers, and jews.

allahead ago

Muslims are far-right. It's just a different far-right.

Wiserman ago

"When perpetrators are unknown they are classified as far right" Yeah, that would cause a problem in the statistics. Who is right and left, the line is easily crossed. The real problem is who is biologically what ethnicity. It wasn't a fairy tale "let's all be friends world". It was an extermination plot.

Vidarr30000 ago

I knew this immediately when this news report came out. The numbers they mentioned don't add up. If that was all far-right, I'd be proudly walking down the street in a uniform already with a paint bucket and brush on my way to the ghetto.

Podge512 ago

Just leave out the Islamo bit from Islamofascism.

ronis_yorgos ago

Muslim are far-right, but they use this term to criminalize nationalism.

Dont be nationalist, goy. Nationalism is far right, and far right is the source of terorism and antisemitism. If you're nationalist, you're terorist, goy! Cause you are far-right.

bfriend13 ago

They should look again. 40% muslim seems low. And how many are "what's ya doing rabbi?"

Plavonica ago

And how many are "what's ya doing rabbi?"

Probably another 50% or so, with the remainder being edgy kids.

shadow332 ago

Every muslim I've spoken to in Germany knows that the holohoax is bullshit. Problematic for (((them))) to say the least.

BlueDrache ago

Boo fucking hoo. You invited the wolf in and now want to kvetch about it eating your baby.

Men13 ago

Can you give the link to the new York times piece mentioned there? I can't follow on a picture...

BlueDrache ago

Took me five seconds to find the Spiked! article. Lazy faggot.

Saulspergmin ago

I'm surprised it's only 40%. Makes me think Germans are more woke to the Jew than I thought.

ShitPostMcGee ago

The other 60% could also be jews swastika-ing themselves

A_M_Swallow ago

Warn Jewish women. By blaming Muslim attacks on innocent whites the police are being deliberately sent on a wild goose chase. This means the Jews are unprotected. This is supper anti-Semitic.

I do not care if the liars are Jews, there is a name for Jews who betray Jews.

Vidarr30000 ago

yeah, jews

watitdew ago

I call them "jews"

Vidarr30000 ago

danggit you beat me to it!

HeavyBrain ago

Considering that the german gov unironically classifies a swastika graffiti on an Afd poster (kosher party a littel more to the center) as Far-right crime, or when an iranian invader does the roman salute.

I say 95% of all so called antisemitic crimes are mud driven, the other 5 are "oy vey why you dont like israel"

Vidarr30000 ago

exactly, the far-right simply isn't at that stage yet (and only III. Weg I think has a shot of getting there). They're being kept busy by the jew with mudslime invaders to protest against.

HeavyBrain ago

III Weg came out of nowhere and was heavily shilled before the elections, so I dont trust them they come of as controlled opposition.

But then again who knows, die Rechte seems just as allover the place, the only really good thing they had going was that they as the only party wanted to free the "Nazi grandma".

Vidarr30000 ago

true about Rechte, but III. Weg has return of former German lands in their program, which I thought was ballsy, to say the least.

HeavyBrain ago

It doesnt matter now, does it?! non of them made it even close to Bruessels, so its still the AfD steping stone we are on.

Vidarr30000 ago

Didn't III. win a local seat in a village in Saxony?

HeavyBrain ago

Could be didn't study the map too well over the shock how green it got.

Zestyclose_Marketing ago

Kek Cuckold Germans still haven't become aware of the jewish question.

RoundWheel ago

It's literally a crime to do so there. It's a violation of groupthink. Honestly, what do you expect.

In any group, no more than 20% are even capable of critical thought. That's out the window when thinking is illegal and backed by mandatory indoctrination, and threat of state violence.

RoundWheel ago

Muslims are far right wing. They are theocrats and authoritarianist. They support theocracies everywhere they invade. It's their power base.

In modern times, when someone says far right, they almost exclusively mean Muslim, else they are dishonestly using the phrase.

theoldones ago

the funny part is we can occupy the middle of the overton window between white liberals and brown sane poeple

RoundWheel ago

Of course we can. Doing do means restoring the US Constitution. By US standards, it is by definition the center of the overton window.

auralsects ago

You're stupid. We should all be voting for whatever Islamic parties exist. They'd accomplish our entire social agenda and STILL BE THE SAME MINORITY WE ARE SWALLOWING ANYWAY.

It's not like they'd invite any more "refugees" to compete for jobs; fucking Kuwait said Syrians were too different to be let in

drhitler ago

Its the new tactic on reddit, all muslim terror attacks are classed as right wing now

Fagtardicus ago

its not a lie though, just deceptive

imthefox ago

itll be even more deceptive when they equate far right to white supremacists.. while theyre not white at all and want the white as dead as the jews

mleczko ago

make it 90%